Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tyler Stout - Sale Information 147

The following information has been released by Tyler Stout about the extra 16th poster copies sale.

On monday, January 18th, between 1-3 PM, my lost poster will go up for sale.
I cannot give a specific time since that would crash my website. IF MY SITE DOES CRASH, and i hope it doesn't, i will put up the sale at some point after it comes back up online.

At some point between 1-3 PM (PST 9pm GMT) I will put up a specific email address on my website,, along with a Lost related question. you must email the email address given on, and your email must include:

1. your answer to the question

2. your actual mailing address listed on your paypal.

Any emails that don't include both of these items in the same email will be disqualified.

Since I have less than 50 Lost posters for sale, sales will be determined in the order I receive emails to that specific email address. You will know within ten minutes of sending your email if you were within the first 40ish people to email. Those picked will be given the option to buy the poster, and if they decline, I will move down the list of emails until I am sold out.

I will not be giving the question beforehand, or the email address to send it to. please don't email asking if you were picked. if you need an update, check back to and it will list the status of the sale. once it says 'sold out', the poster will be completely sold out, 100%. "

(Yhanks to MiddayShadows for the information in the comments section)


Drama said...

good GRIEF that's pressure for those that like this print...

Drama said...

I mean, it's a great idea, but if you don't remember that particular wrinkle of the show, you lose out. That's the game, I guess. I wonder if Dan Danger will do something similar...

ChrisL said...

Is that 1-3 EST PST CST? What time is it going to be UK?

mdogg2481 said...

A 2nd chance at this poster is great because I was screwed by my CC confirmation last time round, but the time zone change to Australia messes me up BIG TIME!!!
(will be 8am at work with bloody Internet restrictions)

Good luck to everyone else who is after it too

Still hanging for a digital copy... Just in case

mdogg2481 said...

My e-mail said PST mate

mdogg2481 said...

I'm seeing as Monday 9pm for you mate on

ChrisL said...

Thanks mdogg.

MurghBatwar said...

If anyone would like to act as a poster trade buddy for me, I don't have this print and have a Hatch I can trade for it.

Drama said...

@Murghbatwar If I'm around, and I can answer it, and it's the same sort of price, you have a deal.

Patmc said...

I'm both excited and nervous! This is one of only 2 that I'm still missing, so it would be thrilling for me to get one.

I think I'm going to have to get my wife to try for me too... :-)

I'm off to bed. Sorry to be so incommunicado this weekend... we've got guests coming over later today, and more guests on Sunday for the Chargers game! I'll pop in when I can... Good night all!

Weinbeeezy said...

So it's 9pm pacific time?

Drama said...

no. 1PM pacific time. Means 9PM GMT (UK)

Weinbeeezy said...

Ahhh I forgot Monday is no school! Sweet!! No worries now!

Anonymous said...

I like the way he is doing it. Only fans will be able to fill the answer in without a time consuming google search so all the prints will go to fans.

Weinbeeezy said...

The way this is set up I have a feeling we're looking at an expensive print here... 250?

Unknown said...

I reckon it will be 300.

Limbofunk said...

My favorite thing about the artist's drops of their prints is that each one is doing things a bit different. Hurah for creativity!

DvdBos said...

It's all is set up like this because Tstout REALLY cares about fans.

ChrisL said...

Agreed Limbofunk. It keeps us on our toes and it's intriguing to see the different ways each artist has chosen to go with it. Stout has definitely pulled a rabbit out of the hat with the LOST question and the pre-order for previous purchasers. He's totally trying to bypass the flippers and put these in the hands of Losties and fans of his art. He deserves massive credit for it IMHO.

ChrisL said...

In fact, thinking about it, I'm really impressed by these guys. From Rob's casual email drop to Kevin's last minute changes as a reaction to the fans, Olly and his random time tweet and Jason refunding postage to the international buyers because "the postage was a little less that i expected". Tim and his extra value doodles. Very cool. I think they've won some friends.

andalone said...

@Andrew - I recently got an email from CafePress about new rules/guidelines regarding ABC-owned Properties. They may be helpful in determining what you can and cannot do without incurring the wrath of Disney.


Unknown said...

If he's not giving the price we may be looking at some people being quoted more than others... ie the Swan print sale. The more I think about it I think that that's what's going on here. He can e-mail everyone individually and quote whatever price he wants. If the person declines he can just move on to the next e-mail and quote another price. Honestly, it seems kind of sketchy and that's just not cool.

Drama said...

for prices... not sure. Stout sometimes charges big money, and sometimes doesn't. It's worth remembering that this print is twice the size of the others.

ChrisL said...

And it's worth remembering that he has the right to charge what he sees fit.

andalone said...

I quite like the kaleidescope design graphic zort.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

ok, I'm here. Actually got to sleep in this morning till 6 am so I'm wide awake. I don't think I will be trying for this but I wish everyone else luck. I'll pop in and out today as I can. Good luck everyone that wants it ! Oh, if someone does want it and they want a extra poster buddy, If I'm around at that time I can send him a email.

ChrisL said...

6am Lisa! You've missed half the day!

ReverendMilo said...

Morning everyone!!

Don't forget to read Kevin Tong's behind the scenes blog posting on how he made the hatch. (link just below the Tyler Stout sale information post)

Fascinating and illuminating!

ReverendMilo said...


the cafepress rule for lost that confuses me the most is:

"No Undergarments (you cannot create Lost thongs or boxer shorts)"

I really was hoping to make a thong for the opening the hatch.

Unknown said...

Hmm... For some reason, Kevin Tong's behind the scenes blog doesn't work for me. I can see words but no pictures.

ReverendMilo said...

loading fine for me, hmmm

ReverendMilo said...

can you see this image?

all of his images are hosted on flickr so maybe you have a problem accessing flickr?

Zort70 said...

The Kevin Tong blog post is a bit odd opening for me on Internet Explorer 8, but ok on Firefox.

Sam G said...

:) Morning.

andalone thanks for the link. Seems Disney isn't as strict as we thought.

andalone said...

LOL Rev- I'm not sure which image you intended for a LOST thong.....

OT, maybe this was posted, still reading previous comments, but TeeFury shirt today is a hoot.

ReverendMilo said...

Sam G,

they are more liberal than anyone thought!

They are against even wearing underwear!

mungonna said...

oh well..there goes my Dharma Initiatve Ranch Dressing Flavored Edible Thong idea..hhhhmmm..howabout floss,,dental floss? Any restrictions on that?

back to the drawing board

andalone said...

oh MEL! Ranch Dressing candy panties?

ReverendMilo said...


the way I am reading it, I think hanso brand merkins may still be on the table!

Sam G said...

I was going to mention all the caricature's that are made and then the teefury shirt shows up.

islandwales said...

re: not being able to see the images of the hatch...

on the tragicsunshine page for me, the pics only showed up as very thin horizontal lines inbetween the text, but you CAN still click them (just about) and it opens the pic in another window then...

thats what i did anyway...

I liked the animated gif file showing the layers....

islandwales said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam G said...

Kevin really did a great job explaining and showing the process. I'm printing a copy and putting it in an envelope and attaching it to the back of my Hatch frame.

mungonna said... words are representations for concepts,,there is a concept i have never understood.

Yes andalone, that is the idea,,I was thinking of how the DIRDET could possibly revive the industry. oh well, Uncle Walt is such a spoil sport.


andalone said...

I loved Kevin Tong's interview at, detailing how he'd end up with Juliet! link was in earlier post, but here it is again.

Amy Lynn said...

I would like a Hatch thong.

I agree that Tyler Stout has a good method for this. Sure, the answer will probably bee able to be found on Lostpedia, but by the time you look it up, 200 people will have gotten in ahead of you :)

Tess315 said...

That's what I had on Kevin's site too. I just kept rolling the mouse over the line until the pointer flickered and clicked. Took some time but worth it.

mungonna said...

I suppose Tyler's question won't be very difficult to answer,,but at the same time,,just easy for the Lost fan.
Something along the lines the island Jack vacationed at..or..what animal did Sawyer squish in his hand..or..what brand of car did Locke drive to his fathers gated estate..or name Penny's father..easy stuff. I don't see the purpose of making it difficult, many whacks did Ben deliver to Sawyer with his carbon fiber telescoping stick?..or how many words were capitalized on Eko's stick,,or what is the genus of the plant that Sawyer picked its flower and gave to Juliet?

hhhmm..maybe we can help Tyler.

MJCarp said...

Lostpedia server just crashed.


ChrisL said...

*quickly researches whack quantities, capitalized stick letters and plant genus now MEL has planted idea in Tyler's head*

ChrisL said...

Morning LT!

MJCarp said...

Afternoon ChrisL & AliceL tea time?

andalone said...

The LOST Skate Deck from guest artist at Justin's site was just delivered and it is awesome!!!! I can't wait to buy mounting hardware and display properly. (NO!I will not be skateboarding - for display purposes only)

More colors/stains are still available at:

MJCarp said...

!mounting hardware! Yikes today's comments have gone X

ChrisL said...

Watching a grown up movie time as she's away to her big sisters for tea! I miss her :-( but I get to see a movie over cert PG13 :-)

Thorsten has tempted me towards Hurt Locker.

ChrisL said...

Easy tigers!

andalone said...

LOL LT....not ready for that type of hardware.

vabauer said...

I like this whole question thing, but besides bringing the knowledge of Lost into the equation, it brings the luck factor even more into it:

Your typing must be extra fast, you must super quickly send the email and make sure the application is sending the email right away, your server must respond and every server between yours and Tyler's must be ready and working. It will definitely be exciting, the 10 min wait to find out if you're able to buy it will probably make my cholesterol rise 108 points from the stress, but hey, who's counting!

vabauer said...

OMG, I forgot the exhausting F5 (or Comm+R) session that can last up to 2 hours previous to that!

mungonna said...

..howabout,,some of LU and Lost in one question, for a threshold? Like..

If you are viewing Lost on a 29 inch diagonal TV curved space time, what would be the maximum width of Kates Butt as viewed by Sawyer when she was lifting boulders?

Perhaps a Ultimate Lost Fan Questionnaire could be created?


ReverendMilo said...

I think they should be Richard centric questions.

1. eyeliner? (cite sources please)

2. what superhero has the actor who plays Richard also portrayed.

3. name the episodes where Richard's hair is long.

andalone said...

Hippie Richard is HOT

ReverendMilo said...

Lets not get into the whole hot thing, because I am still sad that one of the 16 WCM wasn't Doc Hammer for Kate in her underwear.

mungonna said...

Why does Sawyer read ?

What episode (s) does Jacks eyes turn black?

What was the battery size of the smoke alarm that Jack just had to replace?

What was the maximum amperage Danielle applied to Sayids torture?

How many trees has Smokie destroyed?

How many days from date of sale to Delivery, did it take Jensen to get Polar Bear delivered to MEL!!??


mungonna said...

..I can't believe Julie sippin red wine was not included either!!

sandman90 said...

Thorsten was right. The Hurt Locker = good. Happened to flip past a movie on TV that had Jack, Richard, and Keamy all starring in it. Name that movie...

DvdBos said...

When will Stout's poster get delivered to ME?

andalone said...

MEL, Did Polar Bear finally arrive?

MJCarp said...

Just received We Have to go Back by Jimmy Goose via DCandMe Fan Art 2.0 which will be given away in drawing to be held Feb. 1 to those who kindly signed my LIST on Melrose Avenue. A lovely print. So, I just ordered another (hoping not sold out). Thank you Jimmy and Justin and everyone over at Damon, Carlton and Me. Andrew, would love to see your original art there as well.

MEL are you saying that you are now in possession of Bear?

Amy Lynn said...

LT, that's an interesting print. By giving Kate her island hair and not the Pantene hair she was sporting in that scene, is the artist making a point to say they were always going to go back, or am I reading too much into it? :)

mungonna said...

btw..for those keepin tabs of this sort of the near bottom of the Polar Bear Print purchased at Gallery 1988 is the following in lead pencil, from left to right:

2009 AP 1/1 Calton and Damons signatures Jay Ryan's signature ( and then the word) chicago

I hear the polar bear belching when I look at this print.

MJCarp said...

Maybe the artist is telling us that in Season 6 this scene will be played out differently and the obit will now be list of recommended detox centers. Kate never went to the Pantene side, she opted for a Suave kinda life style with Frogurt.

mungonna said...

..and after all that Jack did for her,,keeping her out of jail and all..geesh..thats gratitude for ya!


Joe D said...

@sandman Smokin Aces?

sandman90 said...

Right, Joe D! Watching Nestor Carbonell's character interacting with Matthew Fox's bumbling security coordinator with a bad hair cut was priceless.

thorsten said...

And on top of everybody else in that movie… James T. Kirk the younger ;))

Martyn said...

Had an interesting day at work, lacked energy as I stayed up late watching inglorius basterds. Such a good film!

Had a discussion with a mate at work about the dark knght print and the dd ghost ship print. He told me there's a local screen printers to where I work, so one day, we're going to go down and learn how to silk screen print. I may take a class in it as well, depending on how easy it is. I'm quite excited, we're going to do a joint one, where you fold a piece of paper draw the head, pass it to someone else, they do the body etc etc, and our own individual one. I'm quite excited now to make my own silk screen print!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

it's a lot of fun Martyn. I used to have a nice set up that I used when screen printing but the ex decided that he needed it so refused to give it back to me when we divorced. Now they have some that are alot nicer anyway heck even saw a nifty one on the home shopping net work last week when I was fliping through the chanels. you'll have a blast at the class.

Martyn said...

Cool, can't wait! Right, better crack out that sketch pad!

Martyn said...


Do you have any pictures of the ones you did at all?

XXXHardcore said...


I will try for you to be your poster trade buddy. E-mail me: AlexxxCarson at aol dot com

futureself said...

Just managed to catch up...loving the art guys :)

But is there anyway to get the image of Milo in a hatch thong out of my head... :S

Lisa-Maladylis said...

heck no Martyn lol as a painter I have hardly ever kept anything I've painted. I just started a couple of years ago demanding photos of some of the things I painted and gave to family. I have one and only one painting of mine here at the house, everything else is long gone. I think I posted this link a while back of my different styles of painting. link I haven't screen printed in a long time but the way it's done sure has changed for the better. You will love it !

Martyn said...

Wow, nice work Lisa, but all the horses have inspired me to include a Unicorn for some reason. Probably because of the RoboCop print on Nakatomi.

Hopefully, the guy at work will be up for going down there next week but he won't do the class because his fallen on hard times and is just about managing to pay for food and his rent. But i'm sure I can pass the knowledge on to him!

Capcom said...

G'day Argies, good luck on the poster.

Just stopped by to thank whomever it was here, can't remember who sorry, that gave us the link a while ago for the Calumet portfolio on sale. It's worked out great for me as I need to put off framing mine for various rea$on$ till later. And the sale price with no postage was awesome, as the sticker reads that it was regularly $45.99! THANKS so much for the info!! xo


Lisa-Maladylis said...

to do work like Kevin Tongs takes alot of practice but the others that are more flat and distinct layers are pretty easy to do and fun once you figure it all out. I think the whole concept of the design is the hardest part, not the printing.

Amy Lynn said...

Lisa, that's a good point. I think it was always obvious how much work went into the Hatch. I'd be interested to see the backstory behind prints that I was more critical of, like the Swan.

Just Thinking said...

Speaking of nifty designs- Zort- how did you do the Stout poster kaleidoscope/Union Jack?

And speaking of people who feel like idiots because they still cannot make a word out of their letter clues (ie me)-anyone else still searching?

CL said...

My Leia Bell LOVE TRIANGLE up on eBay for a reasonable price! Auction ends tomorrow (Sunday) evening:

Hope everyone gets all the LOST prints they want/need before the season starts!

Martyn said...

Oh god no, I'm not even considering doing something matching the hatch, that's so amazingly intricate, you can tell he put a lot of time and effort in to that.

I do feel that some artists slacked a little considering some of their previous works (Dan McCarthy springs to mind) but they still look nice but compared to their other works, just disappointing I guess.

So anyway, yeah, went to start sketching and ran out of paper in my sketch pad. Too much nude drawings from my Uni days filling it up.

ChrisL said...

Dan McCarthy?! Slacked?! Steady Martyn!

Martyn said...

lol, sorry, I mean compared to his other works he slacked. It's still an amazing piece of work though. I feel the same about the Swan Station, which as you know I love but Rob Jones can do more than he did.

ChrisL said...

OK, I hear you Martyn.

Re-watch of Through the Looking Glass just about to start in my house.

Joey said...

Sorry if this has been beaten over the head already.. but just to be sure... it is 1PM-3PM Pacific time?? Thanks :-)

ChrisL said...

I believe that it's PST Joey.

Ellen said...


andalone said...

ChrisL I cry buckets on that episode. The visual alone is heartbreaking, but the musical score always sends me over the top. I only have The Incident left in my rewatch.

Zort70 said...

Just Thinking - I was playing with a kaleidoscope effect filter and produced that image.

I didn't even see the Union Jack effect until after it had been uploaded and the post created.

DvdBos said...

Tyler lives in PST. ;)

The Kharma Initiative said...

@capcom, that was me that found the Itoya profolio deal at calumet. ;) Glad to hear it's worked so well for you - mine is perfect too.

Did you read my earlier comment about my bulk deal on museum glass?

Cosmically Yours

Martyn said...

I'm currently re-watching Season 5 with my girlfriend again, she's too impatient for the DI kit to arrive to watch it so she's cramming as much in before the premiere. Currently on 316, which was an alright episode. It was a necessary episode, preferred it when they were all settled down nicely in the Dharma Initiative.

Avondale Blog said...

I spent more time working on the 8th prize. No luck. I must have something wrong. I even used an anagram program. Guess I'll just have to wait for someone to win it.

ChrisL said...

andalone, I've had to comfort AliceL tonight! Oh how she loved Charlie. You're right, the score is killer, impossible not to be moved by it. We watched Greatest Hits last night and actually, it's that one that does for me. When Hurley asks Charlie and Des if he can come and help them find The Looking Glass and Charlie tells him no because he's too big to fit in the boat all the time knowing he'll probably never see him again. Too too much. One of my favourite scenes.

andalone said...

ChrisL -I am with AliceL. I went into mourning for Charlie, and rewatching that episode has not become easier with time. The exchange with Hurley in Greatest Hits was also particularly poignant.

ChrisL said...

For anyone that didn't get the Stout mailing list email, He posted this earlier

Ellen B said...

Calumet information for Capcom and others: Here's Calumet's Web address: I ordered the portfolio and, while there was a bit of a delay because they briefly sold out, I received it a week or so ago and it's perfect! I, too, have to delay framing, but wanted a place to store the posters/prints safely, and this portfolio is perfect. The only problem was that I waited a bit too long, and the posters are difficult to flatten out when they've been kept in tubes for very long. I was very lucky to end up with all 16, but didn't listen to those of you who warned about how difficult it would be if I kept them in the tubes!

Anonymous said...

@andalone thanks for the info.

"No use of the first or last names of, or the image, photo, likeness, silhouette or other depiction of, the actors in, or writers, directors or producers of, the television series LOST"

That's potentially deal ruining. I think I may bite the bullet and keep the edition very small. If I do get reprimanded, which is unlikely, it will probably be a cease and desist - which at that point, will just force me to eat the cash I spent to print the leftovers and maybe just do a raffle or something.

maven said...

Interesting art that some of you have gotten inspired to pursue your own art dreams!

Not to rub it in...but 2 weeks until the Lost Beach Party Premiere! :)

futureself said...

I like your profile pic Andrew...there be dollars in thar! :)

Martyn said...



XXXHardcore said...


...Rub away! Heck, if I could afford it right now, I'd be going down there and rubbin' it in, too! Kudos to you. It is going to be AWESOME.

Sam G said...

@ Andrew

Look at the wording again.

I think make a distinction between the Real Person/actor and the character.

Later on they say you can use the characters name.

Sam G said...

@ Andrew

All images must be tagged with "LostTV"

OK to use the names of characters (past or present) from the television series LOST

Where did caricatures fall in all this?

You could always see if it would go through Cafe Press as a coffee cup or something.
Please Note: Generally approved designs will appear in the fan portal within 72 hours. Also, designs that are not in compliance with the Fan Portal Merchandise Rules will not be permitted in the fan portal.

Amy Lynn said...

@Andrew... you should see if your posters could fall under the parody laws.

IWish said...

That was my understanding too, Sam.

Andrew, you are very talented in this particular genre. I think you should pursue getting *approved status* for your work. The Faraday poster is my favorite piece of fan art so far. There is much talent out there...but that one really stood out. Keep up the good work! :)

Sam G said...

There are things on Cafe Press that have direct quotes on them "We have to go back" for one.

Unknown said...

I am so behind on comments D:

I'm totally treating LU like actual college and just spend a ridiculous amount of time answering homework/exam short answer questions. SO SAD lol XD; Also if you scroll through my answers are like 50% as long as everyone else's FAIL lol.

Will try and catch up now ;)

Unknown said...

You guys are making me lol @possible questions for the Stout print hah! I already have the poster version from G88 - framed and all, though haven't had a chance to hang it. So I wasn't planning to try. But if anyone needs help, just ask, I will be home that time on Monday.

ABC is surprisingly generous with their rules. Good on them for recognizing what the fan community can do for a series and not stifling it completely.

@ChrisL: sounds like we are in the same spot in rewatch! Totally got weepy over Charlie AGAIN, how many times have I seen this? Just have Looking Glass P2 to finish S3.

IWish said...

I just finished the Incident in my rewatch. They weren't very respectful of Locke's body...just dumping him from the box. *harumph* Bugs me.

Unknown said...

Hey anne, can you help me? I've been pretty slow on these prints so far. I haven't got any of the 2nd lots. Thanks.

Avondale Blog said...

Well...I now have enough credits at LU to graduate! I'm enrolled in two more classes though. Would it affect anything to go ahead and take them?? I'd hate to lose my Dean's List status!! It looks like all you have to do for the graduation ceremony is show up (on DVD). Is that correct??

Just Thinking said...

Avondale- don't think we have any other info on what happens Feb 12th. There is that "graduate" button in student records, but there was no direction on what happens when you press it. Or what happens if you do and then take more courses- I did and got more credits, but I'm thinking if I press it again maybe I will have a different time stamp for getting the 21 credits. Don't think I am going to be around my blu-ray to log on Feb 12th also- on vacation-so we'll see. I wish they had FAQ or some kind of contact point for LU- so many people had trouble trying to connect and understand what's going on.

Avondale Blog said...

oh, I hadn't thought about getting another time stamp for graduation. Thanks for the reply just thinking. I wish they'd let us know about that also. I left a message in the forums.

Unknown said...

@Jason: I will do my best. I haven't had luck so far either, but I know what I did wrong last time and this is different so . . . we'll see.

LU folks: LAN 201 2nd class is up, took exam and got 100% woo! I only checked the notes twice to make sure I didn't screw up. Phy is not working so far tho, logged out and am going back now.

Yes ALSO wish I knew what the heck was up with Graduate button. Hit it a second time so :| Kinda hoping it's NOT a speed thing but that quality has something to do with it? Wonder if Feb 12th is to give time for commencement as per Carlton tweet. Maybe they will read forum posts or check that we posted?

Unknown said...

Thanks. Do you want to know my email address?

XXXHardcore said...

Concerning LU:

Out of those that have completed enough courses to graduate, how many actually posted a discussion in the forums for the 2nd semester final exams?

Unknown said...

@Jason: you can email me at princessteacup at gmailllll dot com.

@XXX: I posted in all three threads. (BTW I'm setting up the PS3 properly tomorrow lol, getting back to gaming after this nonsense! XD)

Unknown said...

Just wondering, do any of you Losties have Via Domus? If so, what do you think of it?

XXXHardcore said...


I have it, for PS3. It was... eh. If it didn't have to do with anything LOST, I would not like it. Some characters (like Hurley) are rendered horribly, and some of the voices of the main cast are different. It is somewhat entertaining to explore The Hatch and such, and the ending is rather strange/ambiguous. If you are a LOST fan, and can find it for $20 or less, I'd recommend it. Just play it with low expectations, though.

Just Thinking said...

Have got enough credits, don't think I put any post in LU forum. Don't think that would be anything "official" as they have the credit info tied to the binder and they are sending mail to the LU inbox about exams, graduation application, etc. They seem to be keeping track of people there.

Jason- if you go to the Lostpedia forums and look under the Args section, there is a whole long subsection about Via Domus. I haven't done anything with it myself. Wait- here it is:

Unknown said...


Thanks for answering. Since its a fairly old videogame, I definitely can find it under 20 dollars for PC and hopefull can as well for PS3.

Unknown said...

Thanks Justthinking. Ill check it up now.

Anonymous said...

@Jason - I played Via Domus. It's not exactly a great game but if you like Lost it's worth renting for like 5 bucks. It's pretty short. Just kind of cool walking around the different areas you saw in the show.

@Everyone talking about copyrights - I think I am going to bite the bullet and just get them printed. I do have to make a slight revision to Faraday which will hopefully make it cooler but I'll save the original just in case you guys don't like it as much.

maven said...

@Jason: I played Via Domus and I really enjoyed it. I'm not a gamer so I felt it was challenging, but I know a lot of people felt it was too linear and simple.

Unknown said...

Hmm... Thanks Andrew and Maven. After with reading reviews and comments I'll probably just rent it. Thanks again guys.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I'm working on my final poster of the science team, Charlotte. I like the way it's coming out but it needs more to it. It's just too empty.

The font I use with the others doesn't look right with it either.

Anyone have any suggestions for potential references I can make? Maybe any ideas for text to put in? Fonts? Anything! :D

Jawapez said...

The PC version of the game is $5.69 brand new on Amazon right now. I bought it a few weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to play yet.

Anonymous said...

Also, here is an updated Faraday - what I will probably be printing. If anyone doesn't like the changes (switched pocket side [the side he got shot on] and added blood drip to signify that. Fixed his hair a bit. Took out "Daniel." And made the quote just "Whatever happened, happened."

PLEASE tell me if you like the old version better for whatever reason because I still have it saved and I'd rather print the better-liked one.

For now, I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's really cheap . I'll have to consider.

The Kharma Initiative said...

OT-ish, but if you were curious how this looks in real life:

My Daniel Dangers #4 and #5

Very cool!

Cosmically Yours

futureself said...

Andrew, the changes you have described for the Faraday poster all sound like good improvements.

As for Charlotte, are you planning on putting any more detail in her face or are you just going to add text? I think she needs more facial features.

Her most recognisable quote is 'I'm not allowed to eat chocolate before dinner'...which could work really well considering blood, arguably reminiscent of a naughty child, having scoffed all the chocolate, with evident smeared across their face. The other thing that is immediately identifiable to Charlotte is the polar bear Hydra collar discovered in Tunisia. Perhaps you could incorporate that?

Zort70 said...

NEW POST to announce the slightly different 9th competition.

IWish said...

@ Andrew

futureself has covered the first couple of possible additions I thought of. Only additions I can offer...maybe a swing-set or a depiction of her somewhere as a little girl.

Her message to Jin, "This place is death". Will think on it some more. I haven't had my morning caffeine yet.

Avondale Blog said...

xxxhardcore - I posted in the forums for the LOST U essay questions. My answers were pretty lame - but they sufficed.

Ellen B said...

Just a thought about the fan art (posters, mainly). some of us believe that there will be another round of posters, since the first batch of 16 only represented the first 3 seasons. Whether or not any of us is able to sell our own artistic creations may well be linked to whether or not there will really be a second round of posters. Just a thought. I'll check in later to see if my thought generated any conversation.

Unknown said...

Haha... That's what I also said Ellen. I actually believe and hope that there will be a second round of posters.

IWish said...

I was just discussing this with another Lost fan yesterday. I would love to get a 2nd print...along the lines of Tyler's LOST but with WCM's from S4-S6. If this type of print ends-up being the only one that gets released after the series is complete, I will be one happy Lost fan.