After Tim Doyle sold his prints via his mailing list he dropped by in the comments…
'Holy geez! I've sent out all 40 payment emails- those people have until midnight CST to pay, and then I'll move to the next people down the line. Already 27 have been paid for. Thank you all!'
Ken Taylor confirmed via email last night that Smokey will come up on Thursday.
Update: Smokey will be on sale Thursday, January 7th at approximately 2pm CST… which is GMT - 6:00. As reported by The Kharma Initiative it will be available at Postersandtoys.com.
Await further instructions…
So the Dharma Van and The Barracks went on sale today as planned, but as a surprise Jason Munn sold The Statue, too. First pointed out in the comments by ImAnnie/Davide/Italy.
Olly Moss will release Locke's Secret via Twitter tomorrow:
1 – 200 of 354 Newer› Newest»First! Morning all!
It's so much. :(
And, this is a negative point for Ken Taylor, who does not answer to email (to me).
How much is it going to cost?
Lots of posts I've wanted to comment on in the last day or so, but for now I'll just say good luck to all on whatever posters they are seeking and congrats to those who snag 'em! Personally, I will feel a little more complete if I can finally call a Locke's Secret or a Smoke Monster my own.
@ChrisL -Thanks for the shout outs the last couple of days. Been a doozy ;)
Also, 'Hey' to Thorsten !- nice work by you and Maven, running 'averytightoperation'(.com)
Must sleep.
Good night, MiddayShadows!
Morning folks. Missing out on RT last night left me shattered and unable to wake at 5am to try for The Numbers so apologies to anyone that needed that. 175 was pretty steep though. Extra super thanks to RevMilo for being a hero and helping me get a copy of The Numbers recently.
Smokey then? It is a supremely stunning piece and one that I'd given up all hope on... looking forward to the drop being at a reasonable UK time. I've bought a couple of pieces from Postersandtoys.com before. They have some cool stuff.
Rousseau's Transmission remains my 'must have' print. Having failed last night I shall resort to ebay unfortunately so a last call out to you guys. If anyone is looking to part with it I would much prefer the cash going to you than an ebay flipper. Please let me know but it needs to be today really.
Hey MIdday, no problem. Props where deserved always. Sleep well.
Oh, and a new competition today! Blimey, it's all go. Nice one Thorsten.
He would never say where he came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the SUN is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows
He comes and goes
Goodbye, Smokey Thursday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you CHANGE with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...
Don't question why he needs to be so free
he'll tell you it's the only way to be
he just can't be chained
To a life where nothing's gained
And nothing's LOST
At such a cost
There's no time to lose, I heard him say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
DYING all the time
Lose your dreams
And you will lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?
Goodbye, Smokey Thursday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...
Love it Thorsten! 7th January will be forever known now as Smokey Thursday.
I want to know when kidnap Wednesday is, it's the only poster I want and suddenly, I'm prepared to pay $150 for it. Sadly, not enough for eBay but still, come on drew millward, make me happy!
Martyn, WK was one of my least favourites on initial reveal and I didn't go for it, but gradually, after hearing everyone say how fabulous it was when they received it, I came to desire it. I was fortunate enough to get it (at a price) and now it's framed and on display, I have to admit it's gorgeous. I hope you manage to get one and I'll be happy to step in and try for you too.
I don't think I wan't this one but I'll watch the fun again.
So everyone is here. I made the only two posts in the last post.
Good morning all.
We had our first 2 hour delay for snow this morning. Not sure how I feel about being woke up to an automated call from the school at 5:30am telling me this though. I know Lisa you always get up that early. :) I'm not a morning person. So if I can sleep in a little I'm happy.
I was not a morning person this morning lol I'm still tired and I fell back to sleep with my son waking me at 7 am (this is after I got the bf off to work of course.)So I sent him off to school alone because I was too tired to walk. lol then took another nap. eekk, need to wake up. More coffee !!
Any word on how much Smokey will cost? I *cannot* wait until Thursday at 2pm CST. Might have to call in sick that day. :)
Whew, Smokey's one of the ones I don't have to worry about.
The Smoke Monster print brings me to hearing it. Thats darn good work that makes me hear it. Good hearing for all those who strive for it..
good morning, spinning up some Stones with a twist(er) to go with morning coffee, tks thorsten
Thank you Tim Doyle for a most civilized print sale late last night.
If not posted elsewhere, artists were given prints numbered 51-100/300
LT, civilized for those that weren't snuggled up in their beds!
Good point, thanks Lotto!
Thanks for keeping me company in the other post. :)lol
Still have Polar Bear for $200+shipping. Come on, somebody wants this. airisfree at gmail.com
From Twitter
ollymoss 40 spare Locke's Secret posters will go on sale tomorrow at a random time. $200 in the UK, $215 int. shipping. Will post here when available
"at a random time"? Oh joy.
I'm beating my head on my desk. It's the last one I want/need. There is one on ebay but it's up to $550. Random time does not help. I believe he's still in the UK but I think he tweeted a while back that he's headed to LA.
He will move on Thursday, Eugene…
I hope he brings a spare poster with him and Dharma drops it at my house as he flies over. Sigh.
Sayid'sgirl, My pleasure, just looking out for ya ;-)
Locke's Secret now! I should have taken this week off work too just to focus.
Someone just asked Olly through which site and his reply was that he's shipping them out personally. Just asked him how/who we will pay.
He doesn't have a shop section on his site right?
A random time noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
The Smoke Monster will be $150 plus S+H.
No. He doesn't. I hope he narrows the time down a bit. I might have to use the bathroom or eat at some point in the 24 hour window.
Eugene, time for a bathroom/kitchen buddy.
Love watching all the artists coming out of the woodwork and holding their own reveals. "A random time" is not very productive, though! :) A lot of diligence and luck will be involved in that one for a highly coveted poster. Good luck to all!
Thanks to Thorsten for keeping up with vital info and creating the posts. And thanks goes to Zort for pre-creating the quiz posts for release. I'm just the Mother Hen watching over her brood! :)
HA! I have wireless at work and home. I guess I can just take the laptop with me.
Also: A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY today for Jo of JOpinionated fame!
Maven, I was relieved that the comments from last night were civil. Maybe people are on their best behavior as they know you are on the job!
Did anyone post this already about the Lost supper promo photos?
haha, right!
Mitch just tweeted this:
NEW Olly Moss 'Lockes Secret' Artist Prints Release Details Check it out here: www.postersandprintsblog.com 3 minutes ago from web
Going to check it out!
OK...chilling out -- it's just Mitch's blog post about Olly's tweet. Nothing new.
UGH!!! This is DCaaPB on speed...and crack!
Thanks, ObFuSc8. I always watch your twitter feed with my left eye ;))
From Twitter:
ollymoss Re: Locke poster. Paypal, my site, shipping them myself.
3 minutes ago from Twitterrific
He must have set up a single paypal transaction page then.
Olly's page has been down a few hours now. Maybe resetting it?
I updated the Olly Moss info on the frontpage. Will create a new post about it tomorrow.
Don't forget about Duval and Methane today…
Anybody looking for something cool and inexpensive by Daniel Danger? Try this. Only $7 shipped! Images on both sides! Limited!
Cosmically Yours
I don't think I've seen that picture posted here. But I have seen it. There's actually two versions.
And Fishbiscuit has an analysis on it.
Patrick. I've got the ollymoss.com site up no problem.
I was hoping The Crash would be up soon, but after seeing these prices, I know I'm not going to be able to justify the expense. So I guess it'll be no prints for me. This is so upsetting. I AM DISAPPOINT. =[
I made a tee for tyson the other day.
When Zort gets back I may ask him if he minds if I add the lostargs logo to the back (need a higher resolution copy of it)
IOU tee
as usual, no commission - if you like it and want it on something other than a tee just ask.
Agatha Craxie -- I am sorry, but this is inevitable. The $50 price was subsidized to an extent, and the artists really deserve their share for the time and effort that went into this.
$100-$200 is still quite a bit cheaper than these have been going for on the dreaded EBay. And all of this money goes directly to the artist. They have all been amazing and each of them are fellow LOST fans.
I agree ObFuSc8.
The artists deserve this kind of price.
Doc Jensen also has an article deciphering "The Lost Supper" photo.
@ObFuSc8 Oh, it's definitely understandable and I agree that these prices are definitely more reasonable than what the ebay flippers are asking. I'm just bummed because I really thought I would be able to get one of the second-chance prints.
Milo, that Tee is hilarious.
$150?! oh maaaaan. I'm still going to try for smoke monster. I feel as if, if I get the practice in on this one, when Jacobs cabin or walt's kidnapping go live I may stand a better chance.
So a random time tomorrow (UK) is anytime after 6 PM tonight CT.
15 min until The Barracks -- does anyone need help?
I can also try for The Barracks if anyone is looking for it.
don't want it - thanks though.
I would take "tomorrow" uk time, to be any time from 8AM our time. We are +5 Eastern, +8 PST I believe. So I'd go with midnight.
@Ob - that is what I assume, too. May be a long night.
Looks like no-one needs help with The Barracks and as I've bought enough of that particular print to last a lifetime... I'm heading home. I look forward to hearing how everyone got on in an hour or so.
Okay, Chris… you have the first shift in our Ollywatch ;))
The Barracks is up. $150.00
2 left of the barracks at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37829151
I did not try for that one, but finally had the luxury to sit back and watch one go -- 11 min sell out!
Congrats Nate!
@Ob, It was nice not to stress over it! I framed mine this past weekend. Nate did a nice job.
So the Dharma Van is next around 3pm-ish Eastern…
11 minutes on the Duval? That's fairly encouraging...
Do you think any of the posters will be under $150 when the artists sell them?
Poster #16 arrived today. Really does look even better in person. Frame was already ready, so I'll just flatten a couple of days then hang.
Just caught up on everything. The olly moss is intriguing, I must say, especially at that price, but I'm planning on taking my canvas version to Hawaii to get signed and something tells me I'd look stupid with two versions of the same print. Plus, I'd feel wrong taking the physical poster all the way to get a $200 poster signed.
ChrisL, I think I may have to resort to paying a premium for walt's kidnapping. I turned it down because I was going to buy it in order to trade for swan station and thought no-one would want it so left it. It's only when it sold out that I actually noticed "IT".
Stupid stupid martyn.
So if I don't get it, I've only myself to blame.
Martyn, WK was an elusive one for me as well. And I have only myself to blame for not getting Locke's Secret. I just assumed that it would be available for a while since the Numbers had not sold out yet. I spent the day messing around after the reveal and it was gone when I finally went back to get it. I regret it every day.
Ken Taylor's smoke monster is rumored to go for $250 tommrrow on posters & toys, i hope this is not true
@Kirk $250 is nothing compaired to some of the prices I've seen. $250 might help keep resellers away and give the people who really want it (Me please!) a chance. Regardless I hope if you want it you can get it too :)
I read $150 for the smoke monster earlier... where did you see $250?
what is ollys twitter?
Eugene -- same for me with Olly's print! I saw a couple of his black and white movie posters and video game posters on slashfilm, then checked out his site.
I had a crazy work schedule, so when I saw it go up I thought I could take a breath, just to come back and see SOLD OUT.
Is has been rumored that The Smoke Monster will list for 150, but that could change after today's releases.
Joe -- there's not much that'll keep the resellers away.
If anyone is looking for Polar Bear I am selling it for $200 plus shipping. Please let me know as I would use this to try and get Locke's Secret. It is the only way I would have the funds. If you need/want it let me know ASAP. Remember that Jay isn't selling any on his site so this is the only way to get it. Help a brother out. Contact at airisfree at gmail.com
Nate Duval's sale of The Barracks went through Etsy. That and the lower popularity of that particular print is the only thing that made it an 11 min sell out.
Rousseau's Transmission went in less than a minute -- direct click link to paypal.
So with Locke's Secret, it will depend partly on when Olly Moss decides to put it up, and where/how. Once it's up I would bet less than a minute -- especially since there will be less than 50.
Good Day, All :)
exciting that these second chances are coming fast and furious. I am hoping to score a Smokey.
Good luck to everyone trying to purchase these "extras" :)
Typical, new poster releases and the resale market dries up. Trying to find anyone willing to sell there walt's kidnapping for $150 or so.
Somebody tell me to shut up if I'm going on about it too much.
Ob, you've been really keeping up with these artist sales! Thanks for helping to keep us up-to-date and getting add'l info.
Cosmically Yours
4toed statue off on jason munn site.
That's OK Martyn, hearing you going on about it makes the rest of us going on about stuff seem normal. It's all good.
Methane have a Dave Matthews Band 3D print going off at the same time as the Dharma Van. That site is going to be busy busy busy.
Does anyone need me to try for a Dharma Van?
Selling Smokey on eBay right now.
I know a lot of you are still looking for the earlier prints, and I'm very willing to hear any and all offers if you are one of those people.
Smokey is, in my humble opinion, the best print from a technical perspective. The details are far superior to any of the other prints!
Please feel free to make a reasonable offer or e-mail me with any questions ( cLee4654 at gmail dot com ).
hurry up for 4toed statue.
Sorry. Jason Munn print is going for $100 on his site. thesmallstakes.com
The 4-Toed statue is 100 on Jason Munn's site. Not sure how much shipping is.
Yes The 4toed is only $100 here
Woo-hoo, I got the Statue, I think $100 is beyond reasonable.
i'd love someone to get me dharma van, if it's 50+shipping.
This is from Methane's facebook:
Robert Clyde Lee
$175 per. LIMITED qty.
Statue and DHARMA Van are running close together don't you think?
$100! The Statue looks amazing framed and I strongly recommend it at that price.
ChrisL - any pics of The Statue framed?
The 4 toed statue is 100.00.
Jeffrey, not yet, I plan on doing them all together. Wide ass gold weathered frame with non-reflective glass works beautifully. And I'm the last person to have a gold frame on my walls!
Statue is $7 US shipping, $8 Canada, and $15 INT
Ok, this is getting bad, I'm panicking over whether or not to buy the four toed statue and I don't even like it. The $100 price tag doesn't help me either tbh, so cheap. It's become an obsession to buy the lost prints now!
Can't see where the Van is for sale at methane? Doesn't seem to be in any catagory.
Martyn - email me chris dot leaning at gmail
ChrisL, glad to be making you all seem sane, lol.
Not yet for sale, dharma van fan boys.
As for the statue, you can ask international insurance for 25 more $ (more safe, i did).
I don't think Van's on sale yet. But they said 3-ISH (EST)
(more safe = safer)
I'm with ya Martyn. I keep watching all these prints sell out before my eyes and being tempted...even though I don't really want 'em. I need Locke's Secret!!!!!!
Does anyone know how to contact Go Merch? I still have not received my Stout print from Dec. 16.
i didnt get mine either brad. I'm on the east cost. It took a while for me to receive my Ben poster from GoMerch too
I really want the statue but don't have the 100.00 right now. Guess I wasn't meant to have it. lol Oh well, it's pretty reasonable.
DHARMA Van on sale here
$175 plus $8.50 Shipping
Good luck to all those buying today!
But it's not there anymore? But my link still works... Weird.. Has it already sold out?
Ordered a Dharma Van, yay!
By not there, I mean not on the main page anymore
Annnnddd gone.
@ChrisL No, see my link. Not sold out yet.
It never appeared to me.I can't see it yet, except from the link theotherben posted.
Well, 175$ is REALLY too much for my pocket.
Good luck everybody :asd:
Weird... never showed up for me either until I saw the link here and it was gone in the middle of checkout.
Oh well - $175 is a bit much for that one i think...
anyone get through on The Dharma Van yet?
I saw it as it came up but paypal says it can't finish sending the request...so I have to wait 30 min for confirmation. Anyone get straight through?
theotherben - got to PayPal and it tells you SOLD OUT.
Its still available. At least I can still put one in my cart.
thotherben - where did you find the link just out of interest - I can't see a way to get to it via the site navigation. It could have been up there for 20 minutes.
Mine went straight through without any issues
Oh, my bad, ha ha. I didn't try to buy one, just thought that since it was still up on the link, it might not be sold out then. My bad.
Sold out, i can confirm.
Well, JASON MUNN is the FAIREST artist.
But the Statue is still on sale.
i STILL cant get the poster to load on their site - only through that direct link. So weird...
I'll live happy with my MILLWARD, MUNN, STOUT and DANGER/TAYLOR (i have to decide between these two, one to keep, one to part with). :D
mtutick, congrats, what time did you place your order? Just interested to know how long it took to sell out.
Annie, I'd drop your Stout and keep Danger and Taylor. Don't be silly.
My confirmation email from Paypal says 12:13:41 Pacific time
Any idea on when, if 'The Hatch' will have a second chance offering?
Thanks mtutick. I guess that means it didn't go through. How soon after 3 did you see it go up?
I was F5ing the art prints page and it didn't come up at all until I clicked a different poster, then whooosh, the thumbnail popped up in the top right corner -- that was just a few minutes in, but then the weird paypal thing, so I'd bet it had just SOLD OUT.
@Jeffrey - Here is my 4-Toed Statue framed. (sorry about slight refection in the glass)
Really? That's at least a few minutes after my paypal error? Who knows, I was trying to get on just in case anyone else needs it, but I am good. If I got through I'll post back here.
I actually didn't see the link until the otherben posted it. I was refreshing the "Art Print" page and never saw it until then.
Personally I would drop the Ken Taylor... or the Munn.
As much as everyone else likes the Smoke Monster...that one just does NOT do it for me
Drat! My meeting ran long... Dharma Van was gone before I could get back to a computer (sigh). I guess I can't complain, as I did get "The Numbers" last night.
And can I just say how absolutely cool that Tim Doyle is? I emailed Nakatomi yesterday to get a clarification on the time of sale... and he replied personally! I am still blown away by how many wonderful people I have met through the Lost Underground Art project... and that list for me, now includes not only all the LostARGies, but the artists as well!
Apart from Stout and Danger, which I tried for but failed to get. Munn's Statue was the one I didn't try for and regretted not getting afterwards.
So past mistakes have now been rectified and I am now a proud owner of the very reasonably priced Statue *chuffed to bits!* :D
AmyLynn, really?
I... don't know. :D i may have to see it with my own eyes before doing anything silly.
If anyone did manage to get one and is willing to trade/sell it please let me know: mirrormind at gmail dot com
@Annie... I guess it's whatever you like best. I'm not a Stout fan.
Amy: I have seen with my eyes Millward (amazing) and Danger until now. I have the chance to exchange Danger's one with Taylor's one, but then i bought Munn's and Stout's, so... I really have to think about it.
And i don't give up hope on the Hatch.
Hi guys, my laptop crashed around the holidays and I am stuck using my iPhone to get online. (Thus I haven't been on here in awhile.) Sadly there's no way I can do the paypal thing fast enough on it, I've tried. :-/ Is there anyone willing to try for a Locke and Crash print for me? I can paypal the $ due. I also still have a couple shirts from my galley 1988 trek. I'd owe you big time. Just let me know. Thanks! P.S. This is Amy for those of you that I met at the gallery event (and then dinner after). :)
Hey Amy(Team Jack)! Do you have any shirts in large left?
I'm with Amy on that but as I don't have any of those 3 I should shut up.
futureself. You should be chuffed. many congrats, you'll enjoy it.
So far I have (or have coming) Smokey, Walt, Ben & the Barracks... would be thrilled to take a Locke's Secret or Hatch, but I'm thrilled without them.
Team Jack -- your best bet will be to get to a computer, somewhere. I don't think I can help (need those 2 myself) and those are in such high demand.
You may have a chance with Locke's Secret if it goes at a weird time. We don't really have much info on The Crash...yet.
Then again, The Statue was a surprise today, so who knows?
If i could put my hand on Ben, Smokey and Hatch (Slater, Taylor and Tong) with no trade, i'd have EVETYTHING I love..
Oh Noes! I was driving to work when Dharma Van was on sale! Anyone get an extra??
Wow, $175? Was not expecting that. But am proud to be an owner of a Dharma Van and anyone who just bought it, it's a beautiful piece of work, it says LOST without being over shoved in your face or repeatedly asked why is there a van on your wall. Love it!
Just a quick 'hello' to all!
Congrats on everyone who got the Dharma Van . It has been framed, on my wall, for three months now , and it's a beaut.
One humble suggestion: 4-toed statue showed up today, as you all now know, without any hype, and is at a remarkable price. IMO this is a VERY underrated print, and you'd be crazy not to jump at it now. It is a minimalist piece, but very creative and iconic. It will become more appreciated in the coming months (and years ). SO cool that Jason Munn just put it up on his site without any fanfare.
Gotta go for now - Best to all, this exciting week!
I might be able to find a computer if I knew a specific time. Oh well, I thought I'd just ask anyways. In case someone felt like being extra nice. I don't expect to get them as they are the most popular.
Ditto that , about the Van, Martyn!
@Midday Shadows... I think the Statue is long gone.
I love the idea of it, I just wish it were the correct foot.
I love the 4-toed statue print. Simple, but clean and really interesting. I agree that it is much better in person.
Nope @AmyLynn Statue is still on sale here
Ah, my bad
wtf how did you find that one out???
No it's not, that's not the real mel.
Fake MEL - forget it.
Fake? WTF?
lol I thought it'd be long gone too, Amy. I hear you about the foot. Personally doesn't bother me as it is less of a literal, more of an iconic , image. ...
gah, really gotta go now... cheers
for anyone feeling sympathetic, I still have NO PRINTS AT ALL. I really want the DD and Millward ones. So when they come up... yeah. Just keep me in mind.
@Ben you can still get the 4toed
Uh Oh - it's Ben and theotherben post by post!
has it been confirmed that the Cabin print is not going on sale at all? Was it a subscriber-only release?
It will be Josh, DD encouraged us to sign up to his mailing list. Pretty sure he doesn't have subscribers either, otherwise i'd be on it, lol
I feel like such a schmuck for thinking it was 3PM pacific time! I have wanted the Dharma Van since it came out, just did not have the money at the time.
yeah, I don't want the statue leg. I wanted about six of the prints, and that wasn't one of them. I might be tempted by the Ken Taylor... we shall see.
I currently have five DD prints.. Might need to make it six.
My friend just emailed me this link. He said, "Hey check this out! Danger's Jacob's Cabin is only $50 bucks here . I thought you might want to know."
He's cruel.......
OK -- to clarify that was IMP MEL above -- just ignore.
DD has a mailing list and will let us know when he's putting his artist's allotment up for sale. He does not have any subs -- Martyn I'm with you, if he did, I'd be there in a flash!
I have The Statue but ahve lost my mind and decided to just go ahead and get a 2nd. I can always auction for charity when this is all done. Kind of surprising, this wasn't even an email or anything The Small Stakes sent out.
From Twitter about 15 minutes ago:
methane_studios All the LOST posters sold out quickly. May have some cancels-maybe.
On a funnier note -- Jorge Garcia went sledding...
In the Snow III
@Eugene That's not good....
Despite the UK coming to a complete stand still because of a couple of inches of snow, Parcelforce, the company who eventually deliver all us UKers out DCAAPB prints, have actually managed to find my Polar Bear print as the tracking status says, Sorted In Hub, which I presume is a good thing. A little happy now, was expecting to have to buy a new copy!
hi all, hi Team Jack (Amy)!
and all the bens and fakes
I just received a reply re: Small Stakes. The first 35-40 will get a print. He has not been given the orders via CCNow yet, so there may be some undoing? (gentlest word I could thing of) Invited Jason to hop over here to chat.
Any other surprises today?
What was that exchange about, Lotto?
Nice one LT. It'd be cool to have Jason over. I wonder how many orders he got then? It did seem to be up for a very long time.
I broke down and bought the 4 Toed Statue...I'm not particularly a fan of it, but I really want at least one statue and am hoping that, as many have said, that it looks much more appealing in person. :)
Martyn! What did I tell you? Christmas/New Year postie beers always delay parcelforce deliveries. I'm so glad it's on it way to you :D
LT...Nooooo!!! I'd better be one of the 35-40 :S
How can you track the incoming poster? :|
OT slightly for a moment; driving home this evening, (oh and the snow has finally started falling like crazy in Surrey), I was listening to an NPR music podcast and they played this at me. I immediately thought of Amy Lynn and her wonderful 'words to the tune of' moments. Made me wish we could get them all recorded. And I'd never heard it before so being a Star Wars fan found it slightly amusing.
Yes Futureself, you were correct. I have no faith in Royal Mail, so had little faith in it's sister company but it seems I was wrong to do so.
Still hate the Royal Mail though!
@ChrisL, awesome.
Someday I am going to write a LOST musical.
ImAnnie, I complained saying it was lost and they gave me the tracking number back. Dunno why they can't give it to us in the e-mails though.
The Argers will back it Amy Lynn!
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