Wow. That was a busy week, and nerve-racking. A lot of people received refunds from Todd Slater last night. Now we have the weekend to prepare for the next drop, Kevin Tong for The Hatch.
Kevin will sell 45 copies via his online store for $200 each, plus shipping. The Hatch will go on sale Monday January 11, 2010 at noon PST… which is Greenwich Mean Time minus 8 hours. Kevin placed everything you need to know in his Newsletter.
Thank you and have a great weekend.
1 – 200 of 542 Newer› Newest»Good luck to all wanting this. I have it and it's beautiful.
Oh, Hatch, I want you so bad, but it would be hell on my wallet.
so I was just refunded on the Ben print. Anyone grab an extra?
JFuller... any word yet for your fate? :)
The Hatch is an awesome print. Too bad only 45 will be put up. Good luck.
Okay, how did I know to hit check mail just now because I had a refund?
Apparently I'm psychic in completely useless fashion. :(
Still 0/0 lol . . .
You too Drsluggo, sorry.
The photo in the ebay auction for the 1/1 Locke's Secret shows it being numbered 1/1 rather than 1/300 (hard to see next to one of the sigs).
I think a lot of people at the opening reception didn't even realize the prints were for sale for a while.
imannie, did Todd Slater email that message to you directly?
I feel like Amy Lynn.
Love it.
But love my wallet too.
It will be a tough decision to make.
GOODNIGHT! 2Am here.
No, that message was part of the refund via paypal, sadly.
The hatch is truly beautiful, by far my favouRite print of the series. The colours are stunning, sure it's a bitch to light properly but it's worth it. Mine is down getting properly framed and I miss it already. But at least it'll look nice with my other prints.
OT, I appear to have succeeded in obtaining I Kill The Bus Driver print, is going to look amazing, a nice sad clown that will inspire me to rewatch dark knight all the time. All that's left to get Walt's Kidnapping and my collection is complete. Roll on Monday when hopefully I'll have succeeded in getting WK.
Goodnight all!
@Music Of The Gamer
Richard's time stamp was 1500 EST.
Eastern time is 1 hour ahead of central.
buona notte, Annie!
grazie, thorsten! uno di questi giorni mi dirai come fai a sapere l'italiano? :D
Good Night Martyn.
Ho sia un amico pugliese
Ok ok :D i got it :D
i'm leaving for tonight.. my eyes are closing after the tension i accumulated in these 5 long hours...
Night all :)
Well 'per favore' and 'prego' pretty much got me through my visits to Rome and Florence ;)
dormire bene Annie ;)
We are a very strange country, i'm the first to say this. :D
What's your opinion about an italian?
I'm so curious, and i promise i won't take offence from anything you will say. :D
WOW - what a crazy, rollercoaster of a week here. I had to miss most of it due to work (ugh, work). But great job Thorsten!! And you, too, Maven! :)
Hope everyone has a fantastic evening.
Neat, I decided last month that I'm going to try to learn Italian. Can't afford the Rosetta Stone kits right now, but will start with something cheaper and work my way up. After living in NY for 30 years, I came to love the Italians that I met and the Italian/American culture.
Is anybody taking LOST U? Do you have to know how to pronounce the Korean phrases for the Foreign Language quiz?
Hey Annie - I think most Americans love Italy and Italians. I was just speaking to someone today who said it was her dream to go there (lots of people agree). Although I'm completely biased because my grandparents (on my mother's side) were from Palermo, so I love ALL Italians! ;) Baci!
Italian is a very difficult language. Verbs, most of all, with a LOT of different way.
When i started to study english, i was happy that there was only PRESENT, PAST and Past Participle. The future? "Will".
It's easy :D
italian has "modi", "tempi" that are so difficult (and useless).
KI..Oh my that is soooo gauche' ..Buying art at a Gallery,,then immediately putting it on Ebay..assuming seller has taken delivery.( maybe its a fake??) I mean.. you go to a Art Gallery so you can put what ever you buy on Ebay..??? Only in America!!! This is why the " Snooty Crowd"of the Art World looks down on the unwashed masses.
I sure as heck checked on the Sale of prints..and noticed the price too! I think that slowed the sale of them down abit, Fortunately Ob8 reserved a few,,one of which I did buy.
Gee..I guess we'll be seeing Mementus Moiri soon on Ebay too!! Can't Wait!!
Its a ticky tacky world
CapCom - Try livemocha.com for free language lessons. I'm taking Spanish right now, then want to move on to Italian (since my generation of the family can't speak it).
It's actually kind of a fun site. :)
Ruh-roh, well I still want to try. I may just get good enough to speak Italian badly then. :o)
Tx DeAnne!
Italy and Germany share the same timezone, so I'll head to bed. Good night everybody, and cheers for this awesome week.
Germany? I have a Pugliese friend, Erika, who lives in Germany..
We never know :D
And that's also why the unwashed masses look down on the snooty crowd of the art world, Mel. Me, I manage to straddle both worlds, heheh.
@drsluggo - sorry mate I just got an email as well. The note said:
"The print was massively oversold. My apologies. I understand this is frustrating.
But there still might be good news for ya.
Im debating selling all my prints. I just bought a house and also just bought floor seats for a UFC event in NJ so i gotta stop spending money. With that being said, come Monday Ill definitely know, if so Ill have these for sale.
Hurleys Curse
Love Triangle
Walts Kidnapping
Smoke Monster
4-Toed Statue
Ill only be asking what I paid for them plus fees/shipping. I got most of these the second time around so they were all around 150 with the exception of Smokey
I love Italy! I have only been to Rome and Florence but both cities blew me away. New York was the most incredible city I had visited before Rome - I arrive in Rome at night and my hostel was right next to Roma Termini. My first proper daylight experience of Rome (and Italy) was walking out of the tube to see the full majesty of the Colosseo. But visiting the Vatican was the most amazing and overwhelming experience I have ever had (next to the Empire State Building). It was not a religious experience (I'm an atheist) but the majesty of the architecture and scale of art is unbelievable. Florence is also stunning and surprising at every corner! My only regret is I did not have enough time to explore ;)
JFuller, could you keep Walts Kidnapping for Martyn ?
Hey JFuller -
Email me when you know... my email adress is nopey23 @ yahoo.com..
definitely would be interested in Walt, Smokey and Ben. possibly the statue - I'm still not sure if I actually got that one although I'm thinking I did since it hasnt been refunded yet :)
MEL, it does seem soon to already have the 1/1, almost makes me doubt the authenticity. But it's probably the real thing. :(
Isn't that what happens with valuable art? It constantly changes hands, outliving the original buyer and even the original artist. Which is part of the point, isn't it?
Anyway, I can't afford it.
Cosmically Yours
just found this in my inbox: Payment refund from Todd Slater. It was fun thinking I had this one for a moment
@Thorsten - no problem Ill let you know for sure on Monday
@drsluggo - no problem as well minus the Walt one.
With that being said, Im still gonna try for the Hatch and Crash just because those are my two favorite and I wouldnt mind going for them. Also if anyone wants to do an even trade for one of my prints, I would trade for the polar bear. That is my third favorite.
Ill definitely let the two of you know on Monday. :)
@AvondaleBlog: No you do not have to to memorize or know how to pronounce Korean for LU. It's just a "game" of matching up the Korean characters for the correct answer.
JFuller: count me for smokey? :)
dvdbos at gmail?
futureself: do you imagine? i've never seen Rome. I'll see NY, WAS and BOS before Rome.
I'm strange. :D
I had no idea the prints were for sale at the gallery either. Germaine said he got one so I said I was going for Locke and when I got to the register it was sold. Then tried for Smokey, twas sold as well. Oh well. I was looking at art instead of rushing to the cash register to buy something. I don't even think they listed the prints for sale there. I guess you had to be psychic!
@ JFuller --
Would you trade the Polar Bear for Smokey? I bought it off eBay about a month ago but have kept it stored safely since if you're interested.
KI..Somebody posted recently that Jensen probably wouldn't be able to start shipping until the 7th...yesterday...so there is room for doubt,,I mean..how hard is it to erase a few numbers? I sure would be asking for proof of purchase and give Jensen a call for verification..if i was interested that is.
and yes we've been around the bush of Lost Fan Appreciation versus " make a buck" so many times that the path is well worn. Perhaps if anybody else in the gallery that nite had bought Lockes Secret,,it wouldn't be on Ebay now,,if its real. But, we will never know.
I think the Hatch is a All Timer..Technically superior, graphically pleasing, thematically stimulating,,combining into one presentation that will give the viewer years of plenty to think about. To me, that is the success of a work of Art.
@Fuller - I would definately be interested in Smokey - missed him twice.
I also got refunded on Ben.
Refunds are still coming? :(
ImAnnie --
Refunds are still rolling strong unfortunately. :(
What has been the earliest refund time? My paypal reciept is dated: Jan. 8, 2010 11:59:58 PST
JFuller, i beg you. Take my interest in Smokey in consideration til tomorrow.
Also, does anyone have any good pictures of Locke's Secret framed? I'm trying to get some ideas for a matte color and frame.
@Annie - Rome is beautiful! I'm sure I'm being daft but what is WAS and BOS?
Ehm, Washington and Boston :D
My friend call them this way, i'll visit them in march :)
hoping they won't bodyscan my back.
Ah got ya annie!
Hope you have a great time ;~)
Goodnight for the fourth time, hoping it's the last one :D
Well once again dormire bene!
I was also refunded so if someone wants to throw it my way id be stocked
JFuller - please email me too! I'm interested in some of your prints. buddycuffs at gmail dot com
That 1/1 Locke sold for $3500. Wow.
@JFuller - actually, while I'm really interested in Smokey, if you really need the money, you would be remiss not to get the value of the print. If you like the Polar Bear more, you could easily sell the Smoke Monster, get buy 2 Polar Bears with the proceeds. Just my 2 cents, but regardless, good luck with the $$ issues.
See someone put the entire set on Ebay. That's a lot of F5ing for sale there.
Had a think and decided I'm out for the rest of the prints. Too much stress recently, I've had enough of adding to it. Not really blaming anyone but myself for that, but after trying for these prints for so long, and then go through it all over a second time . . . well, kinda sucks. I'd rather have my memories at the end of this have more to do with the people/events than the disappointment. So cutting my losses and settling for the Stout poster from G88, which is more than some people managed.
And everybody else has one less person to compete with.
So I wish you best of luck if you're trying for the Hatch or any of the remaining prints. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you since I have spares.
I bought the 1/1 "Love Triangle" by phone days after the G1988 event. Jensen asked me if I wanted to come in and pick it up or have it shipped. Since I live in Orlando I told him to ship it. He said it would be after January 7th. So it could be that the person who purchased the Locke 1/1 was in L.A. and actually took possession of the framed print that night or within a few days of the show.
You are going to be a very popular person come Monday when it comes to potentially providing your prints for purchase! I have The Polar Bear and LOST, and am considering what to do with The Polar Bear since it is now somewhat sentimental (first poster I actually got, and is numbered 283, and I was born February 1983 (2/83).
Anyway! Regardless of my The Polar Bear indecisions, I would be most interested in Ben, so... Can I put my name down on that short list for the Ben print?
By all means, do not hesitate to e-mail me: AlexxxCarson at aol dot com
LostARGS - I just got home from meeting Zort and his better half . . . they came to Florida to get away from the freezing temps in U.K. and found themselves in Orlando during unseasonably cold weather. Earlier today the weather forecasters were predicting snow flurries . . . in Orlando!
Zort - Like you told me, at least it's warmer here than the weather you left behind. Hope you enjoy your much deserved vacation!
LostiePat, that's so great that you got to meet Zort. I'm sure you showed him a great time. I'm headed your way in 54 short days! Please do something about those temps, okay?
LostiePat: Awesome that you all got to meet! Hope some pics were taken.
No pics, unfortunately, but good memories!
Amy Lynn, hope we can meet when you're here. Weather should be perfect in March - best time of year in Florida.
I got back $5 to my paypal account today- think it was the contribution for the fan poster? Did other people get money back? Chris - did we send that to you?
Oh- and just saw this at LU-
PHY 301 To Open More Sessions
Due to overwhelming response, PHY301: New Physics With Jeremy Davies will open more sessions with the launch of Semester 2 on January 15th. Please take the time to review the course catalog to learn about this and other exciting classes for second semester.
Added By: Samantha Thomas
Doesn't explain why we couldn't get in- but at least it will be there for Semester 2.
Hi all, meeting Pat was great a really nice person even though I was very late.
I thought about a picture about 5 mins too late !
Hi Zort70. Sounds like you are having a good holiday even with chilly temps. And meeting up with LostiePat a happy bonus. Safe travels home.
I had an idea, but it didn't go anywhere, so here's the only part I have. To the tune of Doggie in the window...
How much is that Smokey on the website
The one with the red and the gold
How much is that Smokey on the website
I do hope it's not oversold
Hey Zort- Happy Vacation! For once, it is just as late for you as it is for me or vice versa.
amy lynn you mean "I do hope it's not MASSIVELY oversold" right? lol
Todays photo from our trip - I thought I saw a puddy tat
Whew! What a day, huh? I still have not received a refund email, so I'm still cautiously hopeful (but I still have my fingers crossed just in case) I'm praying that I'll finally have Ben hanging on my wall soon!
For anyone who got a refund email this evening... could you please let me know what the time was on your invoice? My time was 12:00:37... I just wondered how far away from that the refunds are, as we know they are moving from latest time to earliest.
@Zort - hope you enjoyed the trip despite the weather. I just wish I could have shared some of the unseasonable warmth we're having on the west coast... Maybe you can come visit us west coasters when they open up the new Lost attraction at Disneyland! (hey... gotta keep a positive attitude about that! :-)
@JT: Good news and bad news, everyone's going to be hammering that when they open it! lol. Just like real registration. Did anybody do the math, do we have to have the Davies credits to graduate?
@Pat: My time was :01:17. Not certain if anyone was earlier and got refunded, I think someone was.
The names of the third competition prize winners have just been published.
Do you mind me asking how much the Love Triangle cost from the gallery?
@ Just Thinking, I haven't refunded anything from our poster.
Just woke up to a refund from Todd though!
Good morning ChrisL.
Happy Bday (a bit belated) Lisa.
I just had a chance to get caught up on the days events and comments.
Lightening fast sell out with Slater's print, huh? Love the description -- "massive oversell".
So I a bit of inefficiency, I got that initial email from Rob Jones, but it was when I was just walking in to work, so the alert that I should have gotten on my cell did not come through. Then by the time I got to it, sold out. So I guess work made me inept?
A closer look at that Locke's Secret 1/1 makes it seem a bit odd. All of the details on the G1988 receipt are scribbled out.
TKI -- I got to that sales table as quickly as was possible in that crowd and The Crash and Locke's Secret 1/1's were gone, fast. I guess a flipper could have gotten on the VIP list, or someone in line behind us could have dashed up to the sales table with just that goal in mind...but I don't know about that. Oh well.
ChrisL, good morning
Good Morning to all the UK'ers out there! :-)
@ChrisL - Can I ask what the time was on your invoice that got refunded? I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to be able to keep mine... My inbox still hasn't thrown any refund notes at me yet... but I'd love to know if I've still got some breathing room, or if I'm on the bubble...
And, also ChrisL... just wanted to say thanks for everything today. I really do love all the wonderful people I've met here. :-)
Good morning everybody. Heavy snowing with more to come, strong winds etc. Guess I will have pancakes for breakfast! ;))
Obfusc8...I am sure they scribbled out all of their personal information. I doubt you would want their name, last few digits of credit card, etc...displayed for the world to see.
I had no idea the prints were for sale. I didn't remember seeing price tags near them so I didn't think twice about it. A guy behind me said he got the Crash so I darted to the front for Locke but it was already crowded by then and all the good ones were gone. I called Gallery1988 a few days before and they told me that NO prints would be for sale. So, I didn't even think twice about it and I bet most people didn't.
morning all!
Todd tried his best with this one. I think making the leftover 20 (he probably has around 30 subscribers, who will have each received a print) open to a rabid fanbase was pretty brave. Especially considering he was spending hours refunding - can you imagine what his paypal account must have looked like half an hour after on sale? I'd guess anyone not through in the first 20 seconds lost out.
Reading all the posts, I either love MEL's passion or am beginning to worry about his brain...not sure which.
I may well try for the hatch. My 0/16 has to be broken sometime. It's an evening drop, meaning I could try.
Yikes... fell back to sleep. Must be the weekend.
Patmc. Time on mine 12:01:30. Surely if you haven't been refunded by now you must be safe.
Hi LT.
-6 this morning.
Morning Thorsten. Take care in that weather.
Earliest refund is at 01.17 i think. :) good morning all! I wont try for the hatch too. And, i have another reason to sell my posters: paying the trip to USA.. It's a pretty damn good motivation :D
I am going to get picky on the answer of #4 on the trivia (I didn't enter so I don't really care). Charlotte may not have been born on the Island. Ben claim she was born in Essex and even assuming that she was born during her parents time with DHARMA, DHARMA sent their pregnant women off the Island to give birth. We have no real evidence to how that Charlotte was born on the Island.
And that concludes my super dorkiness for the night. Regular levels of dorkiness will now resume.
It's a good morning so far. FedEx just delivered my Scott Campbell Showdown from G1988! It is beautiful.
I'm guessing a few people will be smiling today. Ellen B, there'll be a BIG truck arriving at yours!
I just checked with Lostpedia, Rorschach, here is what they say…
According to information provided by Ben that he received from Michael, Charlotte Staples Lewis was born on July 2, 1979 in Essex, England to parents David and Jeanette Lewis. She was raised in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England along with her two younger sisters. ("Confirmed Dead")
It has since been uncovered that this information is, at least, partially incorrect; Charlotte was actually born in 1971 and she spent a great deal of her younger childhood on the Island. Her family were members of the DHARMA Initiative, whom she lived with at the Barracks. ("This Place Is Death")
@ChrisL - thanks for the info! Still no nasty-grams in my inbox. I think I'll start to relax a little after I wake up in the morning... LOL
I'm going to go buy a miter saw today... so I can start working on my custom frames for all my Lost artwork! It may take a while, as I've never done anything like this before... but I'll take some pictures as I go. I can't tell you much about them yet... but if they turn out like I hope they will... you all will love them!
Well, it's almost 2am here, so I'm off to bed. Got a full day of NFL playoff games today too... should be great games! Have a good morning/afternoon/night everyone! :-)
I can't wait for my Gallery 1988 artwork to arrive...
Good night Pat, and keep us posted on your woodwork!
Good night Pat. Fingers crossed for you and your inbox.
Do me a favor if you -do- end up putting those up for sale and shoot me an email: unseenpresence at gmail dot com. I might be persuaded to buy the four-toed statue one.
Sadly, it's not Locke's Secret (damn the Gods!) but it's my -3rd- most favorite, and subtle enough to fit with the rest of my artwork.
apropos of nothing... Faraday crying. I always thought this was because he was aware on some level that Oceanic 815 triggered events that meant Charlotte, and ultimately he, died. This lead to him being "unacountably sad". If he was skipping about in time, it's possible. Thoughts?
Caught up just about.
Thorsten, you are da man! Cheers for getting JFuller to reserve WK for me while I was sleeping. Appreciate it.
Would love to see photos of peoples gallery pieces, all the ones I like are sold, not that I could afford it anyway.
Sure, no problem!
Good luck to everyone who is trying for "The Hatch".
Good morning alls!
Hope the trip has been a blast so far zort!
@ Ben - Sure, like Des in 'flashes', Faraday is experiencing the extreme side effects to his exposure to high levels of radiation. His experience is different to Des though. He is not 'flashing' in the same way Des or Minowski, et al did. It seems like it's more his memory that has been damaged - when Widmore visits him he says something like 'by tomorrow you won't remember this'.
Faraday's life purpose is to live a life of tragedy and genius and to die at the hands of his pregnant mother. Ouroboros, the self consuming serpent (Hawking wears the brooch) sums up his life. Faraday is in the ultimate loop of life and death and death and life. The news report on Oceanic 815 crashing must have echoed into his core of being. The news report must have felt like a hole being ripped in his self-consuming fate - which would perhaps have been a good thing. The loophole - good or bad?....we will have to wait and see.
Morning Rev. Quite a turnaround from our print collecting friends last night?!! You represented us brilliantly.
Excellent analysis, futureself.
morning all, I'm finally caught up ! thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was a great day and my bf also just fixed the boiler today so it's a even better day now that we won't wake up cold anymore because it went off during the night. Not good when it's 6 degrees out at night. Burrr Hope everyone that wants the hatch gets it and sorry everyone that was refunded for Ben. ahh the fun of poster diving !
Morning all, off to St Pete's Beach near Tampa for a few days now.
My shorts are on as I'm sure it's bright and sunny at the beach.
Get a nice tan, Zort, and don't talk to darkshirted strangers on the beach…
I'd better change my shirt then, I don't want to start talking to myself !
Nice picture of the UK - Brrrrrrrrr
Thanks ChrisL!
I hated having my material just having one run of fun. :)
I think there are a still a few over there that still think I really did that to the actual prints. I mean, come on, I'm the guy that did the FakeURL!
Honestly I was surprised that my variant prints had slipped under their radar.
Hopefully this silly imaginary rivalry will end, several of them are LOST fans, and many of us are way into art or are growing our interest in it. They could have potential future buyers in us, but who wants to deal with a shopkeeper that calls you a douche as you walk in the door?
Still plugging away on getting caught up on reviews on DCaaPB 10 down 6 to go (or 11 more to go if I manage to cover the non-fan appreciation prints)
Hi Zort-
St Pete's beach has some nice walking stretches and sunsets over the water. Stayed there last year. There is a Dali museum in nearby Tampa is he interests you at all.
It's fun to eat in the rotating restaurant at the Grand Plaza hotel at sunset. Hope you have fun.
Anne- We need 21 credits to graduate for LU- so if you did the other five courses so far besides Davies, you have 15, and 2 more 3 credit ones will do it. I think that is going to be the mad scramble!
I wonder if they set up the Davies course so you could get in first semester if you could figure it out, and then they'll let everyone in semester 2.
Chris L- I sent an email to the address that was in my Paypal return notice-so guess you'll see if it's you.
Gee, is it morning?
Hey all!
Pat,,on making ones own frames,,while not completely necessary,,if one already has an assortment of clamps,,a set of frame clamps is not a bad idea. Near perfect alignment on all axis is easier achieved. I recently saw a set on Ebay for like 10 dollars. Tho not serial numbered or signed by artisan, a new set can't be much more expensive.
uh oh..the coffee is tasting a little bit too good this a.m.
,,Yes,, I too had to put a little thought into Charlotte being born on the Island. I agree with the Lostpedia..that basically Ben didn't put forth the Truth about her. His half truths have been the fascinating of him. Which brings me to Faraday.
Geesh I find such strong metaphor in him. I don't stop at Faraday as Ouroboros. Consider this if you will: His mother ended his enjoyment of what he really liked doing, playing the piano. She directed him into Science. Dan became the scientist trying to explain,,make reasonable, logically understand the Infinite , the Ourobos..the Island. It was the realization voiced by Dan, to Jack and Kate,,about Human Beings being the Variables in his formuli,,that basically brought his whole re-directed life( thank you Eloise) to the waste that it was. Remember ,,it was at the piano,,that Dan suffered break down..trying to recall,,what he really enjoyed doing,, trying to recall,his real talent, his real potential,,his Real Self. Sadly, it was Lost to him.
Again, Eloise killed off her son when she closed the key board cover to Dan,,as sure as when she pulled the trigger. Point being,,trying to scientifically explore and define the Infinite of the Imagination is an wasted effort, because of the totally unpredictable human element. This is the folly and waste of the DeGroots and their Dharma Iniative.. This is the folly of Madison Ave, of Politicians, of all Institutions that require new ideas to stay alive. Fascinating it is..that Corporations and most business alike..have legal claim on any employees " ideas" while under their employment. That the public accepts that concept of ownership is example of how much we are still under the influence of feudalistic tenants.
The snake eating itself also speaks of a conformity,,an endless repetition..the acceptance of that repetition. At some level, seems to me..Faraday, and his realized Human Variable, decides to break free of that endless repetition parameter, and of course, is liberated by death for doing so. I look forward to Eloise's end. No, she doesn't get to just jump in a cab and be driven away.
So the end of trying to understand the Island scientifically is apparent. A new clean slate,,blank piece of paper,,untouched canvas, virgin cmos, is manifested, and season 6 begins the work of filling it all in. I await the whole new perspective.
enjoying his coffee, indeed a good morning
@Just Thinking- please check your email!
@Rev, I know, it must have been a little irritating actually having to bring the variants to their attention... those guys are losing their touch (or maybe simply getting a life). And you're absolutely right, the rivalry is often pretty good humoured, it's like everywhere (except for here wonderfully), theres always a few that take it too far or do it with zero wit or panache.
Some over there are pretty damn quick and pretty damn funny. You won them over though and that's an absolute joy.
Just caught up on comments. Agree with most of what the others are saying about The Hatch. Overall, it is the one print that speaks to me on many different levels, more so at least than the ones I have (including The Crash, Smokey, RT, JC, and LOST). It most consistently pleases, especially in the right light. And don't be offended that I called you "others"...
@John-Paul - I paid $550 for the framed 1/1 Love Triangle.
@zort - after seeing that "Frozen Britain" photo, I can see why you had such a difficult time flying out of the country! Have fun in St. Pete Beach - that's one of my favorite weekend getaways. If you're looking for a good lunch spot, the Hurricane restaurant serves a delicious fried grouper sandwich.
Rev...I too look forward or maybe side ways,,to your daughter's 1/1 signed with finger paint, Lockes Secret as being next weeks Print of the Week. I am sure that there are enough over there who can spot real art when they see it.
honestly many of them are funny as hell, it is just when it goes from comedy to useless harassment where my sense of humor ends.
LOL Mel!
I am having to pick a different matte for the frame since she jazzed up the colors and vibrancy of the original print.
ReverendMilo said...
"honestly many of them are funny as hell, it is just when it goes from comedy to useless harassment where my sense of humor ends."
Fixed! ;-)
ChrisL, I just spit coffee all over my laptop!
nice one!
Rev..Yes..it is worthy of utmost care and attention for the sake of longevity. Availability for presentation upon her first boyfriends visit to household, has to be maintained. Thats what parents are for.
May Good Fortune bless the budding Artist
I am selling my (real, living, breathing) polar bear for $50. Pick up only. Bring proper protection.
Still morning on the west coast! Sipping MY coffee, MEL! And shivering at the pic of a frozen England! Stay warm in St. Pete, Mr & Mrs. Zort!
Chris- mailed you back. Want to put out and All Hail to you for funding the fan poster project and getting it going. Very generous and industrious of you.
If there is a 1/1 set of posters sold by G88- doesn't that mean there were 301 printed?
lol...I loved it, Rev. Like I said, tongue-in-cheek with those guys.
You rock. Seriously.
Amy, i know that i'm hurting your sensibility :D but this is a place where there are more fans reading than the thread of sales and trades at STV.
To resolve this thing a link somewhere in the main page should be enough.. Or just someone create an official LOSTARGs place where we can discuss trades :D
Don't you agree? :p
Just thinking, that's very kind but I merely jumped in on Rob Perrin's thought, Thorstens creativity and everyone else's excitement!
Annie, I was just joshing with you. I don't mind the trade/sale chatter at all. I may end up using it myself!
and Just Thinking, if you emailed me back I don't have it in either account!!
Very interesting thoughts on Faraday, Ben and Futureself. With Dan's repeated occupational exposure and all, his effects might be somewhat different than for those who only got the island exposure. And perhaps for him, what Miles said to Hurley about how their 1977 selves would not be remembered by their 2004 selves, etc., might not apply to Dan. He might not exactly remember due to his memory problems, but might sense it from his unique looping situation. ???
Fine :) However mine is a hint for someone in the "high place" to create something like this, or to link STV page :)
Maven/Martyn..and any else of the Destiny Calls persuasion..This post is just a confirmation (?) that promised email 21 days before advent of " the package" has been received by me. Hopefully, You Too!
See how i cleverly kept Hawaii out of the post?
I might be interested. Since I have got the shaft on everything except Hurleys numbers I am looking to buy another poster. (Even though the hatch is my fav piece theres no chance of ever owning it so I'v given up hope there any others i might be game)
throwfar, if you want you have my email :)
@MEL: Yep...got it! :) (Martyn did, too)
thank you, yes, error in addy. will forward correct to friend.
Ooops Chris- should be sent OK now.
Thanks Just Thinking. Got it!
Good points Capcom, and remember how Faraday banged on the back door of the hatch, sending Desmond to look for his mother, and how that new memory popped up in Desmonds timeline ;))
Yes, as Maven said Mel, got my email about that place we're going. ;)
is anyone on here coming along? May need comxguru to make some new lostargs name badges.
..Martyn..excellent idea there!! Comixguru's extension of the " Henry Gale" was sublime. It does need to go to the middle of the Pacific. Beauty!!
I had a deal to trade my Stout's LOST for the Crash, the deal just fell through. So if anyone else out there is interested, let me know. I have other prints I can throw in.
Looking for the following posters:
Dharma Van
The Message
Polar Bear
LOST Stout
Will purchase. Have a Swan to trade.
Email me at nealflesner@gmail.com
What poster is The Message, Neal?
Will - I am definitely interested in two of the prints you have! Please contact me as soon as you can: buddycuffs at gmail dot com
I think it's the rousseau transmission :)
LOL Martyn. I thought when the ID cards were first made they might be good in plastic ID holders rather than as stickers. I printed one out and put it in a holder I had. (So as to be there in spirit).
I need a couple of those....
So I guess people were getting their gallery purchases that quick. That's awesome!
charter, and that's to the UK!
I am really enjoying the Faraday discussions.
Mungonna your insights are really beautiful. Indeed the ‘Corporation’ in Faraday’s life is the combined force of his parents Eloise and Charles/Dharma and Widmore Industries, controlling his interests, his passions, his mind. Interestingly in the scene you mention - where Eloise stops young Faraday from doing what he enjoys (playing the piano) – she describes keeping him on the right path as her ‘job’. She has become an agent of time, ensuring things are cast correctly and props placed just so for the next scene. The usual expectations and hopes of a mother for their child are replaced with grief. Faraday has already died. And she is walking the green mile with a ghost. Young Faraday think he can make time…Eloise firmly rebukes that no, he can’t.
M.C. Eschers ‘Ascending and Descending’ lithograph shows the paradoxical impossible staircase with two lines of men both ascending and descending the steps leading them round in a circle (interestingly there are two figures in this image who sit out of this and simply observe who make me think of MIB and Jacob somewhat). The Ourobos, the human variable and the loophole appear to extend much further than just the Faraday paradox.
**I’m sorry for this slight digression -although it does kind of tie in - but this has reminded me of an advert in Scotland for McEwan’s lager in the mid-80’s that was terrifying. It featured zombie like figures, filmed in black and white laboring this very image, with the added horror of having to push giant stone balls up the never-ending steps. Drawing similarities to 1984, they are monitored 1984 style from a wall made up of tv screens. This wall of tv’s links to a normal bar in Scotland. A man is ordering a lager and the figures become aware of this. As he begins to sip from his lager they zombies break from their routine and team together to throw one of the giant balls into the screen, smashing into the bar and releasing them from their nightmare….jeez, I was about 8 years old when this was on Tv….look it up on YouTube…it’s bloody scary!**
Ding Dong - Fedex
Kirk Demarais The Linuses!!
Nice one Milo :D
here they are!
The Linuses
having it in hand I see some of the detail kirk went to to even frame the portrait in the envelope the way he wanted. He put each piece in the envelope and fixed their positions so that it appears to have shifted around like Roger tossed it in the back of the van after he went to pick it up from the studio.
It is soooo freaking cool!!!!
That's awesome Milo!!!
Congrats on the purchase Milo it looks great!
Heads up on a Lost special airing on ABC @ 4:30 in certain areas:
The half-hour special is on @5PM in Memphis, following Sharktank.
Excellent Rev!
Fascinating juxtaposition has gone down, perhaps ART made right here by the connectedness of us LOST Fans. Consider in its Magnificence..FutureSelf,,the discussion on Faraday..and the Liberating aspects advertised about a good Scottish lager's impact on his 8 year brain...and the brewski's influence on Ben's ole man,,who would toss the prints around so haphazardly..You just kno he had a few in him at the time.
The convergence of these two streams is ...the magnificence that Eloise denies her son.Time and Space have merged for one heck of a beauty.
thanks guys.
lol Mel ;)
Oh, oh, they just showed a bit of G1988 footage on the Lost special.
Milo, That is so cool. Congratulations. When we were following you that night we could tell how much you wanted it. So glad you got it.
Mel - the chances of a young Des seeing that ad are very strong! It may very well have been the spark for his ability to break through to other worlds ;)
That, plus Apples Ridley Scott 1984 ad, futureself!
Congrats Reverend Milo. Oh no, I saw your next pic with Locke's Secret. What happened to that?
Totally Thorsten! The McEwan's and Apple ad have a lot of similarities - but the Apple one came first ;)
Minor fingerpainting incident...major timeout - offers still accepted.
Future..consider..at any time..Eloise could have stopped what would happen,,from happening,,at any time..She never did..so afraid of stepping out of the box of Ourobos,,no real Love for her son.
Again..no Blazing Saddles end for her,," TAXI!!, drive me out of this picture!!" She needs at least a pie in the face first!!
@ Reverend Milo - Yikes! Better keep The Linuses away from her.
But 'she is helping' or so she tells Des. That scene in the church makes Des's journey (by boat...from the UK...to LA...how long would that have taken him?!) totally pointless. Eloise doesn't need the message from Faraday. Or is that the point?
But rewatching 'The Variable', the moment where Eloise tries to convince Daniel to take up Widmore's job offer, and he says 'will it make you proud of me?' is heartbreaking! Eloise is falling to bits under her hard exterior! Her actions are not out of having no love for her son.
..Actually the roll of booze in LOST sticks out like a red flag, like Shoes do when thought about it.
Am I correct in the perception that there was no booze in the Swan occupied by Dez? Perhaps the zombies did terrify him too!
Kinda funny how a lot of people said the 1/1 Locke was probably fake because they couldn't have gotten their purchase that quick and less than a day later, everyone has their purchases. You all underestimate Jensen's ability to package and send stuff at the speed of light.
@ futureself…
I looped back up the timeline now, from Lazarus Effect to Xmas Invasion, going the proper way… and will pick up bits and pieces on the way that explain the finale to me, hehe.
@charter... I think that's only because the delay between the groups of shipping the original posters was so big.
I imagine there probably was no booze in the Swan...considering as soon as Des escaped on the Elizabeth he got mighty drunk...and continued to do so for a period once back on the island.
But MacClutcheon's...hmmm I've had a few discussions in the past on it's wildly fluctuating cost, and have argued that we have already seen parallel universes and that the price of a MacClutcheon's is the gauge stick to which universe we are in ;)
I would say that Des got drunk because he couldn't leave the island. The boat went out on the wrong heading and he came back. I highly doubt he went onto that boat to escape and decided to get drunk while sailing. He saw himself coming back to the island and got toasted.
lol Thorsten...so it will take you a while to get to some truely great episodes...the last few episodes in season 3 and 4 are great ;) Enjoy!
Charter I totally agree...my comment was made somewhat in jest ;)
The Value of MacCutcheon
And Thorsten actually...
Favourite Dr. Who assistant. Always intrigued by peoples answers. I have to say Donna Noble for me, she was just amazing, and then Martha Jones, well, mainly just I have a crush on her.
mmmmm, martha!
Yes, same here Martyn ;))
I too agree Martyn! Midnight was a really interesting episode from the point of view of the first episode that the Doctor is without his assistant and his need for a sidekick. But I do like Rose too...
@MEL etc: There IS alcohol in the Hatch - both Inman and Des get smashed while trying to decide if they want to use the Failsafe. There is also a later view of Dharma merlot in Sawyer's stash, and a mention that Rose and Bernard have a bottle of wine.
Regarding Eloise and Faraday . . . what about Des' vision of the past after the Hatch blows up? That Eloise seems to know the future - but is he *really* in the past, or having a vision like one of the prophetic dreams certain characters get? I'm assuming it's one of the dreams - Eloise is probably not ACTUALLY Eloise - but in light of later time-skipping makes you wonder a bit how it fits in.
@Martyn: is this new series only? lol! Limits your choices a great deal, doesn't it?
Is what new series only?
..What is gained..what is further understood..what is expanded..about anything,,that exceeds the value of a human Life and all its inexplicable unknowns,,in Faradays arc? If he was the source of the Lampost Pendulum bit( implied by Eloise) as metaphor for predictability of the imagination,,,then it was clearly demonstrated that the donkey wheel could throw a monkey wrench in all of that.
Alls it ends up being is a Catch 22 for Eloise verifying her adamant stance on Destiny. She insists you can't change Destiny (Red Shoes),,then it is shown how she does Absolutely Everything and Nothing to make sure her POV is proven,,even sacrificing her Son to prove it. Now...THAT is Insanity! Not Love..I mean..right after Dan realizes that Human Variability bit..she ends his life..No more of that nonsense!! Destiny RULES!! What a sick...female dog.
There is great metaphor in her,,its just not likable and a bitter pill to swallow. There is no Love in " Destiny"..But.. if you are going to create a New Future, the only way to make it NEW,, is with Love, otherwise, you are repeating the past. Sorry.. getting into season 6 now..
Down to the last two posters: The Polar Bear ($150) and The 4 Toed Statue ($150). $275 shipped for the pair. vancurenw@gmail.com
Nice article Thorsten!
Here’s an (edited down!) version of some of the points I had on MacClutcheon’s over at the Dark’s theories at the end of June last year...
The Massively Fluctuating prices of MacClutcheons Whisky
Widmore belittles Des when he downs a finger of whisky in ‘Flashes Before your Eyes’, claiming that what he swallowed was worth more than Des would earn in a month. In another flash Des finds the same whisky in an average London pub. Then in ‘He’s Our You’ Sayid buys a glass and it cost $120. Unless the Whisky market in Lost world is going through it's own 10 year credit crisis I'd say this was probably evidence of some kind of Alternative timelines in operation.
In 'Flashes Before Your Eyes', it's a nice link for Des' back-story between them downing a bottle of it on the beach (stolen from Sawyers stash) and Des' feelings of inadequacy (one swallow costs more than he could earn in a month) which one could argue smoothed the path for Hawking when convincing Des not to ask Penny to marry him. In the same episode, after Des has split from Penny, Des goes to the pub and see a bottle of MacClutcheons behind the bar (same year and malt) clearly showing that the thing which was the catalyst of his inadequacy was most certainly within his price range (no bog-standard pub would carry such extortionately priced whisky - even if it was Sayid's $120 version). Now this in itself I don't have an issue with. Widmore of course appears to be lying about the price of the whisky and really just kicking Des when he's down. I suppose it was just really in 'He's Our You' there is a 'thing' made about the price of the glass of whisky that Sayid is drinking ($120).
However, of course there are wildly different prices in same brands of whiskey depending on their distillation/age/malt, all the varying whisky's presented in Lost have exactly the same label. No distiller would market a high priced bottle of whisky with the exactly the same labeling as their low priced one so I think it's safe to assume that each bottle of MacClutcheon's theoretically should cost around the same.
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