![]() The skateboard deck is being sold on the website www.timebombofresponsibility.com and can also still be purchased there. | |
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1. What is the name of the mental institution Hurley is put in ?
2. Who played Kate's, off island, Husband ?
3. What does charlie write on his knuckles in season 1 ?
4. When Desmond turns the key at the end of season 2, what year does he end up in ?
5. Which episode are Charles and Penelope Widmore first seen in ?
Thanks to Ben for the questions.
Submit your answers by clicking here and entering the information into the entry form. This same form will be used for each prize. Make sure you choose PRIZE 2 from the selection drop down.
Entries for this prize must be submitted by 6th January 2010

Click Here to view the Terms and Conditions on the first prize draw post
first! Good questions from Ben.
There is also one of my own devising in there.
I found it while researching the answers.
Zort, i'm confused by one of the questions. Do you definitely mean Kate's BOYFRIEND, because she got married as well and stuff and my brain hurts.
Nevermind, I put both in my answer
yeah - that confused me also...
i put only her husband
ok, I'm up now and can get my answers in. Got to have something to do while I figure out what to do about the no heat in the house issue and it's -10 out side. it's always fun to wake up to freezing temps in the house. burrrrrr
My guess is the bf question is a trick question.
@TomRex, That is a great collection. I hope somehow you manage to hang on to it.
@ Just Thinking, thanks for the list of artist contacts.
Morning all.
Martyn, I came up with three choices for the BF of kate. lol
Lisa, I got 4!!
lol Chris
I'll have to check with Ben as to which one he was thinking of !
Zort, why don't we enter both candidates for question 2 and let you sort it out later ;))
Now I will go back rolling my dice made of bones!
I'm assuming OFF Island refers to after having been ON the island. In which case there can only be one answer.
I've altered the question slightly to try and clear it up, based on Ben's original submission.
All the answers so far will still count.
:) email
Morning All!
abstaining from this quiz as I have the shirt and I a dont want to steal the opportunity from others.
great questions though!
@ATeamBlog I wish now that I had purchased a larger print of Progress, but hindsight and all that.....
The card stock weight I ordered is fine since the paper detail is lost once framed and behind glass.
Lisa-I know about no heat from ice storm days- hope you at least have the woodstove?
we do Just Thinking but it needs repair and since I grew up in California, I have this huge fear of fire so I won't let my bf use it till the chimney is fixed lol The oil man came and I thought we were out, it only took half a tank. I primed it and it's working again. wheeew Too cold for no heat. Last years ice storm left us without power for 8 days. NH was hit hard. My sister was out 10 days.
Martyn, did you buy that painting in your profile photo ? That was one of my favorites !
Great questions. I'm skipping this one, too... my boyfriend is going to kill me if we win any more "stuff"
And by that, I mean LOST stuff. :)
Yes Amy,,besides,,when the great grandchildren inherit all the " stuff" the first thing they will say is..." Whats a TV?? "
soooo.... I meant her off island husband based on the flashbacks. An answer was provided, so if he was a boyfriend, not husband, I apologise - my brain isn't what it once was.
In other news, as I'm 6'4'', I'm rather hoping I don't win this one... the shirt will be way too small, and Ben Don't Skateboard! Glad the Q's are causing people to dig around though.
I find the " I luv my Shih Tzu " statement, no matter were applied, so humorous, so double entendre, THEN, to further the dark humor,,Hurley buys the T and denies being himself while purchasing it. The irony is surreal at its best and who ever thought it up at Lost Central deserves the Golden Shih Tzu Award.
I gave the T away as a Christmas gift.
I used my Shih-Tzu shirt as a sail for my poster tube raft.
Aalone,,I'm looking at my pool rite now,,your idea strikes me as doable. Its just,,the shark,,how would i ever brand a shark with the Dharma logo? They don't ever stand still you know.
MEL-a flaming arrow brand?
This is BS:
It is somebody here. Who? After everybody getting all upset about flipping and this happens. Hypocrites.
Aalone..Yes of course! I've often thought about that tho..i mean,,arrows by themselves would have done their deed well enough. Frogurt impaled is still a dead frog. So why the flambou? Oh! here i come! See me arching straight at you!..Like,, how much more terrifying it would have been without the flames. But,,then again, it was a great visual. And the end of Frogurts yammering was timely. So, I take the hint.
MEL - lol I didn't mean that as a hint. It was the only way I could think of branding shark at a safe distance. Plus it is a great visual.
alteri..There is history to that. Suggest a review of about the last week or so of posts. You may be brought to an understanding of the sale not the BS you are first brought to. Maybe not.
I, too, am passing on this since I'm a proud owner of a Hurley tee that I got by myself when I was at the reveal...so it has a lot of meaning for me! :) Nice questions, though!
Just Thinking
From previous post. You're welcome for the "old trick".
Now to catch up on the posts.
..If you will, allow me to pontificate. Now that the ARG of the Lost Underground Art Project has run its course, in its original context/ parameters any way; yes a few details still to be sewn up, but essentially as organized and executed, its over. True,,the residuals and consequences still ripple out, which is great..but in all reality, seems to me, " We" the folks so wrapped up in this LFA, so involved with the spirit of it..making the spirit of it..we have to resign ourselves to the freedom of, whats next. We have to realize everyones " whats next" isn't according to the parameters of rainbows, cotton candy and lollipops. We have to resign ourselves to the sad sorrow of any..having to part from a collection or even one 16th of it. Its inevitable, such is the possibilities of " whats next".
What we expended ourselves, hurts in seeing, knowing another , for what ever reason or circumstances, giving up as cost.
The Prints..individually or as a whole,,are now cast into the whats next. Perhaps a book, a novel,,awaits in all their tales. But such a book, would be incomplete if it didn't cover all the human possibilities. So, I am resigned to the fact , that not everything that happens to a print or a whole collection is desirable. But the path of either is still Magnificent to behold.
Like flaming arrows!
Thats pretty darn good JT! Quite the appropriate " Amen" to the sermonette!
Wow. Fortythousand bucks.
I just watched the Doctor Who finale. I know next to nothing about the franchise, so it was fun. And like any good TT story, I started at the end. I enjoyed seeing the Doctor saving/meeting all these old friends/companions without knowing a thing about it.
Felt more like Lost that way ;))
Fortythousand bucks?
yeah, I'm not entering the comps if I don't really want the prizes - I'd rather they went to people that wanted them! And I think there's some amazing ones coming up...
And I think January 3, 2010 looks like scifi…
4 Reasons Lost is the New Star Wars
Fortythousand is the kind of price a person sets when they really don't want to have to sell their stuff imho.
Ahh, Chris, now that you brought that up, do you still want my mint Newton 120 in Original Packaging?
I think he set the price of what his family needs, not what he expects. I think Tom is looking for offers not the buy it now price.
I personally think Tom may do better selling the pieces individually or in sub-sets as I am not sure what the market of interested parties that dont already own partial sets is. But I think he disclosed he works for ebay and probably plans to relist later within a price range that better fits the offers he may have received already.
I know the history and I call BS. The person has an ebay store that sells movie posters set up. The plan from the beginning was to sell them. Damn shame they got so many #1 orders too.
No, I didn't buy it, I was hoping it wouldn't sell long enough for me to win the lottery and buy it. But now that dream is over, guess my profile picture must change.
Let the scouring of the internet begin!
You got a letter from Aloha Travel? Did it have a detailed itinerary, like times and everything and did it say we are guaranteed a table at the actual premiere?
Ahhh, Thorsten, I was in the loft today gazing at that very thing, MIB with full range of accessories! ($12.50 on ebay right now with 36 mins to go) that was an investment in beauty only! Sitting next to it is my MIB eMate 300. Simply gorgeous technology.
40K..??...it does bring to mind..a need, perhaps but a want, for the "Institutionalizing" of this thing that has become " Lost"..i mean a Museum,run by a not for profit philanthropic organization that collects and displays all things " LOST"....It would take such potentially deep pockets to acquire TomR's notable collection..Maybe there is an empty building at the end of one of LAX'es runways that could be donated?
Rev, that sounds like a sensible plan.
alteridiom, that's quite an assumption on your part.
Just entered the comp. Great questions :)
Nice article Thorsten! Indeed there are a lot of similarities.
You're going to have to work you're way back through all the Doctor Who's (and Torchwood) now you've broken the timelock ;)
Alteridiom sounds like an EB trying to cause trouble.
It sounds a lot like something Pewter14 posted over there, so I am guessing it is an EB reader.
I guess he is not aware that Tom has been participating since pretty much day one and we all have been aware of his Lost interest longer than this petty EB boredom induced strife.
Tom came in here and explained his situation.
This is behavior I would not expect from a flipper, alteridiom. Why should he lie in this forum. I don't call it BS, and go with Milos assumption.
Good Luck, again, to Tom. I hope he'll get what he needs for his collection.
Loved the eMate, Chris!
Cheers, Captain. Will watch the whole Whoverse from the perspective of the Master now ;))
If TomRex is selling separately, still, i doubt it'll be at a cheap price. I want Walt's Kidnapping but I know I won't get it because the price for it is too high for me. Completely forgot where I was going with this point, ignore me.
TomRex, really hope you aren't heavily relying on this as the main source of income for what ever problems you have at home, and I hope it all works out for you so you can keep that splendid set!
Alteri...No matter what the situation,,the fact that they are on Ebay, is sad...for what ever reason.
Martyn..No..I had not received any thing in email as Bruce said I should. So,, i called him, corrected the email address, and soon had the 1st letter he promised. Its basically the general package, with all the legal disclaimers. Somewhere around the 8th..we should receive or have received an itinerary zeroed in on specificity. Sorry,,not letting Damon off the hook yet..anyway.. he did mention to me the idea of putting together chairs and tables for the Destiny Calls folks at the beach premier. Nothing in writing tho. Heck..a bottle of wine, some munchies and a fold out chair is all I need. WAAHOO! Looking forward to seeing you there.
Alteridiom - sorry but you are just 100% wrong.
I've been selling movie mylars (which is my common internet handle) since 1997. I haven't actually sold them in any regularity for 2 or 3 years now. It has nothing to do with Lost at all. As an eBay employee, one of the perks I get is a free eBay store. As you could see by the broken links, it's been out of use for a while now.
Do I expect to get $40k? Absolutely not. I considered running a regular auction, but I didn't want to have to deal with people bidding to reveal my reserve and other such tactics. Again, as an eBay employee, I have to be careful and selective how I run things like this.
I wish more than anything that I could keep this set, but it doesn't seem possible. Of course I am trying to raise funds in other manners and hopefully will be successful. I've found myself in an amazing community and even posted here when it looked like I may have to put them up. I wanted to make sure that my friends here knew my intentions.
I am hoping to draw a reasonable offer for what I believe to be an amazing set. There are very few sets out there and even less (am I the only) with the DCAAPB print. There really is nothing quite like it out there. I hope to one day collect the set again if I do have to sell.
Bleh - I really don't feel like explaining much more. This is hard enough as it is to have my motives questioned. If you don't like it please just move along.
TomRex, you explain more than anyone could reasonably ask. It is an awesome set. Once again, good luck and I hope something else comes up to prevent you needing it's sale.
Thank you for the clarification. I hope that with the guesses at explanations made by me showed that your intent was understood.
The motivation question seems to be coming from EB purely to cause strife and your frustration, please dont let it bother you and know that we are here to support you as best we can through your rough patch.
Thank you Tom for the explanation. Case closed, matter settled. Good luck for the auction.
In case you missed it, I will be flipping my Locke soon
Out of interest, i'm only interested in buying walt's kidnapping or the DCAAPB print (but there's no chance of me trying for it, too rare for my blood), can we make offers for individual prints or does it have to be for the entire set?
Yeah, was seeing if you got anything extra with your letter. Looks like I have to wait until around 21 days before we go to whet my appetite for more information and more confirmation. Going to try and pack SOOOO much in to the few days we're there, it's unreal. Mainly buying souvenirs for relatives, taking a surfing lesson (when in Hawaii) and taking a trek up to the Diamond Head. All that can be done Friday for me, as the meal on the Friday is at 6:30pm I was told a while back. But yeah, Hawaii is going to be one hell of a winter holiday for me.
Looking forward to meeting you and MAven there, will be like meeting celebrities of sorts!
Sorry I'm being quiet at the moment, I'm just preparing for our holiday.
Florida here we come.
Yay! Nice one Zort!
Florida, yes- hope you have a good time in warm sun. Have to say though that the end of day snow falling outside and Norah Jones playing right this minute is just beautiful.
Nice one Zort, I love Florida, aside form Islands of Adventure. Have a good one, will certainly outweigh staying in this crummy weather! De-iced my car three times today!
@MEL & @Martyn: Just got the disclaimer email (you have to electronically sign) and the basic rundown with your flight info. I know Bruce said they were working on someone securing a plot on the beach for our group. I, too, hope there are chairs involved! I guess the next email will have the Etickets to print for the flight.
@TomRex: I think you've been upfront since day one. Sorry you have to go through this.
Just had a quick chat with Lin on their online chat function to make sure they received my flight schedule as I had to book my own flights, pretty sure i've bugged the hell out of her tbh with questions. Like you said Maven, Bruce is currently working on the beach thing and we should have an e-mail sometime next week with all the information we need in it so it's just a case of being patient now for a week, which isn't possible, I want to go now!!!
Oahu is fantastic. The North Shore is amazing and not very crowded. I entered the sweepstakes so who knows. Maybe I'll be lucky, for once. If you're loking for a good place to watch the sunset and have an umbrella drink try Jameson's on the North Shore. The porch looks right out over the beach. It's paradise.
I had also asked Tom about splitting up the collection. I am sure he will let us know if he decides to. He has been here since the beginning and I believe it must have been a difficult decision to sell it.
Hey zort
What part of Florida? Have a good holiday.
Totally Eugene, it'd have to be something truly serious for me to part with any of my prints but seeing as two of them are dry mounted, it's a pretty easy way for me to keep them. :) But even if I didn't, it'd be a last resort, so I totally sympathise and hope all works well for him as it must be something drastic for him.
@Tom, sorry to hear that you're selling the set. I think the only thing that I'd do differently is to NOT sell it as a set. At this late point in the game, it seems very unlikely that someone with a large sum of money and an interest in LOST would not have ANY prints, and so, wouldn't really be interested in buying the whole set. You'd be far better off separating the stuff into individual auctions. I know that I'd be willing to offer a fair amount for the jumpsuit, but have no real desire for the prints (other than the Hatch), because I have the ones I want.
Zort, I hope you get some nice warm weather. Enjoy your vacation!
Zort, bring a jacket if you're going to be in the Orlando area! They're running between the mid 30s and low 50s all week. BRRR.
Best of luck Tom.
Bon voyage Zort!
Boy- that's cold for Florida. Went there once with the kids and we rented a convertible and drove it with the top down in February. Folks there thought we were nuts I guess- but the weather didn't seem bad to us Northerners.
Great questions!. Im answering them all, just tick 'No' for the T&C's and you wont get entered for the swag - thats what Im doing! An XS T wouldnt cover much o me!
We are flying in to Orlando and then heding off to the coast just down from Tampa.
You may have noticed that we have employed some extra strong arm muscle as new admins to deal with any miscreants.
Yes! This is Mother Hen speaking! Everyone will be on their best behavior while "Dad" is gone! :)
Tuesday is new Lost Parody shirt on TeeFury this week
Beat me to it rev milo!!!
Oh, exciting. I love TeeFury. Just the right price, and they don't run out of shirts!
What Amy Lynn said. :)
Ok, so not really the place for this but I'm still psyched about Doctor Who so thought I'd publish a list of notable and must see episodes since the 2005 Russell T Davis revamp of the show:
The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances (double episode - where Captain Jack Harkness is first introduced)
Parting of the Ways
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen & Age of Steel (double episode)
Army of Ghosts & Doomsday (double episode)
Human Nature & The Family of Blood (double episode)
The Sound of the Drums & The Last of the Time Lords (double episode)
Silence in the Library & The Forest of the Dead (double episode)
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth and Journey's End (double episode)
and of course...
The End of Time (Part 1 and 2).
Despite the excitement and drama of the big enders, my absolute favourite episodes are the smaller ones (2 of which were written by Stephen Moffat, the man who is taking over the helm of the new doctor next year). If you can't see all the above, the top must see episodes IMO are:
The Girl in the Fireplace
Human Nature & The Family of Blood
Turn Left
And I'll try not to even get started on Torchwood ;)
I am a huge fan of Jim MacLeod's work. He just posted the Mad Men poster that he has been working on and it is stunning. I think I love it even more than the LOST poster he did.
@Andalone... that is extra awesome. I really wish I had the wallspace for it.
Wow! I've only ever watch a couple of episodes of Mad Men but it's a really beautiful print.
How about we set up a lostargs meet-up in Tampa or Orlando? Maybe on a Friday or Saturday? If it's in Tampa, I can suggest a few good places...
Sounds wonderful zort. My brother lives in Jacksonville and my sister in law use to live in St. Petersburg. She moved to Denver. brrr. :)
I saw that Mad Men print, too. Great job, but no wall space left.
Jim said he doesn't have plans to print the Mad Men poster, but I just wanted everyone to see it anyway. I get so excited about things I like, I can't contain myself.
Just a random corporate shout out... ABC's Dharma hoodies are REALLY warm.
Zort!..Heres to everything going well during your vacation! Cheers!Just one suggestion.. No black socks with sandals at the beach, okay!?
Rev..once again your wit slays!
..i have not watched any of Mad Men..but that line in the poster.." They can't do what we do, and they hate us for it"..well, that bit of dark insanity has an allure. Something like " The Devil Wears Prada" came to TV?
MEL, you should catch up with Mad Men through Netflix or what not. It's great.
@zort - I'm in Orlando, would love to meet you! I am at your service . . . just let me know if you need anything while you're here.
prbishop at bellsouth dot net
hhmmm..Amy, after reading up on the show, btw of google..seems i've already seen it for real, with the recent carrying ons of leaders of the corp i work for..Perhaps a TV show is in order,,i kno!..call it Fly Boys!!
It really is excellent, MEL!
Does anyone know of a good freeware screen capture programme? One that allows saving as jpeg,png etc, rather than just the old screenshot capture.
Things have been too crazy busy for me of late to post much, but I'll delurk here a bit to say :
- @Milo - Sorry you feel the need to continue vilifying all EB'ers. Being curious at first, regarding TomRex's auction, isnt tantamount to stirring up trouble. Can you remember back to the earlier frames, when people were suspicious here, regarding the backdoor he discovered to become first purchaser more than once, early on? I can. It wasnt EB'ers 'stirring things up' back then- just people here wondering, understandably. Same as now. He addressed that then, and this situation, now. Good luck to him. Personally, I doubt very much he would have that DCaaPB print if he wasn't a real fan of LOST, with genuine interest in the posters.
On a lighter note, I think I understand his approach to (attempting to) sell everything at once - maybe there is someone with very deep pockets who only recently heard about the series,and therefore doesnt already have several of the posters. More than likely though, I'd agree that selling in smaller sets or lots would bring him more interest, as has been mentioned earlier.
-really enjoying and looking forward to the trivia giveaways thus far. Great questions!
- I've been frustrated at every turn since the Gallery1988 opening night, arranging to have someone stop in and pick me up a Locke t-shirt. Isn't it enough to be denied Olly's poster? Now the shirt too?! Maddening! Speaking of maddening...
-Mad Men really is great. Highly recommended.
Kiwilostie: don't everyone laugh at once, but I've been using the freeware version (i.e. older and unsupported version) of Printkey2000 for a long time. It's a very easy, pretty decent, and versatile capture program, and you can do some neat things with it. You can get it off the web with a search, but I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending any specific site since I don't know how safe they are. I might be able to email it to you though, I've done that before a few years ago. If you want the newer version for $19.95, you might go here: http://www.warecentral.com/, but I can't vouch for that site either. Maybe someone else can who's used it, or recognizes it?
On the other hand, if you've been using Printkey already and are looking for something more sophisticated....nevermind. :o)
Thanks Cap! I will check it out - plenty of sites still have it. Ive used Screenhunter which is a great programme, albeit large, but it wont save in PNG, which I would like now.
Thx again!
sorry if you feel I am vilifying EB'ers
I do not dislike "all eb'ers" or blame all the discontent on eb. I for the most part like EB and the people there, just not the ones that continue to pointlessly harass us here.
I was pointing to the fact that the comment was made just a few minutes after almost the very same thing was posted by pewter14 on EB.
If you feel a need to express your disappointment with me pointing to that fact, maybe take a moment to have express your disappointment with eb'ers that continue to vilify myself and other losties in the EB forum thread, creating impersonator accounts, posting rude comments to my domain, and so on -
despite the fact that we are instigating nothing.
Or am I imagining all of that?
Hi Milo - Thanks for your clarification - it's good to hear. And believe me I see where you're coming from.
I didnt realize you were drawing a connection with a post over on EB. Myself, I really do find the auction in question legitimately interesting.I didnt mean to single you out either - I addressed you because we have had good chats in the past. I'm not as familiar with some of the post-ers on EB.
No, you're definitely not imagining it all. A lot of the time there is interesting dialogue over there , and sometimes...well, it digresses. I just try to filter it out and keep things grounded, wherever I post. I will say that there have been instigators that show up there too though,and it's as annoying/distracting(to me at least) as when I see that here.
And that impersonator account thing was/is ridiculous, and from what I read, many on EB think so too.
Anyway, all this aside , Happy New Year Milo! Sorry , I should have began with that greeting.
Sorry if the gut reaction was a little harsh. But having you take the time to defend EB about the "curiosity" while having posted nothing of the explanation of the query to EB, got under my skin.
I'm sorry if a few bad seeds at EB have myself and others on edge about EB and the intent behind such things, but unless the good seeds at EB do something about the bad seeds, then you cannot get upset when EB's name gets take in vain.
Like PETA, Greenpeace, Christians, Muslims, Boy Scout Masters, the Teabaggers, Liberals, or any group or organization, the way people interpret the whole of the group can end up being based on a just a few individuals.
Damn motorcyle drivers making all that racket woke the baby (oh wait it is just the ones that have loud pipes that are causing the trouble).
LOL midday, looks like you posted as I posted.
hopefully I got less offensive, (oops nope, but at least I edited out the bit about the KKK and the RNC, 'doh)
happy new year to you too!
damn it, forgot bassmaster's
Didn't Charlie write two things on his fingers in Season 1? He wrote one thing and then changed it I believe. So, the question is a bit vague.
Oh, maybe the new Printkey saves in png Kiwi, the old one doesn't, but I don't even know what that is so maybe it does, haha. :-B
If anyone's interested, TeeFury posted their sneak peak for this week's first parody shirt:
The Star Trek T is up at T Fury...
lol Milo, yup I'm all about the whole "all it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing..." philosophy, so I hear ya. Truth is I havent fully caught up with the EB posts today (first stop was here ;) ) - I will chime in or quote TomRex there if I see the full story is not represented.
I'll be bahck... Cheers!
Morning. -4 here this morning so we've an idea what you East Coasters have been going through! Florida is sounding really good today Zort. Back to the office after a 2 week break... harsh.
Interesting posts overnight. Midday, very nice to see you representing the good guys. Exciting T Shirts coming up at TeeFury I see, thanks for that heads up.
And a huge whoot whoot YAY! for the new Admins. I feel safe!
Morning everyone, freezing cold up north too chrisl. Had to put 5 layers on to cycle to the station.
Hope all is well with everyone and we're all nicely anticipating tomorrows lost teefury shirt. They obviously realised there was a high demand for it after the polar beer shirt.
The first winner has been announced.
Morning Zort, very kewl. congrats to the winner ( I won't spoil it and make you go look) lol Can I got to Florida with you Zort ? I'm tired of the cold !!!
Welcome to 2010 friends, neighbors, and countrymen (and women)!
@Ellen B, @trialattorneys, and to anyone else who bought original Lost art from the gallery, I've been interested in hearing what drew you towards the particular piece(s) you decided to purchase? You folks must be so excited to get those! But I haven't heard much about how you picked. Would love to hear your stories, Ellen!
And have you received your art already?
Zort, YAY for Florida! First time in the US? Should be a really nice trip, have fun!
Cosmically Yours
Just received my DI Kit from Amazon US. 5 Weeks to arrive but worth it. Fantastic. No Sub patch though sadly.
KI, I bought an original piece. I had to base it on what was affordable firstly and then what appealed the most. If cost had not been prohibitive I would have definitely gone with Jeremy Asher Lynch, "Ellie Is Lost With The Others". I think it's a stunning piece of art (as are many of them). As it was, I went for the one remaining piece that I could afford and that appealed to me which was one of the LOST Showdowns (Rousseau Vs The Baby). The more I looked at these the more they made me chuckle and actually said so much about the show it's key moments. A really great series of illustrations I think.
No, haven't received it yet.
Chris, the Lynch piece is brilliant. It's still for sale as well...if I win the lottery this weekend it will be mine ;)
I too bought an original, the Linus'. Kirk Demarais seems to share my humor and taste, I already had his Johnsons family portrait, and I'm trying to get the gumption to track down a torences.
No sign of the original or my Stout yet.
Midday, thanks for being a stand up guy.
I also saw electrachrome post. Also thanks to you for stepping in.
However electrachrome, I have to say, I wish you would take the time to read the 30 pages you skipped and consider removing some posts that served no purpose other than hate. While you took your 3 weeks off from that thread, we were subject to shills and trolls(that admit it on EB) to Zort had to get some more mods for here, and although you escaped during the holiday, several of our people holidays were tainted, and some harassed to the point of pure exhaustion. So please take the time to read what you are choosing to ignore and decide if you want to assist midday in painting a better portrait of EB than is currently hanging in the gallery.
Futureself, I'm trying to avoid thinking about the fact that it's still available... It's calling to me! Talking of the lottery, I have a ticket from last week somewhere...
Rev, I love The Linus's, I'd have jumped on that had you not got in there first!
Definite props to Midday who's stepped up big time in an effort to put things right. And to you Milo for making a constructive and coherent series of points.
@KI - I wasn't able to attend the G1988, so I decided to spend what I would have spent on the trip and buy some of the art.
I purchased three pieces. I got a framed 1/300 of the "Love Triangle," mainly because I don't have it and wanted it! I also purchased a Taweret statue (the red and black one by artist KaNo) and the mixed media piece with Kate and the toy airplane. I chose these two pieces because they are whimsical and fun (and will be a constant reminder of my favorite show ever!).
Still haven't received them yet, but I will post photos as soon as I do.
Wow LostiePat, congrats on those. I came to like the "Freckles" piece a lot after initially being uncertain. I'm guessing it's going to be a beauty in person. And the KaNo Taweret is stunning too. Actually there are still some incredible Tawerets unsold...
I have been fighting the urge to buy the GI Pharaoh since day the day it went in the gallery. That thing is balls cool.
And admittedly the Linus' had to be the insane bargain of the show. It was one of the least expensive pieces. As soon as I saw it from across the room, I think I screamed "A Demarais!!" and fought my way through the crowd to see it, then fought my way to the counter to get it.
I have been pining for it since.
@ Amy Lynn - work won't let me connect to the preview for tomorrow's teefury ode to Lost - could you describe it if you get a chance? Thanks!
Kelly, if you look at teefury.com, today's is up now. Tomorrow's preview won't go up till about 10 tonight.
Would really appreciate someone posting here when it's up at TeeFury, I may need a nudge to remind me I've so much going on tomorrow morning.
@AL - sounds good, thanks! So glad we have 24 hours and a guarantee to get it!!!
Morning all! Congrats to the First Prize winner!
Can't wait to see pics of the Lost art pieces that I saw in person in some of our LostArg's homes! So happy people got things they really liked!
Interesting fact: I flip flopped and decided to enter...
I gather that Jorge is visiting his girlfriend's family in Wisconsin and is experiencing snow for the first time. His latest post is his attempt to built a snowman, but he ends up building a....Polar Bear! LOL
Dear lord, Jorge is awesome.
Congrats to the winner. :-)
Mel, you might find an artistic observation that I posted about a certain Lost poster amusing. link
The Barracks
And that's the one I'm talking about too. ;-)
I suggest everyone who doesn't have it and can manage the cash tries for The Barracks. Honestly, in person, it's awesome!
I know this is the anti-EB way of doing things - release info is sometimes held close to the chest there.
Methane Studios put this on facebook/twitter this morning:
And don't go crazy, although they say "NEW" the accompanying photo is good ol' Dharma Van (or whatever they chose to truly call it).
Cosmically Yours
We should make a schedule of these.... so tomorrow:
ALL DAY: TeeFury parody shirt
1pm: Nate Duval (via Etsy)
3pm: Methane Studios
...and to piggy-back on The Barracks information, if anyone is interested in picking up Hurleys Curse/The Numbers, you should head to http://www.nakatomiinc.com/mailingList.php and sign up for the mailing list. Like right now. Don't delay. Seriously. Nakatomi is great and they really do awesome stuff for people on the mailing list beyond selling the LOST print.
I see everyone beat me to "The Barracks" info. Good idea, AmyLynn: trying to keep track of everything can be overwhelming!
Thanks Kharma! I love the Dharma Van and will definitely be looking for it tomorrow :)
So what's the plan with these now? Are we all going to try for them in order to ensure those that want them get them?
Sign up right now. Like 'in the next five minutes' right now. Or you may lose out.
Thanks for all the comments regarding your original art purchases, it's an interesting discussion. Anybody else who has purchased, please keep them coming. It's great talking about the art.
@Milo, I was hoping you got the Demarais, I think I heard your scream on your video stream. You're right, it was by far the best deal there!
@lostiepat, that was a great choice getting Freckles. I prefer sculpture so the scupltural aspects of that really appealed to me. The paint on Kate's clothing looks *so* good. That is probably one of the top three deals there. And the Tawaret and a 1/1! You are (were?) rolling in the dough! :)
@ChrisL, those little guys sure were popular. I think they are all sold now. The artist made a bunch by pricing them each at a semi-affordable level. I could see why you went for one! And you're right, there are a couple of interesting looking Tawaret's that still may be available.
Now that the gallery is getting ready to open back up for the He-man show, I suppose they'll start shipping and you all's artwork should start showing up. Very excited for you, can't wait to see and hear more about them!
Cosmically Yours
I keep forgetting to mention this but at 1:17 in this video is my buddy Jennings, who was my housemate for my senior year of college
just something I keep forgetting to mention.
yes, I am friends with the naked guy.
Totally unrelated, but thought you all would enjoy this press release that's going out today:
“Living in the Bonus Round 2010,” a "Pay What You Can" benefit concert
at Theater at St. Clement's Jan. 13, 7:00 PM featuring Steve
Schalchlin, Jim Brochu plus reunion of the cast members of cult
musical, "The Last Session” to benefit
food pantry and free vet clinic.
On Wednesday, January 13, at 7pm, the Theater at St. Clement's will
present "Living in the Bonus Round 2010," a "pay what you can" benefit
concert featuring featuring GLAAD and L.A. Ovation award-winning
off-Broadway composer/lyricist Steve Schalchlin (Shack-lin) and
friends, including playwright/actor Jim Brochu (currently appearing
off-Broadway in "Zero Hour"), plus original cast members of their cult
off-Broadway hit, "The Last Session," Stephen Bienskie, Amy Coleman
and Michele Mais (currently appearing in "Rock of Ages"), along with
singers Jennifer Wren and John Fitzgerald plus unannounced guest
The concert will benefit the St. Clement’s weekly food pantry and
monthly free vet clinic for low income families in the Hell’s Kitchen
area. (Pets are allowed at the concert.)
“Living in the Bonus Round 2010” will feature Steve Schalchlin at the
piano, along with special guests, performing songs from Schalchlin &
Brochu’s critically acclaimed musicals, “The Last Session,” “The Big
Voice, God or Merman?” and the upcoming “Manhattan Clam Chowder, along
with songs from Schalchlin’s song cycle for peace, “New World Waking.”
Songs from “The Last Session” (nominated for Best Musical by both the
NY Drama League and NY Outer Critics Circle) include “Going It Alone”
sung by Mr. Bienskie, “Somebody’s Friend,” by Ms. Coleman and “The
Preacher and the Nurse” with Ms. Mais and Mr. Schalchlin, and all
joining together on “When You Care.”
From “The Big Voice: God or Merman?” (called by the New York Times “a
hilarious and enthralling evening of musical theater”), the song “How
Do You Fall Back In Love?” with Mr. Brochu and Mr. Schalchlin.
“New World Waking, A Song Cycle Inspired by John Lennon’s Piano,”
debuted in 2009 at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco by the San
Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, and featured Tony and Grammy award winning
vocalist Jennifer Holliday, with text written by Mr. Schalchlin read
by Academy Award nominated actress, Piper Laurie. Songs include
"Lazarus Come Out" the rousing gospel anthem "My Rising Up" and the
holiday-themed hymn "My Thanksgiving Prayer," which Mr. Schalchlin
will sing with John Fitzgerald.
Also on the program, are selections from Schalchlin/Brochu’s new
musical, “Manhattan Clam Chowder,” which features lyrics by newcomer
Amy Lynn Shapiro, a recipient of the 2008 BMI Foundation Jerry
Harrington Award for Creative Excellence, and who is a lyric-writing
protégé of Mr. Schalchlin. In particular, "Nobody Leaves New York"
sung by popular NY singer and actress Jennifer Wren.
Milkcan, do you think we should sign up to nakatomiinc now or should we wait a little while? ;-)
@ ChrisL,
Ha! Yeah, I'm trying to stress a point about time and quickness. Not sure when it is going to happen, but I'm pretty sure Hurleys Curse is going to be offered before any of the other posters. Tim is handling it via the mailing list only, and I don't want to see anyone miss out.
Plus, the mailing list is awesome.
Or now, how about now ? Now ???
(my son and I say that all the time when I ask him to do something or vice versa) Ok, maybe now... Or now, naawww I think I will wait. Ok how about now ?
To those waiting for Hurley's Curse, not yet. Just received:
"So, if you want 'em, and you're already on the mailing list, you're good. Sometime (maybe even today, eh? Around Midnight or so? EH?), we'll send out an email to everyone on this list with payment instructions."
Nakatomi email was a bust. The real email isn't going out until midnight.
That's awesome, Amy.
Nakatomi just announced that the sale might happen tonight…
@ AmyLynn, email may of been 'a bust', but now you are on the mailing list and know you know (generally) the time. And knowing is half the battle.
Amy Lynn, can you reprint your lyrics, or point us to them? I'm a former NYer. Congratulations!
Looks like the rules are no artist print sales until (midnight) Tuesday Jan 5 - three racked up so far for tomorrow.
Cosmically Yours
How crazy would it be for tomorrow's teefury Lost design to be one of the 16?
@TKI, I don't have a website with them up yet. Soon.
So now we have
12AM - The Numbers (via mailing list)
3PM - The Barracks (via Nate Duval's Etsy)
5PM Dharma Van (via Methane Studios)
I just found this:
All 16 prints currently at $5,000
Typically they just wait for Zort leaving to Florida to start the excitement again ;))
Does anyone know what Zort has/wants/needs?
Just when I think I'm out, they suck me back in.
Amy Lynn, I think the only one was Rousseau, but not sure.
Can't wait to read your lyrics!
And did you change the sale times in your recap to throw some people off? :) You have them two hours later now.
Thorsten, it looks like hefty was just informing of a new auction. It's not tomrex's.
Um, er, yeah, um, that was for Mountain Time people. Heh.
KI, I was just referring to Tysons habit of coming up with clues while Zort Zort walked the dog…
Fantastic, sale time! Dread to think what will happen if the crash or lockes secret go on sale tomorrow. Me? Walt's kidnapping but I don't think it'll happen somehow. May try and buy something though, I have an addiction to posters now, thanks lost!!!
Uh, the doublezort. Thats what I get for watching Doctor Who all day long ;))
Morning all! :) just catching up on comments. congrats to RMutualFriend for winning the first prize!
i've decided not to enter this contest for the shih-tzu shirt and skate deck- so good luck to everyone else! :)
KI - i bought one of the Scott Campbell pieces from Gallery 1988 "Locke vs. the Hatch". it was in my price range and I love LOCKE! he's my favorite. If i had the money- I would have bought the Locke figure that was carved. sigh. or even that Ben original "No Man Is An Island" of him fishing for planes. double sigh. And those customized Taweret figures were awesome- but too pricey as well.
There is so much Lost goodness coming out this week! what will I ever do???
Admitit thorsten, you loved it!
Hope everyone who wants to can "fill in the blanks" with the artist's posters being released. Thanks to AmyLynn for keeping track of it. I imagine the madness will happen all over again with such a limited amount available!
Limited edition screen printed LOST poster on sale on Jan. 5th 3pm-ish eastern. Supplies are very limited and we are limiting one print per customer to give more people a chance of owning one.
sorry hit the button too soon
from Methane 3 pm Eastern tomorrow
@ Amy Lynn - way way cool! Congrats! Definitely let us know when it's on the web so the out-of-towners can see.
In a totally unrelated note, I got this link from a friend today and it had me in stitches. As a former teacher, I labored over these words in class and maybe I just needed the cartoon! http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling
Thanks Lotto!
Ahh Thorsten, sorry, my mistake!
Welcome back LT!
@comixguru, I think that one was the funniest of all of the Scott C's. And I agree with you on the Ben fishing (I think Damon or Carlton bought that one BTW). If those sculptures were maybe half price...
No problem, KI, I know that I speak in riddles, and than the german accent on top of that!
Can I put it out there that I'm looking for a copy of The Hatch? :)
@Kelly Funny site and funny comic. I'm going to send that to my girlfriend who's a teacher
Kelly, that one was just passed on to my family. My mom was a teacher, my bf besides being a scientist loves words and I well, I'm the queen of miss spelled words while my sister is the complete opposite of me. lol They will love it and my father will probably say something to the effect of maybe I should get the poster for my office lol
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