The new year is upon us, and some artists start to sell remaining copies of their prints within the next hours…
Nakatomi will sell 40 copies of Tim Doyles Numbers with an added Mr. Cluck doodle on the bottom corner via the mailing list… You can sign up here: MailingList
Nate Duval will offer some prints of The Barracks in his ETSY shop tomorrow,
January 5, at 1PM Eastern. Nate Duval
Finally, limited supplies of the Dharma VW-Bus will go on sale on the Methane Studios site tomorrow,
January 5, around 3PM Eastern. MethaneStudios
Update: Dan McCarthys Rousseau's Transmission reported by the The Kharma Initiative, SOLD OUT. Dan McCarthy
We will watch Moss, Danger, Tan and the other ususal suspects and keep you posted.
Good Luck.
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»My first first?
Thorstens first NEW POST???
Very cool indeed!
The new year is starting out pretty good. I have the Dharma van. The others I passed on. Good luck to those wanting any of these.
If you haven't got the Dharma Van, I strongly recommend you do. It's going to be the centre piece to my living room in the future!
Thanks, Chris, just holding down the fort ;))
And thanks to Amy for the research!
So Amy Lynn wants The Hatch, noted. Who else needs what? I have all three of those confirmed for tomorrow but am happy to try to buy for anyone not able to at the sale times... although it sounds as if The Numbers is going to be 5am UK time so that might be a struggle but I'm happy to commit to trying if anyone needs me to.
Interesting to note that Nakatomi are suggesting a $200 price if it goes in the store but a little cheaper for the mailing list so what? $150? Doesn't look as though we're going to see the suggested $50 being maintained. What price The Crash I wonder?
I'd love to get Locke's Secret of course and I'd quite like The Crash but the only one I feel I must get one way or another is Rousseau's Transmission.
I can try to help someone on The Numbers if need be.
Not sure if I mentioned it but Walt's Kidnapping is the one i'm after.
If it's 5am UK time, I can help out there, got to be up early for work anyway, but the price looks like it will be high and nobody really wanted the numbers in the first place so i think people may have a chance.
Thanks for posting that, Thorsten. I'm too nervous to attempt one! :)
I can try for The Barracks and the Dharma Van. I have both but will try for any of you. If they are more than the original $50 please post if you have a limit to what you would like to spend.
I am after Locke's Secret and Walt's Kidnapping should they ever go up again.
Maven, NEW POST anxiety is understandable ;-) You can take it in turns!
So what's happening with the competitions in Zort's absence?
Safe journey Zort, wherever you are...
While scouring Kevin Tong's site to see any news of a sale, I found his G1988 blog, very cool, name checks LotteyTicket and LostARGs, even a close up of comixguru's name tag. I'm probably behind the times and all of you have seen this already but was extremely interesting stuff and reminded me of staying up late to watch live streaming from the show. Good times!
Martyn, it was a very cool blog post, did you check out the pics of him with DD? He obviously had a great time that night.
Oh this is fun! I've been waiting to watch this second round begin. Good luck everyone trying!
ChrisL, currently perusing them now, just saw one of DD holding Girls Gone Wild. Makes me wish I went to the event.
Random idiocy: I sent out the press release to the sec'y of the musical theatre workshop that I'm a part of (we created Avenue Q, Nine, Chorus Line, etc), but I forgot to remove my tag line. So now all of those hundres of people have a very nice press release with "Come in, Others" underneath it.
It seems good ol' Zort set up the posts for the next quizzes to be released on certain days. so I gather we will not be without something to do while he's gone! So thoughtful!
Need Dharma Bus, if it's 50$.
Need someone to help me :p
Right, Maven, Zort would not leave without rigging something up!
ImAnnie/Davide/Italy, Methane are saying 3pm eastern, that should be 9pm Europe no?
I'm beginning to have doubts that we'll see any at $50.
Yes, it's 9 PM italy.
I hope that i'll be able to buy it for 50$. Hope dies last. :(
I can't say that I expect any of them to go off at the original asking price, as it has already been stated that ABC subsidized the artists in the project.
I'm still hoping, praying, chanting, fasting, etc, for a copy of "The Crash". It's the only early poster that I missed... and of course is my favorite one. I've kind of saved a spot for it next to my Lost "shrine" of goodies... :-)
I doubt that they will be $50 as well. I'm a bit reluctant to try for anyone else if they are over that amount as I don't want to have anyone fork over more than they can afford.
maven and thorsten, delighted to you as Contributors while the Zorts getting much deserved holiday! And, yes, the extended 'sleeping' will certainly trigger a rash of ARG related events! Good luck to those trying for poster. Willing to help, reply here or gmail below.
Artist interviews are in progress. One is ready for publication! If you have interest in interviewing, please contact me lotto dot ticket dot 108 at gmail.
I was really hoping to get the poster of Ben if anyone happens to come across a duplicate through this process...I'd be willing to spend around $100 and if you need to get ahold of me, my e-mail is my username above at gmail. I don't post very often, but do frequent the site...good luck on the posters you missed out on everyone!
I don't know if anyone has already posted this link... but SL-Lost has an awesome photoshop'd picture of a "Star Wars-ized" Jack, Kate and Sawyer!
Is it just me, or can you TOTALLY see Sawyer as Han Solo? LOL!
LT, Very excited about the interviews, great that you're still on that. We thank you!
Way to go Thorsten!!!
But really, I thought your post of all peoples would include some sort of image!
Just kidding, good job :)
Love the star wars photo lol I have the van and the Barracks thank goodness for alot under what they look like they will sell for. But I will be watching for fun anyway !
@Im Annie - you can follow Methane_Studios on Twitter. Many of their posters go for a reasonable amount. Good luck!
@ ChrisL,
I would expect to see the prints in the $100-$200 range. The artists are setting the prices, and these are the prints that the artists themselves got from the series. It sounds like each artists got 50 of the prints, and it's up to them as to what they want to do with it. They could keep them, give them away, send them to subscribers, whatever they want. I know that Tyler Stout recently did a poster for Inglorious Basterds - sold out through Alamo Drafthouse and they were around the $50 range, but then he put his posters that he kept up on his site for around $200 about a month ago. So I would figure the prints would go for about that much.
Personally, I can justify the increase in price. For all accounts and purposes, the LOST posters have all sold out. This is like a 'second chance'. Plus, I've seen these prints sell for much more on eBay. Finally, keep in mind you are buying the prints from the artist themselves - all of the money you are paying is going directly to them to help support them to make more art. If you are going to buy prints from ANYONE at this time, it's best to do it from the artists in my opinion.
Patmc, Sawyer is totally Hans Solo; out for a profit, motivated into becoming the reluctant hero for a girl, then frozen in time.
I do find the image they have chosen of him for the Star Wars parody creepy though. Makes me appreciate Harrison Ford a whole lot more if I'm honest :S
MilkcanRocks, I was certainly not questioning the artists right to charge whatever they feel is appropriate, in fact, I'm all for it. The non lost prints I've purchased in recent months have ranged from $20 to $200 depending on the artist and the edition type. I mentioned it only because at one point someone suggested that TPTB may have "set" the price and that their subsidy would have enabled it to be fixed throughout. I can see these are a valuable source of income for the artists and that a $50 tag for Locke's Secret or The Crash would be absurd given the market.
@ ChrisL
I know you weren't questioning the artists right to charge - I was just trying to clarify for everyone what I think the pricing is going to be for the prints. You just mentioned that you didn't think the prints would go for $50 when I started writing, and I just used that comment as a springboard for my comment.
For everyone looking to buy a print during this 'wave', I would use the price of $200 for any print that would go on sale - if you REALLLY want one specific print, use that price as a budget so when the print DOES come on sale you don't come up short money-wise.
Another to put on the list, as I expected:
"PLUS.. i now have permission to sell my copies "Rousseau's Transmission". this will go on sale tonight at 7:00 pm EST. my supply is very limited.. good luck."
Thorsten, do I get credit for this one at least? ;)
Cosmically Yours
KI - thank you thank you. That's the only one I want. I shall have to try for that.
Oh lord, now i want rousseaus transmission. ugh, just tell me the poster I want is going on sale already!
Jay Ryan specifically stated that he will not have any of his for sale. Not sure where they went/are going.
I would love, love, LOVE to get one of Kenneth Taylor's Smoke Monster. Any word on when or if?
Rev, don't play their game - seriously not worth your energy.
Midday, if you're reading, really appreciate your efforts but frankly, I'd be embarrassed to be a part of a community that resorts to "someone get me a baseball bat". Oof. Too sad.
Who said "Smoke Monster"? Damn, and I'd just decided I'd be satisfied if I managed to get RT tonight!
Good Luck, Chris!
Not playing their game, just after two months of my silence, and their continued prodding, popped in to give them possible closure. It is unhealthy to carry that amount of hatred I think.
Thorsten!! Now that is what I was talking about! thanks for adding the image!
Flipped a coin, will buy RT if nothing about Walt's Kidnapping pop's up before midnight. It is midnight GMT for Rousseau's correct ChrisL?
My pleasure, Milo ;))
I am selling my Polar Bear for $200 which includes shipping. Hit me up at airisfree at gmail.com if you are interested. Jay Ryan is not selling any of his extras they are going to his subscribers. Good luck with McCarthy tonight it is going to be just like old times.
Martyn, that's my assumption, 7pm McCarthy is eastern? Does anyone know for sure?
Rev, It's very unhealthy you're absolutely right. I suspect you just happened upon the wrong people today. Valiant effort though.
Quick check on the world clock says yes, it's in two hours time.
Hey there AGRers!
Just had time to catch up on all the comments.
Zort, hope you're having fun -- you deserve it! And a big thanks to Maven and Thorsten for filling in.
Thanks TKI for the info, I had just check FB when you posted the McCarthy link.
Wow, there will be 4 print re-drops in the next 24 hours. This is a whole new type of anxiety. Dan McCarthy's site links directly to paypal, so we'll all be F5 ing away, again. Then rest and repeat.
Chris, Dan's website confirms it's 7pm EST, so yes, that's midnight GMT :)
Yes, 7PM Eastern. Midnight in Greenwich.
futureself, DOH!, yes I see that now, thanks.
how much do you think Rousseau's Transmission will go for?
oooo, should of stuck with blissful ignorance. Won't be using EB forums then. Shame.
I reckon RT will got for $70-80 but I know i'm wrong. Just can't see anything on his site for more than that and the other pieces of work are far more detailed and for $40 so if it's ridiculous, I pass!
I don't want any of these, so am passing. My favourites were always Walt's Kidnapping, The Cabin, The Crash and The Smoke Monster. I can't imagine many of those will be up for $50! I'd pay $100 for Walt's Kidnapping at a push.
Duh! and the hatch, obviously.
Yeah, the Hatch is the one I'm really hoping for... but I like the Dharma Van too. I'm torn on whether I should wait, or go all out for Dharma Van tomorrow :)
Hopefully we'll hear news from the rest of the artists soon... We have 5/16 right? (Ryan, Duval, McCarthy, Methane, and Doyle)
What's the story with Rousseaus Transmission and Zort? Did he get it? I seem to remember he wanted it? I need to go for this for myself but if someone's prepared to go for it for the Z man I'm prepared to cover the costs if he doesn't want it.
id go as far as $150 for a copy of rousseaus transmission i always loved that print
:0 email
It's more stressful knowing this far in advance that it's a print you really want. Can't believe I'm doing this again!
Would love to know the price so I can sleep. I'm so shattered today and I have no idea why.
I think my need to have posters has just got me wanting Rousseau's. If I get it and regret it tomorrow, i'm sure there's someone out there that's willing to buy it. But it all depends on the price. One hour to go.
Martyn - if you get it and I don't I'd love it! Hahah
Lol, glad to see my options are open!
Martyn, you won't need to feel regret. If you decide you don't want it there will definitely be someone here who will. Please give it a go if you manage to stay awake.
Count Jay Ryan out. Right after his poster sold out he posted on his site that he did not have anymore to sell. It is believed that his subscribers ended up with his lot. If you are interested I am selling mine for $200.
That's what I meant when I included him in the 5 we know about. We have confirmed sells for the other 4, and a confirmed no sell from him. It's the other 11 we're waiting on.
I already have a Ryan, thanks.
it's not believed that jay ryan's subscribers are getting a copy of his lost poster. it's a fact that his subscribers are getting a copy of his poster. kthnxbai!
Thanks Greg.
alteridiom, I may need to buy that poster off of you soon, mine still hasn't arrived and I traded it for a swan station and love triangle print. Tyson nor Parcelforce have gotten back to me so a little annoyed, so let me know if you do end up selling that poster before I defo know I need it.
ChrisL, i'm in poster buying mode now, am buying it whether I like it or not. Got a can of coke and some xmas chocolates to get me to midnight. I can do it!!!
i also am pretty sure that todd slater's ben linus is going to his subscribers. i'm not 100% on that one though as i'm not one of his subscribers.
Martyn, Good Man!
@ Greg
Slaters LOST print IS going to his subscribers. But then comes the question - how many subscribers does Slater have? I heard that it may be in the 20-30 range, or as low as 10. Either way, I think that Slater may release some to the public who are not on his subscription list.
It sounds like the artists each got 50 to do with as they please.
I can hold it for you for a week or so if you want. Send me an email to airisfree at gmail.com to confirm what is going on.
Martyn - Im still waiting to resolve a missing 4 Toes. The Gmail addy is a test of patience, I can tell you! Dont give up, I havent, and mines from Sept!
How long does it normally take to get a print once your credit card has been charged?
@ benkort,
Are you referring to prints from the artists themselves or a print from DCAAPB.com?
From DCAAPB.com
Im trying to get in touch with Trial Attorneys - he could try for a RT today for Zort, with our funds etc.
From my experience, it took about a week or two to show up after the charge went through. Some went quicker than others, and I found that the 'larger' the order number I had the longer it took to get to me.
alteridiom, no need to hold it for me, will be some time before i'm ready to make the jump.
kiwi, yeah, that's a lot worse. They gave me a tracking number, which I tracked and it said it left heathrow for the birmingham depot (where I live, sort of) but it just stops! It has disappeared somewhere between London and Birmingham and the delivery company know nothing, I was supposed to have it on the 21st December.
The postal service in this country, I think i'm just going to hand deliver and hand collect things in the future. Partly wish they didn't give me a tracking number either, makes it that much worse.
Anyway, hope you get your four toes kiwi, the customer service for this poster ARG is shocking but I guess it was a new thing for them. At least have an automatic reply to say you received the e-mail though!
kiwilostie, were funds actually gathered for that purpose then?
@MilkcanRocks Thanks. It's been a little less than two weeks since the charge, and I'm pretty sure my order number was relatively high.
i think TA already bought the RT for zort, because he collected a lot of money i think. hope he didn't take it and run! lol
ChrisL, yes! We should have plenty with TA matching our $. No answer on email - maybe someone could get one today, and TA can reimburse???
Im on slow connection today - so Im out.
Nuts, I forgot to send my money to him for that little side project. Hope he hasn't bought it yet seeing as this is may be a little cheaper.
How shocked would we be if it turned out to be the average cost of Dan McCarthy's prints and only $40? A boy can dream, surely?
We missed the ebay one he was looking at - last email I had from TA said he was looking for another - would be a shame to miss this opportunity!
Ah Martyn, don't give up hope on the print yet. I'm sure it's been pushed into the backlog of Christmas post (the one that doesn't exist. They did the same with my phone hub delivery a couple of years ago. The company kept claiming they had delivered it but it turned out the posties were just going off to the pub and claiming things were delivered then returning everything back to the depot at the end of the day...I got it after about two weeks. Makes you proud to be British ;)
Let's be clear. We have 15 mins. Who exactly is trying for Zort? I'm willing to give a try.
I'm trying to.
futureself, it truly does. In fact, the delightful woman who, might I add, seemed to LOVE the job that she does, was extremely helpful in trying to find my poster. She sounded really concerned as to it's whereabouts too.
Did she balls!
I swear, when I said it appears to have just vanished, she just shrugged her shoulders because she then said, in a true brummie accent, I dunno where it is either.
Marvellous woman!
Gosh, all this talk of posters and times brings back such fond memories.....
Hi all!
Here is a pic of my RT if anyone is wavering about whether to go for it! It looks amazing framed and i love it! Sorry it's a bit dark - can take a better pic if you want!
Hey J, long time no see.
Which looks better framed, RT or WK?
if more than one person goes for zort and are successful, i'm looking to buy if i don't make it! :D
LT, please would you try too. Whether it be for Zort or myself in case I don't make it, I will ensure no one is out of pocket :-)
Hey J. Is that in your new place then? All settled in? Looks great.
Good luck to everyone who is going for the print! ***Crossing fingers that there are no crashing of servers***
OK, I will try and come back here. Signing off all now. Good luck. LT
Hi LostinLondon, been awhile. Your print looks great.
So what link should we be f5'ing for Dan??
this is nerve wracking!
I'm assuming this will go live at 7.
thorsten beat me to it :-)
thanks guys, thats the one I had, but wasnt entirely positive.
Thanks everyone! it has been crazy moving, and was delayed and made more stressful by the snow
did manage to get unpacked in time for NYE party and the posters got a lot of compliments!
Martyn - I don't have WK, so can't say, i have the crash framed here - both look really good, and RT does look impressive because it is larger! Now saving up to get the swan done!
Good luck to all who are trying!
Sorry, Chris ;))
Good Luck, everybody.
See you on the other side…
Both those links say they are broken for me. But I'm not trying for it.
I guess it will go live in 1 minute, Sayid'sgirl
150 bucks.
Ouch! $150...
Too rich for me. Good luck to all that really love this poster!
Well... that went quickly... LOL
Price surge!
okay- totally off topic- but i have to ask...
i've been doing my season 5 rewatch and it really bugs me that what Sayid says at the boat landing is different. in one episode he says "if i see any of you again- it will be unpleasant for all of us." and in the other episode, he says "if i see you again- it will be very unpleasant for you." okay- i'm paraphrasing- but did anyone else notice that?
what does it mean!? did the editors just eff up?
CRAP -- SOLD OUT in under a minute!
SOLD out for me too.
That was gone quick.
@Andrew: I know you're frustrated, but watch your language please! Please delete that!
Too rich for me too. I already got one, but was going to try for Zort. Oh well... hope someone here got one for him...
wow. that was a fast sell out!
yep sold out.
Remember that there was only 40, not 200. :)
chris dot leaning at gmail if anyone got it and can bear to part with it. Bummed
Anyone get it?
Bummer - I got to the PayPal page and hit "pay now" and RT was already SOLD OUT.
Still like old times....
I tried for Zort - does anyone know yet if he was able to purchase it?
@maven: sorry :(
if anybody got RT that doesn't completely want it, i'm willing to buy.
email me at buddycuffs@gmail.com
Even in the thick of it Maven on the case! Well held admin!
comixguru- a lot of people think that was done on purpose, but who knows? Seems too obvious not to be on purpose.
I got a copy of RT btw! WOOT!
Yeah, I was out the moment I saw $150 go up.
J, thanks for that, turns out i'm going to be holding out for WK anyway. Your RT looks amazing framed, I got my Swan framed and it looks beautiful, although it is the brightest out of my collection.
Right, bed and a bit of Alan Partridge I think.
Goodnight all.
Hah, I was interested in this one a bit; hesitated at the $150 price tag for a few moments and decided not to go for it. I'm thinking that there are still a number of ebay lurkers around. :-/
I was to checkout within thirty seconds and it was gone! Anyone who wants to sell one, email me at yingko9 (at) gmail (dot) com. I'm willing to pay a little more for it too.
And I was holding my special "good luck" tissue that AliceL left me before she went to bed! If the good luck tissue doesn't work then nothing will!
Wow that was crazy. Sold out for me too. I have RT on my wall but wanted to try get one for someone here. Don't blame him for getting 150 though cheaper than what I paid on ebay.
I got one and am hoping to trade it for Locke's Secret although I never see it available anywhere for trade.
Steve, I cannot trade but I will buy RT.
$150 for Dan McCarthy bodes well for future artist sells, especially tomorrow's, don't you think?
Unless he's just richer than the rest and can keep his prices lower. :)
@Andrew: Thank you!
@ChrisL: Thank you!
Sorry to all of you losing out. :(
Steve! I wish you good luck finding Locke's Secret, but if it doesn't work out, I'm your man! :D
buddycuffs at gmail dot com
Oh man, so they're rolling out the last of the prints eh?
PLEASE HAVE ENOUGH DD'S TO GO AROUND! I have Jacob's Cabin fever! And the only cure is... A Jacob's Cabin print...
Comixguru, it happens a lot in Season 5. Check out the end of 'This Place is Death' and the Beginning of '316' for continuity errors. I've argued before that this is deliberate...a homage to the record skipping, jumping back over the same line in the song but scratched and slightly different. Others have argued that this kind continuity error in tv show recaps happen frequently and we shouldn't read too much into it. I like to think it's deliberate though ;)
There's actually a locke's secret on ebay. It's going for 460.00. I dont see anyone trading for it but you could sell RT and use it towards that.
Good night and good luck for tomorrow, everybody.
I emailed Olly Moss and Ken Taylor and will post any information they provide.
@ J, and everyone for that matter,
Hey! You mentioned framing. I just talked with someone that gave me some tips on a cheap and great way to frame. Total cost is about $40 on average. Give it a couple of days, and keep your eyes peeled here on how it can be done.
Night all. T Shirt is guaranteed tomorrow :-)
Night ChrisL
Hello mistersh0w! sorry you are not well, hoping cure is found soon.
good night Thorsten, good first day's work
I want an Olly Moss t shirt almost as much as I want a Lockes Secret poster. Almost.
ah Martyn, you are gone too I see now. Lights are out across the ocean.
Did anyone else get one?? I am gunna try to go for Dharma Van tomorrow.
Haha, thanks Lotto.
Hey MiddayShadows!
Maven, you have the conn.
For framing here's my RT:
and my LS and Crash:
Ikea frames (28"x40") £19.99 plus custom mounts at £12.50 each.
Night Thorsten. Good job!
@ Joey
The only one that I MAAAY try for is the Duval print tomorrow (I have all the rest). That is the only print that I didn't get in the first go-around that I had second thoughts on not getting.
BUUT. I've been buying more and more prints outside of this series, and there is some really cool stuff coming out now, so I'm torn - do I buy multiple prints from artists I like, or do I buy one print from one artist I like? So, in short, I think I'm going to pass in general tomorrow.
On the case, Thorsten! :)
Good night all overseas!
Not me maven - its only lunchtime!!
Milkcan- good luck on getting it tomorrow! I picked it up on ebay a while back.
kiwilostie - what's for lunch? how's the future? bright and sunny summer day?
LMAO @ how's the future.
amy...you forgot to send me your address!
@ Joey,
Thanks man! Since I'm going to pass on The Barracks, I'll take the 'good luck' vibes towards new prints I'm going to get this week (hopefully). Made the decision not to get it after I wrote the above. 3+ prints > 1 print, at the moment.
Hello New Followers! If you want that LOST print, you need to be on my mailling list at- http://tinyurl.com/yk8rkue TONIGHT.
via twitter
Hey LT! I'm hoping the cure is just around the corner as well... Really I just want to know when DD is selling em...
@charter, sorry had to run. On the go right now, will send tomorrow after I send your package. xox
Summer salads n cheeses for lunch - nice! Ha!, my today/your tommorrow, the weathers great!
So I guess we all scratched re RT for Zort.
Sorry, kiwilostie, should have said Europe! It is nice talking to someone in the future! :) Lunch sounds yummy!
Methane is selling their DMB poster at the same time tomorrow... Anyone predicting the site will crash harder than Hurley's bus?
I leave for an hour and the blog goes nuts. :)
I see your mother hen skills are in tack. :)
Here's my take on that scene. I think it was shot from several different points of view.
The episode where Sayid says if "I see you again..." then leaves the part of the sentence out referencing Jack is meant to be aimed at Ben because Sayid is think about Ben at that moment.
Now back to catching up on the comments.
is thinking
thorsten -- nice pic added to the main post!
I just saw a commercial for "The Beginning of the End Sweepstakes" on ABC...directing you to their website to enter a chance to win a trip to Hawaii to see the Premiere Screening on the beach! We're going to get a lot more competition now! LOL
Yeah, maven -- that commercial started playing later at night in the Chicago market last week.
I follow Rainn Wilson (Dwight on "The Office") on Twitter...he's so off-the-wall! Here are 3 tweets he just posted:
"OOPS! It's @TheRealDamon that is actually Damon Lindelhof, my new BFF that wont cast me on LOST."
"Nope. Was right the first time. He got @DamonLindelhof back. He still wont cast me on LOST. I hate him. He's no longer my BFF. Hi Carlton!"
"I would kill that smoke monster with my savage fury and a stick."
HAA!! That was a fun read!! I count my blessing I'm not going thru all that again.
..and speaking of again..yea..things change when repeated in LOST. I remember the first time of Sayid's warning to be Very in its specificity ......okay, shoot me...but I will tie it in,,anyway..Sayid's warning was directed at Ben maybe Jack too....but more so at Ben..He did live up to his words didn't he? He shot the little shit. Sayid is honesty, truth. His truth is Torture!!,,as most can be.
Any way..and I agree that there has been a fair amount of play in changing words, etc in same scenes but repeated. BUT WAIT..remember back to season 2 ..the two different versions of going down into the Hatch. Point being.." subjectivity" is being put in our face and we are asked to deal with it..Yes folks..drum roll please..thank you Johnny Cupcakes..yes folks , centerstage tonite we have live, and in person..Lack OF SPECIFICITY!..on purpose, brought to you by TPTB...or..not only is every event viewed differently by each viewer,,but even over time , a single viewer sees an event differently...sub jec tiv ety.
Therefore,,if all is subject,,where is truth..Truth is in the lightning bolt that shot out of Hurley's head in the jungle while they followed Dez...Funny how D&C said it was a filming artifact or what not..EVERYTHING we see in a episode,, EVERYTHING..is there with full knowledge of TPTB..To say the lightning bolt shooting out of Huleys head was a filming artifact is the famous non denial denial. These guys speak that tongue constantly...Horsefeathers,,like when Ana Lucia did that blur move..its all about Perception and testing it..questioning it...not trusting it..like Damon said..Specificity (you really shouldn't type words you can't pronounce).." Specificity is not my strong suit,," Chris L,,was it you who asked..Is that a clue?..IMHO, the answer is Heck Yea!!
Masters of obfuscation.
MEL, since we are on a bit of a trivia hunt, maybe you or someone else can remember the one episode that used 'point of view' from multiple characters to tell one story thread. It was only used once, either in S1 or early S2.
Witnessing events and retelling usually results in misquoting, errors in color, what someone wore, even who was present. Even within our own thoughts we jumble what was real and imagined (dreamed). I think it was comixguru who asked the question first, as she is completing her hiatus rewatch. Some hints have been subtle, but this one screamed. IMHO
LT..Probably not the answer you are looking for..but the 2nd episode of season 2..was a revisit of the Hatch break in,,seen in a different way..and also Mikes and Walts Mother's legal battle over Walt and the infamous Mike/ Sawyer/ Dharma Shark scenes out in the ocean..To me..each is a study in " subjectivety"
A view of the Hatch break in from the Kate/ Locke angel...who can forget Kate in the air duct ( getting in the airducts had to be the BEST SURREAL metaphor since the opening scene of epi 1 season 1.)..Mike and Walts Mom legal battle was all about two parties view of ownership of a single entity..and the whole Mike/ Sawyer dialogue was based on who was to blame..both saying the other was to blame..Okay..how was this subjectivity resolved?..Kate was " given up by Locke..but by doing so..she escaped ( always) and got to bash Dez in the head....Mike was brought to the realization that it wasn't about HIM being the Father of Walt..but as the father, the rite thing to do, would be the best that was for Walt..and of course.,,early in the morning out in the ocean, Mike realizes as father, he bore all responsibility for letting Walt on the raft in the first place..he was to blame. So, to me..subjectivity was really on display in that episode.
Then again,,the Nikki Paulo episode,,showing those two sneaking around and behind scenes we had already seen..was another " dimensioning" of subjectivity..imho. Is that the one you are looking for?
BTW..KI is it.. I bought the Polar Bear print at 1988.. the 15th print revealed..cuz..I didn't have it..it was a #1 of 300 print..it is signed by Darlton..it is already framed..and really,,i had really warmed up to the Humanity that print gets me in touch with.
Cap..you are almost as good as the British in saying ,,without saying it..ref The Barracks..i enjoyed your analysis.
Here's Damon's reply to Rainn:
@rainnwilson I AM your BFF. And it is ONLY because of this that I will beg the smoke monster to spare your life... despite your INSOLENCE!"
adrift .. watching now
Tim Doyle tweeted this an hour ago:
NakatomiTim Hurley is coming...for you - http://tinyurl.com/yjlxhp7 about 1 hour ago from web
It's not exactly the same but, in Expose, they had flashback of events that happened in the same episode.
@milkcan, which other artists are you interested in buying this week?
MEL, that's a perfect reason to buy - 'cause you didn't have it. :) You're an interesting guy (as my wife who met you in LA has said) - finding humanity in a picture of a polar bear. I think that's terrific! Thanks for giving us your take on your purchase. I'm betting you can't wait to receive it.
I think your print may be a 1 of 1, in a special Gallery1988 series, outside of the series of 300. I thought I saw that on a tag for one of the prints.
Cosmically Yours
TKI is right, the DCaaPB posters at the G1988 event were 1/1.
And...maybe I just don't get it but the teefury LOST parody tshirt isn't appealing, at least to me. Polar Beeeeeeeer was much better.
was it #1 of 300, or 1 of 300? big difference there
I think all along,,TPTB,,have been telling us that what is presented in the TV show LOST..is thru a lens of at least, The One Step Removed From Reality Perspective..maybe a few steps in some cases. There is no Truth in what is presented, the Truth is in the Metaphor. All the questions can not be answered because there is no truthful answers to them. Its all exaggerations and distortions,,warped reality..a Magritte painting turned into a TV show,,or ..a Breton novel,,modernized and brought to TV.. an Eulard poem acted out. The Truth is in the metaphor.
hurley's $175 now, 200 in the morning
NAKATOMI- LOST 'Hurley's Curse' Purchasing instructions! email is in.
175.00 plus shipping
$175.00 for Hurleys Curse
Nakatomi email is out -- everyone check NOW
Noel Michael -- the DCaaPB prints from G1988 were #1/1, and Darlton signed.
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