Welcome to the new Ajira Airways. We proudly present a new way to get lost in the world of travel. Visit AjiraAirways.com to book your business, pleasure or fate now! Check back soon for the opportunity to preview new adventures exclusive to our Ajira Airways travelers. The skies have no limit with our new and exciting destinations. Life's a journey, book it.
- Ajira Airways
Click here to see how to book a flight:

Once you access the seating page, the seat will appear to be all taken. By clicking on various seats, flashes of images will be revealed. Eventually an available seat will be found, at which point you can print your new boarding pass.
Click here to see the hidden seating images:
The following images are revealed based on the number of seats you select:
3rd - a shot of LAX airport.
4th - code N824
10th - a departure timetable.
15th - a shot of an Ajira airport lounge
24th - an image of a young woman
34th - an image of a man
35th - the "lamp post" DHARMA logo seen during a DSA video.
36th - your seat number will be accepted and you can download a new boarding pass (very similar to the sample one, just with info on it, download here).
I added an unedited and "enhanced" version of the background photo, taken directly from the flash file. The N824 is not actually a photo, but text superimposed over the background.

* Thanks to NickB123 for the seating info, Lisa and Sayid'sGirl for emailing images, and Aaron Bohannon for posting information that lets you book a flight.