Now the competition is over we will be tabulating all the entries and donations over the weekend. We have been working directly with Paypal and Save The Children, and once all the donations have been processed, we will select the winners, hopefully by early next week.
Thanks and good luck!
From the previous comments
Sam G said...
Here is the info for the LOST Weekend on lost-radio
It's also on The Fuselage
This is a Charity Event for the Children's Defense Fund.
Great job. Thank you everybody.
Totally AWESOME!!!
not bad, that. Not bad at all.
Fantastic! Well done everyone :)
Holy son of a charity giving! That's a brilliant result. Well done all of us!
Absolutely outstanding! Way surpassed my expectations. Congrats everyone on being AWESOME. And a special thanks to the individual who sparked the idea.
Zort and Dennis. Thank you for enabling this and for all your admin work.
yeah. I'm guessing anyone who entered probably laid down around a minimum of $15, with many more putting in considerably more at the chance of winning an Olly Moss. Whoever donated it should feel good - you just raised an ass-ton of ca$h for an important cause.
Our motto here is- pay it forward. Were not wealthy by any means but if I can help someone out vs put it in the bank, then I will help them out.
Congrats on raising so much LostArgs- everyone did good !!
This is great! The DC&PB print is what got my donation - that's what started it off - the Olly Moss was just icing on the cake. Great job everyone!
This is staggering! Great work everyone.
right, I'm off to the movies for the afternoon - a double header of Up In The Air and Book of Eli. No one drop any posters while I'm gone, y'dig?
My Lockes Secret just arrived from Olly!
He sent me his unreleased Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade print too! Its a stunner!
Olly you are a star!
I'm sure this money will help those in need - thanks to those that organized it and spurred the rest of us to action.
Totally great job everyone! It's trite, but every cent will help...especially with this charity. Go us!
ioioos, you were one of the 3 lucky winners then!!! How fantastic it was someone her. Congrats.
Yep. Its a cracking print too. Looks stunning in the flesh. Its the one I would have chosen too if I ever had the option.
Its brilliant of Olly to send a print that isn't even available on the open market. People have been scambling for this for months.
I think my postman hates me though. It was case of "another tube for you" this morning.
Ioioos, that is genuinely exciting. You must have been in disbelief when you opened that tube!
I have a Statue update too. Just back form seeing Bob the framer. He believes magic is possible. He believes that once he's finished with his careful heat pressing and once he has it under glass the only thing I'll have to deal with is that I KNOW that it happened and not that it can be noticed. I was going to have him replace my already framed statue with the new, lower number anyway, so he's going to see what he can do but feels confident. Good news then potentially, for both me and for the Lostie due my original print. Fingers crossed folks. Now... where's my Olly tube?
Good news, Chris… and just in case, there is always my 250/300 ;))
The generosity of Argers is so impressive. The donation total is impressive!
I would also like to add the BradPittBeard is way scarier than JackBeard ever was.
Wow, mega impressive total! Gave as much as I could, and an awesome incentive to give it on here.
Ioioos... Got any photos of both posters?
Lisa... The moron went to the post office when I was supposed to go so couldn't post the DVD. Will do it Monday morning for you!
So do you want the Die Hard or Dear hunter poster in yours? :)
Nice total everyone. Sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way when I said the previous total was too low, I just get so worked up when I think about those babies and kids who are currently alive, but will die soon without aid. I honestly don't know how reporters can deal with it.
The struggle is on going and there are predictions that another quake, as big as the original will hit again soon. Thank you all for your continued efforts.
This is how it all began . . .
"Oh, my gosh, wow, I'm so excited. I've been camping out for the past 6 months out here, and you guys are the best, LOST, I'm I right?" [Crowd cheers]
- Paul Sheer, Comic Con 2009
Thanks to everyone who donated to Save the Children to the benefit of those suffering in Haiti.
ioioos, absodefinatalutely Deer Hunter. I LOVE that print.
No worries Martyn, when ever it gets here is fine. I can wait. Thanks again !!
And for all the people who are addicted to posters now...
EMEK is very well known in the print world. His releases sell out crazy fast ( like lost posters 8-16 sell out speeds) He is now taking orders on a HAITI print. All proceeds go to charities for Haiti. please consider getting one of these: link
Cool lisa, feel sorta bad and annoyed at the idiot for going without asking first so by the time inhad chance to go myself, the shop was shut.
Anyway, it'll be worth the wait for One of my favourite episodes.
Hi Martin,
I took a picture of the Olly prints as I put them away in my rack. I've uploaded them onto a spare web site.
Please excuse the mess!
And yes I know...I have to stop buying prints. These are my ones that currently have no frame or space go up. There are already 9 on the walls. I have to stop! :)
ioioos, if you bought too much of them, i could maybe buy you one :D
(it's ImAnnie here with new Name)
ioioos. The 2 Moss's side by side is definitely a WOW moment!
Excellent News Zort and Dennis! Thank you for making it happen. Beauty.
So what happened to Annie, Davide?
That's amazing! Way to go, guys! =D
Good question Thorsten.
Good morning! LostArgs team, great news on the charity!
Congrats iooioioios!
I like ordering things and forgetting, mailman popped this drunken creation and order off this morning.
Morning Milo. That is brilliant.
Can someone remind me. We're Lockes Secret 101-300 signed on the front or back?
@Reverend. Thanks! Its turning into a very good Saturday! :)
:) Morning all.
Great total everyone.
Finally, no rain in sight
@ Zort
Sending you an e-mail
Wow...wonderful donation news! So impressive and for such a good cause. Kudos to everyone! :)
(one week to Premiere Beach Party!)
4k? 4k? you people are incredible. Good luck to everyone on the drawing.
Thanks ChrisL, I need to scale the post it note down in size a bit before I am happy, but that something you cant really find out without ordering it first.
L4L logo on back, but if Zort is cool with it and can give me a slightly higher res version of the lostarg logo, I want to do one with it on the back too.
I can't wait for Olly's Indiana Jones prints to clear copyright / make their way to the market. They were all great. Sadly though Ioioos, Delphic are awful (I saw them live last summer) and Lost: Via Domus? REALLY?
Ioioos, where do you live again?
I love that t-shirt design, the highest res version of the logo I have is in the post, but it was never that high res to start with.
Over 4K!!! Amazing things can and do happen when people come together, from all over the world, with one voice and one common objective... to make a difference and damn we did!
I'm pretty sure that back in August if you'd had asked DCAAPB if this project would have inspired fans to gain a deeper appreciation of art, they would have said yes. If you had asked them if this project would have inspired fans to gain a deeper appreciation of humanity to help others (in more ways than one), they would have had no idea what the possibilities were and the good things that have taken place over the last 6 months and the more importantly the last week.
easy JPL... it's not like we caused world peace here. Still, 4K is a great total from a )relatively speaking) small group.
ioioos, I was hoping someone who actually owns a LS would have posted a reply, but they are few and far between I think. Why do you ask about the sig? Is yours signed front? As far as I know the only one to be signed on the back was the one on ebay we took to be a proof of some sort...
Hey JPL, good to see you. It has indeed been a good week in more ways than one.
@ioioos, all of the Lost prints were signed on the front, lower-right corner. Did Olly do something different with his artist copies?
And that's a winning combination - Locke + Indy! I've been pestering Olly Moss about the Indy print since Thanksgiving, hope he sells them soon.
What's the name of the print just above Locke's Secret in your photos - the one with the large sun?
@Joe D, thanks for the EMEK print link. That's how DCPB.com should have done all of their print releases - timed limits. Would have made everybody happy.
@Milo, I like the size of the post-it as-is, makes it easier to read from a distance.
And most importantly, Dennis, Zort and the LostARGS community - you've done great good work! It may be a small win, but it's a win, and the world needs every win.
Optimism is a force-multiplier! It's terrific reading everyone's feelings about Haiti and the community that we share.
Cosmically Yours
Well Ben..you bring up an interesting observation: When unpreventable Mother Nature brings death and destruction to thousands ,all of humanity reaches out to the victims with aide. Yet when Man decides to bring death and destruction to thousands..its okay to let the preventable to happen. We are a strange species.
I just realized where i'm going to be a week from today..actually , yesterday.
I opened a blog last night, so i just didn't feel that my post were written by someone called "ImAnnie/Davide/Italy" :D
@ioioos, here's an example photo of a sig, from a lostargs post in september:
Olly Sig
Ben - didn't you know the last contest Zort has planned has proceeds going towards world peace? ;)
ChrisL - yes it has!
On a side note, have also completed a poster trade (Smokey for Jacob's Cabin) with Davide (previously known as ImAnnie) who will be visiting the States in mid-March where we'll be sealing the deal & swapping posters - saves a ton on shipping. So if there are any Boston-area fans who are up to getting together around that time, maybe we can put something together.
Sounds good :p
Only just? Everything has been my last... Before hawaii. Today was my last Saturday before it. I can't wait, not looking forward to the flight mind, 16 hours, but it's a mean to an ends. Going to trial pack with a small suitcase with a big duffel inside tomorrow, don't want to have to check any luggage in.
I'm a bit behind, so I'm sorry if someone's already mentioned this.
Is anyone going to the PaleyFest LOST panel on 2/27?
I ordered my tickets yesterday, orchestra was already sold out.
@Martyn..That is one flite I don't envy. I hope its all on a 747,,so you can get up and have a good stretch frequently. Yea, I kno what you mean about extra baggage,,makes checking in a hassle beyond the security hassle in place now.
I have to decide which Hawaiian Shirts from my collection to bring along. Which go with the Olly Moss..which for elegant outrageousness in pattern and colours and which just for the heck of it. Decisions decisions. You know..when in Hawaii do as the Hawaiians do. I hear the water temp is in the mid 70's. I mite be able to get a foto of you on a surfboard..?
Something tells me I should be panicking right about now,,but I've decided to get " Hawaiian" and not worry.
Oh yeah, Patmc, sweet Palm Pre covers! Never thought about putting the actual art on a gelaskin! Preferred the Swan Station print though.
I hear you! The only thing i'm fretting about is the suitcase i'm going to take. For me, when I land in San Fran, I have to check back in for the flight to Hawaii, which means if I check luggage in, I have to pick it up off of the carousel and then check back in, and I only have 2 1/2 hours, and with security checks and stuff...
And how did you know I was going to go surfing?
@Thorsten: LOL you found me :D
(well, it's not that difficult :D)
@Andalone: lol about the Jack & Brad Pitt beard comment. Totally agree!!
Thanks for reposting the Lost Weekend Event again. I am really hoping to get tickets for it when they start selling them. :)
For those of you that already have Paley tickets, you are members, right? Sadly I'm not and am just crossing my fingers that there will be some left tomorrow when it goes onsale to the public.
Last I want to say thanks to the people who came up with the idea of doing these contests to keep the awesome Lost fan experience going.
Thanks for all the effort people put in to run them! And thanks to all the awesome people who have donated items during these contests. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed to discover that a site like this exists. Honestly I've never seen something like this in a fan community before. That there are people out there willing to give to others just to bring them a little happiness is awesome. But people donating expensive prints and Dvd/Blu-Ray sets? It just amazes me.
SO glad I met some members at the gallery1988 event. You guys were totally right, this group is awesome. :D
@..2 hours should be plenty as long as you don't wear a turban.
uuhhmm Martyn..about a week or so ago..you said here, you were going to take surfing lessons if its that last thing you do..which it mite be, but that is besides the point.Let me get a pic first, okaay.Which reminds me,, Do they have tanning parlors in England? I'm thinking a LOST logo ,,maybe with a Union Jack, tanned on you. Okay okay..not enough time for all that..Anyway..its going to be a hoot with a surprise or two along the way..
Maybe now its time to panic. I just got a stomach butterfly.
The Delphic album is pretty good! I'm going to the MTV nights this week and Delphic are playing along with Ellie Goulding and my current Favourites Marina & The Diamonds.
@Amy...I live in Cambridge. are you coming to rob me? ;)
As far as Olly's signature is concerned, mine is on the front too, I just thought I had heard it was on the back for some reason.
Didn't realise I posted that here. But glad I did because you reminded me to book it! I'm going to be doing it at 9am on Friday, a nice way to start the day.
The solarium tan could work, because, although I am darker skinned, best of both as I call it, I do tan really easily. I still have a wrist strap mark from June in England!!!
And 2 1/2 hours was just enough for Newark last year, but that could be because it was New York. Gotta say, the people who work in Newark airports are real jerks. I think I dislike them more than Parcelforce, ridiculously rude!
See you on Thursday!
Tonight Juventus - Roma, tomorrow Inter - Milan and on Monday i've an exam!
Wish you a great weekend :)
Newark is easily the worst airport in the NY area.
JFK was nice, Newark, terrible. Made a mess of absolutely everything. and any decisions they made were the stupidest ideas ever. Who lets a 16 year old and a disabled girl cut the scanners to go to the front and leave the rest of the family behind? It doesn't help anyone, they may as well waited in the queue with us as they aren't getting on the plane any quicker that way.
KI, replied to your message.
@ATeamBlog: I got 2 tickets to the Lost Paley Fest Panel (mezzanine) through a friend.
I'm not going to Hawaii. LAME. I'm not going to any Lost fest or panel. DOUBLE LAME.
At this stage, I'm just stocking up on valium for the Crash drop.
@Martyn - Yeah... the Swan skin is mine. :-) Actually, the choice to use The Swan and The Hatch were partially dictated by how the image fit between the different cut-outs they need to leave the camera and speaker uncovered. I REALLY wanted to use The Crash, but I just couldn't find a way of adjusting the image so that it looked good.
To everyone else: you all are amazing people! $4000 will buy lots of supplies for the poor folks in Haiti. A bottle of clean drinking water is a luxury for them right now. I'm thrilled to be a part of such an incredible group of people like those here at LostARGs!
And to those going to Hawaii... I know I'm not the only one expecting LOTS of pictures for those of us who couldn't go... :-)
Off to the post office to pick up my Polar Bear! Woo Hoo!
Is that REALLY the speakerphone on the Pre? It may be the fact it's so close up that it looks massive but still!
Also, no photo's until Feb 3rd from me, just to be on the safe side.
My highest regards to all on reaching $4000. Fantastic accomplishment.
Going to the Paley Festival on 2/26. A friend is a member and got tickets but even the best ones were already sold out.
Just done our final re-watch of The Incident. We were going to wait until next weekend but couldn't. The 2nd can't come soon enough now.
yeah, we just finished building a book case for the wall that looks built in. Nifty, one more project done and gone. Ok, who is going to Hawaii that wants to bring me back something signed by Hurley, or maybe some sand in a bottle ?? lol Damn I wish I could go but as usual, bf says no. Blah (well, the bank account does too but I don't listen to that ole' thing much)
Leia Bell sent out her Love Triangles yesterday for those who got them and are wondering.. :] i got mine
Weinbeeezy, already? That was quick work by Leia. A very smooth one all round that one.
@chrisL: maybe she only sent mine out? :] i emailed her and asked her about it
Hey ARGpeeps!
Over $4000, that is amazing -- well done all!
Weinbeeezy -- Congrats on The Love Triangle, I didn't realize that was your only print so far.
ioioos -- Yay for Locke's Secret and Olly's Indy in black and red. From what I've heard most of that series were damaged in attempts to ship to the US so you may have rather limited edition, not to mention it's beautiful print.
Andalone -- BradPittBeard was in it's own separate class (maybe it's own species...)
JPL -- glad to see you posting after what seemed like a while.
Sounds like everyone going to Hawaii will have a great time. Pics please, so we can at least live vicariously through you all.
Right, good night all, time for another competition in the morning.
Right folks, it's approaching the witching hour in UKshire, so i'm off to sleep.
Congrats to all again for raising an amazing amount of money!
Night Martyn, UKShire is definitely ready for bed.
Wait a minute here,,time out! Hold on a second! Now..I've been tongue tied with the Worchestershire bit since I don't know when..only to find out its your funny way of spelling Wooster..Yes, thats a good sense of humor if there ever was one..but before I go all brain crazy..let me in on the UKShire,,hows that pronounced?,,could ya do a phonetic spelling of whatever you're trying to say? Let me guess; Rooster! Y'all saying Rooster! Am I rite? Yea,, Rooster going to bed! That works.
What don't they put pineapple on?
..btw,,heres a crappy pic of WK and the frame I made for it.
Some pointers..use the best wood you can afford. Press wood or compound wood, etc etc,,just doesn't take screws and paint as well as real wood. I used flat 90 degree corner brackets , 2 per corner,,to keep frame tight and true. I'm happy with it and learned a few tricks to confidently pursue doing my own framing on RT next.
or maybe
MEL, thanks for the frame link. Is that matted or just a wide frame? Either way, I like it. And where'd you get the glass?
Whaddya charge to custom-frame one of these odd-sizers? ;)
Cosmically Yours
Nice Mel, although someone else here posted a WK with a blue matte, and I think that's what I'll be going for. Although as it isn't going to arrive for a little bit, and may well be drop kicked and re-charged for customs, I'll have to wait a bit.
New competition! exciting! will this be the last one?
Ben, i'm honored i've inspired your matting choice :p
Good morning all, yes unfortunately the next competition will be the last.
Speaking of competitions - NEW POST
@KI.Thanks for setting up the link.
.The grey is left over molding,,2.25 inches wide. The black trim is Home Depot cap molding with a 3/8th inch lip.
The only thing under glass is the print it self. The grey/black is not under glass. For now, the " glass" is clear plastic sheet. When RT is done then both will get real glass .
In this case the grey frame acts as mat. Choice of color is only limited by the store you buy from.
A good miter saw ,a T square, clamps and a flat horizontal surface to work on , are essential. I also pre drilled all screw holes.
The only thing I paid for ( for this project) was the cap trim, paint, the corner brackets, and a bunch of #4 screws,,around 20 dollars. Glass has yet to be figured in.
Something to do
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