Monday, January 11, 2010

Kevin hearts Losties 113

Kevin Tong proved to be an awesome guy. Not only for driving Olly Moss around in California, he was extremely helpful today. It is amazing how this second wave of releases allows us direct contact and exchange with the artists. Kevin just posted this message on his blog:

Everything is set. Thanks so much for ordering. I wish there was more to go around, but it is what it is. I appreciate everyone following the procedures and helping me help you. I really hope that those of you who didn’t get one that wanted one can find a way to get one without getting too screwed over.

While going through orders, I noticed that some of you live eerily close to me. I would like to offer you a chance to pick up the posters that you ordered if you prefer. If you ordered a poster and prefer to pick it up (faster, safer, sure fire) we will work out a shipping refund, please email me at colt83 at gmail dot com with “I would like to arrange a pickup” in the title. Please do so by about this time tomorrow. If not, shipping is totally fine too.

As for American orders, I will refund you the $5 extra (see the previous updates), please be patient as there are many orders to sift through. I plan to do it in a few days.

I’ll have a special surprise for any Hatch fans on this blog later this week (sorry, it’s not “The Hatch”, those are seriously gone). Thanks again. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Please keep an eye out for future interviews and posts

take care, and all the best.


Anonymous said...


Chrcowan said...

Thanks Kevin!

Martyn said...

Brilliant, Zort needs to make a Poster 18 chronicling the resell edition of this ARG!

DvdBos said...

(first sucks)

Kevin, you're amazing.

THANKS to all the artist who partecipate in this not only with posters, but with feelings too.

(my english sucks, it's midnight, be patient)

ChrisL said...

Very nice words from KT. One cool guy.

Sam G said...

:) email

Martyn said...

I'm out of here guys, got what will no doubt be a dull day tomorrow compared to today. Been amazing following this resell, finally getting WK and now trying to get a Locke's Secret tee (seriously, what is wrong with me).

Anyway, good night all!

P.S. Anne, e-mail me at mgraham.0605328atgooglemaildotcom to tell me how you want to do the whole process for the LU Class 2010 tee!

DvdBos said...

Martyn, stop. :D
Do it for your wallet.
Stop, please :D

ChrisL said...

I'm away too. Thanks all for the quality company during that madness once again today.

DvdBos said...

Seriously, let's imagine WHAT A MESS WILL BE when Danger and Tan will release their print.


I'm hoping one thing.
And so that Danger is reading us, choosing 50 of our names and give us the paint at a fair price. And Tan that does the same.

(i'm dreaming, i know).

Will said...

Stop me if this has already been discussed, but would it be possible for some artists (or ABC, I suppose) to do a 2nd printing. I don't mean just reprinting, but changing colors, almost like a variant, and doing a completely new run? I have to imagine that the 2nd run would be more like a normal poster offering and not so hectic. I would buy a variant version of almost every poster that's been released.

DvdBos said...

That's a VERY NICE idea.

Sam G said...

Since these posters only go up to season 3, i wonder if there are plans for prints for the last 2 seasons?

futureself said...

What an awesome thank you note Kevin! We heart you too :D

DvdBos said...

These are seasons 1-3.
It is EVIDENT that next year there will be another series, involving seasons 4-6.
The problem will be that now everybody will follow this.. :( Flippers included.

Unknown said...

I posted this in the other thread, but if anyone wants to sell the Hatch poster ($300) or trade for it let me know. I have Rousseau's Tranmission, Hurley and possibly a Polar Bear I could trade one plus cash for.

My email is nopey23 @ if interested.


mtutick said...

@Anne - You can throw my name in the hat for the Locke shirt. I want a Medium anyway :) Thanks!

Unknown said...

@Martyn: sending you an email.

Did anyone else who has Locke tee find a flaw on it? Mine have some small shinier lines on it, I swear I didn't put anything heavy on it when packing. :( Might go away in wash?

I honestly didn't notice it till now, so I'm not sure anyone would be bugged, but let me know if you are.

Also want to check with . . . Maven and Thorsten are running things while Zort is cavorting in FL? If it's okay for me to do this on here.

With their okay and so long as no one minds about whatever weird nearly invisible line is on it, I will post shirt measurements, list of names in hat, pick time for ending.

throwfar said...

Got the dredded refund notice at
12:00:27...Atleast I was faster this time around. Anyhow, I got my Hurley in today and Im stoked to go open it. Props to everyone who landed (in my opinion) the best piece of the series!

Now its off to line the flippers pockets as I will now have to caugh up an extra $250+ to have it.

Unknown said...

And yeah Jensen didn't say much, but I think smart money is on DCaaPB 2.0 for 3-6.

Maybe I can do something for this one XD; (YEAH RIGHT)

Amy Lynn said...

Just caught up to literally 500 comments. Glad this seemed to have gone smoother than the past few.

@Anne, I already have a t-shirt, but, um, I wear an XS.

I have nothing to say about flipping or buying from Ebay. It is bad.

mtutick said...

@throwfar, that seems like a quick sell to get a refund. There were quite a few in the last post with a time after that, and only see ioioos reporting a refund. Are you sure you've got the right timestamp?

Sorry to hear a refund for all of those that got it though

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think there will be a second series of prints for season 4 -6 for the following reasons:

1. The process to get the first 16 was more than a year in the making. It was a long project.

2. Unless ABC can tie it in with a Season 6 DVD release, there is no more product to promote. The show is over. Whats the point?

3. They have already captured a lot of the leading poster artists with the first 16. It doesn't get any bigger. Unless they change style, a second set will only feel like a poor repeat. Thats not Damon's style.

4. You'll be amazed how quickly lost will be forgotten past 2010....

Ellen said...


Will said...

I worryingly agree ioioos. I think doing it after the season ends doesn't really bring much to the table to ABC. I asked Kevin Tong about doing an artist-based variant/alternate issue, and he said it wouldn't be possible without ABC's permission. I imagine that it wouldn't be very easy to get permission from ABC. Too bad, I think it's a neat idea.

Amy Lynn said...

I do disagree with whoever says "the show is over, what's the point?" Case in point, the He-Man show at G1988 this week. He-Man has been over for many, many years (decades!), and I guarantee you never once had as many viewers as LOST has every week. It's a question of cultural saturation. Actually, with this small a run, it's not a question of anything. A second printing would be excellent, and would easily sell out, perhaps even at a higher price point.

futureself said...

Thanks again to Ramhatter for the amazing runner-up prize! Here's a pic of it proudly being squeezed by Benry ~ and yes, I diligently drymounted it on to the print ;)


And here's my new Daniel Danger print...


DvdBos said...

Well, that's sad.
I think i will have to force myself to be content with the ones i have :)

Will said...

@ AmyL I agree that it would be awesome for fans, and that many people will still care very strongly. I just don't think ABC will put another one together, because they won't have a strong interest in marketing their product after s6. But the artists themselves could always make other Lost prints. That would be fantastic.

Unknown said...

@Amy Lynn: most of the women who post here actively were at G88 and I assumed already had shirts if they wanted them. I got an S. Most guys would want L or XL, usually, and that's what everyone's been asking about. But of course it depends on how you prefer your shirts, too . . .

There have been some hints that this might not be the end of Lost. ABC makes a lot on DVD sales, too. I don't think they'd do a campaign again, but a gallery show maybe. ABC doesn't have to be the one making the profit, directly or indirectly; they might give permission for something that would still give them positive PR. Who knows.

Unknown said...

@futureself: that's one of my favorites of his too! If I can't get Jacob's Cabin (yeah um that's not happening lol), then I'm definitely getting something by him. I really like the atmosphere.

mungonna said...

WOW..Its going to be pretty difficult to top Kevin Tong..Geesh Kevin,,a video too with Olly Moss!!. Thanks beyond words!

Keep it Surreal

Amy Lynn said...

BTW, I just wanted to say I think Thorsten is doing a fantastic job subbing for Zort. Really fantastic.

throwfar said...

Item Amount:
$215.00 USD
$0.00 USD
$0.00 USD
Item Title:
The Hatch
Item Number:
the Hatch
Jan 11, 2010
12:00:27 PST

futureself said...

Anne, it is really beautiful and my photo does it no justice. It has bumped my favourite bedroom poster off the wall (until I get my framaing sorted at least), Tim Walker's Dress Tree, which you might also like:


I 2nd that Amy Lynn :)

throwfar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

Well it looks like another fun evening of poster purchasing.

I posted this in the wrong thread but here it is again - after todays trip out we have a LostARGs mascot.

This is Freckles the Liger a very rare cross between a Lion and a Tiger.

I saw her today at the Big Cat Rescue Center in Tampa

maven said...

Hey, Zort, I just say that pic on Twitter! Awesome animal and the perfect name.

I read somewhere that ABC is hesitant to give up on the Lost franchise after S6. We've all heard talk about a Disney/Lost ride. I heard mention of Lost: The Next Generation (I kinda cringe with that one)!

Amy Lynn said...

Random LOST music thought of the day. The instrumental piece played right immediately after Charlotte dies in "This Place is Death" is a slowed down version of the Forrest Gump theme

Capcom said...

Ditto on Thorsten's great stand-in job here!

Also ditto the many thanks to the artists who have been so nice and attentive to Lost fans, they've been beyond great.

Capcom said...

LOL, have to check that out Amy. :o)

thaeagle2003 said...

hey guys i know this is off the current topic but i figured this would be the best place for it. i recieved the dan lydersen painting from the gallery the other day.when i looked at the lottery ticket numbers they are off they are 4 8 15 18 23 42 was curious what u thought. thank you

Tess315 said...

Hey zort
That's a beautiful animal. Good choice of mascot.

I cringed too when I heard someone mentioned Lost 2.0.

Anonymous said...


throwfar said...

For a split second I almost thought I was gunna score a "hatch" and than wham got hit with the brick for the 2nd time. "The hatch and me is simply not meant to be!"

Dan said...

@Eagle - props on (1) nabbing, and (2) being able to afford the Lydersen!

Zort70 said...

Sweaterboyeex11 - Just so you know posting in all capitals is considered to be shouting.

You may just be very excited, but it is something we try and avoid.

Regarding selling them, I would never let them go myself so I can't comment on selling them.

thaeagle2003 - Interesting indeed, I wonder if that is one of the subtle hints that the producers have said they are introducing as almost subliminal marketing.

Zort70 said...

All I can say is LOST 20 - Nooooooooooooo

Is there a spare jughead we can borrow ?

vabauer said...

throwfar, the timestamp that I would say you need to look at if any is the Paypal, I'm looking at the one above my Transaction ID from the paypal email confirmation, does yours match that?

Zort70 said...

LOST 2.0 Nooooooo, Lost 20 Never.

Zort70 said...

Amy, we ate at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. tonight.

vabauer said...

If they ever do 2.0, it would likely be without Carlton's blessing, based on what they've said in the past

DvdBos said...

Lost will be unique.
Full stop.

vabauer said...

Bubba Gump is awesome!! it's my wife's favorite place in the whole world, we've been to the one in NYC, Miami and San Francisco, very much recommend it

chaseter said...

Pretty lame to sell one of a kind gifts from Darlton imo. There were people behind you that would let those shoes eat with them at the dinner table:o


throwfar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy Lynn said...

I've never been to Bubba Gump. The one near my house is a disaster - seven bazillion people, right in the middle of Times Square.

DvdBos said...

Amy, you from NY?
If so, I'll be there in March!

throwfar said...

Jan. 11, 2010 12:00:27 PST
Transaction ID:
thats my transaction time

IWish said...


Yeah, switch around the 18 to 81 and add the 5 from the Dharma Van print.

815 - Ta-da! Clue solved. :)

Seriously...can't imagine what the deal is on the wrong lotto numbers. Very strange for such a detailed painting...hard to believe it was a mistake.

Amy Lynn said...

Yes, NYC.

mungonna said...

thaeagle...its obvious to me that Lyderson did not win the Lottery. Thats why he is still selling commercial paintings.


throwfar said...

Got my Hurley's curse in today (alittle good news) Pretty cool that Tim threw in an extra print. Im one for 2. Fav characters are hurley and Locke.

mungonna said...

..actually ABC owns those Lyderson wasn't allowed to use them.


mungonna said...

Zort...The parrot,,now there's your mascot!


mungonna said...

No really...those numbers..they are a Big Clue to LOST 2.0...


Amy Lynn said...

Polly, Polly parrot?!?!?

mungonna said...

no ..a real parrot,,not a Sears.


vabauer said...

throwfar, all I can think of is that the time Kevin is looking at is not Paypal but maybe when the item left the cart or something in his inventory software... it all happened so quickly that it's likely it all came down to tenths of a second!

mungonna said...

btw.. how close does one have to live to Kevin be eerily? That wasn't made clear to me.


vabauer said...

Amy, I can see how a New Yorker tries to avoid Times Square, it's great for us tourists but if you have it there all the time, it might not be all the best!

throwfar said...

Vabauer. what was your time. Some people are claiming to have got one with a stamp of 12:00:30

vabauer said...

mine was :36

throwfar said...

And some chick has 2 on ebay for sale so that pisses me off even more that someone beat the system...I understand there are 45 prints and thousands want them but to be sooooo close but sooooo far away!

throwfar said...

And no refund email for you!

vabauer said...

someone here mentioned that the artists had the right to cancel orders for those they found out to be flippers, is that right?

I think that should especially be true for that ebay seller with two posters, they've all had a specific warning about no more than one per person

throwfar said...

Please. if anyone with a stamp of 12:00:28 or higher got a hatch maybe i was given a redund e-mail by mistake and can e-mail Kevin regarding this.

It might not be to late if its a mistake.

Unknown said...

That ebayer might have gotten 2 from Kevin Tong's site as well as

mungonna said...

..oh poop! now i got a nosebleed!!..I wonder if i slow it down,, if it will become a butt wound?


throwfar said...

Oh well. If I keep thinking about this I'll go insane. Its time to start saving until next pay check to buy this damn thing on ebay. I'm done whining!

Zort70 said...

Just thought I ought to post an email that was sent -

Big fan of LOSTARGS.COM. I would love to join the chat room conversations, however, my fear is I would never leave the rooms and would forget about the rest of the world. Just wanted to say thanks for the super job, because of your site I was able to go the Chicago reveal and get the coolest napkin of all time.

I have a couple of LOST videos on YouTube that I wanted to share with you.

The first is a fan music video. Unlike some fan videos, it's not just a song and random footage, there is structure to it. The biggest critiscism I get about it is the song; it's a heavy metal number with alot of screaming -- but I think it works great with the footage and the nature of the video.

The second is something different.It's a short that centers around how the rest of the world might react to the Oceanic 6 disappearing yet again on an airplane,

Thanks for keeping me informed. Keep up the awesome work!

mungonna said...




Sam G said...

On Daniel Danger's site he says he reserves the right to pull his artwork, it's his up until the time it goes out his door.
"I reserve the right to sell or not sell to whomever I please. This is my work, my store, and MY WORK. I reserve my right to NOT SELL AND CANCEL ORDERS TO RE-SELLERS/EBAYERS should you make yourself painfully obvious and blatant. Once a print is in your hands, its yours. Until the post office picks up the package and leaves my driveway, its mine. id much rather hold onto said order and sell it to someone who actually wants it."

vabauer said...

Sam G, that's pretty cool, don't know if the others have something similar but DD totally has a point

mungonna said...

..only until it leaves his drive way.
Then it kinda rounds off a bit.


mungonna said...

Btw..Eugene!..Nooo,,not Texaese..but rather that of a very small boy terrified by older brother ,,and swearing vengeance. Say it as if your eyes are swollen from crying.


throwfar said...

Well I think Im done bidding on these things. To much stress thinking ya I got one than no its gone. If by any chance someone gets this print and finds out you don't like it after all I will spot $350+ shipping costs.

mungonna said... many home owners,,heck, even apartment dwellers, have gotten hold of their insurance agents and upped the value of their total assets now that these prints are just about all distributed? Don't forget!! Better get to it, ya never know when the next bolt of lightning is gonna hit.

You're in Good Hands

throwfar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trial Attorneys said...

Zort - are you in Orlando now? That's where I live.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

ok, caught up and now off to bed. Night all....

Zort70 said...

TA - I'm in Tampa at the moment, flying back on Wednesday from Orlando.

Assuming the snow in the UK hasn't crippled Manchester airport.

Zort70 said...

By the way I've just announced the Competition 4 winner.


RobPerrin said...

So, does NOT winning all these competitions increase my chances for winning future competitions? (All those probability courses in university are getting a little fuzzy...) If so, they YAY!

maven said...

Congrats to CTKP!

Zort70 said...

Apparently CTKP is going to the premiere and wants to wear the t-shirt there.

throwfar said...

Can't believe the season will really be over after this year. So many questions to answer. Atleast that will make it a great ending. All the built up hype!!!

Well Im waiting tell my money is refunded and than I got the ok to get one off ebay. (had to promise the wife a great V-day date in exchange). Im deffently getting the better out of the deal!

maven said...

I'm bringing my LU tee and my Olly Moss tee!

mungonna said...

..oh darn!...looks like plan b for me!


lora said...

CTKP sure is lucky. Able to go to the premiere and wins the t-shirt. How many prints was he/she able to get?

vabauer said...

Wow, finally had the chance to look over the questions for prize 6 and I have to say they're tough! Awesome prize of course, very fitting

obviously any lostie knows where to look, but this one will require going through the episodes, may I suggest if you don't have the DVDs, I'll be streaming on Netflix which is also good and will probably allow for better searching.

I want to thank TPTB behind lostargs for this, of course Zort but also his helpful cohorts, this competition is totally an extra bonus after all they've done and yet they're working hard to get this thing together, I wish I had strings to pull to fly you guys to the VIP in Hawaii or something like that!

Best of luck to everyone!!

Amy Lynn said...

If anyone's interested in reading more about the possible Disney World ride/LOST connection:

vabauer said...

In case anybody missed this, one of the Lost SMS alerts sent out had the following link, nothing we don't know but cool official videos to warm us up (as if we need any further warming up!!!)

vabauer said...

more interesting news in case you haven't heard, now that Jay Leno's show will be cancelled, NBC is scrambling to produce pilots for next season, one of which is said to be from JJ Abrams, sounds like something to keep an eye out for the last half of the year

Tess315 said...

I hope NBC treats JJ better than Jay. But really who didn't see that coming?

Unknown said...

Apparently the Undercovers pilot will be first shown at Comic-Con so it should be on tv sometime after that.

ObFuSc8 said...

Just getting caught up on comments...

thaeagle2003 -- I went back and looked at Anne's high res pics of Memento Mori, and yeah -- 4, 8, 15, 18, 23, 42 is what's painted. I hadn't caught that with the whirlwind of activity of the G1988 event, the holidays and all of these artist releases.

In a previous email, Dan Lydersen said, '...I should tell you that I'm not privy to any of the show's secrets. Some people have been wondering if there are clues in my painting as to the course of Season Six but there aren't."

So, the 18 replacing the usual 16 is either an oversight or the artist's interpretation...of something. I'll add more if I get any more info.

MiddayShadows said...

This just in from Daniel Danger's mailing list:

" for the print i did for LOST and its eventual availability... i know since pretty much every other artist sold their prints this past week many many many many many many many many people emailed me asking when i was putting mine up. i'm sorry if i didn't get back to everyone, there have been so so so many, and there's really only so many emails i could reply to on my iphone from a van. but i don't really have my plan for this yet. i suspect a cart system will be a nightmare, and an email lottery will just get flooded. the simple answer at the moment is: i will let my mailing list know in the next few days. be on it if you aren't, its over to the left there...

ok, back to coughing and wheezing and wishing i was asleep.
-d "

MilkcanRocks said...

Catching up on comments, and I noticed something that was brought up that wasn't addressed.

I think Will asked about a second edition. From what I understand, the artists involved not only had a strict 'non-disclosure' agreement (as in they couldn't talk about the project), but there was also a strict clause against any reprints and/or variants that could be done by the artists themselves or ABC. So, what we have is what we have - no variants or reprints. Sucks, but it is what it is.

However, ABC COULD choose to do a second series of all-new posters in the future...

Martyn said...

I'm all for DCAAPB 2.0 but not a chance in he'll of a LO2T/LOST 2.0/LOST: The Next Generation!

Bubba Gump is amazing, been to the NY branch and the one at Islands of Adventures. Great food! Mmmm, hungry!

Like Maven, I'll be bringing my LU tee to Hawaii (to get signed of course) but debating between wearing Polar Beer, a Marvin Candle Tee or Patmcs Team Jacob tee. So many choices!

Looks like we'll be waiting a while for DD print as well. So glad I've got it. I have no need to go for the crash unless I want to flip it straight away but I truly don't have the heart to do that, so I'm all done with DCAAPB, well, maybe after I try and fail getting an Olly Moss tee that is. I have a 2hr 30min stopover in LAX coming back from Hawaii, enough time to get down to G1988 and back?

Sam G said...

2hr 30min - that would depend on traffic. Are you considering getting back through security at the airport?

I wouldn't think that was enough time.

Tess315 said...

Good Morning All
Kinda quite this morning.

Zort70 said...

Just in caser you haven't seen, there are a couple of NEW POSTs