The fourth episode concerns Alvar Hanso and his links to Gerald DeGroot and University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
The video talks about Alvar being a WWII Munitions profiteer, who gave weapons to resistance forces. After the war supplying high technology armaments to NATO.
Alvar apparently first met DeGroot when Gerald was 8 years old. DeGroot stayed in touch with Alvar and when he needed funding for The Dharma Initiative asked Alvar for help.
Some screenshots from the video click on them for larger versions :-
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Just to add a final note on the poster issues (probably not final but worth a go)
I don't regret managing this site and missing out on the poster yesterday, but I do mind the eBay seller putting it up for sale immediately, before it has even been received.
However life has taught me that good things happen to us and things we would rather not happen are usually just around the corner and that we can't do much to stop them. All we can do is what we feel is right and proper and support others when those things happen.
I feel very well supported for my, almost insignificant in the grand scheme of things, inability to purchase a poster, and for that I probably will feel better than if I had bought the poster.
I can't find the link to the video...
Hi Jake, it is
I'll update the main post to include it.
hmmmm it seems that when met the little Degrut boy became friends with Aliver Hanso, his innocence was lost...
Makes you wonder if Alvar made friends with the young Gerald for a reason.
Young De Groot was Special, for sure. I remember Alvar running around a forest looking for him, back in the day. GERAAAAALLD!
Denmark is around the corner from Luebeck, where I am, so we were basically neigbours with the Hansos ;))
About our friend on ebay, tearow, looks like he did this before. His last item, MIDNIGHT JACK Specimen 002, was offered with the same note about it being a pre-order, yaddayadda.
I've got no problem with people selling posters on eBay, but like concert tickets, I'd prefer people to actually have the goods before they sell them.
Zort, I have to agree with you there! What if it sells and something happens and the seller never receives the goods? It's been known to happen! (I know it's mean, but I almost hope that happens in this case...)
Loved this MOTU video; most informative and mythology-related yet, imo...
I really hope Hanso is somehow woven into the fabric of Season 6...I would prefer more than a nod to the fans, maybe some ancestors or something... Will be a bit disappointed if they do not tie up that loose end.
MOTU video looks great.
Yes, I'd love Alvar or Magnus Hanso to be in the final season.
I suspect Alvar and Gerald behind the continuing food drops…
I wonder who could play Gerald Degroot on the show? Maybe they'll leave him as one of the mysteries...I just think it would be hard to explain this guy's intentions fully with so much going on in season 6 and give the storyline the time it deserves, considering how much they've played up the Dharma Initiative.
Hanso...gotta involve some relatives at least... they can skimp on the Degroot, but not the Hanso.
Yes, I wonder if GD is already on the island somewhere, maybe at the temple.
From the "Locke's Secret" seller on eBay:
"Yeah I follow lostargs and darkufo so I expected some heat but I was surprised at the level of some of the hate. I mean how are people who are trying to complete a set going to do it if nobody every sells any of them. I'm a fan like everybody else and have followed these prints from the beginning. If I was really a "douche" I could have posted the DCAAPB url on my listing. I originally bought them as a surprise for my wife but lets just say she was less than enthusiastic when she found out. So with the baby coming in Feb they've go to go. My reserve is $400 because I have an offer locally for that but it looks like its going to hit that soon. I've also gotten a number of email offers well above that to end the auction early but I'm going to leave it up there and give everybody a shot at it. Believe me I LOVE Lost and but family comes first. Thanks for the email"
Everyone needs to reserve judgment until they have all the facts (part of which we see above). Unfortunately, the readers of this blog seem particularly interested in spewing venom toward others who don't fit their very narrow view of what a "fan" is and is not.
Zort, please feel free to repost this if need be.
Nice...I have a baby on the way, too...I'd sell every last one of my posters if it came down to it.
Family > Poster
People need to lay off this guy.
@organic_herbal - Just so you know, the guy with the baby-on-the-way is not the same person who is selling the new poster. He is selling Locke's Secret. I am sure he already has it in hand.
I've updated the main page with the email contents.
I think we all have to accept that these things happen and sometimes we just have to live with them.
Lets just get back to discussing Lost, and leave the eBay sellers to their own fate.
@Zort - FYI - it's actually University of Michigan, not Michigan University. :) I myself am a University of Michigan '97 alum (and I still work in Ann Arbor). Think I should track down that door and see if it's still locked? Ha!
Lots of things are sold on Ebay before they arrive in hand...especially collectibles. When the new Trek movie came out, Burger King released a set of ~24 toys. They were to be released 4 each week.
Of course a BK employee or someone with access posted the whole collection for sale on day one. He did not have the rights to sell them until all of them had been released.
No matter the Rousseau's Transmission seller's motive, I don't damn him either way... Sure, I'm a little frustrated that he *might* be a non-fan and just flipping it for a buck, but with no way to know for sure, I'm reserving judgment, and I think people here should, too..
There is no way to know people's reasons, so the LAST thing I would do would be send an insulting, sour grapes e-mail. I wouldn't condone or passively condone such behavior, either... not cool my friends.
How about we just say "Better luck next time" to those of us that have missed out? Whatever happened, happened (lol)
Sorry zort, I was typing when you said to change the topic.
Thanks for the work you do; love this site!
I truly wish we would see DG this coming season but feel like we'll be lucky to get a little more information on the Hanso clan.
@Mrs Z, I've updated the main post, thank's for the info, and yes a comparison on the door then and now would be good :-)
@organic_herbal - No problem I think this subject will keep cropping up as we go further down the line. We all just have to be aware of what might happen if we don't purchase a poster quickly.
I think an Ann Arbour flash back / forward / sideways is a definite possibility.
It all depends on how far back the loop reaches… I mean when the insertion-point for Timeline B will be. But there is a good chance that we will see Ann Arbor, and the reactions there to the Incident. And a close professional connection of Faraday and De Groot should not be ruled out…
Thanks for posting the resale info Zort. I agree with what you expressed on the post and in the comments here.
On the other hand, I also am not sure that I buy the shpeal Thorsten, but that's just my woman's intuition, faulty or not. :-o
On to better things, thanks for posting the new video Zort! It's good to get some evil DHARMA/Hanso info again, just like the good old TLE days! Hey, I used to work on those little MST computer modules in that image.
Capcom - Yes, I was taken back to TLE for a few moments during the video.
I imagine De Groot coming to the Island after the Incident, and confining Radzinski down in the Swan forever, haha.
Yes Thorsten, to punish Rad for being such a type-A jerk and ruining everything! X-D
BTW, I just looked up Luebeck where you are, and low and behold the crest is very similar to the two-headed bird (Phoenix we have been calling it due to the similar Freemason symbol) that is on Desmond's polo shirt in the stadium when he first met Jack. link
I almost forgot to check the hub page today, but I just did and there have been no updates.
Capcom, apologies, your comment has reminded me there was something I wanted to tell you !
Have a look at the Wimbledon AFC Football Club logo on the linked page.
I know the outside feathers are not there but it could be worth more investigation.
Whoa, good investigative job there, Capcom! The Luebeck double eagle is from back when the hanseatic league was founded here, and ships were sailing all over the globe with it on the sails… Luebeck was free city till 1937, hence we kept the eagle. Thomas Mann, Guenter Grass, Willy Brandt and Marzipan are from here ;))
Hey wow, thanks Zort and Thorsten! Great info to work on! Now, if we can only figure out why the bird on Dez's shirt is scribbled up by all those black lines and such around, and on, it.
Heheh, "Hanseatic League" sounds like it could describe us Lost fans...or maybe Hansoatic. :o)
You heard it here first . . . G. DeGroot and Hanso/Middelwerk are behind the 2:17 sec. blackout in FlashForward and MOTU clips are for that show and NOT Lost.
Please tell me you are laughing.
I also enjoyed MOTU Part 4 because of the Hanso reveals and another 'magic box' suggested on the campus at Ann Arbor.
Would it be possible to locate that entrance, Mrs. Z? A 2009 photo would be excellent!
Loved the latest MOTU video...definitely has the old TLE vibe. Love some more back story on the DeGroots and the Alvar. Maybe we'll see what happened to Daniel when he was off-island in Michigan!
I'm laffin' Lottery! :o) Good one.
Okay. It looks like Alvar Hanso hasn't aged since the 1980s. It's the same picture of him that's used in 2006 on the Hanso website! XD
Well, Congested, the Danes are generally in good shape, owned to the public option in their healthcare system!
I looked into scotch soccer and found those guys…
They are in Perth, which is close to Dundee.
Congested, it's the Life Exstension Project from TLE :-)
@LotteryTicket - Hmm...University of Michigan has a pretty big campus (and I'm guessing that vid is from a set somewhere anyway), but I'll be there for the football game tomorrow, so I'll be on the lookout for any suspicious locked doors. :) What else was in that room? It kind of looked like a pool, but I wasn't paying that close of attention.
Hey thanks Thorsten! It looks as if those two-headed birds are pretty popular. :-)
BTW Zort, our fearless leader, if it ever comes down to updating the poster clue and getting your poster, pleeeeeease go for your poster first. Once the cat is out of the bag and we've posted on the comments where to find the poster, we're good to go until everyone gets what they need, especially you since you might have card date problems. Go for it, we'll wait for you here until the dust settles. I just feel so badly that you didn't get your poster. :-( You're our Hiatus Hero 2009. xo
Don't feel bad, I'm just happy that I'm not making a complete pigs ear of all the updates !
As I said above all the love and good wishes being spread around is more than enough compensation for not getting a poster.
I've jst seen this link posted on
Random question here: Does anyone have a light-up Hatch toy they don't want anymore? I'm looking to buy one... hit me at comixguru (at) gmail dot com
Are you referring to the McFarlane hatch?
amazon link
I know I have 1, I will look in my toy room to see if I bought 2.
@Reverend Milo - yep. That's the one i'm lookin' for. :) Thanks for checking! -alice.
That puppet in MOTU freaked me out.
LotteryTicket said... Zort70 et al. while scouring for order numbers, I saw a comment at DarkUFO/Arg that the word 'seule' is misspelled as 'seul' without the e...."
That was from the previous post, but I've been doing some digging and it looks like without the e and with an e are both acceptable spellings.
Seul is the masculine form and Seule is the feminine, so I suppose we could argue that as it is Rousseau that is saying it Seule would be more appropriate.
Nachosaur, yes apart from the metaphor of someone pulling the strings it does look out of place in a video about Dharma.
Zort, you're right on the French. It should be Je suis seule for a feminine speaker.
These MOU are great. A great alternative to the DCAAB site, which can get frustrating (lol). I think we see a Farraday flashback next season of his time at the Ann Arbor headquarters. I think Maven originally said this, but I'm throwing up a second hand for this theory!
Yes a breath of fresh air to talk about something other than posters and clues.
Now where is that F5 button.....
And then there's this . . .
when we first hear Danielle's voice in the bunker/liar with Sayid, it starts a masculine and then goes to feminine.
"Very inter est ing . . ."
I found one hatch in my toy room (bottom left hand corner of this image)
Reverend Milo's toy room
but not found a duplicate yet, do you need it for a project or to complete a set. I can loan mine to ya, or help you find one on the market (I have a couple of shops here that still have them hidden in back I think)
My goodness, ReverendMilo, it looks like you've got your own toy store!
haha, great room, Milo!
Let me know if you dig out another hatch, I want one too!
Milo, is that a sonic screwdriver I see ?
@ReverendMilo Cool pic! I just want to get one for my collection. I passed it up when it was available at Toys R Us and of course now i'm kicking myself for it. I've been looking on ebay, but they are usually $40 and up. Seeing if I can find one for under that. :) Thanks for checking for me! I really appreciate it!!! Let me know if you find any shops that have it for less than $40.
No problem alice! I will try to find the secret stashes and snag em up for y'all.
And yes that is a sonic screwdriver :)
Actually that pic is only of about 1/5th of the toy room. There are 192 feet of shelving in that room (including surrounding the entire ceiling), a tournament foosball table, and a closet dedicated to board games. unfortunately it is a bit cluttered in there right now.
Rev, I thought I was mad with a couple of large boxes of unopened minta Star Wars toys stashed in the shed! Thats awesome!
Back in full on waiting for clue mode today.
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