Saturday, October 3, 2009

Frame 8 Fair Winds in Buenos Aires ? 87

A new clue at

Thanks to JPL for the first mention of the new clue and AndySchex for the possible translation to Buenos Aires.

Also from AndySchex, via Dohill06 at the SpoilerTV forums, there is a book launch by DGPH tomorrow in Buenos Aires of their new Ark Project. Website here


Amy Lynn said...

I think you're right on about Argentina, Andy. Great work.

Zort70 said...

Yes good work Andy / Dohiil06.

Odd if it is tomorrow, that would be a fast turnaround.

CDog said...

If you go to, you can see that DGPH contributed a piece of work on the Penguin (each artist chose a different animal to represent). May not be significant, but who knows...

MJCarp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AndySchex said...

Thanks y'all. I'm kinda of glad I came down with a cold yesterday otherwise I wouldn't be in front of a computer trying to decipher clues.

maven said...

Fabulous sleuthing!

Wow...Argentina! First Rio gets the Olympics, now Buenoes Aires gets URL release! Hope there's a lot of Argentine LOST fans there!

maven said...

BTW: I have a quilting friend who is on vacation in Buenos Aires! She's not a Lostie and will think I'm crazy! I won't even mention it to her until we have solid info!

MJCarp said...

Tomorrow would very appropriate 108 days until start of season 6.

Is there a connection?

Buenos Aires time is = Halifax, Nova Scotia


EST + one hour

CST + 2hrs

PST + 4hrs

MJCarp said...

London minus 4 hrs = Buenos Aires

Scoutpost said...

Maven- there are a lot of Argentine LOST fans...remember that guy we met at Comic Con? or was he from Brazil? Well anyway, wherever he was from he said LOST had a huge following there.

Thanks for the time zone breakdown LT!

Cheif Brody said...


For the Boston Event...I called my ONLY friend in Bean Town (she is not a Lostie) and told her to get her butt down to Johnny Cupcakes and report back to me.

Yes, she thought I was crazy! Lol!! She wasn't able to leave work that day, but one of her co-workers who loves LOST was able to attend.

I also drove folks crazy calling all the businesses around Johnny Cupcakes asking them if they had a LOST event scheduled that week...Most were bummed they weren't the chosen location...but the Spa that was clearly shown in the 1st Boston clue picture told me that Johnny Cupcakes was right next door to them, and they often hold events where there is a crowd of people out the door (as the pic appeared to show).

When I finally called Johnny Cupcakes and asked about a "LOST event", the girl was immediately flustered. Then she asked me to 'hold on'...when she came back, she said s the 'she didn't know of any upcoming events'...very suspiciously. The following day, the Johnny Cupcakes event was revealed! Lol! I think I was the first to call them and inquire about it, and they didn't know whether to confirm or deny!

maven said...

Right, Scoutpost...He was so nice, but I don't remember if he was from Brazil or Argentina. I think it was Brazil since I remember him saying when the Portuguese was in the cold monitoring station, he was very excited!

I think Jorge was a lot of South American fans, too!

ytimetravel said...

At the DGPH site the pink monster is shown on a print for sale at their store - the "Happy Villains" screenprint. Sounds like Ben Linus.

Amy Lynn said...

While the Happy Villains clue is intriguing, the poster has almost never had anything to do with the clues or the location.

ytimetravel said...

Agreed - sorry, hadn't read the comments under the Monstrous Frame post yet. Still it makes me chuckle.

Nachosaur said...


They just do NYC, LA, Dallas, Boston, and Arizona, and then they jump to Argentina??


Ellen said...

@Rev - LOL! I will comment when I can contribute!
You guys are great detectives and puzzle solvers...:)

aby! said...

Argentina?!?!?!?!? awwwwwwwww i live in Uruguay!!!! just a river away!!!! so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tess315 said...

I know I'm way behind on comments.I just got home.
But in a previous post
Capcom said:
Their graphics remind me of the Slusho website for Cloverfield. :-)

I like maven immediately said Yes! that's why it seems familiar.

Now back to catching up on comments.

Tess315 said...

I agree no one needs to go anywhere. All we need is to find out the time and day and F5 DCPB until the print shows up. Then wait for the buy now button.

But it's so much more fun this way. It's fun searching for the answers to clues and wondering who will crack it first. :)

Capcom said...

I wonder how many keyboards have needed to be replaced due to broken F5 keys, since the the first Lost ARG in 2006?


Sandman90 said...

Briefly checking in from hotel computer. Sounds like I missed most of the fun. You guys are fantastic - great work! Back to the drudgery...

Cristian said...

Hey! Argentinian LOST fan from Buenos Aires here! :)
I was so like "WTF?!" when I read the Buenos Aires thing! xD
I'm not sure I'll be able to go, depends on where the event is but yes there are a LOT of Losties here, there's even an Argentine fraternity already at Lost University! So if not me, someone will go, I'm sure ^^


maven said...

Hey, Cristian! So glad you checked in here! Keep checking LostArgs to see if this Buenos Aires thing really pans out! Have ever heard of DGPH since the co-founders are from Argentina?

I'm sure someone from your Lost University fraternity will be our eyes and ears!

Scoutpost said...

Hey Cristian! So glad you're here! I hope it's in Argentina for you guys. That would be awesome. And even if you can't go, you can keep us posted on what your fraternity friends find out.

Honestly one of my favorite things about this whole LOST experience over the past 6 years has been being able to talk with people from all over the world!

JenLuvs30STM said...

The original posting of the purple monster had the title "happy villain" on it--thus leading me to think of ben linus...

and then after googling "fair winds" one of the top hits was about hot air balloon rides...coincidence?

JPL said...

@lotteryticket - nice countdown. :)

It makes sense if they do something other than the states. Lost is not a show that the USA can claim for their own. It's international. Next up something for Zort70. :) Would be kind of cool if they did something unexpected on a Sunday (USA time).

Cristian said...

Thank you for the welcoming! ^^
I'm a regular to this site actually so yes I'll be checking, I just never commented before. And no, I've never heard of DGPH... but then again I'm not really into art at all ^^U

I love meeting people from all over the world too :) and not only regarding Lost. What's weird is that I don't currently know anybody from the States xD

Zort70 said...

Welcome along Christian, and all other newbies !

It would be great if the events started moving out of the mainland USA to give some other parts of the world an "event".

thorsten said...

So Zort, do you never sleep? I bet you get up every 100 minutes to update the site! Now I know it was a mistake to skip the Pictoplasma exhibit in Berlin last spring. Cheers from Germany ;))

Zort70 said...

I have been lucky that most of the clues / reveals have been in waking hours.

One of the reveals, was about 2am here, and I have woken at some odd times, couldn't get back to sleep and found that there is a new clue.

Today I got up early for the F1 Grand Prix in Japan.

Zort70 said...

If I did get up regularly it would be every 108 minutes :-)

The Kharma Initiative said...

I think print 8 will be double-sized:

-not dragonmanagement

Zort70 said...

Thanks for the first purchaser letter details, I don't suppose there is a larger version is there ?

The comment in it "We think it's a serious piece of art of Grande proportions"

Grande is definitely a latin word in several languages, and also a river in Brazil ?

Zort70 said...

Also can I ask what order number you were for this poster ?

Zort70 said...

Also in the letter there appears to be either an extra A or THE -

"We are happy to reward you with the a full size run of the Limited Edition KR3W t-shirt.

thorsten said...

I subtracted 8 minutes so that you can grab a beer from the fridge and prepare a grilled cheddar sandwich!

Zort70 said...

Don't worry about the larger size, I've found it.

Zort70 said...

Of course Grande could just be another instance of an extra E being used.

Zort70 said...

If it is today, there isn't much time left to post a new clue !

AndySchex said...

Interesting that the letter is dated Oct 5th.

Zort70 said...

I've just noticed another spelling mistake, "...less then 100 of this shirt..."

Zort70 said...

Can The Kharma Initiative confirm the date the letter was received. i.e. was it yesterday ?

MJCarp said...

The Kharma Initiative, thank you for share this piece of the ARG puzzle.

MJCarp said...

Happy 108 Day to everyone!

BarbaraJay said...

I noticed on the DGPH site that they were at ComiCon introducing their Tsuchi products. Maybe they met Damon and Carlton there and set this up.

Go, Argentinian LoCos! (That's Lost Community friends, not crazy loco.)

Tess315 said...

Grande is a spanish spelling of grand.
Look like this is another clue to Buenos Aires.

That would be so cool if it is!!

Amy Lynn said...

I think poster 8 is going to be HUGE. We have the grande (with an extra e) but it also says before that "Hope you enjoy the entire SIZE run" (capitalization mine).

Trial Attorneys said...

Grande, meaning large in spanish - but don't they speak Portuguese? I think the letter, along with the t-shirt reveal, makes it pretty obvious that we've all figured out that the reveal is tomorrow and it's there.

Amy Lynn said...

Why tomorrow, trial attorneys?

Anonymous said...

Concerning Bell's" Love Triangle" ; Elsewhere a few have expounded profusely on the print. For those of us that " have been there", it struck a nerve. The print is the first to have that quality about it. Not a comfortable nerve, but " real". Her languid style and the nerve struck can be registered as quite the play in opposites.

On viewing the above,,as presented,,the thought of " Olives" struck me. Olives are earthy in taste and for many an acquired taste.

There is the capture of all things LOST in the print . The play between black and white in the tunnel and the lit up room in the top left monitor. The helpless "distance" of the Jack figure,,and that " distance " filled with emotional feel. There is one more subtlety, that of perspectives. Of course all of the technical monitoring and its unfeeling coldness,the escape from that by Skate,then the Jack's figure view of things and then the view from behind Jack. As pointed out by another, it would be the view from Ben's perspective..or maybe ,,just our perspective.

I was warm to this print from the start. I think it captured the " feel " of that scene very well even with all the artist's liberties invoked. The colors , the style, the message..yes , all rather Olive.....imho......MEL

Zort70 said...

Amy - the 1st purchaser letter is dated for the 5th of October, so it is a bit odd that it is in the future.

Mel - good point well made. My initial reaction wasn't a very positive one, but I am getting more and more drawn (no pun intended) to it.

Shakey said...

@LotteryTicket - Happy 108 Day? 108 days until start of season 6? That would be Jan 20th - is that date confirmed? I only ask cause I absolutely refuse to visit spoiler sites this season. I even deleted my shortcuts to DarkUFO and DocArtz's sites.

Nachosaur said...

trial attorneys, Argentina does speak Spanish. And Buenos Aires is the 2nd largest metro area in South America. (A GRANDE size).

MJCarp said...

Shakey, lol. I'm SPOILER FREE and proud of it (temptations are everywhere). I am just watching the LOST countdown widget (main page this blog).

No announcement for start, just end date.

I am going to reach out on the Tweeter feed to our Argentinian friends. If you speak Spanish, let me know. I will try in English first.

maven said...

All things are pointing to Argentina (with the Spanish "grande"). Brazil speaks Portuguese, Trial Attorney. Glad our Argentina LOST fans seem to be on top of things!

Congrats to The Kharma Initiative for being first for Poster #7! Wonder what they're going to do with the 60 extra t-shirts!

Anonymous said...

,Thank you Zort,,I am fascinated by the expanded dimension of this ARG..all the way to Buenos Aires..Wow!

Oh, ,another thing Zort...that " censored" label...really quite ironic imho.. maybe its just me..but it suggests more,,or in this case, maybe " less " than the original . I laff....MEL

Tess315 said...

I didn't notice the letter was dated Oct. 5th. That seems a little suspicious. Weird.

The Kharma Initiative said...

I received the letter (and four shirts) on Monday, October 5, as the letter shows.

That would be weird.

No, kidding, it arrived on Saturday morning. I noticed the future date as well. Another instance of the odd '5' popping up.

And I think 'The Love Triangle' is terrific.

The Kharma Initiative said...

I received one small, one medium, one large, and one X-large KR3W Apparel shirt.

I realized the reference to 'grande' in the letter may be referring to the large size shirt in the package. Unlikely, but I'll check it again for any additional info.

The October 5 date may be a reference to the date of the next poster reveal.

Shakey said...

The Kharma Initiative, what was your order number for the Smoke Monster poster?

MJCarp said...

Flight time LA to EXE 16hrs in the air. Hope Tyson's got the use of private jet or he'll be commercial flight times between 27 and 34 hours to Buenos Aires. Anyone think that the reveal is on hold till he lands.

The Kharma Initiative, the reason for wanting order number (Sharkey request) is that we heard there was a 'new' way to issue gift/letter, not print 101/300. Is that the case? But OK if you don't want to share that. We appreciated the letter reveal.

AndySchex said...

I'm starting think TMDG in Buenos Aires will not be the reveal site. The history of past reveals is usually 2 or 3 obscure hints, then a specific clue with a date/time/location of the event. According to the TMDG schedule, there's only about 2 1/2 hours left. Not much time for another clue.

Congrats to The Kharma Initiative on getting the first order!

Martyn said...

Hi, first time poster. I live in Solihull in the UK, and I for one really hope that it is in Argentina because it gives me hope that it will come to England. No doubt it'll be London, it's always in London, but as this is the last time, I would move heaven and earth to get to the reveal. There's not many people I know who are as obsessed with Lost as I am, which is a shame, so no doubt I'd be going down by myself but from reading everyone on here and Doc Arzt, that all my fellow losties are really nice people. The closest I came to a lost event was the Apollo chocolate bar at forbidden planet four years ago. But anyway, I'm babbling now. Thanks to everyone for being the sleuths you are and keeping me up to date with every reveal.

And on the love triangle poster, it's an amazing, detailed piece of work but it's not something I'd pay $50, it suited my iPhone wallpaper a lot better tbh. My love is still with the dharma van tbh.

Zort70 said...

Hi Martyn, I work in Solihull !

MJCarp said...

and THAT (above; zort70 and Martyn) proves that it is "a small world after all" thank you WAAAAAAAAAALT Disney.

maven said...

LT: lol

Now if only the whole world can get together like us Lost fans!

thorsten said...

If it comes to the UK, I bet it will be Northampton!

Anonymous said...

Andy...Yea, I know what you mean...lets see..heads on fire,,fairwinds..could be any place in the hills of southern California..Any body want to buy a airplane ticket to Buenos Aires?........MEL

Martyn said...

No way, that's absolutely ridiculous! I know it's a small but never this small! I was thinking to myself the other day, I wonder if there is anyone else round here who loves Lost as I do and there you go. For that fact, where do you get your frames from, I can't find anywhere to frame my dharma van!

@Thorsten... Yeah, it's always the big three, London, Manchester and Northampton!

thorsten said...

haha, I spent a hell of a newyears once in N'hampton!
Seems like I'll come to Solihull next time for sure!

Eugene said...

New clue...parque Patricios

JPL said...

New Clue - Parque Patricios, BA

Time to get the Spanish dictionary. :)

Eugene said...

It's a neighborhood of Buenos Aires

Amy Lynn said...

JPL said...


AndySchex said...

Parque Patricios is both a barrio and park of Buenos Aires. Maybe some type of art show there?

MJCarp said...

Maybe live install. DGPH has done that before. See their website. I'm mobile so can 't link.

Martyn said...

@Thorsten... I wouldn't, unless you want to get mugged by a group of posh chavs.

Obviously it must be my computer but I can't see any new clue on the DCaaPB site.

JPL said...

Check out the football team that plays there... hot air balloon???

Not sure of translation, but, look for something live in 14 hours...

thorsten said...

The TMDG where DGPH are launching their ARK book is at Mar del Plata, which is 250 miles removed from Parque Patricios.

maven said...

Oh, Cristian, we need you and your LU fraternity friends!

Congested said...

@Shakey: Both DarkUFO and DocArzt have gone to great lengths to separate spoiler content from non-spoiler content on their sites. If you are scared of one person spoiling you, however, the safest thing to do is not to read comments.

Both of their forums are heavily moderated as well, to prevent people from spoiling users. The same goes for Lostpedia.

regarding the UK.. I think there's an excellent chance there will be an event in England. I think most of us would like to see events world wide as it makes it more fun to follow along from work/home/school/etc.

Personally I'm thrilled about Argentina as I have roots there. It's also nice for once to see a Latin American country involved in one of ABC's marketing projects. I'm really looking forward to the event there this week. :)

thorsten said...

Maybe it is related to Seth Wulsins Caseros Prison Demolition Project… Aparecidos means apparition or ghost.

thorsten said...

On the other hand, the Parque Patricios soccer team is called Huracan, which translates as "one legged". Huracan was a mayan deity of lightning with one human leg the other shaped like a serpent.
Legs always remind me of John Locke, of course ;)

Zort70 said...


Anonymous said...

No habla espanol, porky :(