On the surface maybe a little simplistic, but looking closer there is a huge amount of detail in all of the cogs and the tress and the floating island. Also the colours are very striking in person and to silk screen this must have been quite a task.
![]() |

![]() A closeup of just some of the intricate detail and colour. |
![]() A closeup of the all important hatch. |
And finally, some signatures :
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pictures courtesy of Lars, ReverendMilo and CreedFeed
I love how Locke's right arm is raised... something I noticed when I saw mine in person, that I hadn't noticed prior.
It's as if the light just went on and he's stopped from pounding again. Though that's not quite how it goes on the show, I think it really is a good way of capturing Locke's awe in that scene.
...speaking of which... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N7KOGnATgM
Yes, I know what you mean Congested, the rest of the print may be an artistic interpretation, but the central part depicting Locke is very much a water cooler moment.
By the way, thanks Anonymous :-)
I've just seen the comments on the OMG Posters site for the article on the Swan Station.
There is a rather inflamatory comment on there, but an interesting one from Tim Doyle -
Tim Doyle, on October 24th, 2009 at 1:40 am Said:
I know most of them are coming out of D and L. I’m PRETTY sure there is not an OBEY one. I could be wrong.
Mornin' Zort! You are doing such an awesome job! Have a great day..
I agree with every word you say about the Hatch poster. Got mine the other day and have just stared at it lovingly after reading your thoughts on it.
One other thing I noticed is that it's a lot brighter in person. The photos we've seen online show it as a mild light green but it person, it is a very strong green, which makes it more striking tbh.
I've become a right art critique since this ARG began.
I like this line from the OMG comments best:
Sure those pesky LOST fans have a sense of entitlement, but hey, we got familys and kids who want some Shepard Fairy prints in the living room.
Dear OMG commenters: it's Fairey. With an E :)
Wow that thing is ugly.
Is there any way to check the status of your order?
My Wife Nancy and I woulkd like to announce the birth of our twins... Desmond Foster Dein and Penelope Grace Dein born October 24th 2009. Penelope was 3lbs 6oz and Desmond was 4lbs 11oz. Yes we did it, we nemaed our children after our favorite lost characters! We're offically crazy!!
David A Dein
Congratulations, Nancy and David! And welcome, Des and Penny! That's incredibly awesome.
Thought you were joking but i'm glad you aren't!
Welcome to the World, Desmond and Penny!
Amy Lynn: Are YOU sure?
Zort: What does D&L mean on Tim's quote? Translation anyone?
You named your kids after lovers ;)
Yes, sure.
Congratulations to the Dein family.. Those are very nice names. Best wishes and hope all are happy and healthy.
I was SO wrong about The Hatch poster. The first time I saw it, I didn't know what I was looking at. Then I looked a little harder, finally realizing that this print has a lot of meaning, and that it would look great in person. Ah, those were the days when you could look at a print...then come back in 20 minutes and decide to buy it.
Hatch is def a fav. Love the detail!
The hatch makes me happy, knowing that it was the last poster before the flippers infiltrated this ARG. It means more to me now than when I bought it.
Right, better book the week off for the final poster reveal!
Congratulations David and Nancy, I hope you don't mind the announcement on the main page.
alteridiom - You can go to http://actuallyitsketchup.com/dcpb/xr/body.php?module=login&id=1
Just log in and there is a link icon for your order status.
Anonymous, I'm not sure myself what D and L stands for. I've been trying to find out, but I've come up blank so far.
As you can see I'm catching up :-)
Blessings to Nancy and David. Your children are guaranteed amazing destinies. I think that your choice of names is legendary.
d and l is the printer
they do real good work. they work with people like rob jones, arron horkey, emek, and many others. in short one of the most trusted print shops in the us
Deus ex machina,,God by Machine. a Contrivance. Is this not Locke pounding on the Hatch door with his meltdown ..Iv'e done everything you asked ,,why have you forsaken me? rant? The quid pro quo nature of his perspective is the Machina?
Yes he has further meltdowns, all the way to the ultimate meltdown, but this moment is the first of enlightenment that he just doesn't get.
I've previously stated about the Surrealism of this print. Rene Magritte painted " floating land masses" above water,,huge boulders floating above mountains,,so, to me,,KT is letting us know about the state of mind of this print by continuing that motif. Many have commented on the resemblance of an Eye of the hatch door. BINGO! The Eye is the Gateway between the Interior World and the Exterior World existences of Humans. The Surrealists main goal and hope for humanity is the Unification of those two existences in each of us. Peace begins at Home. So, the exploration of Lockes conflict begins in earnest here.
Its stated that there will be variances from print to print. The print I received is rather dark,or,,my eye sight is fading. I did take a magnifying glass to the yellow light to see how he did that. A simple coarse weave or loose weave screen did the effect nicely. Yet, the print will have to be hung near a light source for all the detail to be appreciated. All the Deus, the " connectivity" that eludes Locke , needs to be more apparent for my tastes.
The print is borderless. Seems fitting. How is it that I must put a frame on it? Perhaps not! The water, the Light, the connectivity,flow endlessly.
Its sad ,frustrating, and even laffable,,to see the continuing excuses of the Art Print crowd justifying their encroachment into the Lost Fan Appreciation Event.
Its very simple..If you haven't experienced it..there is no way you can know the Art of it. There is no way you can relate to it in the manner it was created . Therefore, any appreciation is wasted on them. They are proof of their own shallowness.
Yes, our " entitlement" is nothing more than a large portion of what it is to be a Fan. It is that disregard,, that refused acknowledgment of.. that upsets me the most. Its like the last 5 years of my life do not amount to a hill of beans,,in the eyes of the art print crowd. Its like every where that the LOST TV Program has taken me during these 5 years,,is unfathomable to the Art Print crowd,, therefore it doesn't exist.
Yes,, hang it on the wall for the wife and kiddies, so they can be as clueless as you. A more fitting print to hang on the wall would be a sad faced clown, because that is what they are...imho...MEL
Fabulous news for David and Nancy! I saw all the photos on Facebook! Desmond and Penny....awwwwwww
And I love the Hatch, too...the colors are fabulous!
when I brought it in to get framed the lady had no idea what it was about other then "It looks like that man is banging on that hatchy thing!" and I said "why yes, yes he is!"
Congratulations David and Nancy!! Beautiful names for beautiful children.
A: Congrats to Penelope, Desmond, Nancy and David!
B: I checked my Order status, so I post this info for you, Lotto:
877 Shipped
1218 Shipped
1450 Shipped
1738 Authorized
C: About Expresso Beans and all the OTHERS…
the questions is, how many of them are using this very site to get the URLs? Maybe we should organize a Through the Looking Glass beach surprise party for them…
Congrats David. Before you know it they'll be podcasting about sesame street. ;)
Thorsten, I've had the same thought about LostARGs being used get the URL's but it boils down to the same problem - how do you tell who is a Lost fan and not just in it for the immediate profit.
Well, Zort, I guess we know quite well the true 815ers here… the question is how we make sure to hide the correct info from the Others, and pass it down to our folks with warp speed… But this can't go on.
I don't know if this helps, but I feel slightly better about the situation after considering the info. A couple of people have emailed me with their responses and I have also had a response from Tyson, and basically the position from them is :
Truth is, the first 5-10 orders of every print have been LOST fans, basically the same for all 10 posters. Just fast fingers.
These are usually the people who get first order prizes, so we know they are in it for the right reasons, as they publish their gifts on the Internet for everyone to see (including us in Customer Service).
Again, there have been no changes in the fastest orders, and truthfully only about a 20-30% change in who is actually ordering the prints. It's just happening a lot faster.
If we saw tons of new VERY fast orders or anything from the same IP address or name, we would obviously see this as an issue. This is not the case.
Okay, let's see if 11 is our lucky number…
i love sane people.
MiddayShadows, first off as far as I'm aware MEL is not of the female persuation
I see why you could get bothered by the comments but I feel a lot of MEL's writings have to be read as a kind of social commentary, try not to get upset or take them personally.
Also this isn't an attack on you just my take on the interplay between the two of you.
Zort, you should offer MEL an OpEd column!
(and Amy Lynn, for sure)
Jesus, enough with the negative comments already. This is a friendly place. If you see something you don't like, ignore it and carry on.
As far as i'm aware this post is about the hatch and not whether or not so and so is a true fan or about these espresso beaners who can buy and sell all they want as far as I care.
Now, isn't the hatch lovely?
And with that short statement, Tyson puts to rest so many of the concerns and misguided assumptions so many - myself included - have had in the last couple of weeks.
What a relief.
Back to our regularly scheduled (Dharma-esque) program now?
I agree with Midday and Mel. However, we need to end this here and now. I've been over to EB, lots of GREAT people over there. But think about this, if someone came onto our board and started screaming at us because we stole their (insert mega-famous poster artist here) prints, wouldn't we be mad? I know I've been a part in the Us vs. Them argument, but we need to end it here. The posters are simply getting better and better and more popular. It is frustrating to see the prints on EBAY, but...there's just nothing we can do about that. Don't advertise it (I'll have to stop myself as well), don't talk about it, let it be. Maybe GoMerch will do something about the EBAY thing, but they probably won't. We just have to accept it, I'm sorry to say.
@Martyn, I cried when I saw The Hatch in person. Yes, wimpy as it may sound. But it's just THAT moving. Every time I see it I think of that scene...it's really just awesome. I also think about how I bashed it when it first came out...boy was I dead wrong about it.
Let's replace "cried" with "shed a tear". Haha.
What I love about that Tyson information is the fact that we now know they are watching, as they are seeing the first purchase info being published as well.
Firstly, The Hatch is still by far my favorite DCAAPB print. It's simply stunning, I've lost myself in this print for a week. My eyes is drawn to it. If this was my only print from this, I would be completely and 100% satisfied!
Secondly, anyone notice that 'The Numbers' is SOLD OUT
feel_the_insanity I went and viewed the clip of the scene that was linked to above and have to admit to getting slightly moist in the eye department.
Personally this print never won me over. I'm fine being in the minority on this one. I can , however, see the obvious effort that went into it, and I appreciate it on that level. And I like that so many people are jazzed about it.
What I really want to see , is photos of this framed, and preferably matted, as it is a full bleed print.
I'm going to try and mount this print over the weekend, I'll post pics when I finish
Wow, there's no comment section for this.
Congrats to the Deins on the birth of their twins Desmond and Penny. I couldn't have picked two better names if they were my own. Absolutely adoreable.
God bless and much happiness to all of you.
I actually came here to post this tweet from Jensenclan88, it may or not be related to the Viral Marketing Event, but the timing of poster #16 might fall in this date time: Just something to keep in mind.
JensenClan88 If you'll be in LA mid to late December, block out a day for G1988. You have to, secret show is going to be incredible
I can allow a shedding of tears, I almost did too on friday when it arrived.
I get on the train home from work and receive a tweet from LostinLondon giving me the link and asking if I want it. I Love it! So I text my girlfriend for permission and look on here to see the general consensus. a lot of people saying no thanks so I think, not going to be a quick sell out, i'll get one for sure. My girlfriend sees it and gets that I love rob jones and lost so offers to buy it for me as a xmas present. I say yes to LostinLondon and cycle home, happy in the knowledge i'll have the sweet Swan Station poster in 3 weeks time.
Halfway home, receive another tweet from LostinLondon, saying it'd sold out ridiculously fast and she only just got one herself. Beyond Gutted! Carry on cycling home, a little down and i'd a bit upset. Get home to see my hatch poster had arrived, I dump my stuff, rip open the lid, uncurl it, see those beautiful colours, and at that moment, it was all a bit too much for me and came oh so close to "shedding a tear".
Now i'm going to re-hang it in a lighter area after noticing what MEL said about not seeing the true detail of it.
Yes, my posts, my words, are of the,,if the shoe fits, wear it, nature. If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't wear it.
Am I drawing a line? Yes. The line is crossed with every print on ebay. The line is crossed with every snarky weasel post here and elsewhere. Have we met the enemy and the enemy is us? I suppose so to a degree. There are ways of slowing the Buy Now panic down. They have been suggested to TPTB.
Its already apparent that some panic buyers, after the fact,are offering their print to others not so lucky. This is good. But it points to the flaw of panic buying in the first place.
Its good to see that Go Merch is talking to at least somebody. Thank you Zort for relaying their words. They have certainly narrowed the Mystery down.
For me..the trust i put into the artists has been reinforced. Their Lost Art,,does meet the necessary connections to the show LOST. Perhaps for others, that dawning realization is what is fueling this appreciation,,and what is fueling the ebay scalpers. Two sides in conflict. How LOST can it get? A rise above the conflict is what LOST and Surrealism is all about. Again, suggestions have been forwarded to those who can do anything.
how do you check your order status?
i wanna see if mine has shipped yet... i still haven't told anyone i bought it ^.=' got sum 'splainin to do.
(love the name Desmond. i named my car that)
Congratulations to the Deins - love the names and they're not outlandish names either (I've met a couple who named their child Anakin Skywalker XXXX).
Can't wait for the next reveal. Don't think I can keep up with the speed of these releases. My job is not one where I'm at a desk or can station myself at a computer for the hour or so surrounding the reveal. I've been fortunate in that my wife has helped me obtain 2 of the 4 prints.
I'm trying to figure out whether I want to group the art in one place in my house or spread it around so I can feel LOST wherever I go...
@David - A joyous new day dawns to celebrate and cherish. Best wishes to you, Nancy, Desmond, and Penelope!
@All - Maybe today is a new day where we take joy in our experiences with the poster release so far & forget (even for a moment) the recent negativity associated with the last few weeks. Had DCAPB not started this poster ARG, I wouldn't have had the great pleasure of your company, witty rapport, and thought provoking posts.
ONWARD & UPWARD - now where's our clue! :)
These tweets just in! A clue of sorts?
RonHermanDotCom Thank u LOST fans 4 yur patience! We were LOST in translation...but now Ron Herman Tokyo will have the free bags 4 u Monday when they open!
19 minutes ago from UberTwitter
RonHermanDotCom Sorry again 4 any confusion. Luckily 4 the next reveal, they're fluent in English in Glasgow. WOOPS! Did I spoil something?
haha, Glasgow?
Nice one, andalone!
Cheers from europe ;)
Glasgow??? Why did it have to be Glasgow? So far away!
Glasgow? I've got a good friend who has a brother living there. Guess we'll see if it's true.
NEW POST as this could be a new clue.
By the way Thorsten and MiddayShadows, take it outside please.
also..I've yet to get "Kevin Tong " out of his signature. Therefore, it really is his signature.....???...
I too am contemplating spreading these prints thru-out the house,,and for the same reasons. Its just..bathrooms can be of the most contemplative nature. they provide opportunity for solitude, quietness and relaxing..but the excess water vapors spell doom in the long term for any print. As much as I want to,,...well...maybe prints taking a turn is a way around the issue. I'll have to think about it. Yes,,the House of Lost Prints...Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!!..OOOOWEEeeeeoooOOOOOO.
Zort, thanks for posting that from Tyson, was good to hear.
Im hoping for a 9-10am reveal in Glasgow - that time difference would be spot-on for me! For once Tyson?.......
Poster #7 "The Smoke Monster" #235 for sale on Ebay!
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