Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Poster 8 Reveal - Live in Buenos Aires 237
It seems that this poster URL reveal is a surprise one. A new clue was posted a few minutes ago to point to the corner of Luna and Uspallata in Parque Patricios.

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1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»I really like how this one has unfolded. Hopefully one of our BA comrades will run down there before Tyson posts pictures.
Do we have anyone in BA?
So how do we look at this location NOW? I'm not good with maps.
Or do we need to wait for someone in BA to go and look for us?
I wonder how we are suppoosed to find this URL ? Apart from someone going down there ?
I'm going to have to go out in a few mins, so I'll miss the URL reveal if someone goes down there.
Maybe a webcam?
BA Web cams
Looking at a Google map, there is no street view for this location.
That webcam page won't load for me.
How long do we wait now until the website is posted??????
Here it is without the link.
Just did the same thing Zort, also to no avail. Looks like its sitting at the computer and refreshing the DCPB website.
It won't load for me either. It's funny/ironic/whatever that the image is named lostmap :)
It's picky. But it loads
Well what does it say Eugene?
There are a bunch of web cams around Buenos Aires. None seem to be on that corner. It's very slow. I will let you know if I find anything.
Thank you!
These are the locations around the city that have web cams. So far, no luck.
Av. Rivadavia y Av. Pueyrredón
Av. del Libertador y Austria
Av. Córdoba y Cerrito
Av. Dorrego y Av. Alcorta
Av. del Libertador y Sarmiento
Av. Corrientes y Av.9 de Julio
Av. Córdoba y Av. Alem
Av. Diagonal Norte y San Martín
Av. Córdoba y Gascón
Av. Belgrano y 9 de Julio
Av. Figueroa Alcorta y Sarmiento
Av. Angel Gallardo y Av. San Martín
Av. del Libertador y Av. Callao
Av. Córdoba y Av. Pueyrredón
Av. San Juan y Av. 9 de Julio
Av. del Libertador y Dorrego
Got to run now, back in a couple of hours.
Zort, you're gonna miss the poster!
You have to admit, this is pretty exciting!
(but I wish they would hurry up!)
We are making some upgrades to our security on our stores. Sorry to all of those that are trying to buy right now. Will get it sorted soon
That's from Go Merch on Twitter. Could be why they haven't posted any URLs yet.
Very cool...but now what?!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are making some upgrades to our security system and you may experience some difficulty during checkout. Service should be restored to normal shortly. Thanks for your patience.
Thats from the merch site, if its saying the problem is in checkout then the url should still be ok. no?
Trying to open a few of the different web cam locations, but very slow. :(
I guess we F5 DCPB until it shows up. :)
This reminds me of the glyph hunt in Times Square...memories.
Is it bad that I just googled Buenos Aires chat room to try and find someone to run over there? LOL
I'm in touch with someone who lives 5 blocks away. They are headed there right now. :D
It's a blogger from the neighborhood I contacted earlier this week. The blog is: parquedelospatricios.blogspot.com/
Where are our Argeninian friends?
Maybe try the LU Argentinian fraternity in the LU forum.
No, it's brilliant Amy!
Awesome job, Congested. Thanks!
Way to go Congested.
@Amy: LOL I did that 2 nights ago when I was researching Parque Patricios.
Yea Congested!
I just have this feeling that judging by their work and the image on the map, this poster is going to be very cartooney!
Thanks Congested!!!
That's cool congested!k
I've got to go pick up my daughter at school in about ten minutes.
I hope I don't miss it. If I do I hope it's not something I'd like.
Justthinking posted on the LU web site to see if anyone from the Argentian Frat House/Sorority would take a look. SMART!
Feelin your pain Sayid's Girl! I'll probably be here for the reveal, but will probably be in transit when it goes up for sale!
*going crazy*
I can't believe Maven is not here! I tried to see if she's on FB...wouldn't you know the one time she isn't!!
this is intense...
lots of refreshing goin' on
I'm sure everyone is just waiting for Congested to hear back from his Argentinian friend.
I feel like I should write a song called F5
I looked at DBPH's website and tried to find a twitter account, but nothing!
I sent DBPH an e-mail. I'll let you know if they respond.
Hopefully Gabriel (the blogger) will be back soon. I'll tweet and post the link here as soon as he's got it (if he gets it.)
He's not even a fan of Lost as far as I can tell so it's extremely nice of him to be doing this for us and we should find a way to thank him one way or another. :)
I checked the Argentinian LU frat forum, no one is responding to Justhinking's comment about the release of the clue.
They might be running down there, Scout.
what's congested tweet
But I will post it here first since this is where people are looking.
How long does it usually take for the poster to go for sale after the url is revealed?
about 30 minutes right?
what is image behind map?
Yeah that's been about the norm.
I'm gonna miss either the reveal or the on sale time 'cause I have to get my son to preschool.
Run faster Gabriel!
It's taken 15 minutes and it's taken an hour. I guess it just depends.
LT I think it's a blown up picture of the same little guy that's on the map.
Woah, should leave to the supermarket like right now so I can be back soon enough! O__o
My credit card is praying: please, let it be something she doesn´t like...please... lol
Yeah usually.
can we find this little animated guy and his website. photo posted there would be my guess. like google
Hope it's not as cartoonish as the little guy on the map...
This certainly is a strange way to release the URL.
If you think about it, just because DGPH did the mural doesn't mean that they did the poster. It might not be cartoonish at all!
Anything yet? F5ing F5ing F5ing lol
It is.
Run, Gabriel!
Can someone tell me why when I go to DCPB I dont even see the final clue yet?? I am in Phoenix and I felt like this happens all the time, is it a timezone thing possibly?? anyone else have this problem??
anticipation...an-ti-ci-pa-a-tion...he's making me wait.
my guess is the little cartoon is whats gonna make it obvious to the people whove followed this.whoever is running down to look for the url....if he isnt a fan of lost tell them to look out for the little cartoon guy.
I'm in Phoenix as well and I am seeing it just fine
no I'm in Phoenix and I can see it. Try going out of the page and going back in, or going through the hub
hmmmm weird, I dont know why I cant see it then!!
I don't think it's strange. It's just we're here in the US and not in Argentia.
If it was in the US there'd be several people there already. Maybe there are we just don't know it. We're on the other end this time.
what inside info do you have, anonymous, that tels you the poster is cartoony?
Dang! hey there all you Phoenix people!
Hey lookit all the Phoenix fans! Maybe they will do something closer to home :D
yea weird even going thru hub I cant see it...going to refresh browser
Yea hopefully!! Make it TEMPE!!! We've had a U of A release lets make an ASU one!! haha
I can only imagine that the VAST majority of the fans of these posters are not in Argentina.
hope the next clue take place in Mexico, there's a lot of fans in latinoamerica
That's right! Go Sun Devils!
Argentina sorry for the bad spelling. Typing too fast.
The URL isn't posted yet Geoffrey if that's what you were asking.
Won't lie was kinda surprised it wasn't in Tempe...sadly as much as I love LOST I did want to drive two hours for a bookmark :/
Oh sweet a refresh gave me the map!! About time!! haha
Wow. This was sudden. Guess I'm not accomplishing much in the work for a little while.
We met a guy from Brazil at Comic Con...he said there's a huge LOST following down there. Just apparently not LOSTARG followers. :0
haha I love LOST too, but having to go to U of A, being a student at ASU, it felt like a conflict of interest, so I will continue to hope for an ASU launch haha
I still can't get the map to show. Not in FF, IE or Chrome. Weird.
New question, anyone know why only 200 of these are being sold and not all?? Are the rest going to crew/cast/etc?? I REALLY wish I could grab a Locke or Crash site one...I found the site too late for those though :(
also off topic here, but how do you refresh this little window on a mac?? I dont know the button combo for that haha anyone know?
TomRex...you're really not missing anything if it makes you feel better.
I imagine the last 100 of the 300 are going to people associated with LOST or ABC, etc.
Did anyone think that the website may actually be written on the map somewhere? Instead of a street name?
I bet one of the 100 goes to Paul Scheer.
my random guess is that the last frame on the site will be poster sets. Purely a guess though.
Geoffrey: Apple-R
TomRex, what's your email address?
Thanks for the tip Congested!!
I know I'm not missing much - just odd it's not showing up.
This reminds me of TLE. Did you already say that Scoutpost?
Sent, TomRex.
Here's the image for those having trouble: http://yfrog.com/2cframe8mapj
@Geoffrey. F5 works for me on iMac running Firefox. You can always point your cursor to the refresh/reload button on your browser if F5 is not supported.
how fast are ppl pickin up these first copies? are they doing it even if they dislike the poster purely for the prize that comes with it you think?? hah
I don't buy a poster I don't like. Prize or no prize.
People are picking them up the second they go live (actually before, but let's not get into that again). How fast they sell out or if they sell out at all depends on the poster. The Locke one sold out in about an hour.
I know that I had decided to order all of them regardless. I just got lucky.
Where'd you get that?
Anon- how did you get that? I feel myself getting ticked off again.
legal or illegal?
oh COOL ONE!!!
oooh! I like it!
Thank you Anon!
LT that's what I want to know. We're always waiting for somebody who we know is there to report only to have someone else pop in and give us the URL with no explanation of how they get it.
The images JUST went up a second ago on DCAAPB.
It's an easy skip for me. Too bizarre. :)
It's on DCPB now.
I love it!
OMG that is beautiful! Currently seeking permission off of my girlfriend to buy it. Really hope it's as shiny as it looks!
Well I still haven't heard from our friend in Parque Patricios. I'll let you know if I do.
Yeah I like the gears and all in the background.
I like the mural better than the poster!
I like how it looks like the Eye of the Island
The hub has pictures of the mural and site.
The design of the island is an interesting concept.
Me, too, Nate!
Thank you DGPH. Will look in depth after crazy poster stuff done.
Here's Kevin Tong's website: http://www.tragicsunshine.com/
Like it, but not quite enough to buy.
I'm guessing the gears are supposed to represent the timer clock.
I guess I don't get this one. What's with all the gears in the background? Why is there only a piece of the island? I get the "eye of the island" reference, but Locke is indistinguishable and the island is floating!
I like this one. hmmm
Another possible "error"... weren't both Jack and Locke there when this happened?
I think that's the part of the Island that imploded.
i think this takes place right after boone dies, before jack knows about the hatch
Not when the light came on. Jack was operating on Boone and Kate was delivering Claire's baby
Let the refreshing begin!
Guys...these aren't illustrations for the show. Artists are going to be creative things. I think people are a little too weird thinking it has to look exactly how the show looked? Let the artist come up with his/her own interpretation. I love this one! Going to buy
Thanks, that's right. :)
@Amy: No, this is from Deus Ex Machina when Locke is banging on the hatch window after Boone got injured. Then the hatch light goes on. I cut together the key events of that day (minus Bernard on the radio) in this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JdKMIRHWS4
Thanks, Congested!
How much is shipping on the posters?
I guess the thing that really gets me is the gears in the background, what purpose do they serve?
one thing that always bothered me about this scene...well, really about when Sawyer sees the light (and Kate helping Claire give birth) in Season 5, is that when this first occurs after Boone gets injured, there is hardly any light coming from the hatch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrYH9oJF-_I), whereas in Season 5, and this poster, they show the light shooting into the sky...this only happened at the start of Season 2 when Locke lowers Kate into the already opened hatch (as more light was allowed to escape the opening). Anyone else ever thought about this?
Shipping for me on Smokey was $11
Anyone have an episode title for "runs a very tight operation"?
In Namaste Dr. Change says to Jack:
DR. CHANG: Ah, yes. Good man, LaFleur. Runs a very tight operation. [Sets down clipboard] [Sighs] I'm sorry for the disorganization. The woman who was supposed to be processing you in had a baby last night. I got pulled out of my lab. I... ah, here it is... your job assignment. [Sighs] You've been assigned to the Shed.
(via Lostpedia)
DR. CHANG: Uh... the shuttle from the sub. Who was your driver?
JACK: Oh, that was, uh... um... Mr. LaFleur.
DR. CHANG: Ah, yes. Good man, LaFleur. Runs a very tight operation.
Thanks, folks. Should've known that one. Namaste is one of the best episodes.
Didn't Pierre Change say this in Namaste?
Oops, my bad.
Anyone kinda wish the artists that did the mural did a poster?
Order #1178
Order 1180
Gabriel from the Parque Patricios blog made a post about it with his own pictures! :)
Yay. Got it. Order # 1191.
arrrg @reanimated!
Order #1187
order 1182
now I can sit back and enjoy
mistersh0w on DarkUfo has 1172!
Order 1179
hehe. sorry Trial.
Order #1219
Yeah, I would have liked to have seen a poster by the mural artists, but this is still pretty cool.
Order #1184
Order Number 1195. Guess you lot have damn quick fingers! My girlfriend is going to kill me, I know it.
Order 1201 - wow that was a quick turn around from reveal to sell.
1232 :(
That's at least 55 posters by my count - this may be a quick sell out!
#1172! Did I win!?
Really, Geoffrey? That's 60 posters gone in 5 minutes.
Order 1199. Phewww!
Want to take bets when it will sell out? I don't guess we'll see another "Hatch" moment or print.
#1237 here
No. #1171.
#1246. My first poster of this ARG. I had to buy this one after missing the first JL one. Hoping for a Charlie one at some point...
I've said it before - but these prints look SOOOOO much better in person. They really take on a life of their own and are quite striking.
Oh - 1176
1194 dang it!
I finally bit the bullet - Order #1256
this is my first purchase...now i KNOW i'll be in trouble since they are only half done and if I had the chance I wouldve gotten 3 more!! Moms gonna kill me!! HAHA, BUT STOKED TO SEE IT IN PERSON!!!!
Can anyone see what I think is writing at the bottom?
Lars...I'd really love to see a "Not Penny's Boat" poster.
I figured what the hell and bought it. Not sure it fits on my wall or with the other two I bought though... 1267
Congsted, which is the third that you have, besides this one and the foot?
Salvoh on DarkUFO has 1170!
Anyone got their Smokey poster yet? When did it arrive? I haven't received mine yet!
@Amy: Locke's Secret
Smokey got to NYC yesterday.
Hi all,
Long-time lurker waiting for London reveal! Order 1249 on this one. Also, bought the four toed statue earlier today (about 5 hours ago) since my husband said he liked it and that was order 1166 if that helps anyone work anything out!
@Trial: Some people have gotten theirs, yes.
So that's at least 85 sold already. And I guess there's about 230 left between the 4 unsold posters.
So out of curiosity, did anyone try the back door?
Just sent Gabriel an e-mail
hope he will join our merry band
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