Whatever the reaction, from comments we have had, it seems that there are only a couple of these posters still for sale.
However here is the traditional followup post for the poster (is 6 in a row a tradition ?). If anyone has some more signatures to share with us then please send them in, especially if you have number 108.
First off a comparison of two possible ways to view this poster using pictures from ReverendMilo

and of course a signature :-

ok, I'll go first...:P
xxoo (echo, echo, echo...)
lol ellen
Shhhh I'm hoping there will be one left at the end of this. Don't bring attention to it. lol :)
Ok...what the heck are we supposed to comment on? LOL
good question, Maven!
Here's an idea...
my favorite poster so far has been this last one of the island/hatch.
I love the colors, the background of gears (kinda makes me think it might be the inside of the FDW..)and the idea behind the picture. I like to call it "The Eye of the Island"...but I'm probably not the first...anyway, which one is YOUR favorite so far and why?
Fascinating!!..I know that there has been much ado about the toes. I, for one,,see the artist has assigned no importance to the toes as they relate to the message of the print. They are of no importance except to say that they are appendages at the front end of the foot,,and only one is required to suggest anatomical correctness.
The " depth " of this print is in how the artist relays the concept of " Time ". The statue as it was ( at its original completion) and what is left of it now..suggests a large span of time. Next step is to take what the Statue, represented, meant,,was a metaphor of,,for the original building society,,and what is left of it today. " Hope" comes to mind in its expression, by the way of the statue, over time.
The 4 Toed Statue,,perhaps as a label, misdirects or prejudices the viewer. The focus should be on the ankh,,as that is the eyes' directional focus made by the artist. This print suggests a peek at the Big Picture of LOST. Yes,,5000 or 6000 or 7000 year span of Time,,creates a Big Picture..
I never thought I would try for a complete set, Ellen. "Crash" was the first one that grabbed me and seemed to represent the show for me. And my wall space was non-existent. I managed to find a place for it in my sewing room! Then I saw the "Smoke Monster" and the same thing happened. And now, "The Hatch" seemed to sum up the whole show! I have no idea how I'm going to put all 3 up! I love them all!
I know what you mean, Maven! I'm not totally loving all of them, but I really liked the Dharma Van and the Smoke Monster as well as the Hatch! Wish I could buy one of them, but I'm just collecting jpegs of all of them for now...
If I had a big enough wall space to group them all, I would buy them all! I'm in trouble if any of the remaining posters grab me again! LOL
LOL! Yeah, it would be really difficult to take down my quilts and photos to be replaced by LOST posters! I think my husband would probably have a fit :D
I think they are all wonderful pieces of art.
My favorite is the Dharma Van. It represents many things to me. Mostly the message of hope it gave Hurley and Charlie.
I also like the hatch. I would have liked it better if Locke wasn't in it. Even though he is an important character he's not one of my favorites. I was hoping Desmond would be represent in the hatch, but I understand why the artist chose Locke.
The Crash I didn't like at first but it grew on me, but to late to buy it.
..wall space??...uummm..uh oh...wait a minute..wait a minute...heres an idea...one frame, two prints..one on each side of the frame,,,and the frame suspended from ceiling, able to freely rotate or not, depending where its located..like above a table lamp or in a corner or what not...???...MEL
it's the wrong foot. this poster isn't good.
Oh I forgot the topic of this post.
I love the statue print too. Regardless of the artist's interpretation of it.
The foot has special meaning to me since Sayid was the first to see it. :)
It's the correct foot, the right foot. Not sure why people keep saying it's the wrong foot.
My favorite has to be The Smoke Monster or The Crash. I voted for The Crash, but The Smoke Monster is so cool! I love the red shade over the entire picture, makes it feel like Eko is in hell. The smoke monster and the sun (or moon?) behind it is very cool. But, The Crash does include some great stuff. The plane in mid-air, Christian Shepard, and Claire is a great add to the picture. I can't decide! Sure wish I had a copy of The Crash though, that's the LAST time I go to class when they are releasing a new print!
feel_the_insanity, it should be the left foot. See picture here: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/File:5x16_Statue_ruins.png
Isn't that the right foot? Didn't the producers say that was a continuity error? Left side in Season 2 and right foot in season 3?
..design wise..either the foot would be " wrong"..or the ankh would be " wrong"...Seems to me the artist made the correct choice..its about the Ankh..not the foot so much. Again, the idea presented is the art of it. If you get wrapped around the axle about " real " correctness then you miss out on the " art". My goodness,,there would be no " modern art"..if it all had to be " correct". You just killed all the impressionists, cubists, surrealists, , etc etc,,just about the whole of 20th century Art. After committing such an act, i wouldn't sign my name either....and btw..what about LOST is realistically" correct"..?..MEL
"anatomical correctness" LOL, there is no way the four toed statue could ever meet that criteria :)
Since the 4 toed poster came out, I have been trying to visualize a scenario where the top of the statue would be in a shadow. Is there a really tall tree on the island, or like Faraday said, the light just scatters oddly on the island?
i really like the black n gold. I just find it hard to believe he got the wrong foot! Such a shame.
Well wrong, right, semi-right it doesn't matter. The print just isn't that good. It's art, don't get me wrong. But it's not my kind of art.
The posters are supposed to capture watershed moments, and in my opinion Sayid seeing a left foot with only 4 toes was THE watershed moment regarding the statue. To not include the 4 toes and then show the wrong foot detract from the poster. But I still bought one.
Well,,FtI...don't feel alone. I have the same feeling about the Crash. Its well designed, laid out, etc..but it leaves me flat. If i had not already watched 5 seasons of LOST, I might be intrigued by it. But, otherwise,,its very "cliche" to me. Its very much like a Studio Movie Marquee Poster ..to me. It doesnt provoke to think or perceive further like the Van, Triangle, and even Numbers, Locke,Smokie and possibly Hatch do..to some degree or another.
Yet The Crash,,appears to be the most popular..if you believe over 200 people voted it the most popular..which reminds me to say..I did find out I could vote for most favorite print as many times as I wanted...So much for polls. Anyway..there is nothing wrong about anything not being your cup of tea.
I like the eye movement or direction of flow of the Statue..its all up and back in time, thereby establishing a " connection" between us of today and early civilized folks..The nature of the statue is of Hope,,and that is what connects us. That is the means of Eternal Life that the Ankh represents.......MEL
Salvah at DarkUFO was the first to order 'The Hatch'. He got 2 prints and a comic book from DPGH. The letter is at
So what does "without a stall" or "rhyming as a profession" refer to?
Oops, make that Salvoh at DarkUFO.
I'm a songwriter, and I rhyme as a profession, but I don't know what that would have to do with a stall.
On second thought, I think "without a stall" means "without hesitation".
Don't think 'stall' is really part of the clue, just a reference to how quickly Salvoh ordered.
Rapper? Poet? Songwriter? For the next reveal?
It seems like the letter clues are usually a nudge in the right direction as opposed to a multi-layered clue. So I'd hazard a guess the next event is related to poetry.
Did it refer to the mural being painted on the wall and not on a canvas in a stall?
There is a posibility that it referes to Cockney Rhyming Slang, but that wouldn't be professional.
A composer of songs might make us grin but a poet is the direction we should be headed in.
Ok, enough with the rhymes already.
4-Toed is sold out again.
I was wrong last time, but is there any thoughts on the next reveal being tied to the Mysteries of the Universe segment due out this week ?
Zort70 do we have images for all letters? I think some were just messaged to us. Or, just a compilation of links to where they live?
Salvoh, thanks for sharing this information.
? Did anyone download the wallpaper from P. Scheer site before it changed?
I've been going back thru P. Scheer pages before 8/15 and I'm am finding nice connections to posters themes and reveals. Here's some of what I noted:
DCaaPB dated 7/20 - Blowfish Lyric "Sometimes you're crazy and you wonder why/I'm such a baby/'cause the Dolphins make me cry."
and again
on 8/13 - H: If Mr. Eko was a frontman for a rap group, which would it be? P: Positive K
Argh - waiting for next clue.
I met Paul Scheer about four/five years ago. I loved Best Week Ever on VH1, which he was often on and saw him in a bar in NYC. I really embarrassed myself by going "argh it's him off best week ever" and getting all excited at seeing a minor celebrity even though I didn't know his name at the time. My friends then made him sit with us, which he did for about 5 mins and then ran away. He was loving all the attention of being the man off the telly in the bar though! To be honest I went off him after that whole experience!
He popped up in 30 Rock didn't he, but don't really know what he is doing at the moment, so found it all a bit weird that he turned up at comicon and started the site. Do you know how he got involved?
Wow Still no clue!?
Is there any venue where there's something going on with poets, rappers, songwriters this week?
I found this site. http://www.poets.org/calendar.php
There's something going on the 11th and 12th, but the 14th or later would be more likely dates.
The Massachusetts Poetry Festival is the 15th-18th.
@lottery ticket...
Do you mean the wallpaper of the actual dcaapb poster, cus I stil have that.
STILL no clue???
..maybe being " clueless" relates to the movie by that title which is based on Jane Austen's " Emma"....then again..maybe not...Getting desperate here......MEL
I'll just copy what I said here on DCaaPB.com
"My "in person" impression of the print:
I still pondering this print, it definitely is cool and is going to be framed. I have many spaces in my house that this print will fit. It is awesome, but at the same time, it doesn't do too much for me. It's there, it's cool, and it's a foot. Maybe if the statue is given more meaning, the print will gain more meaning too."
We are clueless, and I think we are going to stay that way the rest of the day...Tyson helping Zort with the wife b-day, actual lost fans vs print sellers, and me with a looming tax deadline...
Now that I have said that it is to my benefit...watch Tyson mess with us.
Good morning, everyone! Yes, I slept late today, but did manage to peak at the dcaapb site earlier this morning just to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
I'm planning to collect them all, but have absolutely no idea where I'm going to put them. I suspect they won't be put on the walls until we buy our retirement home!
Now, a question: Does anyone have a high resolution jpg of the Crash? That's not the perfect solution to the fact that I missed that one, but it would work for me.
ellen, the highest resolution image I am aware of out there is here:
and my current ranking of Favorite prints in person so far is:
1: the Dharma Van
2. the Love Triangle
3. Locke's Secret
4. the crash/the numbers/the statue/smoke monster
Martyn, I am following up on notes I took with the original P.Scheer website. He offered download for 'wallpaper'. I was just wondering what was the image, his DCaaPB painting or something else?
...I am beginning to fathom the concept of " nothing"..i mean..not even of the idea of nothing.....MEL
Ellen, the large images on DCaaPB.com should be high enough resolution for at least 8x10's if you have a photo printer.
(you will have to click through to "view larger image" with each poster to be able to save them down)
I'm turning the FDW. "Bloop"
the wallpaper download was the original velvet dcaapb print in a gold frame. I have a copy saved to my computer if you need one.
..this is interesting...there is a rumor going around that has it,,Ronie let it be known to Alexandra his true feelings for her,,but she was unable to reciprocate and decided it would be best for both if she left the firm,,leaving Ronie clueless on what to do. Panic reigns at RMFA.
Well..what do you got?......MEL
lol - Poor Ronie, jilted by Alex
Maybe they are stalling to set up a poster reveal during this event with Lindelof:
P.S. I want a hardcover Wolverine vs. Hulk more than a poster!
FtI...Now that seems possible!! Its about Time Damon gets personally involved in this ARG,and bails out poor Ronie at the same time.....Thanks for the link!!........MEL
No prob, just found it during my daily LOST mega-search on google! Haha. Mel, I loved your analysis on the Four-Toed statue. In fact, I loved it so much I decided to buy one...then realized they sold out. Bummer!
Thanks, ReverandMilo! That works!
Back on topic, I liked the statue poster as soon as I saw it. It made me think of that magic moment when the Losties first saw it through the trees. GASP!
FtI..Thanks!..yea..when contemplating the endless question mark,,where does one start? " mega google" indeed!
8 prints in to this ARG, I see a pattern of approach by the artists involved. 2 schools of approach seem evident. One is the presentation of what we know and have experienced. The other is taking a visual concept or ideas presented in LOST and presenting them in a new way,, so as to make the viewer think about the presentation.
Examples of the presentation of what we know,,might be, The Numbers, Locke, The Crash, even Smokie. Examples of made to think about might be,,Dharma Van,,Triangle,,Statue and on first look, Hatch. There is no clear delineation between the two groups. I mean..the red and golds of Smokie do give me a feeling to explore, yet what is presented is nothing new. Smokie is perhaps a half and half. And thats a good thing because neither approach is superior to the other. I still like how " superstition" is conveyed in the Numbers print for an example.
It will be interesting to see how the next 8 artists approached their task. So far..I've found each a wonderful artistic expression of something LOST.At the halfway point,part of me doesn't really mind the break. Its a good time to appreciate all that has gone before. ....MEL
*whoosh* I'm baaaaaack.
For lack of clue, I went out searching for Lost October related events. October 10 -15.
Sadly, 5 years ago today Superman died. Ben uses this fact to convince Jack to go ahead with surgery.
October 13 Kate gets her plane back.
I'm off to appreciate while we wait. I hear some tubes had bookmarks inside. Anyone get one?
WHAT!!!!...I drove 120 miles one way for a book mark,,and now they are giving them away with prints!!!????..
....oooohh the Black Hole of Sagittarius 1a is brilliantly lit up as Britney Spears after an hour at a bar ,compared to the darkness I am feeling now....MEL
What if Jack Bender did a painting? He designed the Swan mural.
@lottery ticket...
Yeah, the wallpaper was just of his velvet paintnIg and the gold frame around it. Was quite nice.
I have been hoping that Jack Bender would be participating in the project as well. I bought one of the poster prints of The Hatch Painting some time ago. They have lowered the price since then, so it is much more affordable.
I think unsigned is $25, and signed is $45. The link is below. I am so glad to own one since it is really the "original" lost art poster. And I am collecting the full series of this project.
Hi, I'm back from a day of shopping, including looking for a suitable frame.
LotteryTicket - I have 6 of the letters on my PC, I think the third poster letter is on my PC at work.
Still no clue ?
I received the bookmark in an envelope attached to the outside of the poster tube.
Thanks andalone! That is a really interesting link.
Is this the first time the first poster letter came before the first clue?
Also, I see how nobody has been discussing the first orderer clue yet.
Nachosaur, I think the first poster letter came before the second poster first clue.
Apart from Poets, songwriters and Cockneys I'm not sure where to go with it.
I think we have a direction to focus on when we get a hub page clue.
Ellen Blackmun...That makes me want to scream...WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLTT!!!
Thank you..I feel much better now...MEL
Don't let my comment stop you searching for a meaning.
I'm looking for poets on market stalls as we speak.
CJones416 on the SpolierTV forums is saying that he got order number 1389 for the 4-Toed Statue just before it went to sold out.
So 5 posters at 200 copies sold = 1000, which leaves 389 posters sold of the other three.
389 sounds a little low, and even lower if we think the first poster probably has more orders than the other two.
Not that everyone who buys these posters checks in here, but couldn't we tell how many of the prints have been sold by the largest number /300?
Zort70, over at the "Official List" I have last print numbers reported as follows:
Frame 1 - 208 (at least 108 sold)
Frame 3 - 261 (at least 161 sold)
Frame 5 - 183 (at least 83 sold)
so 352 total for other posters.
not accurate, but close
I know that this has been addressed in other posts, but has anyone found a good frame for these posters?
I don't want to spend a ton of money on one, but I also don't want to run the print because didn't frame the print properly.
Any advice would be immensely helpful as I am new to the art print world.
Wow...the Love Triangle poster did bad. Kinda dissapointed. I kind liked it.
*run should be ruin
I'm going with Dylan (see P. Scheer quote) in LA on Oct. 13 or 'bats and balls' stalls in London.
Also, in my searching I see "Adam and Eve" = believe. Nice.
You do that.
I'm waiting for the first clue.
I just noticed that no qoutes from season 4 have been used as URLs yet.
Kinda shame, as that was my favorite season.
I've just finished framing my dharma van poster, took me absolutley ages to find a decent, reasonably priced frame and funnily enough, it was IKEA, that I bought it from. Was £16.99, dunno what it'd be in dollars, and looks really nice. Slightly bigger than the picture but White card behind it looks good. It was called the rigga I think.
Hope this helps.
@ Martyn - I was think ikea might be a good place to look, but I wasn't sure 1) if they had the right size or 2) if I needed to worry too much about UV protection.
On a separate note...here are a couple of my (semi-tongue-in-cheek) predictions for future posters:
Jay Ryan for Ezra James Sharkington and the Hurley Bird
Dan McCarthy for Adam and Eve
Martyn I've been searching for a frame today as well, and I was in Ikea Birmingham, so we might have passed !
In the end I got the frame from Homebase £9.99. It is a clip frame with a plastic front but the frame is smaller and I think it suits it.
@Jeremy: I found a standard 18x24 inch frame in black that was 40% off even with no coupon at Michael. I'm going back there tomorrow to get 2 more. They were still about $40.00 each. "The Crash" fit in perfectly and you can still see the signature.
I just started my re-watch of the episodes with commentary to try and bait Tyson into a clue.
Anonymous said...
Ellen Blackmun...That makes me want to scream... WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLTT!!! Thank you..I feel much better now...MEL
MEL, I got the bookmark as a consolation prize for missing out on the Crash. ;)
In the UK 18x24 (45x61 cm) is not a standard size so it has been quite a search.
Still no clue...
Funnily enough, my dad actually works at Ikea, so you will have definitely of passed him.
As for a Homebase frame, I went to my local one and they had practically nothing there. What dimensions was the frame, i'll try a bigger Homebase tomorrow and have look for one for my Hatch poster.
Hi all -
I just -finally- completed my framing of the dharma van - my fav. print thus far, and it looks amazing framed.
A tip regarding framing: 9.9 times out of ten, it will looks twice as good with a mat border. my approach was a 22 x 28 inch frame, with a 2 inch mat (around the 18x 24 print. the final effect is not too big, and looks like an art gallery print. I would post a pic but i dont know how to do that here. perhaps later. :)
~ Frank
....i guess my agonising over whether to buy the statue or not has been decided for me. i suppose it 's for the best. i myself, could not get over the fact that it was the wrong foot. great idea though.
jeremy you have a really firm and good guess for what jay and dan might do.
i'm still hoping for a good black rock print.
the nerve of Tyson...
Martyn, it is a 50x70 cm frame, I'm not 100% happy with it, but it is cheap !
Frank you can email me the picture if you want and I'll make it available.
To the tune of "Wouldn't It Be Nice" by the Beach Boys
Wouldn't it be nice to get a clue now
Then we wouldn't have to wait for long
And wouldn't it be nice to see the poster
Just so we can point out what is wrong
You know we'll Google till our fingers shatter
I'd even take a clue with Rorschach splatter
Wouldn't it be nice if Tyson posted
D-C-A-A-P-B is so slow
The frame is looking empty and foreboding
Waiting for the poster it will show
Will it point us to expectant mothers?
Sawyer, Jin and Sun or loony Others?
Oh wouldn't it be nice?
Maybe if we pray or cry or scream or rant it might be soon
Maybe then we'd see an oil painting or a huge cartoon
Oh we will be waiting
If only for Tyson
Wouldn't be nice
You know I think the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But let's talk about it
Wouldn't it be nice
I am contemplating making my own frames. And I concur with the additional mat material. I think my book marks will look really good with just the rite dark bluegreen mat around them.....MEL
Great song, Amy Lynn.
Ahhh, 50x70. That's what I got from Ikea, was thinking you found a more fitting frame. Hard to get it centred in the frame without using tape or blu-tack.
Thanks anyway zort.
haha love the song Amy Lynn. wouldnt it be nice, indeed.
Amy Lynn
Brilliant Lyrics!
I especially like "Rorschach splatter"
Much different than last weekend when we were studying pink horned monsters. :)
Have we been abandoned?
this is just for understanding:
Silk screening is a bit more challenging than one may realize. Each color you see on a silk screen print represents a " pull". A " pull" is a squeegee type thing with a color of ink or pigment that when " pulled"across the screen, the ink can go thru the screen at its designated areas. A dense material in the screen stops ink from going thru. Perfect alignmemt is achieved thru " registers" or location pins in the frames of each colors' screen.
This explains why you see these prints in 2 or 3 colors only. Each additional color complicates the task immensely. Detailed work like on The Dharma Van, Triangle,Smokie and possibly Hatch, indicates some real meticulous craftmanship. I have no idea on how many prints are attempted to get 300 good ones. But Moss indicating he had 40 extras is an indication.
I think Smokie appears to be the most complicated. red,, dark red,black, green,and gold...all in aligned perfection,,WOW. I am looking forward to The Hatch for the same . The Hatch may have even blended colors..that is..pulled the next color while the previous color hasn't dried yet..WOW. But the same effect can be achieved by two colors just slitely offset from each other..Yea, this is " detailed " work and I can understand why TD from the The Numbers print posted " Tong Rules" on Tongs blog. Anyway,, just an idea of what it takes to make a print and why 50 dollars is such a deal.........MEL
Just a thought for those having framing issues..
I purchased a number of very nice frames holding not-so-great art at yard sales. I specifically purchased the items with the intent of tossing the art. The frames were of a higher quality than the usual poster frames, and in most cases had double or triple mats.
I have also seen some great frames on mass-produced art at discount stores for a lower price than the same, exact poster-sized frame sells for in a different department of the same store.
Amy, that song is great and it's just made it's way onto the front of the blog !
LOL, thanks, Zort. I'm home with the flu (hopefully NOT swine) and I needed a distraction from refreshing FB and DCAAPB
Good night all it's the 11th of October here and no new clue, so if I'm a very good boy then there might be one in the morning.
Wow, awesome job on the song Amy.
Tyson is way too slow on this.
Anyone thinking about getting the Methane Studios for The Dharma Van, might want to move quick. I ordered one one Thursday around noon pacific time and was order number 1375, so that one might be selling out next
..ohh,,aaammm..another rumor circulating about, has it that a bundle of clothing apparel with depictions of an Arabic looking fellow aiming a pistol at people while a young white female lays dead at his feet,,has been intercepted by British customs agents and Tyson is halfway across the Atlantic now, in an hurried effort to straighten out the confusion in front of a British magistrate...more at 10.......MEL
Here are the links to the gifts Salvoh recieved for being the first order.
For some reason I can't get them to link with code. Sorry.
Great song, Amy Lynn...almost can hear the Beach Boys!
Here's hoping there's a clue soon!
I ordered the Van poster on 10/2 and was order number 1159. Looks like sales of that are picking up.
Well Sayids Girl..as much as I am capable,,I refuse to do a "Rush Limbaugh on Pres Obama's Nobel Peace Prize ",,on Salvoh's haul here. A LOST Fan so appreciated is All LOST Fans appreciated...Way to go Salvoh!
Print 9 clue - Two bare feet and an apple with a bite taken out.
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