I am in awe that anyone had the presence of mind to even think of making a request to Mr. Tong and Mr. Danger. WOWOWOW!!! Face-on-a-stick was too busy dancing on tables to be thinking ahead.....(hehehehe)
ObFuSc8 posted the link previously but for anyone who was a little tied up with recent celebrations and missed it, here it is again, Kevin Tong's blog of his G1988 experience and his Flickr pics of him and Daniel Danger having fun on the night... Looks as though those guys had a ball.
..I'm still looking for the Army of Squirrels drawing by Carlton. Something tells me theres gonna be alot of p.o'ed squirrels by end of season 6. I can hear the chatter now.
This is so cool to wake up to! This is truly a LOST Fan Appreciation outreach! I've never been part of such a wonderful experience with such a great group of like-minded people...here at LostArgs and with TPTB and everyone behind the scenes!
Kevin Tong and Daniel Danger seemed really into the whole thing and were very down to earth and were just excited to be at the Gallery1988 at the rest of us!
"Swear on your LOST quilt" LOL...but that is as good as gold!
Very neat tote bag art Zort. Saw that in L.A. Wish I had had the foresight for it too.
Ok now this is just RUMOR...but the RUMOR is Evangeline Lilly is pregnant. Anyone heard this? Hoping it's false and has no effect on S6. (hope this isn't old news, I've been MIA with all the holidays) Hope everyone's had great holidays so far!
@Nachosaur- RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR...I don't know if it's true. The ODI was reporting it from a Spanish site, but now I'm hearing that it's an old rumor that's been circulating since February...so...take it with a grain of salt I guess.
That evangeline lily rumour I heard when she was still with charlie! I remember going to a party and being told not to mention to the birthday girl anything about lost or charlie as she was pregnant and they were going to get married. Obviously turned out to be crap but could be an old rumour just picking up again maybe?
@Lisa, tickets booked but i'll need the down payment of the dharma cozy before I click complete!
I just got my Stout LOST print, and I'm very pleasantly surprised. His signature linework is much more appealing in person, and the vibrant colors really work. Suffice it to say, I'm very impressed. I would move this one to second or even first if I took that poll today.
Michael Emerson has landed in the theatre district!
http://twitgoo.com/anvhs -- this is not me, obviously, but someone on my Twitter feed. Still, Michael Emerson being somewhere that I KNOW is almost as cool as me being five rows away from him in 6 hours.
@ Amy Lynn - have an awesome time tonight!!! I have faith that you will get to meet him and it won't end with a restraining order!!! :) Take pictures if you can!
WHAT!! Disappoint?...can I not click and drag this " just a picture" to my desktop and have at it with whatever intent?...Disappoint?...heck no! Matter of fact, I'd like to extend a big Thank You to whomever forwarded it to you,,and of course to the unknown forces that had your email box not at full capacity at its time of arrival. We are blessed!
Katie..Yes!.. it is a big print! and well done! For that reason alone I've decided to give it a go at making my own frame. I have all the tools required, so its just the Time thing. Maybe I'll get started tomorrow..or the next day..Or just win the auction for the # 1 print...already framed.
Quick post to say my copy of LOST also turned up today. I'm impressed! They must be working over the holidays to get all these out on time. I unrolled it and checked it out - nope, still not really in love with this one. It will go for trade without much regret.
But there is something I didn't notice until I had it right in front of me - intentional or not, the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Locke lineup at the top of the page looks just like Mount Rushmore. Spooky. I wonder if that was on purpose? 'Course, if I were making a Lost Mt. Rushmore, Ben would be up there.
Have we figured out what the second clue on the LOST print is?
This may be a stretch but if you look at just Jack and Locke, their heads kind of represent the "Black and White" concept that seems to be leading to the final confrontation of the show...
@Joey: Good list (I didn't watch Dollhouse...so I'd add some more LOST episodes....Dexter and Madmen were so awesome this season, too). Tough thing to narrow down!
Just finished watching "The Variable" last night...so I'm almost done with the rewatch! :(
Nice list joey, love the fact you actually said kim bauer is bangable. Laughed quite hard on that. Like the fact chappelles show got on your list, as well as fishsticks. Dexter definitely deserved to make the list, especially both season one and four finale. Great stuff, recommend watching it joey!
FYI: ABC has a LOST Final Season Sweepstakes...just enter, answer 6 questions...815 winners can win a "note in a bottle" and a preview of the premiere!
..the 2nd clue in 16th..I put forth the perception of all of these characters being illustrated in one setting,, corralled together in one time and place..may be the 2nd clue..It does suggest a " unification" that has not existed previously.
Okay, lazy I know but having skimmed the presidents on Wikipedia thought I share (sorry it's so long but Sawyer and Locke certainly have some similarities):
Jack is George Washington 'Washington proved an able administrator. An excellent delegator and judge of talent and character, he held regular cabinet meetings to debate issues before making a final decision. In handling routine tasks, he was "systematic, orderly, energetic, solicitous of the opinion of others but decisive, intent upon general goals and the consistency of particular actions with them.'
Kate is Thomas Jefferson I'm admittedly having trouble finding a link here but rather liked this quote of his; 'Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.'
Sawyer is Theodore Roosevelt 'He is well remembered for his energetic persona, his range of interests and achievements, his leadership of the Progressive Movement, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" image.'
Locke is Abraham Lincoln 'He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War.' and Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated. And check this out: this is a symbolic log cabin at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park...look familiar? ;) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Abe-Lincoln-Birthplace-2.jpg
..Thank You Maven..pheeewww! for a moment there I thought I just got underminded about going to Hawaii,,by ABC.
This is getting ..or shall i say..approaching fever pitch. Where is Paul Scheer when you need him? I mean like..What will be the next " campaign" launched by ABC to further hype the 6th ,,AND FINAL season of LOST? Im thinking beyond even....the super...bowl. Like maybe..bubble heads of all the Losties..uuhhm..Instead of , taste great vs less filling...Fate vs Free Will ,,hurry up and get a Beer producer on that!!!...I choose Miller Draft in a Bottle..NO! as a beer connoiseur, its Your Destiny to drink Miller Draft ina Bottle.. NO! I choose freely, No, Its Your Destiny!!..BUUURRPPP!...Everyone feel much better now?.....Perhaps a Grand GIGA LOTTO,,where every buys a ticket ( all proceeds to charity) and one lucky ticket holder..gets to duke it out with Smokey, LIVE, half way thru the 1st episode..huh!!..or uhhm..oh this is good..I can't believe it took me this long to dream this one up...A 1000 winners contest..okay 815,,ABC sponsored Season 6 Episode HOME PARTY!!!!.. yea...winners can invite all their friends and family for the opening show and ABC sends the winners a pre package package to make your LOST Party,,just special enough!! you kno.. life size cardboard cut outs of the Losties...autographed...yea, that kinda stuff. Wow!..what else? You know they just gotta make this bigger than the Super Bowl!
@joey "DRAWING: Potential winners will be selected in a random drawing held on or about January 18, 2010 from all eligible entries received by an independent judging agency. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received."
Joey - Pretty sure that I answered all the ???'s correct, but drawing will not take place till 1/18/10. See official rules here. The only confirmation I got was a "Thank You for Participating" message on the next screen after hitting submit. Didn't indicate whether I answered correctly or incorrectly.
HAA!! thank you JPL!!..I knew It!!..So my next idea can't be far away...Win,, for your Season 6 Episode 1 LOST PARTY,,an exact replica of Henry Gales Smiley Face Widmore Industries BALLOON, tethered Right Over Your Back Yard!!...provided by Goodyear and weather conditions permitting..
I GOT IT!!!...we need a genius down at Hasbro or Matel to make it...but...take the Slinky and the Play Doh,,combine them together to make...The SMOKIE TOY!!
..Howabout a New and Improved LOST Board Game?? Were you go around and around the board,,without ever winning and if you quit,,like Dez.. Ben comes and pays you a visit.??
Has anyone actually "re-cut" the episodes so that everything is in order as they happened (including Flashbacks and Flash Forwards)! It would be interesting seeing the whole story played out in one linear sequence (if that is possible with all the time shifts). I was wondering if it can be done when the series is over.
Maven, they did that with Memento (the movie, so awsome if youve not seen it - you must!) as an Easter egg, you could watch it in the 'correct' order. I think you can do it with Pulp Fiction too. That would be an epic undertaking for LOST, but Im sure it could be done if it was coded into the 'last big whole shebang DVD set' they must be going to release!
Really quick... more tomorrow. Michael Emerson was spectacular. Watching him on stage was really exhilerating, much moreso than on TV... Carrie Preston, too, was exquisite.
We didn't get to stay and talk to them, as my partner is nursing a nasty cold, but I think Congested might have stayed...
@No One: That is what I would love to see for the whole series at the end! I just know someone will attempt it! Thanks for that link.
@Just Thinking: I believe I did see that Time Line before. I would love to see someone re-cut the series into the chronological order...a monumental task, I'm sure!
Hey guys! Glad to see a lot of people still buzzing about here. Hope everyone had a great holiday! Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I wanted to give away some prizes for the holiday season and I also have a competition going on for a tote bag. So if you don't win Zort's you'll have a second try! Mine's not Quite as cool as Zort's with the original art, but it IS signed by Damon and Carlton! You can check out the puzzle at DamonCarltonAndMe.com
lora..there are Texans who believe Texas never joined the Union.
Maven...while I understand the want for linear order,, i really believe very much of what is LOST would be ..well..lost, by a chronological order. I see each episode as a parable on to itself, Complete. So, to me, disconnecting the backs and forwards from their real time attachments,,while giving order,,would actually just add to the chaos. I don't believe chronological order would give any understanding to LOST,, it would actually take away. But, again , I understand the want, to just to see it in chronological order for the sake of order. I think you'd be let down tho. Exaggerations and distortions, even when put in linear order,,are still exaggerations and distortions, but then they would be disconnected from what they were supposed to emphasize...imho.
The Big Picture would be almost impossible to perceive in its construction with a linear chronological order presentation. But you'd already seen the original presentation so the Big picture would be already known. This show is sooo anti logic.. that putting it in logical linear order..seems counter intuitive. and I suspect, to make any sense of it,, one would constantly have to remember back to the original episode to make sense out of it...Like.. Hurley in EHH..you'd see him winning the lotto ticket in say.. episode 7...but how that effected his perception of becoming the boss of the Food Pantry in the Swan, not ,until episode 15...so chronological order would defeat understanding or at least interfere.
Sorry for being a nerd turd. Gessh, I am becoming more of a purist than I thought possible. GAK!
Snow's just started up here Zort. It's -5 outside too and I unfortunately will have to brace the ice-rink-like pavements shortly to visit my new flat that has a broken boiler...brrrrr :(
@Zort - never thought of Star Wars like that, but totally makes sense. The prequel kinda kills the original trilogy's big impact moments. I agree, wouldn't wanna see lost like that till after I it's done.
As for meeting Michael Emerson last night, no I did not. But I didn't try very hard. Also at one point someone said all the actors had left, but no one saw Emerson and Preston leave and the person also said they could still be upstairs... but I didn't check.
Honestly it was a bit crazy, there were tons of people waiting to mob them for autographs and all I really wanted to do was shake their hands and congratulate them.... which I'm sure many were going to do anyway... so I decided there was no real point in sticking around for them to leave.
Like Amy said it was a great show and I hope that both of them perform again sometime soon here in New York. Carrie Preston stole the show in my opinion. She is unbelievable... True Blood doesn't at all let her come near her capacity as an actress. (I still love True Blood though <3)
@AmyLynn: I think Vozzek set up his blog to plug his book (which I received yesterday, BTW). I do think he intends to post his Things I Noticed recaps there and at Dark's for S6. Maybe the old one are in Dark's archives?
@MEL: I hear you about losing something if a linear story is told and it would take away from the time jumps and some of the story. But there are "chapters" of the story that I think would work...like the Oceanic 6 story off-island and Locke and Ben's recruitment of the O6 to get them back to the island. We saw everything in bits and pieces.
And I think nothing should be attempted until the whole story is over!
Maven...there is always the good possibility, that at completion, all will make sense in one way or another, rendering chronological order unnecessary...could happen!
@MEL, I know, it's unbelievable. But do you know what gives me the warm fuzzies? I just had one of our fellow losties offer me a print I don't have for the price it cost them and postage. It amazes me the people I've met here.
@Maven, Wasn't there an ABC special during season 5 of The Story Of The Oceanic Six which did that ?
CL..Yes! Its a grand feeling! I too have been the recipient of such largess.
I suspect the linked seller is but a middle man. So, no real animosity towards him. Jenson of 1988 did confirm that the whole DCAAPB effort was heavily subsidized, with the ABC Marketing Dept in glorious HOORAY HUURRAH as the Prints approached 3 minute then 1 minute sell outs. So, in a way, their " spirit" continues into the Ebay. Its even better tho..to see the smaller Lost Fan realm,,treat its own in a more Magnificent fashion.
Amy..I suggested early on that the LU entrance exam be used as a " filter" in determining buyers. Fascinating it is.. that an " exam" is now in place for the Message in a Bottle campaign..even tho passing it is some what of a no challenge. Something tells me that they kno who got all right on first pass tho.
I know other suggestions were offered as the hectic became obvious,,but,it was the Marketing Dept's money all along, 2 years of investment with no return until this ARG..so they called the shots.
AL..haa! I once answered a professors "essay" question with a 2 page onslaught of verbage. He drew a red ink line thru it all and reduced my answer to a 3 word sentence,,adding the comment..Be Succinct!..Well heck, it was an "essay" test!
Yeaa..with only 200 available of each print,, i can't imagine what the ABC Marketing Dept was worried about. Unless..they intended to make up the " subsidy costs" by selling lots and lots of T shirts.
I probably should say more actually, to elaborate. I got to be part of an official poster series for the TV show LOST. They chose 16 artists, including myself, to create official posters that would go on sale and involve tons of fan interaction. T'was off the chain, homies. Most of the artists were top poster guys and friends of mine, so it was like being part of a club (with power rings). The series was on fire, with posters selling out in minutes and it all culminated in a sweet party at 1988 Gallery in Los Angeles, where I got to rub elbows with LOST's fans, creators, and the rest of the team. This series has been featured on G4TV, ABC, CNN, Last Call With Carson Daly, and countless blogs and sites. My posters are all sold out, but please check my newsletter periodically for updates as these things have the tendency to change. Yes, I am being vague! All the posters can be seen here.
Martyn.." off the chain" indeed! A lot of us feel like we got smacked around by Juliette too! But alas, no body drowned in their sorrow,,well, almost nobody. Yikes, another pike in to the dragon!
About that auction, I got a nice giggle when reading the description: This is taken directly from the polarbearandcarlton website Makes me think he wasn't F5'ing it like the rest of us. Then there are the spelling errors (Seriously, when trying to sell something for $6000, you might want to use a spell checker!)
JoeD..yes, probably just a middleman selling the posters. This is common in Ebay. Antique Malls will have one Ebay Seller Account,,with all of the vendors offering thru that one account ,for an example. The actual owner,, or owners,,of the prints remains unseen. I suspect the asking price will steadily fall.
So, after much procrastination, I've finally started a long-planned blog about experience design, and as this has been *quite* the experience, I wrote my first article about this ARG. I admit I had a tough time trying to explain it for people that have no idea what this is all about. I had to tweak it several times because I realized I had forgotten to mention this or that important detail. Only a Lostie can understand...lol. ;)
dee...I've had qualms about " packaged experiences" for awhile. That you emphasize the Product of this ARG as being above and beyond the " packaged experience", perhaps even a unforeseen by-product of its design, shows me that there is" worth" to the concept of " Experience Design". Damon referred to it in his tale of the Lost Fan who cut away from him , to meet another Lost Fan. Samantha Thomas gushed about it out on the sidewalk, latenite during the show. And of course, we all have looked to one and other here and elsewhere, with big smiles on our faces, Job Well Done!!
I suppose what I am getting at is..Experience Design works,,as long as the Human Element is allowed to manifest itself within and grow beyond the parameters of the design. May all of your Experience Designs, succeed!
Thanks Guys! I was worried that I wasn't making sense! ;)
And thanks Mel! I agree - experience design can be very manipulative if the "soul" isn't in it. I prefer experiences that give much more than they take. I've been happy to see that this one has brought out (for the most part) some real generosity and friendship. :)
I'm sad. I may have to put my set up for sale. I've had a couple of major life events happen when I least expect (I think that's how it always goes) and it looks like I may need to part with the collection. I really don't want to - but I don't think I could break up the set either. The last one just came about 2 days ago. I'm hoping to figure this out - but I should find out more about the situation in the next couple of days.
Sounds like everyone is having a great holiday season, for the most part. Despite the weather, though a white Christmas is always fun. Love hearing all the Christmas/holiday LOST stories.
I come back to check comments and catch my breath and whoa, another new clue at Justin's site!
A chronological reordering of LOST would only be fun after the finale. As MEL said, the impact of some of the flashbacks/forwards would be lost in chronological order. You would, for one thing see our LeftBehinders join DHARMA before they ever crash on the Island and Kate take wounded little Benito to be templified before you ever meet Henry Gale. Smaller parts would of course be fun as extras on the ultimate LOST series DVD set, and even be a game.
Martyn, thanks for the commment from Kevin Tong's newsletter.
Amy Lynn and Congested, sounds like you had a great time at the reading last night.
Joey/Xanman -- I had fun reading your favorites lists. There's no way my brain could begin to compare and rank episodes across shows, not without extensive rewatching!
whmscl -- you blog was a great read. The connections and fellowship that came from DCaaPB really are the ultimate prize, and one that I hope we can take forward through this final season and beyond.
I am getting just a bit anxious since everyone else has their Stout LOST print and there's no sign yet of mine. I am going to go look expectantly at the mailbox.
ObFuSc8, I'm also thinking about chronological reordering of all scenes. The one (technical) problem is perhaps, to watch it properly we need one medium (without often switching the discs). But if it would be possible, I'd spend many many hours before my TV screen :-)
And some parts should perhaps be shown paralelly in splitscreen, like they did it in "24", due of their time parallelity.
"To whom it may concern at ABC: We are survivors of Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear. We have survived on this website for exactly four months. We were eight weeks into our re-watches when Paul Scheer said we were off course and turned back towards this ARG. We hit turbulence and crashed (sixteen times). We've been waiting here all this time-- waiting for more signed swag, rescue that has not come. We do not know where we are. We only know you have not helped us. We've done our best to live on this website. Some of us have come to accept we may never leave it. Not all of us have survived since the Daniel Danger crash. But there is new life, too, and with it, there is hope. We are obsessed. Please don't give up on us."
I've long been a fan of the idea for a chronological Lost DVD set after it's all over. And I like your split screen idea, Der Merz, it might work. And by the way, glad that you stopped by, it's been a while!
Sorry to hear you're going through some tough times, TomRex! :(
@DeAnne: Bookmarked your blog for later reading....sounds intriguing.
I realize a linear LOST will be difficult to do with the time shifts...but there are certain aspects of the story that would benefit from it, like the crash, time off island for the Oceanic 6. And it would not be a benefit to a first time viewer since we'd see 1954 Richard and our Losties in 1977...only slightly confusing!
Hopefully we'll get to see a 500 BC Richard in S6 too! :-D
Perhaps to make it easier viewing, TPTB could make each character's story lined up in order only? It could make more sense that way, without all the extra activities of time skipping, but I think that the timeskipping could be grouped into a bunch by itself since not too much happened at length, when that was happening. Once they landed in 1977, then it's gets tricky as far as seeing the LBs out of order without knowing anything of their backstory or contemporary traits. Maybe 1977 could stay where it is.
maven, yes exactly - call me a munter, but I did struggle a bit piecing the O6 off island bits together (ie in the right order!) in my mind. Like ChrisL said, the recap of that off island time was very helpful as they more or less put it in the 'correct' order.
True kiwi, I'll avoid going back to new York for a while though. Knowing me, I'll put my foot in it but shall try hard cus I love new york, don't want to be walking watching my behind.
I just checked my twitter and there was a direct quote of me saying I daren't mention anything that happens in Hawaii and face your wrath. Thought it was quite funny!
Hi all- what I was trying to link in Lost Chronology is a thread in the Lostpedia main forum where someone has been putting together 108 days to view in a linear way, not just a list- the actual show. You have to download them from the site. This is the thread-http://forum.lostpedia.com/lost-chronology-t15004.html.
Oooooow those watched pots and what people say about them..like the hour glassed spider crawling up your arm waking you from a sleep of dreams of Nikki in every Lost episode and diamonds in the toilet flushed as Charlie revived from death at the banyun tree waking to a view of Kate bent over him enough to bring any dead man back to life like Locke post-noose no noose is good noose except for Ben with his nose bloodied and out of shape twitching on the floor in regret for waiting too long for his venom to sink in handing the nicked Dez the opportunity to send him to the drink and he did, theres your milk you bastard! Watch it!
Back from the holiday hiatus! Arrived home to find my kind neighbors cleared my driveway of snow (got about 8 inches in Kansas City) and the Stout print on my front porch!
@Ob - would still be interested in that Locke t-shirt if you are looking to get rid of it.
After looking at print 16, I like it but think it is too much like a promotional poster compared to the others. I may be willing to part with it for a trade of either Locke's Secret or Walt's Kidnapping. Email me at dr.sandman90 at gmail dot com if you care to discuss.
Have the rest of the week off - starting my LOST season1-5 rewatch tomorrow after my wife and I watch a matinee 3-D viewing of Avatar. To follow up next week with resumption of normal diet and exercise regimen.
Tee hee lora, someone hit, ran over and completely took out our mailbox after an ice storm a couple weeks ago, soon after the 15th frame. So I'm just a bit worried they're not finding us.
Sandman90 -- I now have 2 of the Locke's Secret T's in large. I also have the Tee Fury LOST inspired MAAAAAALT tshirt in large -- it was too big for my brother.
Some of the local ABC affiliates have a sweepstakes to win a trip to the LOST premier sneak preview in Hawaii. So if you live in one of the following cities, check it out!
Chicago Milwuakee Minneapolis Orlando Portland Boston Coming soon: Hartford, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City.
Dammit. I keep checking back in, and all there is is news of people getting prints, getting prints framed... rub it in, why doncha?
What do we think to a second series of prints, then? while I'd be grateful for the chance to lose out again, part of me hopes it just stas the ones in the exhibit and the sixteen. I dunno. You?
first! This looks awesome!
It does look good, and it is a priceless piece of art :-)
What's the competition Zort? Is this a prize? Can't wait to hear the deets.
What, What What?? WOW!
Very cool! Is this what Jenson sent you Zort?
No this hasn't been sent to me, the picture was sent in by someone who went to the show.
Bygnerd, there are several prizes including some very exiting items.
hehehe… awesome
I am in awe that anyone had the presence of mind to even think of making a request to Mr. Tong and Mr. Danger. WOWOWOW!!! Face-on-a-stick was too busy dancing on tables to be thinking ahead.....(hehehehe)
It looks very nice!
As the most of entries too :-)
Is it already closed or can I send something as my entry?
ObFuSc8 posted the link previously but for anyone who was a little tied up with recent celebrations and missed it, here it is again, Kevin Tong's blog of his G1988 experience and his Flickr pics of him and Daniel Danger having fun on the night... Looks as though those guys had a ball.
KT gives a nice shout out to LOSTARG's on the blog too!
Cheers for reposting that, Chris. I saw it at ObFuSc8s, but was carried away to the tree…
That's very funny!
:) email
Looks cool. So glad your continuing to keep us all on our toes (because I keep checking the site anyway)
very neat, he has a nice bunch of photos and videos on his blog as well. Morning all !
That's cool. I'm looking forward to what else is in store. :)
I also find the "..." funny as I think "I'm Lost on an island surrounded by sharks" pretty much sums it up.
..I'm still looking for the Army of Squirrels drawing by Carlton. Something tells me theres gonna be alot of p.o'ed squirrels by end of season 6. I can hear the chatter now.
This is so cool to wake up to! This is truly a LOST Fan Appreciation outreach! I've never been part of such a wonderful experience with such a great group of like-minded people...here at LostArgs and with TPTB and everyone behind the scenes!
Kevin Tong and Daniel Danger seemed really into the whole thing and were very down to earth and were just excited to be at the Gallery1988 at the rest of us!
Hey all,
Anybody ab;e to tell if the Tyler Stout posters has started shipping yet?
Wow, it's awesome this just keeps on going, I'm so excited about what we'll be talking here when S06 kicks off!!
Zort, thanks for keeping us on the edge!!!
@walkindude - I believe that some people received the Stout poster last week.
So cool that some of the bigger players in the ARG prints were as into it as the actual participants!
Here's hoping to a DCAAPB 2.0 with seasons 4-6 represented (in addition to our cool fan-inspired options already available)!
Happy Monday / short week everyone!
Jo will be in Waikiki, too, and she posted her rewatch conclusions of Because You Left, The Lie, Jughead & The Little Prince…
I really, really hope that everyone going to Hawaii has a great time and doesn't say a word about it until February 3rd. :D
@AmyLynn: It's definitely tough on-line after they have this Premiere Party! I swear on my LOST Quilt that I will not divulge a thing!
Amy Lynn, I daren't risk your wrath by uttering a word of what happens in Hawaii.
Great prize, I want it!!!
It's going to be great seeing all these names in the flesh, to me it feels like meeting celebrities! Anybody else want to join us in hawaii?
I'm unfortunately unable to be in Hawaii, but I'll be there spiritually. I mean, as whisper. Or Smoke monster.
Just think about Kosmopol Merzmensch out there :-)
"Swear on your LOST quilt" LOL...but that is as good as gold!
Very neat tote bag art Zort. Saw that in L.A. Wish I had had the foresight for it too.
Ok now this is just RUMOR...but the RUMOR is Evangeline Lilly is pregnant. Anyone heard this? Hoping it's false and has no effect on S6. (hope this isn't old news, I've been MIA with all the holidays) Hope everyone's had great holidays so far!
Martyn, were game ! Can you send us three tickets out of Boston ?? I'll send you another beer cozy lolol I wish.
So who all IS going to Hawaii?
Maven, Martyn, Jo....?
HUH?!?!?! Evangeline Lilly is pregnant? How long was I gone?
Awesome tote bag.
@Nachosaur- RUMOR RUMOR RUMOR...I don't know if it's true. The ODI was reporting it from a Spanish site, but now I'm hearing that it's an old rumor that's been circulating since February...so...take it with a grain of salt I guess.
Scoutpost and all: Karen Mauro (aka Shortcake) is coming, too, and MEL!!
That evangeline lily rumour I heard when she was still with charlie! I remember going to a party and being told not to mention to the birthday girl anything about lost or charlie as she was pregnant and they were going to get married. Obviously turned out to be crap but could be an old rumour just picking up again maybe?
@Lisa, tickets booked but i'll need the down payment of the dharma cozy before I click complete!
I heard that MEL is Evie Lilly's baby daddy.
That's quite funny, Merzmensch!
I will go like Andalone in LA, Head on a Stick.
Maven, will you carry me? MEL? Anyone?
lol Martyn good one. One for each ticket ?? shipping them right out ;-)
I just got my Stout LOST print, and I'm very pleasantly surprised. His signature linework is much more appealing in person, and the vibrant colors really work. Suffice it to say, I'm very impressed. I would move this one to second or even first if I took that poll today.
@Spy Hill Skates
Please post some pictures.
I actually think the "pregnancy" rumor has been around since 2006.
Lol, I think 1 per ticket is a fair deal!
Michael Emerson has landed in the theatre district!
http://twitgoo.com/anvhs -- this is not me, obviously, but someone on my Twitter feed. Still, Michael Emerson being somewhere that I KNOW is almost as cool as me being five rows away from him in 6 hours.
Have a fantastic time Amy. You will, I assume, report in tomorrow?
I experienced Ana Lucia in Avatar this afternoon. That movie was better than I expected.
we were watching a movie this week called Deck the halls and was very surprised to see Jorge in it. He was great as usual.
@ Amy Lynn - have an awesome time tonight!!! I have faith that you will get to meet him and it won't end with a restraining order!!! :)
Take pictures if you can!
Amy..me thinks 5 rows is a good idea, elsewise, another rumor may be soon generated.,,,Have Fun and I hope the Show is Great!
lol @ the real MEL.
Mungonna is an anagram for Mango Nun.
So clearly a Locke reference.
Unreal MEL must be ESAU!
It's also an anagram of 'no gunman'.
You might be onto something Thorsten. Locke is a knife man after all ;)
Ok, I just got LOST. Wow it is vibrant to say the least. AND it's huge. Wow dollar signs are going to light up in the eyes of the framer for this one.
Oh yay I also got my two "locke's secret" shirts from my friend today too. Today was a good Lost day for me.
I really like the edge to the newly possessed Lockes dialogue. Yes, the spirit of Esau is the spirit of the Surreal!
haha, awseome futureself!
oh my God this looks AWESOME! Give us the deets on how to enter, Zort.
Hi, just to reiterate, this isn't a prize, just a picture someone sent in.
Sorry to disappoint.
WHAT!! Disappoint?...can I not click and drag this " just a picture" to my desktop and have at it with whatever intent?...Disappoint?...heck no! Matter of fact, I'd like to extend a big Thank You to whomever forwarded it to you,,and of course to the unknown forces that had your email box not at full capacity at its time of arrival. We are blessed!
MEL is of course bang on. No disappointment Zort. You can tell we're all pretty excited about the upcoming competition(s) though!
I do hope DD and KT don't mind but "I'm Lost on an island surrounded by sharks . . ." is already my MacbookPro desktop pic :-)
I'm mildly disappointed but I'll get over it, I guess.
Really looking forward to the comps though!
Just received my Tyler Stout today [Atlanta]. 179/300. Does the website need pictures?
Katie..Yes!.. it is a big print! and well done! For that reason alone I've decided to give it a go at making my own frame. I have all the tools required, so its just the Time thing. Maybe I'll get started tomorrow..or the next day..Or just win the auction for the # 1 print...already framed.
bah! foiled again. No matter. I've framed up two of my Daniel Dangers today - three more to go. Bye bye, any money I had left this month...
I just made a favorite episodes of 2009 and a favorite shows of the decade list. Let me know what you think! :-)
(I have not seen a handful of amazing shows that have come out this decade so keep that in mind lol)
Joey, interesting reading. Coincidentally we just did a re-watch tonight of LaFleur and Namaste. Boy those episodes were amazing.
Chris- Agreed! It was quite hard for me not to fill the entire list with Lost S5 episodes! I also really loved 316 and Namaste. :-)
Quick post to say my copy of LOST also turned up today. I'm impressed! They must be working over the holidays to get all these out on time. I unrolled it and checked it out - nope, still not really in love with this one. It will go for trade without much regret.
But there is something I didn't notice until I had it right in front of me - intentional or not, the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Locke lineup at the top of the page looks just like Mount Rushmore. Spooky. I wonder if that was on purpose? 'Course, if I were making a Lost Mt. Rushmore, Ben would be up there.
Have we figured out what the second clue on the LOST print is?
This may be a stretch but if you look at just Jack and Locke, their heads kind of represent the "Black and White" concept that seems to be leading to the final confrontation of the show...
@Joey: Good list (I didn't watch Dollhouse...so I'd add some more LOST episodes....Dexter and Madmen were so awesome this season, too). Tough thing to narrow down!
Just finished watching "The Variable" last night...so I'm almost done with the rewatch! :(
Nice list joey, love the fact you actually said kim bauer is bangable. Laughed quite hard on that. Like the fact chappelles show got on your list, as well as fishsticks. Dexter definitely deserved to make the list, especially both season one and four finale. Great stuff, recommend watching it joey!
FYI: ABC has a LOST Final Season Sweepstakes...just enter, answer 6 questions...815 winners can win a "note in a bottle" and a preview of the premiere!
..the 2nd clue in 16th..I put forth the perception of all of these characters being illustrated in one setting,, corralled together in one time and place..may be the 2nd clue..It does suggest a " unification" that has not existed previously.
illix, they totally look like Mount Rushmore!
Okay, lazy I know but having skimmed the presidents on Wikipedia thought I share (sorry it's so long but Sawyer and Locke certainly have some similarities):
Jack is George Washington 'Washington proved an able administrator. An excellent delegator and judge of talent and character, he held regular cabinet meetings to debate issues before making a final decision. In handling routine tasks, he was "systematic, orderly, energetic, solicitous of the opinion of others but decisive, intent upon general goals and the consistency of particular actions with them.'
Kate is Thomas Jefferson I'm admittedly having trouble finding a link here but rather liked this quote of his; 'Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.'
Sawyer is Theodore Roosevelt 'He is well remembered for his energetic persona, his range of interests and achievements, his leadership of the Progressive Movement, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" image.'
Locke is Abraham Lincoln 'He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War.'
Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated.
And check this out: this is a symbolic log cabin at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park...look familiar? ;)
The Sweepstakes are pretty cool… you win a Dharma Failsafe LaCie USB Keystick ;))
thorsten - did they email you that you won right away? still nothing for me.
The first person to say Whatever Happened, Happened was Faraday right???
..Thank You Maven..pheeewww! for a moment there I thought I just got underminded about going to Hawaii,,by ABC.
This is getting ..or shall i say..approaching fever pitch. Where is Paul Scheer when you need him? I mean like..What will be the next " campaign" launched by ABC to further hype the 6th ,,AND FINAL season of LOST? Im thinking beyond even....the super...bowl. Like maybe..bubble heads of all the Losties..uuhhm..Instead of , taste great vs less filling...Fate vs Free Will ,,hurry up and get a Beer producer on that!!!...I choose Miller Draft in a Bottle..NO! as a beer connoiseur, its Your Destiny to drink Miller Draft ina Bottle.. NO! I choose freely, No, Its Your Destiny!!..BUUURRPPP!...Everyone feel much better now?.....Perhaps a Grand GIGA LOTTO,,where every buys a ticket ( all proceeds to charity) and one lucky ticket holder..gets to duke it out with Smokey, LIVE, half way thru the 1st episode..huh!!..or uhhm..oh this is good..I can't believe it took me this long to dream this one up...A 1000 winners contest..okay 815,,ABC sponsored Season 6 Episode HOME PARTY!!!!.. yea...winners can invite all their friends and family for the opening show and ABC sends the winners a pre package package to make your LOST Party,,just special enough!! you kno.. life size cardboard cut
outs of the Losties...autographed...yea, that kinda stuff. Wow!..what else? You know they just gotta make this bigger than the Super Bowl!
"DRAWING: Potential winners will be selected in a random drawing held on or about January 18, 2010 from all eligible entries received by an independent judging agency. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received."
Maven - Thanks for the heads up.
Joey - Pretty sure that I answered all the ???'s correct, but drawing will not take place till 1/18/10. See official rules here. The only confirmation I got was a "Thank You for Participating" message on the next screen after hitting submit. Didn't indicate whether I answered correctly or incorrectly.
Mel - Bobble Heads are coming. Pre-order now. :)
HAA!! thank you JPL!!..I knew It!!..So my next idea can't be far away...Win,, for your Season 6 Episode 1 LOST PARTY,,an exact replica of Henry Gales Smiley Face Widmore Industries BALLOON, tethered Right Over Your Back Yard!!...provided by Goodyear and weather conditions permitting..
Yep...I've got those 3 Bobble Heads on order! :)
I GOT IT!!!...we need a genius down at Hasbro or Matel to make it...but...take the Slinky and the Play Doh,,combine them together to make...The SMOKIE TOY!!
The sweepstakes on ABC.com are open to U.S. residents only.
aaahh..i feel soooo sorry for all the Lost Texan fans...
..Howabout a New and Improved LOST Board Game?? Were you go around and around the board,,without ever winning and if you quit,,like Dez.. Ben comes and pays you a visit.??
My LOST number. #122
MEL, did Texas secede from the Union?
Great tote, heard about that on the day - been asking to see it since!...
Anyone able to enter the sweepstake comp for me? Darned US people only rule...
Just a thought as I finish up the Re-Watch:
Has anyone actually "re-cut" the episodes so that everything is in order as they happened (including Flashbacks and Flash Forwards)! It would be interesting seeing the whole story played out in one linear sequence (if that is possible with all the time shifts). I was wondering if it can be done when the series is over.
@kiwilostie check your twitter feed.
Maven, they did that with Memento (the movie, so awsome if youve not seen it - you must!) as an Easter egg, you could watch it in the 'correct' order. I think you can do it with Pulp Fiction too. That would be an epic undertaking for LOST, but Im sure it could be done if it was coded into the 'last big whole shebang DVD set' they must be going to release!
andalone - Im watching!!... ;)
Really quick... more tomorrow. Michael Emerson was spectacular. Watching him on stage was really exhilerating, much moreso than on TV... Carrie Preston, too, was exquisite.
We didn't get to stay and talk to them, as my partner is nursing a nasty cold, but I think Congested might have stayed...
Much more tomorrow. Holy cow.
Maven- HopeisInside at Lostpedia has been working on a Lost Chronology for a long time. Lost Chronology.
@No One: That is what I would love to see for the whole series at the end! I just know someone will attempt it! Thanks for that link.
@Just Thinking: I believe I did see that Time Line before. I would love to see someone re-cut the series into the chronological order...a monumental task, I'm sure!
@Amy Lynn: Can't wait to hear all the details! :)
Hey guys! Glad to see a lot of people still buzzing about here. Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I wanted to give away some prizes for the holiday season and I also have a competition going on for a tote bag. So if you don't win Zort's you'll have a second try! Mine's not Quite as cool as Zort's with the original art, but it IS signed by Damon and Carlton! You can check out the puzzle at DamonCarltonAndMe.com
Also, if you haven't been following my site, you can check out our first two artist's reveals at:
lora..there are Texans who believe Texas never joined the Union.
Maven...while I understand the want for linear order,, i really believe very much of what is LOST would be ..well..lost, by a chronological order. I see each episode as a parable on to itself, Complete. So, to me, disconnecting the backs and forwards from their real time attachments,,while giving order,,would actually just add to the chaos. I don't believe chronological order would give any understanding to LOST,, it would actually take away. But, again , I understand the want, to just to see it in chronological order for the sake of order. I think you'd be let down tho. Exaggerations and distortions, even when put in linear order,,are still exaggerations and distortions, but then they would be disconnected from what they were supposed to emphasize...imho.
The Big Picture would be almost impossible to perceive in its construction with a linear chronological order presentation. But you'd already seen the original presentation so the Big
picture would be already known. This show is sooo anti logic.. that putting it in logical linear order..seems counter intuitive. and I suspect, to make any sense of it,, one would constantly have to remember back to the original episode to make sense out of it...Like.. Hurley in EHH..you'd see him winning the lotto ticket in say.. episode 7...but how that effected his perception of becoming the boss of the Food Pantry in the Swan, not ,until episode 15...so chronological order would defeat understanding or at least interfere.
Sorry for being a nerd turd. Gessh, I am becoming more of a purist than I thought possible. GAK!
MEL, it's kind of like watching the Star Wars films in number order, the big impact moment in Empire Strikes Back is nothing more than confirmation.
The need to see things in linear order would confirm or remove doubt about some of the things people may still be struggling with.
I'm in no rush to see the linear version until after the end.
To all those in the UK waiting for the snow to hit, wrap up warm and keep some left over turkey handy.
Snow's just started up here Zort. It's -5 outside too and I unfortunately will have to brace the ice-rink-like pavements shortly to visit my new flat that has a broken boiler...brrrrr :(
We had an ice adventure in the car on Boxing day. I've never seen a road that was less grippy.
Luckly there was a pub we could shelter in :-)
and the award for the worst double negative goes too...
Hopefully you know what I mean, my only defence is that I was distracted by toast.
@Zort - never thought of Star Wars like that, but totally makes sense. The prequel kinda kills the original trilogy's big impact moments. I agree, wouldn't wanna see lost like that till after I it's done.
"...my only defence is that I was distracted by toast"
lol. Morning Zort.
I've just had a Christmas present from Tyson, I've opened it on all our behalves.
The prize list is just about ready now.
I'm going to group a few of the prizes, meaning the entrant will have to choose which one they want, as I don't want to string this out too much.
We're excited!
I just sent me trivial trivia question. The family has finally departed so I can get back to normal. Yippee!
Excellent Zort! Let's get this party started.
As for meeting Michael Emerson last night, no I did not. But I didn't try very hard. Also at one point someone said all the actors had left, but no one saw Emerson and Preston leave and the person also said they could still be upstairs... but I didn't check.
Honestly it was a bit crazy, there were tons of people waiting to mob them for autographs and all I really wanted to do was shake their hands and congratulate them.... which I'm sure many were going to do anyway... so I decided there was no real point in sticking around for them to leave.
Like Amy said it was a great show and I hope that both of them perform again sometime soon here in New York. Carrie Preston stole the show in my opinion. She is unbelievable... True Blood doesn't at all let her come near her capacity as an actress. (I still love True Blood though <3)
Random question, I'm trying to find the Things I Noticed blog... is there such thing, or is that guy's website just to sell his book?
Anyone that has a healthy bank balance but didn't manage to get any of the prints might find this interesting!
We're sorry, but ryan_1969 has declined your Best Offer for US $12.50.
You still have time to make another offer.
lol Amy!
@AmyLynn: I think Vozzek set up his blog to plug his book (which I received yesterday, BTW). I do think he intends to post his Things I Noticed recaps there and at Dark's for S6. Maybe the old one are in Dark's archives?
@MEL: I hear you about losing something if a linear story is told and it would take away from the time jumps and some of the story. But there are "chapters" of the story that I think would work...like the Oceanic 6 story off-island and Locke and Ben's recruitment of the O6 to get them back to the island. We saw everything in bits and pieces.
And I think nothing should be attempted until the whole story is over!
Chris L..I'd rather have seen Amy in row 1, than that.
Maven...there is always the good possibility, that at completion, all will make sense in one way or another, rendering chronological order unnecessary...could happen!
@MEL, I know, it's unbelievable. But do you know what gives me the warm fuzzies? I just had one of our fellow losties offer me a print I don't have for the price it cost them and postage. It amazes me the people I've met here.
@Maven, Wasn't there an ABC special during season 5 of The Story Of The Oceanic Six which did that ?
CL..Yes! Its a grand feeling! I too have been the recipient of such largess.
I suspect the linked seller is but a middle man. So, no real animosity towards him. Jenson of 1988 did confirm that the whole DCAAPB effort was heavily subsidized, with the ABC Marketing Dept in glorious HOORAY HUURRAH as the Prints approached 3 minute then 1 minute sell outs. So, in a way, their " spirit" continues into the Ebay. Its even better tho..to see the smaller Lost Fan realm,,treat its own in a more Magnificent fashion.
I am definitely disappointed in how 1988 ended up selling these prints, but you know what they say about hindsight.
Amy..I suggested early on that the LU entrance exam be used as a " filter" in determining buyers. Fascinating it is.. that an " exam" is now in place for the Message in a Bottle campaign..even tho passing it is some what of a no challenge. Something tells me that they kno who got all right on first pass tho.
I know other suggestions were offered as the hectic became obvious,,but,it was the Marketing Dept's money all along, 2 years of investment with no return until this ARG..so they called the shots.
@MEL, I think it should have been an essay question.
AL..haa! I once answered a professors "essay" question with a 2 page onslaught of verbage. He drew a red ink line thru it all and reduced my answer to a 3 word sentence,,adding the comment..Be Succinct!..Well heck, it was an "essay" test!
Yeaa..with only 200 available of each print,, i can't imagine what the ABC Marketing Dept was worried about. Unless..they intended to make up the " subsidy costs" by selling lots and lots of T shirts.
From Kevin Tong newsletter:
I probably should say more actually, to elaborate. I got to be part of an official poster series for the TV show LOST. They chose 16 artists, including myself, to create official posters that would go on sale and involve tons of fan interaction. T'was off the chain, homies. Most of the artists were top poster guys and friends of mine, so it was like being part of a club (with power rings). The series was on fire, with posters selling out in minutes and it all culminated in a sweet party at 1988 Gallery in Los Angeles, where I got to rub elbows with LOST's fans, creators, and the rest of the team. This series has been featured on G4TV, ABC, CNN, Last Call With Carson Daly, and countless blogs and sites.
My posters are all sold out, but please check my newsletter periodically for updates as these things have the tendency to change. Yes, I am being vague!
All the posters can be seen here.
Martyn.." off the chain" indeed! A lot of us feel like we got smacked around by Juliette too! But alas, no body drowned in their sorrow,,well, almost nobody. Yikes, another pike in to the dragon!
About that auction, I got a nice giggle when reading the description:
This is taken directly from the polarbearandcarlton website
Makes me think he wasn't F5'ing it like the rest of us. Then there are the spelling errors (Seriously, when trying to sell something for $6000, you might want to use a spell checker!)
JoeD..yes, probably just a middleman selling the posters. This is common in Ebay. Antique Malls will have one Ebay Seller Account,,with all of the vendors offering thru that one account ,for an example. The actual owner,, or owners,,of the prints remains unseen. I suspect the asking price will steadily fall.
Hi All! Happy Almost New Year!
So, after much procrastination, I've finally started a long-planned blog about experience design, and as this has been *quite* the experience, I wrote my first article about this ARG. I admit I had a tough time trying to explain it for people that have no idea what this is all about. I had to tweak it several times because I realized I had forgotten to mention this or that important detail. Only a Lostie can understand...lol. ;)
Great article whmscl!
Great article indeed!
dee...I've had qualms about " packaged experiences" for awhile. That you emphasize the Product of this ARG as being above and beyond the " packaged experience", perhaps even a unforeseen by-product of its design, shows me that there is" worth" to the concept of " Experience Design". Damon referred to it in his tale of the Lost Fan who cut away from him , to meet another Lost Fan. Samantha Thomas gushed about it out on the sidewalk, latenite during the show. And of course, we all have looked to one and other here and elsewhere, with big smiles on our faces, Job Well Done!!
I suppose what I am getting at is..Experience Design works,,as long as the Human Element is allowed to manifest itself within and grow beyond the parameters of the design.
May all of your Experience Designs, succeed!
Thanks Guys! I was worried that I wasn't making sense! ;)
And thanks Mel! I agree - experience design can be very manipulative if the "soul" isn't in it. I prefer experiences that give much more than they take. I've been happy to see that this one has brought out (for the most part) some real generosity and friendship. :)
I'm sad. I may have to put my set up for sale. I've had a couple of major life events happen when I least expect (I think that's how it always goes) and it looks like I may need to part with the collection. I really don't want to - but I don't think I could break up the set either. The last one just came about 2 days ago. I'm hoping to figure this out - but I should find out more about the situation in the next couple of days.
Good Luck, Tom.
Sorry to hear that.Hope you can find another way through Tom.
I hope you're OK there, Tom. We're with you.
Hey ARGdome!
Sounds like everyone is having a great holiday season, for the most part. Despite the weather, though a white Christmas is always fun. Love hearing all the Christmas/holiday LOST stories.
I come back to check comments and catch my breath and whoa, another new clue at Justin's site!
A chronological reordering of LOST would only be fun after the finale. As MEL said, the impact of some of the flashbacks/forwards would be lost in chronological order. You would, for one thing see our LeftBehinders join DHARMA before they ever crash on the Island and Kate take wounded little Benito to be templified before you ever meet Henry Gale. Smaller parts would of course be fun as extras on the ultimate LOST series DVD set, and even be a game.
Martyn, thanks for the commment from Kevin Tong's newsletter.
Amy Lynn and Congested, sounds like you had a great time at the reading last night.
Joey/Xanman -- I had fun reading your favorites lists. There's no way my brain could begin to compare and rank episodes across shows, not without extensive rewatching!
whmscl -- you blog was a great read. The connections and fellowship that came from DCaaPB really are the ultimate prize, and one that I hope we can take forward through this final season and beyond.
I am getting just a bit anxious since everyone else has their Stout LOST print and there's no sign yet of mine. I am going to go look expectantly at the mailbox.
Tom, I am sorry to hear this. I'll PM you at STV.
ObFuSc8, I'm also thinking about chronological reordering of all scenes. The one (technical) problem is perhaps, to watch it properly we need one medium (without often switching the discs). But if it would be possible, I'd spend many many hours before my TV screen :-)
And some parts should perhaps be shown paralelly in splitscreen, like they did it in "24", due of their time parallelity.
"To whom it may concern at ABC: We are survivors of Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear. We have survived on this website for exactly four months. We were eight weeks into our re-watches when Paul Scheer said we were off course and turned back towards this ARG. We hit turbulence and crashed (sixteen times). We've been waiting here all this time-- waiting for more signed swag, rescue that has not come. We do not know where we are. We only know you have not helped us. We've done our best to live on this website. Some of us have come to accept we may never leave it. Not all of us have survived since the Daniel Danger crash. But there is new life, too, and with it, there is hope. We are obsessed. Please don't give up on us."
You're in our prayers TomRex!
I've long been a fan of the idea for a chronological Lost DVD set after it's all over. And I like your split screen idea, Der Merz, it might work. And by the way, glad that you stopped by, it's been a while!
Sorry to hear you're going through some tough times, TomRex! :(
@DeAnne: Bookmarked your blog for later reading....sounds intriguing.
I realize a linear LOST will be difficult to do with the time shifts...but there are certain aspects of the story that would benefit from it, like the crash, time off island for the Oceanic 6. And it would not be a benefit to a first time viewer since we'd see 1954 Richard and our Losties in 1977...only slightly confusing!
Hopefully we'll get to see a 500 BC Richard in S6 too! :-D
Perhaps to make it easier viewing, TPTB could make each character's story lined up in order only? It could make more sense that way, without all the extra activities of time skipping, but I think that the timeskipping could be grouped into a bunch by itself since not too much happened at length, when that was happening. Once they landed in 1977, then it's gets tricky as far as seeing the LBs out of order without knowing anything of their backstory or contemporary traits. Maybe 1977 could stay where it is.
maven, yes exactly - call me a munter, but I did struggle a bit piecing the O6 off island bits together (ie in the right order!) in my mind. Like ChrisL said, the recap of that off island time was very helpful as they more or less put it in the 'correct' order.
Lmao, just seen amy lynns tweet from yesterday, am I to be used as an example to those who reveal spoilers?
Martyn, at least theres an ocean between you!
TomRex, sorry to hear about your troubles.
The Linear version would be very odd, and in a way quite sad as we will know what is coming.
Right I'm off to bed, in the spirit of the ARG there will be some small hints tomorrow about what the prizes are.
True kiwi, I'll avoid going back to new York for a while though. Knowing me, I'll put my foot in it but shall try hard cus I love new york, don't want to be walking watching my behind.
@Martyn, what tweets?
Zort - Jensen trained you well!... damn teasers...
*waving hand in a wide arc* "you dont need to wait till tommorrow, you can tell us now..." no? ;)
Yeah, people,
I've really missed you all everybody this time. Now I'm back, and the art-ARG seems to be over... Or isn't it?
@Amy Lynn...
I just checked my twitter and there was a direct quote of me saying I daren't mention anything that happens in Hawaii and face your wrath. Thought it was quite funny!
I haven't received my Stout poster yet either. I live in Virginia.
Don't stare at your mailbox too long. You know what they say about a watched pot.
Hi all- what I was trying to link in Lost Chronology is a thread in the Lostpedia main forum where someone has been putting together 108 days to view in a linear way, not just a list- the actual show. You have to download them from the site. This is the thread-http://forum.lostpedia.com/lost-chronology-t15004.html.
JT: Thanks for posting that link. I've bookmarked it and spend some free time checking it out. I just knew someone would do this! :)
Oooooow those watched pots and what people say about them..like the hour glassed spider crawling up your arm waking you from a sleep of dreams of Nikki in every Lost episode and diamonds in the toilet flushed as Charlie revived from death at the banyun tree waking to a view of Kate bent over him enough to bring any dead man back to life like Locke post-noose no noose is good noose except for Ben with his nose bloodied and out of shape twitching on the floor in regret for waiting too long for his venom to sink in handing the nicked Dez the opportunity to send him to the drink and he did, theres your milk you bastard! Watch it!
A watched pot gathers alot of moss.
Back from the holiday hiatus! Arrived home to find my kind neighbors cleared my driveway of snow (got about 8 inches in Kansas City) and the Stout print on my front porch!
@Ob - would still be interested in that Locke t-shirt if you are looking to get rid of it.
After looking at print 16, I like it but think it is too much like a promotional poster compared to the others. I may be willing to part with it for a trade of either Locke's Secret or Walt's Kidnapping. Email me at dr.sandman90 at gmail dot com if you care to discuss.
Stream, Mel, stream.
my brook, babbles.
Have the rest of the week off - starting my LOST season1-5 rewatch tomorrow after my wife and I watch a matinee 3-D viewing of Avatar. To follow up next week with resumption of normal diet and exercise regimen.
Im getting thru S2 right now - they just caught Henry Gale... oh if only they knew, and Jacks a dick!...
Tee hee lora, someone hit, ran over and completely took out our mailbox after an ice storm a couple weeks ago, soon after the 15th frame. So I'm just a bit worried they're not finding us.
Sandman90 -- I now have 2 of the Locke's Secret T's in large. I also have the Tee Fury LOST inspired MAAAAAALT tshirt in large -- it was too big for my brother.
Some of the local ABC affiliates have a sweepstakes to win a trip to the LOST premier sneak preview in Hawaii. So if you live in one of the following cities, check it out!
Coming soon: Hartford, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City.
LOST The Beginning Of The End Sweepstakes
I reposted because I typed "states" instead of cities.
Got my Tyler Stout print yesterday. Framed it today. wow... it has so much detail. Further pics of all 5 of my prints around my house to come. :)
Dammit. I keep checking back in, and all there is is news of people getting prints, getting prints framed... rub it in, why doncha?
What do we think to a second series of prints, then? while I'd be grateful for the chance to lose out again, part of me hopes it just stas the ones in the exhibit and the sixteen. I dunno. You?
Good morning all.
Thanks all for the concerns. It's just amazing how quickly circumstances can change sometimes.
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