Initial view was that this is an angry Polar Bear who is about to pounce, then your eye gets drawn to the DHARMA beer cans, and the realisation that the Polar Bear may just be a little drunk. I've flipped between angry and drunk a few times and have not yet decided which one it is. Whichever one I finally settle on it will probably only be when my copy arrives as I was lucky enough to purchase one on the day.
Reports from people that have received the poster say that there may be some texture to the poster, this is one of the comments - "I'm really no art expert at all so don't quote me on this, but as you can see in some of the closer shots, it seems like the actual art has a sort of glitter or something on it. To the touch, the art feels sort of rough, but that may be because it's printed on brown paper"
Well lets view some pictures and see if we can tell, the picture below is from Butler.

A couple of closeups of the polar bear, one from mistersh0w and one from Butler
![]() ![]() |
Next the beer cans from Butler and RamHatter
![]() ![]() |
Some signatures, with the lettering of the artists name that was not clear from the main DamonCarltonandaPolarBear site.

Finally this message from Jay Ryan's Website that appeard shortly after the Polar Bear sold out, which means this Polar Bear is an endagered species.

Ist. Polar Bear looks great. Can't wait for mine to arrive.
Sadly, my polar bear escaped into the forest of 404 errors... (sigh)
I'm interested to see it before I ship it off for a trade deal I made. Just received the swan station and the love triangle. Little sad I can't feel the gloss lines and that the swan is missing the red in it's eye but damn am i pleased to have it!
Yes, Derren Brown did tell us how he did it but he left it so ambiguous that no-one really knows how he did it.
@whoever called Derren Brown a fraud...
Isn't that the point? He claims himself that he is a fraud and is showing how people really do it that try to get money from you, aka Psychics. At least his not David Blaine!
Sorry for late reply but fell asleep last night.
@Martyn. You're allowed to fall asleep... happens to the best of us!
Just taken Walt's Kidnapping to the framers, Swan Sation ready to collect on Monday. Excited.
I love how he put his name in the grass. I'm always trying to find a place for my name in a painting. Looks great up close like that, alot better than the photos on the hub.
WAAAAALLLLLTTTTT!!!..Good morning all.
I too am caught betwixt and between ,in a perplexity of polar opposites. Seems to me that is exactly the point of this print. The play of opposites in this print transports one to ,,as Rod Serling use to put it.." somewhere between sight and sound." That " place" with no sure footing underneath,is a good place. I can only suggest,,do not try to leave it, but instead, explore it. Get use to it. Relax in the unknown of it rather than demand a finality from it. There is a certain amount of " approachableness" to " Zeke" or however you choose to name the bear, if you so choose. So immerse oneself into the offered comfort of this print. This print reminds me of walking into a pub or bar, never visited before, and there on a stool is an old red nosed codger nursing his pint, full of tales waiting to be liberated but for cost of sitting next to him and giving him the nod and asking him, " how ya doin?"
Its not the opposites of this print, but the place in between them, that this print takes one to, that is fascinating to beheld.
Mel, I plan to keep those wise words in mind when this tube finally arrives on my doorstep and plan to be transported.
Hooray. I now have credits and am on the Deans List. Nice to see a few recognisable names up there.
I let my daughter build the raft. Is that allowed or am I in for detention?
History Class 2 coming up.
Thanks Chris..just an add-on note..i came upon a " suggestion" while in the Zone of this print; this print is full of humanity, the kind of humanity that reaches between two strangers at a bar to talk to each other. This print could be Christian and Sawyer at the Australian bar.
This print could be strangers greeting each other with ,,WAAAAALLLLT!!
Don't get that going around in my head again... I'm trying to study HIS101!
My trade for Ben completed and arrived! I should be shooting it this afternoon.
I hope the Bear arrives later today so I can shoot it too!
Now if I can get the briefs and reviews done, should be fully up to date for frame 16 before I head off to LA. That is something I never envisioned saying through the entire run, but it feels really good to say it!
I suppose that is the intent of my proposals,,to create some ARG History,,that as Zort reminds us of frequently,,we can tell our kids and grandkids about.
I tried to explain this to my parents (who still watch Andy Griffith) and they are very happy for me in a very confused kinda way...
Maybe if the National Enquirer covers it, they will understand. Right now, my Mom is creeped out by my website. LOL
I did get through to my mom a little bit when I told her that Lost was a mysterious show like the prisoner from her day.
The strangest thing is, that even though I have kept them up to date on my antics over the run of the show, even my sprint to DFW to retrieve a clue from Terminal D at DFW for Vincent Madison's ARG, they confessed they have never known what this "Lost" show I have been talking about all this time is.
Looks like someones getting S1-5 for xmas, whether they like it or not! (of course last year I gave them the entire run of "Arrested Development" and told them it was like "Soap" and I dont think they have opened it yet)
Rev..Great anecdote!..I find , stressing the underlining " hope" of it all , helps in relieving the raised eyebrow syndrome witnessed when relaying this whole ARG and LOST experience.
:) email
My hope is that the raised eyebrow syndrome continues for a good while.
I have raised some eyebrows, that I know I have caused 2 at least two degrees of separation from myself of the uninitiated to begin netflixing to try and understand me.
Fanatacism has a purpose, that is unless it involves being a furry.
Whenever I tell the story of this ARG, suffer the raised eyebrows, the odd looks, the "there there dear" attitude, I just end it with "and I've met the amazing bunch of people". No one can come back with anything after that, it's just too damn positive!
Dear Friends, Lostpedia has picked up on our little romp (see front page). Do they know it's just little ole me with an iPhone? Do they realize there's a bar in the Gallery?
Wonderful additions to our party are being added daily! Looks like I'll have to wear my NuDia button now.
Maybe Mr. Bear has come across an Dharma/Other picnic? Some hootenanner's about to be dinner. There were bones in them caves.
Sorta takes the poster to the darkside.
Mission today = batteries, and lots of them.
" We" have been referred to, by at least one malcontent, as," Zorts Hippie Commune". What is not perceived by that kind of comment is..not only the " amazing bunch of people"..but the " Amazing" we find in our Selves by connecting with this bunch of people. Yes Chris, It is very Positive and becomes a self perpetuating " purpose" connecting us all.
LT you get mytweet about that $20 battery pack? Also need instructions on how to hook my feed into you channel, little one has kept me too busy to research. your comment on the darkside, reminded me of a " thought" i had while watching the Libby/Hurley development to having a picnic on the beach. It occurred to me that..what a perfect time for a Polar Bear to make an appearance! never got to that...another Polar Bear of sorts intervened.!
How cool will it be if and when EW shows up at 1988 with cameras and reporter? I mean..they HAVE To DO THIS if they want to have ANY credibility! Gary Larson put it.".MMmmMMM..soft on the outside,,crunchy on the inside!"
Zort- love your fireplace. Made me think about the wood like Lisa- where do you get firewood from in England? Still have forests that are logged?
About presenting "the poster"- what I was hinting yesterday was that maybe Amy Lynn could do a "thank you" rhyme and we could attach it to copies for Paul, Noreen, and G88 as well as on the canvas one for Damon and Carlton.
I read Jay Ryan's site when the poster first came out- like how lots of his FAQ answers end "don't ask!" or essentially, "thanks for asking,no."
Rev. will get you instructions overnight for test run. on the move today and into wee hours.
just thinking, if Amy Lynn replies positive, file needs to get to maven or comixguru by Monday. We will include with "pocket of ARGlove' 'affixed' to canvas poster (no damage will befall said poster in the 'affixing') :)
@ rev - Arrested Development was such a great show. I'm still mystified that something that witty got cancelled while Larry the Cable Guy basically has his own network.
*just woke up and saw my name* What's the question again? LOL
Oh, okay, yes, definitely. I can definitely do that before Monday... I can either do a rhyme (maybe a sonnet, something like that), or a song parody (maybe to Patsy Cline, or something LOST related)... if you've got a preference, lemme know.
You are very talented Amy Lynn.
ok, finally caught up on ALL the posts last night. Took forever ! And now it leaves me wondering why Chris and Thorsten were smashing a LISA ??? Sorry if I have been very annoying with my whining stuff. Stressed woman. I'm done whining I promise.
I think your song parodies are great- they will get it for sure if it's a Lost song.
Well, I was afraid you would get the wrong idea, Lisa… of course we were not referring to you but ye olde Apple LISA, as Chris and me are big Fans of all stuff coming out of Cupertino ;))
Amy, what about Good Vibrations?
Amy..a suggested idea:..there is a scene from season 2, i think,,of Locke on the red exercise bicycle in the Swan Hatch,,and playing on the record player ,,is Les McCann's " Making It Real, Compared To What?"..As the Title of the tunes suggests, there is room for play, there. The lyrics are easily accessible on most Lyric sites.
lolol Thorsten whew, I was getting worried there for a minute. I never knew there was a apple with my name on it :-o Learn something new every day lol
MEL, that's good, but I want something I know the tune to, at least. Good Vibrations might work... I wish You All Everybody had um, more to it.
Oh- an idea- how about a book of Lost carols that the folks in line can sing?- like those little ones that John Hancock used to put out for sing alongs. Can gather the songs already in the blog and take them along for entertainment.
JT, that's a funny idea... I wonder if there's any way to gather up all the ones we've done, maybe including the parody scenes, as well?
I think I've got what song I'm gonna use, but I'll draft it before I let on what I'm doing.
Amy..there are various versions of it on You Tube..give it a'll like it. Eddie Harris/ Les McCan version is best tho...imho.
JT..perhaps a few of those can be your contribution to the Lost Street Theatre Program..?
Amy...i'm senseing..Patsy Cline's ,," Crazy"...
What about Joe Purdy's Wash Away from Tabula Rasa?
I got troubles, lord, but not today
'Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I have sins, lord, but not today
'Cause they're gonna wash away
They're gonna wash away
And I have friends, lord, but not today
'Cause they done washed away
They done washed away
Lord, I've been crying alone
I've been crying alone
No, no more crying alone
no, no more crying here.
We get lonely, lord, but not today
Cause we're gonna wash away
We're gonna wash away
I got troubles, lord, but not today
Cause they're gonna wash away
This old river's gonna take them away.
@ Chris, you made me cry. Thank you ! Made my day.
What did I do now? Oh Boy.
Oh Oh. You got it?
Hmm.... also, since we know that TPTB read LOSTArgs, maybe I shouldn't post it here?
Lisa, you have not been annoying and whining btw. It was obvious from everyone's reactions that your worry was understandable.
yep, I got it. Chris Very sweet ! I was just yesterday looking for the perfect calendar and now I have it. The chocolates are yummmmmm
I'm really glad it wasn't because of whining. lol Who'd a thunk it they name a pc LISA lol not me for sure !
I was just about to do that very thing Thorsten! My that's quite a machine even now!
Catch a lost arg poster
add it to your basket
hope it doesn't get away
Catch a lost arg poster
Damon Paul and Carlton
hope it don't end up on eBay
lolol wow, this is a interesting machine !
Wow: I hope we don't have to sing to Darlton/Writers! I have no voice! LOL
Gonna work on "attaching" a manila enveloped to the back of the poster today....double stick tape is all I can think will work and not damage anything. There is no back to the poster...only the back of the actual stretched canvas. I could attach the envelope to the wood frame (which is about 1" wide), but it would only be on 2 sides which would make it less stable.
maven you could probably staple it to the frame and that would keep it there the best. Also could slip it between the canvas and wood but that also might leave a mark. I'm sure stapling will work the best, that's what I always did when putting something on the back of a stretched canvas.
@mrtibbs LOL! love it!
well I just finished catching up on comments from the last post and have run out of time for the minute! will finish catching up here later. BUT...
@UnseenPresence- how cool that you saw what seems to be the 16th poster!!! I'm so excited.
@Zort- nice job on the fireplace, looks great! Now does it actually work? (Is it keeping you warm?)
And, cool polar bear photos...@Patmc- my polar bear escaped in the 404 forest too. :(
Thanks andalone! Not up to the usual standard of amy, but it made me smile. :-{)-
mrtibbs, that was great. :)
so many talented people gather here! Kinda makes me feel like a lump... :)
From prev-thread: That would be a great RA poster Sayidsgirl, semi-informative, but not too spoilery of what we've guessed at anyway.
I sure hope that an S6 poster isn't a spoiler. To me, learning about the fake wreckage in the 815ARG took out all the fun of finding out about it in the show, since that was one of the previous season's left-open mysteries after meeting Naomi. So after that instance, I'm afraid that TPTB could spoil something in a poster that they don't feel is a spoiler, but I would. And I'm not even super-spoiler-phobic. *yikes*
Received my polarbear in the mail yesterday. It looks good, not much brighter than the image on the hub, so nothing dramatic technical-wise, but Lost-wise it's great. Sometimes a polarbear is just a polarbear. But a Lost polar bear is something altogether different, i.e, a polarbear in tropical grass being of course counter-intuitive for the brain...TwiSt!. It reminds me of S1 and TLE, so it's special. Still not sure if I'll keep it for the long haul, but we'll see how holiday finances go on pension funds.
Thanks for posting that Hurley song Thorsten, my life really needed it right now. I ought to get it off of itunes to keep close-by for a while.
Well, as for telling other peeps about Lost, if they haven't gotten it by now, I'm done trying to explain...too many seasons have passed at this point. So from here on out, it's just me and you guys to the end! :-) *i luv ya man*
Andalone, you have great ideas, don't say that! :-o
Mel- OK will try to set some Lost to carols & find our blog tunes-have to do some actual Christmas stuff now though- lol.
I love the song Wash Away as well!
I did the itunes thing with all of the songs played on LOST to date.
I created mix cds with the sound bites from each episode that leads into each song. I love to play them when driving. They seem to make me feel less hostile to the maniacs on the road.
Sad observation is that less and less music (other than Michael Giacchino's awesome score)has been used on recent seasons.
hi everyone!
Hope you are all having a great weekend so far :)
I actually have a compilation of the LostARG Parodies (though most of them were posted on darkufo) through October 26 if anyone is interested. Just ask and I'll post them here
@Capcom - Thanks :), feeling less lumpish now.
I still think the Polar Bear is cute. But I do tend to have odd opinions of "cute". Presumably the drastic shift in climate is what's driven him to drink. There are no answers to be found at the bottom of a bottle, Mr. Bear!
Although a drunken live report of G1988 might at least be amusing :3 And I have to say, if we only get Damon, and Carlton . . . where's the polar bear? Maybe one of the writers who lost a bet in a rented suit. Okay, okay, just kidding . . .
I really am working on a polar bear plush pattern today though! :3 Could've nabbed one from online but that's cheating, this is supposed to be my livelihood.
UnseenPresence: NICE recon work! Very tantalizing.
AmyLynn and co: Looking forward to whatever parody you guys are up to lol!
OK, here's the first thing that came to my head... we can always change the song, or the lyric, or whatever, basically...
to the tune of "Make Your Own Kind of Music" by The Mamas & The Papas, with profound gratitude to Go Merch, Paul Scheer, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Tim Doyle, Olly Moss, Methane Studios, Eric Tan, Leia Bell, Jason Munn, Ken Taylor, Kevin Tong, Dan McCarthy, Rob Jones, Drew Millward, Daniel Danger, Nate Duval, Todd Slater, Jay Ryan, and Artist #16
With one velvet painting,
a great big adventure started,
Now just one's remaining,
as it sadly ends,
we know we can't go back
Voiceover of Jack: "We have to go back!"
And we'll always keep our polar bear mem'ries
Frame the posters we've got
paint our own special mem'ries
Even when no one can follow the plot
We've all got our numbers,
the hatches that just won't open
a monster encumbers,
but we build the raft,
survive the raft attack
Voiceover of Michael: "WAAAAAAAAAALT"
And we'll always keep our polar bear mem'ries
Frame the posters with pride
paint our own special mem'ries
All before LOST swims away with the tide
And so the SOLD OUT sign appears
And if it's truly over,
what fine souvenirs
We'll always keep our polar bear mem'ries
Frame the Crash and the Swan
paint our own special mem'ries
Or like poor Forgurt , the chance will be gone
We'll always keep our polar bear mem'ries
Give the artists a hand
All these wonderful mem'ries
Now if that Flight 815 will just land.....
(fade out)
Once again... She Shoots, She SCORES! Amy, I love "Make Your Own Kind of Music"!
Perfect Choice, Amy Lynn! Just don't make me sing it to them! LOL
Good one Amy. :-)
Thanks, guys. I'm still not sure that it's the *right* song. I may try something else this afternoon.
Great as always Amy.
Roxanna, if you want I can create a post on the main page with all the parodies.
What I would need is each one with a title, person who posted it, and original place posted (if known), then the song / poem / parody.
Let me know if you want to go ahead with that.
By the way just got back from shopping, now getting ready for a 40th birthday party.
Happy Saturday!
@Amy Lynn - fantastic as always. My suggestion for songs is a little late, but my vote would be Earth Wind and Fire's "September"...I could see you really having fun with the lyrics and the groove from that one!
@ChrisL - completely agree re: no one understanding what the ARG is for the most part. This is the closest I have ever been to a "No, really, you had to be there" kind of moment.
Man I so wish I was going to be there on the 15th!!!
@Kelly, I've started to say to people that ask, "No, honestly, it's just too complicated to explain" when what I actually mean is, "No, honestly, I'm not going to bother 'cause you wont get it"!
Question of the day: Do you wish to remain anonymous on the poster ID/names cheat sheet that has been prepared to go with Lost ARG Poster?
Please only respond or email if the answer is YES and I will remove name.
For the most part we have used you log-in name or the one provided with e-mail to thorsten. I have no way to share the image with you without it going public. So, if you have any concerns, please e-mail lotto dot ticket dot 108 @ gmail dot com and I will correct or remove. You have until Sunday night to decide. I will repost this message every 100 comments or so until Sunday.
to the tune of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" with profound gratitude to Go Merch, Paul Scheer, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Tim Doyle, Olly Moss, Methane Studios, Eric Tan, Leia Bell, Jason Munn, Ken Taylor, Kevin Tong, Dan McCarthy, Rob Jones, Drew Millward, Daniel Danger, Nate Duval, Todd Slater, Jay Ryan, and Artist #16
Have yourself a Crash and a Transmission
here's a print of Ben,
Buy them now, you may not have the chance again
Have yourself a bear and magic numbers,
Mr. Friendly, too
Buy them now, the Statue will not wait for you
Here's a Swan, there's the Dharma van
Would you harm a van, Black Smoke?
Hydra Isle, there is little love,
noncommittal love, no joke
In a hatch, a cabin or a barrack, there's a hidden clue
Frame them well, and Locke will take a walk with you
So frame 16, what secrets will you lead us to?
LT, just sent you mail about my name! :)
Two Thumbs Up, Amy!
Amy Lynn, A+
Amy - yet again, result!
@Amy Lynn - You WILL win the Tony for LOST, The Musical!
Yes - - the Merry Little Poster really flows Amy!
OK- how about- well you know- the Jingle one-
Poster time! Poster time!
Boy that print looks great!
F5, F5 and On Sale Soon,
Hit Buy Now, don't hes-i-tay-ate!
Poster time! Poster time!
Boy that print looks great!
F5, F5 and On Sale Soon,
Hit Buy Now, don't hes-i-tate.
We flew across the land,
With just one more left to go.
We'll find 16 at hand,
At this great Lost Art Show.
We don't know what we'll see,
What moment will it represent?
Sawyer, Des-who will it be?
Penny's Boat or the Constant?
Oh-poster time! Poster time!
Boy that print looks great!
F5, F5 and On Sale Soon,
Hit Buy Now, don"t hesitate.
Not thinking of this one as the thank you- just to sing on the sidewalk. No one will think it's odd- it's LA!
JT good job with that one.
Amy Lynn and Just Thinking singing, singing, singing! thank you please someone bring to LA! Is there a guitar amongst us?
And if any of tptb are reading this, could you please please take some S6 posters (or something cooler?...) with you to the gallery for signing and giving away? Thanks! Oh, can I have #1?... ;)
and then mail the rest of the prints to the people that couldn't make it to LA
Framing Lost Prints by an open fire
Is not really a good idea
Watching Ben go up in flames
Is ,,no no no...uhhhmmm lets see here..
I'm Dreaming of the 16th poster
not like any I've dreampt before
With Lockes 8th story falling
and Jae's thudding
hearing Smokey's harrowing call
nope! nopenope ,,cut cut..ahhmm..
The LostFans The LostFans The LostFans Rock!..
Can't wait to see'em all in a line
screamin WAAAAALTTT!
No NO NO!..errrr..muse were are you?
oh! heres one..
Darlton got run over by a LOST Fan..
Walkin 'cross Melrose on the 15th..
Cut! Cut ..what was i thinking?
We can do this all We Wish You A Merry Christmas-
We WISH we had all the answers.
We WISH we had all the answers.
We WISH we had all the answers-
to what's up with LOST.
We've watched one through five,
Who's really alive?
What is the Smoke Monster
And does Hurley survive?
We WANT to speak to the writers.
We WANT to speak to the writers.
We WANT to speak to the writers,
So they'll give us a clue.
We WON'T go until we get one.
We WON'T go until we get one.
We WON'T go until we get one,
Need Damon and Carlton too!
Too demanding? Well, as Hurley said to Rousseau....
Funny, funny Mel.
Happy Hanukkah, Losties. :-)
Happy Hanukkah- Capcom to you.
Any traditional songs you would care to translate into Lostiese?
Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate the Festival of Lights!
posted this on the last thread- but wanted to repost it here:
@Unseen Presence - I will be at the Gallery and will hand out name tags to whoever wants one until i run out :) and i want to know what you saw! email me at comixguru at gmail dot com
great job on the song parodies, everyone! :)
has any body considered a Yiddish version of LOST? Maybe Michael Chabon could do a version.
Happy Hanukkah and all who celebrate.
hey all- i've emailed Noreen and asked her the following:
Hi Noreen!
we, at LostARGS have created a one of a kind print of some of the folks that make up LostARGS that we want to present to Damon and Carlton at the Gallery show. The person that has the physical print will be arriving around 10:30am at the Gallery on Tuesday- we are wondering if we can coordinate something with you or the gallery folks?
i'll let you know if i hear back from her. I might also email the gallery to see what they say.
Great idea, Comixguru! Hopefully, something will be worked out for the Poster Presentation!
OK, here's Patsy Cline:
to the tune of "I Go Out Walkin'" by Patsy Cline
I bought a poster off a website
I got a black light, this mat and then a frame
I bought a poster off a website, Tyson's to blame
I've been to Phoenix and Argentina
a big arena to hear the opening band
I bought a poster off a website, who'll understand?
I flew to Glasgow for the comics, screwed the economics
Ping pong was oh, so much work
While Tokyo had some issues, and Crumbs required tissues
I've bothered each helpful clerk (Hi, Chris!)
I bought a poster off a website
It's been a long plight no print is quite the same
I bought a poster off a website, Tyson's to blame
I tried to rap in rhyming chorus, Boston brought me Horace
Pet stores to awesome grilled cheese
Had fun in Super Seven, and Honolulu's heaven
G4 was some easy breeze
I bought a poster off a website
I won't be all right, till all reveals are through
I need the address for the website, searching for you..
Thanks Comix. Can't wait to see some pix of our print being presented to them. Exciting!
Couldn't think of the tune so got it on You tube Amy- Yes, Yes- has them all- fits so well. Last line the same- searching for you. Terrific.
Great posts everyone - enjoyed the new lyrics to some old classics. Good fun. I wanted to wish everyone well who will traveling to the gallery event - I'll be there with you in spirit.
That's it! Perfect. I can hear you singing.
@LT, I hope you don't hear ME singing. That would be frightful.
OK. Maybe I was hearing myself singing, but I was channeling you. The Bear just came into the house. Opening now.
how many of you connect on facebook as well? Just curious. I dont think I have a single Lostie on my fb.
The Polar Bear: Maybe this is the alternative death scene of Roger Linus, the Dharma drunk? And since there is no matching scene in S1 or S2, I suspect it maybe something we haven't seen? Possible.
Awesome lyrics again, Amy Lynn! Please don't make me sing them Tuesday! I'll scare everyone away!
ReAnimated: Sent you a friend request!
Thanks to all who sent a fb friend req. :)
Excellent work on the lyrics as always, Amy Lynn :3 Very entertaining!
Too bad I didn't buy a ukelele while I was in HI. Not that I'd know how to play it anyway . . .
I'm very late starting my rewatch (no excuse!) and only got to the pilot tonight. Major cram times. I know I love this show, but MAN does rewatching it always remind me why. Which makes me feel moderately better about the craziest thing I've ever done for fandom (and does it have competition!), flying out to LA for a day XD;;;
@ Lottery Ticket
I don't think this is an alterna-death scene. I think it's a way of conveying a form of "bio-littering". For example, when we saw the polar bears in the Pilot, everyone wondered how the polar bears got on the island. Later, we know that they were remnants from the Dharma Initiative, but just 'tossed away' on the island. Like drinking a can of beer and littering. Drink the beer, and since the can is of no use you just toss it in an open field. In a sense, there is not much difference between the beer cans and the polar bears. Once their use was fufilled, the Dharma people just tossed them. No deep meaning other than symbolism/parallelism.
Anne, just means youre a fan! Hard core fan! I havent started my rewatch yet - must get going on that or I will be having to watch 5 eps a day to get done - not that its a bad thing!
If I had the means, Id be flying to LA right now! Enjoy it, and remember to experience it for you, dont get caught up in trying to cover it for those of us who cant make it!
I am the king of the exclamation mark!...ooof
What a joy to wake up to more fabulous song creations from Amy and Justthinking. And Mel... Funny!
Happy Sunday folks.
Thorsten, you have sent a very interesting thing, I've sent you an email about it.
Morning Chris
Haha Amy! Love it how you've got FB Chris in your song :D
The 3rd clue is up at the fan ARG site. Check it out, swag giveaway from the event reveals!
Don't forget to check out the site after the last DCAAPB reveal. I have a lot more fun lined up!
@Zort, hope you don't mind the plug. Let me know if you have any problems with it!
Just as a note, I'm planning on being at the gallery around the time the lot opens.
And I'm really -not- going to tell anyone what I saw (because I think people will enjoy things more if they're AT the show by getting it all at once and if they're NOT at the show by getting the updates as they roll in.)
But, for posterity's sake so that it gets recorded and I can point to it later, I will say that the DHARMA octagon featured prominently in the painting (and I think it -was- a painting, not the last poster, as I've thought about it more.) And I mean prominently. But it was far from the only thing on that painting.
Have decided I'm really looking forward to this, just for fun's sake. One last hurrah for the Lost off-season stuff. From being SHUTDOWN on-air by DJDan long ago, to ending up interviewed by Attack of the Show last year at Comic-Con, this has been a hell of a thing for a heck of a show.
lol @ DJDAN
I remember sitting in my room late at night streaming DJDAN and trying to explain the noise to my roommates lol!!
Justin, absolutely no problem with the plug.
I'm out for a few hours now visiting relatives.
Oh this looks so nice! (We got this Polar Bear report up early- it seems like we just got up the Ben follow-up).
Is everyone showing up to this gallery right early in the morning? (Cries). Can't the fun start after lunch for the non-AM people? Haha.
Just catching up.
@Amy Lynn, probably too late but Geronimo Jackson's Dharma Lady?
Also just finished my Philosophy exam, man was that hard, two questions weren't even in the lessons so had to guess, got it wrong though, so do your homework!
Now on to the Physics exam me thinks, although i've passed semester 1.
lol @ Roxanna I would have told them the same thing. I guess she doesn't know how to hide something in FB lol Oh well....
Morning all
Just back from A Christmas Carol in 3D. That movie scared the kids!
@Martyn, thanks for the Philosophy heads up, just about to get stuck in.
Hey Lisa.
I just tried singing out loud the Patsy Cline parody..I kept interrupting myself from laffing out loud..Great Job Amy! Definitely a Duo piece for the Lost SideWalk Theatre Show.
@Amy Lynn
The verse in Patsy parody should be:
**I've been to Tucson and Argentina**
(They didn't go to Phoenix.) ;)
sea..yes, and the accent on Tu and Ti works well also...picky picky picky.
LostFan the Geeknoid Hairdsplitter,
had an Appreciation that went awry
LostFan the Geeknoid Hairsplitter
To L.A. or he will no NO!
Question of the day: Do you wish to remain anonymous on the poster ID/names cheat sheet that has been prepared to go with Lost ARG Poster?
Please only respond or email if the answer is YES and I will remove name.
For the most part we have used you log-in name or the one provided with e-mail to thorsten. I have no way to share the image with you without it going public. So, if you have any concerns, please e-mail lotto dot ticket dot 108 @ gmail dot com and I will correct or remove. You have until Sunday night to decide. I will repost this message every 100 comments or so until Sunday.
Sorry about the Tuscon/Phoneix thing. Oops.
morning all. can one be totally prepared for what's about to happen? i'm praying to the weather gods today for everyone who is about to take to the air or the roads here in the midwest. Twitter feed to Frame--16 will be changed this evening to incorporate those I have on the my list. If you Twitter and don't see you feed there, let me know (Lottery_Ticket).
travel safe, everyone.
Us Phoenicians really don't mind Amy..but its.....T U C S O N and P H O E N I X...not that we really mind or anything..were was I?
LostFan the Geeknoid Spellchecker
had a retentive quirk
LostFan the Geeknoid Spellchecker
could certainly be a jerk,,,
...okay, at least I'm staying within the season..
Hey, dude, I just woke up. You expect me to spell? :)
Prepared!!?? ..well LT..I'm bringin my led lined anti radiation blanket just in case those who are in the offices that allow them to hold the fate of all mankind in their hands,,get any crazier than the position allows for. NOTHING is gonna stop this one from going down. Which reminds me...uuhhmm...are there any faults in the general area of west Hollywood?
MEL: Don't want to scare you off, but there are faults everywhere in LA! LOL
@UnseenPresence: I plan on being there the same time as you!
Weather report: Rain has stopped...sunny...looks to be around 68 degrees on Tuesday! Probably very warm for a lot of the people coming in from other parts of the country...but not for us!
Sounds cozy, Maven!
I wonder if the final URL is going to be at LAX, since so many of our people are going to be there on Wednesday.
Sounds perfect. Very cold in London today.
Well Great Maven!!..Every cloud passing thru Phoenix now, is one less cloud in L.A. 68?..brrrr. Well, if there is an earthquake while we're over there.. at least we can count on a chunk of California slipping away into the Pacific and becoming our own Island. A win win no matter what.
Amy..naa, I believe its goin to be around 7am est Sunday morning.
@Mel, next Sunday morning? Why?
..because all of god's little children will still be safely tucked in bed, dreaming of sugar plums and Lost Posters....???...Why?? I don't kno,, Why? Because the Polar Bear has been drinking,,no, not me,, Why? because we Love You!,,Why?,,because that has become the onlytime the internet can handle the flux created by all these Lost Fans!..Why? M C A! Down at the Why M C A!! GAAAK!!! WHY!!?? ...because Amy...Charlie, may he rest in peace,,would want it that way..
Um, er, OK.
My money's on LAX, Wednesday morning 10 AM.
haha, love your syntax, MEL…
and MEL, did I see a little Tom Waits creep in there?
I have no idea when this is going to 'drop'.
Whenever the drop will be, we should consider drymounting this time!
Thorsten, I see you've been doing your research ;-)
Thorsten has been doing some extra curricular work on the Linder Gallery painting and produce a short interview for us.
Oh HOhoHO!..a Tom Waits fan!..yes!
Can someone here translate Mungonna's posts to non-crazy? I just spent 15 minutes trying to decipher the comments in this thread to no avail. Is it some sort of code?
translation = dropping loads of acid
It didn't go unnoticed.
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