The hub page has been updated with not so much a clue, but an invite to a Gallery1988 event that will show all 16 paintings in one place.
Paul has recorded another video where he says he is the one sending out all the poster tubes.
The fact that we have only seen 15 so far may mean that the 16th painting will be either unveiled at the show or unveiled next week ready for the show. It also looks like there will be other Lost inspired art at the event. |
Here is the invite in full -

A few screenshots from the video -
The items in the box appear to be small versions of the Taweret four toed statue.
einarfour found the information first as it was posted on the Paul Scheer website which linked to Gallery1988, and then
LotteryTicket told us about the new hub page clue.
1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»First for once?
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to use up one of my vacation days... because I HAVE to be there! I missed the last two L.A. reveals, so I've been praying they would do something else that I could go to.
Say, if we have any talented Artist types hanging out here (definitely not me)... maybe you could create some custom artwork for name tags for the event? I would love to have an easy and creative way to be able to identify all my new friends from here at the event! :-)
Woa, that looks set to be an awesome event, and I am hugely excited for all the fans in the area who will get to go.
Okay, a little jealous too!
Got new posted so…
This is great to wake up to, but it also sucks! I so wish I was in L.A. for this. Seeing them all in the flesh would make up for not getting them. But maybe that would increase my desire to see them on my own walls. I wonder if we're going to get the 16th?
I guess maybe the "16th will be found" at the gallery?
Bummed that the final reveal is without clues, but I assumed Los Angeles, and there was already speculation among friends here that Gallery1988 would do this... I was actually expecting another club night.
On the downside, last time I went to Gallery1988 for an event, it was quickly filled with poseurs after the free booze, and poor ventilation made the relatively small space quickly stink of beer breath. It was nasty.
Alas, I'm a sucker for Lost, so will likely return, albeit early so I can get in and out ASAP.
I don't imagine that the 16th would be revealed anywhere else BUT the event. but, that is pure speculation on my part. DCaaPB have been organized and explicit when posting dates and times for specific reveals, and since the latest "clue" has a distinct date and time and is an "event" like all the others, I would logically be lead to believe that we have to agonize about the final URL and what the WCM is for over a week!
Grr! Argh!
On another note, I still have yet to receive the 15th print, The Polar Bear. Is it just me, or does it seem like this one has been slower to be sent out/received since I haven't read or seen anywhere that has reported that they have it in hand?
As I said in the previous comment thread, I can't go for the reveal/opening(work from 1PM-10PM as of tomorrow), but will stop by the next day. If there is any swag given out, please someone grab me something...there might be $ in it for you (but not much as I was unemployed for a few months prior to starting back today).
I think the 16th will be released before this event, probably next week. They say all 16 posters that are all sold out will be displayed for one thing. And two and a half weeks between poster 15 and 16 seems way too long. Hopefully Mr Scheer will give us something more to go on in his interview later today.
A date that would make since from an advertisement-esque standpoint would for the reveal to be on Tuesday, December 8th, due to the LOST University tie-in as well as the LOST Season 5 DVD/BluRay release date. For eagerness sake... I hope it is on the 8th!
Am I missing something, or is the 4-toed Statue print not included in the G1988 montage?
Yes I'd love the posters to all be revealed before the gallery show opens, that way we can relax and enjoy the show rather than stressing about the final poster.
Congested, I can't see it there either, I think a few others mentioned that in the previous thread.
@ Ben Ritter
The painted figures for the current Vivisect show are fairly affordable - about $50-$200, dependant upon the detail/artists. A few weeks ago when the Gallery did a showcase for Mondo, they did a variation of a painted Medusa head from Clash of the Titans, and those are currently selling at Mondo for $70 apiece (something similar in idea). I think they won't be cheap (more than the posters), but will be generally affordable as far as art goes if they do the painted statues.
My vote is for a poster reveal before the event - this in and of itself is going to be rad, and to tack on a 'reveal' will be too much. This is like 25+ poster reveals wrapped up in one. I'm considering paying for a plane ticket just to see Pardee's take on LOST, which will be CRAAAZY.
Do you think I could get away with going to la for my gfs birthday but really be going for this show?
Didn't think so.
Sometimes it sucks to be in the UK. It's cold and wet and there's no mountain dew!!!
Can be a poster buddy if required, ran out of wall space now so no new posters for me. Well, I'll put my fate in my gfs hand so I defo won't get one. Gotta try, right?
I think that putting the info under the Frame 16 banner in the Hub page is the only way they could do things without breaking the model of how the DamonCarltonand... website has looked.
Ah okay. Well, I guess it just furthers the whole idea of the statue having some relevance as the event. I'm guessing the URL will be on it.
Also, worth pointing out again for those just tuning in... the blog post on g1988 mentions that the paintings and statue will be sold at the event. So those attending better have their wallets ready. ;)
By the way the comments on the Unsolved clues post should be working properly now.
The post was quite old so the moderated comments function had kicked in.
Yes, I wonder about the other art, is it just normal poster print art that anyone will be able to buy or art that is exclusive to the show ?
@ Congested/Zort
Look to the right of Hurleys' Curse, below Locke's Secret, left of Walt's Kidnapping and above The Love Triangle - see that black square? In between the ashtrays and the thimble, below the stereo and beside the bicentennial glasses is a small three-inch black space? That is the Four-Toed Statue, caught in the wrong light so you can't see the glaze.
@ Congested
The blog entry doesn't sound like it's confirming the 'painted statue theory' so much as that some of the LOST-inspired art is going to be scuptures and such. Most of G1988 has a variety of art styles.
I think that the art will be available at the show to purchase, and if it goes unpurchased it will end up on G1988's website along with the other paintings the have for sale there on this page.
As for the 16th print I again assume that the URL will be released at the opening, and that all of us who don't attend will have a shot at the 16th print just as we have been doing all along.
And I second Zort's thoughts about not having to worry for a bit. Will be nice to not have to worry about an update every day for the next two weeks.
Honestly I can't wait until this is done. :D
I'm just going of this MR:
"LOST-inspired paintings and sculptures (all available for purchase!)"
@ Congested
I think you are right that 'statues' will be available to purchase, but I also think that there will be scuptures, too. It's going to be a slew of great art - something for everyone and it makes me consider skipping the final print in order to 'funnel' my money towards a serious art purchase. Which bites, not because of missing a print, but because I had my eye set on a lovely serious art piece that I may have to forgo now. Choices, choices....
By the way all, I have updated the main page with a link to a new thread about Google Wave.
We have had some comments sent via email that the amount of invite requests is clogging things up a bit, so please use the link on the front page to discuss / request Google Wave.
We may decide to remove comments about it from the regular threads if they continue to be prolific.
man, it blows that I'm in the UK. We have less than no chance to buy anything amazing. I've missed out on all the posters so far (despite being here since frame 4), and now I'm not going to get chance to take part in the final part. LAME.
painted statues like painted starships?
I love the smiley face version.
Sounds like this is a popular thing to do.
Sure hope they have some statues for sale on their website for those of us outside the US. Unpainted is fine! Tawaret has become more n more of a fav of mine.
sounds like i might have to take a half day on the 15th! I'll make sure to take pics and video though. ...and apparently bring lots of money :\
I for one would be very interested to see the LOST-inspired art Scribe created.
Despite all the frustration, I really have to thank Darlton & g1988 for opening my eyes to all these contemporary artists & illustrators in the US, whom otherwise I would never have known!
And hopefully those lost-inspired art can also be purchased much like the poster series - online & with easy process.
well, I wish they would stop waiting till I went to bed to do this stuff, I always feel so behind. I sure wish I still lived in Calif so I could go. Anybody going to have extra funds so they can bring me back a Tawaret and then sell it to me at cost ? I want one !
perhaps there will be some sort of online store? Having spoken to some of the artists, they are contractually obligated to not discuss the project until "Everything is wrapped up" in the new year. Some have also held some copies of prints back - perhaps a final online store with a second chance to buy favourites / inspired by art is coming? we can only hope...
@ feel the insanity - i saw in the last thread you were contemplating a little trip. at thanksgiving, my cousin told me that virgin atlantic is now flying boston to la for $99. he actually got a round trip ticket for that price. i was FLOORED. just thought i would mention it in case you had not checked its site. haven't checked myself as a i cannot get out of work, but thought i would pass the tidbit along for you and other people near boston whether for now or some time in the future.
The 25 original LOST-inspired art pieces available for sale are going to be pricey. Mark Bodnar is one of the artists. He was the artist on the Hurley painting used in the Super7 reveal Gelaskins. The original painting, "4 8 15 16 23 24" is listed at $2800. It is about 5/6 of the way down the page here
(sorry if this has already been mentioned)
obviously I should not type first thing in the morning....transposed the last number above....
Final thought before I forget...maybe one of the original art pieces will be the full painting/print of the bookmark from Arizona reveal. The fact that is is seemingly a partial image from a larger picture has been driving me nuts since it was released.
I could just see it now Kelly.....
Honey, I'm going into Boston and going to fly to LA for the day so I can go to the LOST poster show, I'll be back tomorrow, I promise. I think the men in white jackets would show up lololol He would say.. Are you f*#kin nuts ? roflmao
andalone -- totally with you on the bookmark thoughts. i've been thinking it was a snapshot of the 16th. congrats to all LA-area LostArgies. Have fun!
I don't suppose those lost-inspired art would be cheap either. But hopefully some are still in a price range that many of us could afford.
@andalone, thanks for the link. Didn't know that original painting to be near $3000. But some of those x-files inspired work are rather amusing!
There are some really cool artists at the show. Kirk Demarais did the family portrait series including the jerk painting. J Scott Campbell did a sketch of Sawyer here
I noticed a lot of those guys are into figures.
I won't be flying to LA, but god help the person who tries to come near my computer at 10pm that night :)
Hey all, I mentioned this a few posts back, but didn't get much of a response. Now that a new clue is posted, I figured I'd mention it again when there is more traffic on the site. I've been able to get 7 prints along the way. After evaluating what I got, I've decided I don't like the Swan and the Barracks as much as the other ones. I would like to sell both to people here for face value rather than for a profit on ebay. I'm going to pick randomly from a list (like Frank did with the Swan) for anyone who is interested. So far I have one request to be on the Swan list and none for the Barracks. If you are interested email me at mwolverine76 (at) gmail (dot) com. I'm also not feeling 100% on the Polar Bear, so when that arrives I'll make a decision to keep that one or not.
Just had a crazy thought. Wouldn't it be cool if one or more of the folks who can make it to G88 wear a T-shirt with pictures of all of us on LostARG who have bought posters? In a sense we would all be able to attend...
Alternately, create a poster of our own with all the LostARGers represented and present in to Paul.
The video mentions artwork done by 25 artists but the promo poster only lists 24. Could the 25th be our 16th artist?
In other news…
Comcast aquired NBC from GE. Was Jack Donaghy behind this deal?
And yes, we should make a poster and present it at 1988!
I'm coveting one of those little hippo statues right now. Dang you, L.A. =[
Thorsten. Could you photoshop it for us? I like the idea of all our ugly mugs on a poster! Would be very cool.
Absolutely kiwilostie! So we could all be there next week… we just need somebody in LA who will print that thing and walk over to the gallery ;))
@thorsten... I think there'll be a ton of people who could do that. ;)
I would love to have my ugly mug on something!
I'd be happy to help with this is you all think this is a good idea. I have my skills in the photo shop area lol
@ Lisa - you are prob right! :) Now that I heard about Virgin flying in the US, I will definitely try to fly that airline. I hear it is awesome and $99 coast-to-coast is a steal.
Let's do it, then. Email me your pictures to Subject Lostarg.
Just managed to do a quick catch up on all of your posts. Oh how I wish I could get to LA!
Thorsten. Good man! but what have you let yourself in for???
thorsten, thanks for stepping up! I think I'll take a shot of myself with my favourite poster(s). Will have it to you soon.
@Wolverine, that's an awesome idea. You should post it over on spoiler tv in the trade section, people are after the swan, I should know!
The poster/t-shirt idea sounds cool, well up for taking part in that. I'm sad that this is almost over now though, no more clues or anything and we have to wait until the 15th so the 16th is found. Will always remember this. Especially as a very kind guy over on EB and occasionally here offered his swan station in exchange for my polar bear print. You can't forget something like that. Cheers Fried_Chicken!!!
Also, I would imagine that the stuff at the show will be available online, purely because the site says the best part of the whole thing you can do from your computer and I personally think that this is the best part!!!
I hope you are all reading RamHatter's blog and following these entries. This one made me laugh out loud, LOUDLY.
LOST has changed my life. I was once tremendously afraid of polar bears and other members of the bear community. They are terrifying. Once I watched LOST, a sense of calm came over me. Seeing Sawyer blast that polar bear and seeing Locke hairspray torch another one empowered me. It gave me strength to face my fears and finally battle them, bears I mean. I no longer look behind my back when hunting for boars. I no longer fear seeing charging bear visions in my sweat lodge. I am a hunter, not a gatherer.
--Jarrett M.
Amy Lynn - agreed, it is a great contest, and it is interesting to read some of the entries. I have my entry in (would LOVE a JC) but not sure if it can compete against some of these.
Thought that was a riot too!
Does Gallery 88 ever do a catalog of its exhibitions? It would be so great to have one of the paintings, posters & sculptures that will be here.
OH- I wish they were "here"
The statues make me think of the Spanish Promo. I wonder if they were sent out with any promo packs for the last season.
This is one of those times I kind of wish I didn't live in Omaha! Looking forward to reading the reports from those of you who attend the opening. Should be cool!
@Kelly...thank you very much! I'll check it out and report back later. If I go to this thing there will be pictures GALORE for you guys, I'll be all over this place like Hurley on a Dharma Ranch Dressing bottle.
I wish I could make the 5 hour drive to LA on a Tuesday, but it's just not going to happen. I hope those of you that go have a great time. There better be a HUGE twitter presence and hopefully a live feed of some sort.
Enjoy yourselves!
Has everyone seen the new lost promo. For some reason its in spanish, but at the end is a statue being slammed down. Wonder if this is the same statue seen in the box in the video
I found this on Twitter, have no idea where it came from. Apparently, it's Jorge, his girlfriend, Beth, and a rat:
@ Amy, that is from Jorge's blog. Beth is his girl friend and she was screaming about the rat in their house lol I would have been on the table too.
sl-LOST CUATRO with sub-titles
Sent you some pics.
Thanks for stepping up!
I wonder if the new velvet DCatSM portrait is the 16th??
Wow, this looks like fun! Wish I were in LA for this. If those statues of Taweret are the swag for the event, I hope they are made available elsewhere. I have to have one!
Has anyone received their Ben Linus print yet? I haven't gotten mine yet.
Thanks for the Virgin Atlantic info. OMG I am SOOOO tempted. But then I suppose I wouldn't have any money to buy any of the artwork. I think I will put a question out for Paul's chat with the Post this afternoon to see if there is any way that those of us who can't attend will still have a shot at perticipating/buying.
Laura- i havent received my Ben Linus print yet- they havent even charged my credit card for it. I'm order #2702. Anyone get theirs/have their credit card charged?
@Jeffrey I had a pending charge on my card in the amount of a poster yesterday, but now there's nothing today :( Guess it was a false alarm
Ok I know there are some AZ people on this blog...we could road trip it to LA on Tuesday and be back by Wednesday....anyone, anyone?
Well, this is pretty exciting! I'd be happy to get a cheapy four toes Taweret from Toys-R-Us even.
I could send you some Mountain Dew Martyn. :-)
For the event photo collage, do we need to have them taken with the poster? Mine's not framed yet, and still very curly. I could take a pic with the tube I s'pose though. :-) Otherewise, I'll just send some random pic of me just to get in on the fun. Tx. And thanks Thorsten for helping with this!
I still need to get a picture of Walt's Kidnapping glowing in the dark. The island looks truly incredible.
@ JustThinking
G1988 does a full listing of their shows either late in the night of the opening or shortly after on the next day. It includes all artwork regardless of whether it was sold or not along with prices. They require some digging to find on their blog, but they are there. Here are some of the most recent shows -
Look through the past shows (these are all from the LA gallery) and you can see the work of some of the artists who will be at this LOST show. In particular, Alex Pardee who has me REALLY excited to see what he comes up with that is LOST-based.
Hey there ARGies!
A G1988 reveal might make my brain explode! I really hope the 16th print drops before that event.
Having been at the CHI reveal, I'd say the G1988 event will be something akin to all the past reveals rolled into one! I guess that means I am going to have to go to this, will just have to work on getting the day off, tickets...
Who else is going? -- I saw comixguru and Unsom above...anyone else?
On the gallery blog they suggest lining up early as there will be some big surprises.
Can I suggest that a cast memeber or producer might be there ?
Lining up early would mean you get in to the gallery if it has limited space.
How early? One of their last shows had people lined up at 5PM. Jensen had that posted at the G1988 blog, so I guess I'd expect something of the same for this one.
Hopefully, I'll be there (if my family obligations don't get in my way)!
Re: LostArg poster: Karen made up a great Lost University Class Photo of all of us wearing our LU T-shirts! We can do the same idea here! I'll work on my photo with my 3 framed posters!
You can see all the installments of Jorge's rat caper over at Beth's blogk. It's hilarious!
Zort: Cast/Crew was what I was thinking. With it being the week before Christmas, have they taken time off filming and people will be available to make an appearance? Also, from what I've seen and heard the space is very limited...this thing can get crazy very fast if a cast member shows up!
@maven, definite possibility. They must get a decent break, since Emerson's doing a play out here right after Christmas, and that's gotta take up at least a few days of rehearsal.
I would love to roadtrip, but I can't because of work. I already have vacation planned for Christmas later that week!
If you manage to go, I would love to get a hold of some swag. I'll find a way to repay you :)
I'm in Ahwatukee (SE Phoenix suburb)
OK all...If I can get they day off I am there AND within limits can be your interface for the event. I would LOVE to be able to stream part of the event, but if a print drops would need backup to try for it at least. And with as freaked out as I will likely be at the event would help to have someone else there just to hold a camera/video it all.
I will try to get a crew of peeps together, it may just end up being me and sis, who knows?
Okay, received some great pics already, keep it coming! what I will do is a big collage that looks like all the pictures are from one source.
We just need somebody to print it in LA. And someone to coordinate the effort,
plus a deadline. Images should be JPEG, not bigger than 1 MB.
Would be nice if Damon shows up ;))
I think we can at least count on Paul Scheer being there. :)
Is it OK to send a pic sans poster? Tx.
Jorge & Beth's rat ordeal is hysterical! I'm SO taking Beth's side!
of course, just faces, no poster needed ;))
And Paul will like it!
But the end result, a.k.a. the coolest part of the fun, can be achieved just by s taying in your house. No need to stand up, get dressed and start flailing your arms to your waiting car...
I guess that's not the case anymore, huh? ;)
Tx, face is on the way. :o)
Yes it would seem so this time, right Obfusc8?
@thorsten: Just you sent you my pic of me holding Hurley's t-shirt at the Rusty's reveal!
I am to work for the next 7-8 hours. I will send you a picture when I get home. If that's too late don't worry.
no, thats fine Eugene. Everybody can send their pix till Sunday.
And hi Ob_FuSc8!
Hey thorsten! I will ask LT if it's ok to use our pic with her macbook from the last reveal.
@Patmc - i may try to mock up some name tags for those attending. I'll let you know if i pull something off...
Who else is planning to go?
I can also do name tags too, have the laminator, will travel (well, not to LA but can mail them lol)
@comix... Megan and some other people are going, I think... they're getting a suite somewhere and just piling on ;)
Hmm how to convince work that I must go to this... and my friend from LA to go back to LA since he will be driving to San Jose three days before the event. I'm totaly going to try Jack's "YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!!" approach :-)
@Comixguru: I'm so hoping to be there! Definitely plan on making it over sometime during the week it's there, but dying to be there opening night! But family obligations might get in the way...I'll know more later.
Ooh a block away from work, may not make the reveal but I will def make it to the gallery
Paul has just tweeted about the video -
paulscheer DAMONCARLTONANDAPOLARBEAR.COM wraps up with a Special event in Los Angeles - Watch the Video
Same video as on the hub page.
is there a specific time and day that everyone is trying to go to this to meet up? It would be cool to meet the fellow losties who have been going through this ARG all along. :-) (all the ARGs for that matter...)
I def want to take a pic next to the Daniel Danger print :-) haha
Joey, consider a picture taken next to Daniel Danger!
Yeah, I'm going to try to get out there and would love details on where to meet up.
Also, Jensen's comment:
This night will also have MANY surprises. You might want to line up early for this one.
This may mean that there's some type of puzzle he'll have in the works at the event. He had people form teams for the last one.
Several people have mentioned that the gallery is really small. Perhaps they'll only be letting a certain amount of people in at a time?
LT, now that's what I was thinking...or Paul Scheer, Jensen Karp...
Amy Lynn -- it's small, but it sounds like they will pack people in
Lotto- good thinking!
Its in LA, so I wouldn't be surprised if Darlton and maybe others were there as well (at least on opening day). I have a picture with Carlton so I would love to get one with Damon :-)
I have a poster idea
Two birds that fell, together in bird song.
Would LOVE a cold can of MD right now!
While going through my room looking for hurleys lotto ticket to trade for a napkin from last week, I realised I have too much crap in my room. Found I had another lotto ticket, an 815 boarding pass, a photo of jack and of the season 2 cast and a frequent flyer card.
Anyone want one?
hey Martin, I would love one of the Lotto ticks or the boarding pass. I'll trade ya something. Maybe a Dharma beer cozy or some buttons. email me maladylis at comcast dot net
@Joey - That's too funny... I've got a picture with Damon, and want to get one with Carlton!
@Thorsten - I'll send you the pic tonight. Too tacky to send the pic of me with Damon, or should I get one of just me in some Dharma related gear?
I had to check with my co-worker, but he said he could cover for me on the 15th, so I'll be driving up from San Diego around noon. With that awesome L.A. traffic, I'll probably be up there around 3pm.
I noticed on Google Maps, that Pink's Hot Dogs is right around the corner! I've always wanted to eat there. Maybe we could meet up there for some food before going over to the Gallery? And I fully intend to Tweet the hell out of the whole thing. Possibly even some HD video... :-)
And I too am concerned with how small that place is. I'll have to go back to Google Maps and see if they have any room in the back of the building for a tent or something...
just send both, Patmc!
Very good Blare, I understand your other instructions now.
i would wager that both Damon and Carlton will be there that night. I'll be bringing my camera with me- and the gf will also try to attend. Hope she can stand the madness!
I really dont think the poster reveal will be at g1988. "This event...will mark the first time that all 16 prints, released and SOLD OUT over the past 3 months at, will be seen in one room!"
This clearly states that the 16th poster will be released and sold out before the event occurs.
@adam_keller, I disagree that it's clear.
my hopes for the 16th:
-A cast print
-FDW/Time Travel
-The Incident
-Jacob's Death
-John's Death
-The Oceanic Six
-Jack Beard
-Montand Looses his Arm to Smokie
-The Many Deaths of Mikheil
-"The Island Wont Let You Die"
Fair enough Amy... maybe it isn't so clear ;)... but what with LOST ever is?
Joey, I'd redistribute anything after Season 3 to the unrealistic section.
OOOH I have been waiting for this post! I am so excited because I am in Hollywood- yeeey. I am really torn though, do we think this will work like the other reveal events, where you either go to the reveal or stay at home for the poster? I love seeing the poster the on the off-chance I need to try for it- but this sounds like so much fun (if I could only find a LOST person to go with me). I wish the last poster could tie in with December 8th and then this event could just be a fun party, I have to admit.
That does sound like all 16 previously sold out posters will be there for the show. Hmmm.
I'm pretty sure they're just assuming 16 will sell out.
Boarding Pass or Lotto Ticket?
Wasn't really looking for anything in return but I think i'll take one of your Dharma beer cozies I keep hearing about.
That's a good question lostsailors and it seems from reading through everyone's thoughts that there's no clear direction yet on how this could work. Only that it will be Party!!!
It would seem strange to me that we would be waiting now simply for a reveal on the 15th. That doesn't feel right. We need more of a challenge surely than that? But maybe that's what the 15 lost and one found was all about. We find it at the gallery on the 15th?
If it was a usual style of reveal on the 15th, that would seem to exclude so many of the genuine Losties who will want to be there. We all know what a struggle it is to try and buy one over wifi, on an iPhone, in a crowd of people.
I can't help but think there is more to come over the next 24/48 hours.
@Thorsten - I'll send them when I get home later tonight...
@Capcom - I think they mean "previously sold out" as in they will be sold out, previous to the 15th when the event is.
Another sort of clue, probably tonight just after I've fallen asleep. That's what usually happens!
What's telling to me is that the video and invitation are under Frame 16. If there were a separate reveal, they wouldn't be there.
Amy - I know, that's a big problem for me too. It doesn't make sense for there to be a place, a date, a time and it not relate to a reveal. Perhaps I just want there to be more.
Does anyone have a link for where this supposed chat is going to be?
Yeah, I didn't really mean the sold-out part, just the possible all-16 part. :-) We'll see! It would be neat if they were all there to see together after the final release, in a full showing.
Yeah! I hope the art gallery can just be fun and relaxed without crazy poster angst! I would really like to go for the event.
I am so excited for this, tons of art and LOST, two of my favourite things!
I think to follow the live Q&A on the WP site click on the link that Zort posted. There you will see "LIVE Q&As". There is already a link for the Lost hour. It isn't live yet.
I'll be there for sure, so if anyone wants to either carpool (i'm in Long Beach) or meet up there - I'm up for it. I really hope they have some prints for sale there. I can't afford original art pieces :/
Anyways, really happy that they're doing this!
And I'm kind of in the camp that thinks there MIGHT be a reveal between now and the 15th...
I agree that it sounds like the reveal could be a separate event - not sure though. First, they've never given reveal information right out of the blocks like this. Second, like it or not, the verbiage is consistent with an earlier reveal. Third, what the heck are we going to do for the next two weeks? Not much of a clue-solving reveal and entirely inconsistent with the priors. Maybe that's the point though.
Ok. I take it that someone here will post anything interesting. I'll post at Twitter.
Wonder if the chat got cancelled? There's no link yet.
Might be because the other Q&A hosted by "Kelly" is still going on.
I keep F5'ing the Washington Post... why does this seem so familiar?
Oh, wait, I think it's not actually a chat room. You just have to keep refreshing and they'll answer your questions?
I friggin F5 in my sleep these days
@Amy Lynn - pretty sure that's how it's going to work once the "chat" starts.
Kelly is prepping. Should still be happening soon.
Haverhill, Ma: Ok now we know about the art show. But can you tell us if it's going to be the 1st time frame 16 will be revealed?
Paul Scheer: I can tell you that by attending the Art Show you will not be missing out on getting the final piece.
that seems a confirmation of a separate reveal, no?
Paul Scheer: I can tell you that by attending the Art Show you will not be missing out on getting the final piece.
Interesting that he said piece and not print.
I saw it too, still think his answer is cryptic.
They answered my last question submitted last night. :)
Let's see if Paul jumps on the others (no pun intended).
The thing does say "Come see all 16 posters in one room..." So yeah, the 16th will be revealed at the gallery. Anyway, I'm gonna go on the 16th in case i gotta be home the 15th to buy the last poster. As frustrating as it was to FAIL miserably at getting posters since Walts Kidnapping, Im glad there'll be one last event that I can go to and see all these things in person and hopefully get as much stuff as possible. I'll take some pics too. Actually no, im gonna go as many days as possible! Anyone else here gonna be there?
Sorry, not revealed at the gallery, i meant displayed at the gallery, so yeah, it might be revealed before the 15th
HA I agree with Paul, the first time we saw the inside of the other words Desmond! Great WCM moment.
S'o'pain don't start with the typos nooooo
Maybe a clue. LOL
Why why why? Why can't I get on a jet plane. Or a flighter plane or some sort of mobile that will get me to this place? Why must I have obligations and live in the wrong state? Why is the world against me?
Okay I have been reading and we are sending out pictures. Of our real selves? Not a picture of a mug? Wait. But then you won't have that pretty image of me in your head where I'm a princess that sparkles. But nonetheless I must be a part of this, even if I am shrunk to a tiny blip.
I'm just letting my name control me here, who am I to send my not mug to?
And worst of all I have a stupid song stuck in my head. This is not a good day.
Sent you a photo, sorry about the crapness of it but not a big fan of my face tbh. At least you can see the hatch and dharma van. I miss my Jacob's Cabin but it'll look awesome when it comes back from ze framers.
E-mail bounced back to me so I may have your e-mail address wrong.
Right, gotta try and catch up on this interview now.
JPL, wow that's a big shout out !
Hey, Paul, it's ARZT :)
JPL - That is one ling question. :-)
Ha Unrealistic Jack's beard. While I thought for sure they would do a We have to go Back it does involve that furry thing. But I love the idea of just his beard. Not Jack (though I love him so) but just the beard. And sold it less than 30 seconds. Maybe that's the 'piece.'
Paul Scheer: You have to take that up with Ronie Mifdew Enterprises they work in mysterious ways.
Way to deflect Paul
So the last "piece" is on sale after the gallery showing ?
Submitted ???'s last night. Pleasantly surprised he answered them all. Very cool.
Now if I can only get him to steal me something from Gallery 1988...
or long. Typos are contagious
I think we have our answer, seems like #16 will be gone before the 15th.
He's answering all the questions that were posted here yesterday!
@Thorsten I submitted a pic. Was tempted to send a picture of Katee Sackhoff and but sadly we are not the same person.
Atlanta, GA: Will the 16th poster be available the same ways the others were? By going to a URL and purchasing?
Paul Scheer: Yes
So is it a poster or not !!
Hey, that New York, NY question was me!
Duh. I am slow. I am w/ you now MK. Wow.
By the way was that question from you Ellen ?
MeSoCrazy, you look actually cooler than Starbuck!
Good one, Amy!
I have a feeling that all the questions are from us. I was so excited to see the first one.
That second New YOrk, NY was me, too. Great.
Haa, all these Q&As flying around!
Oh I hope the poster is before the 15th! Then my only worry would be how to get down to the gallery because I am terrified of driving, haha. In L.A., I know.
Atlanta, GA: Will the 16th poster be available the same ways the others were? By going to a URL and purchasing?
Paul Scheer: Yes
I just submitted a question about the typos.
New York: LOST Art Arg question for Paul Scheer.
What's the 16th URL? When and where can we buy the final art print?
Paul Scheer: Follow the clues
New York, NY: Is there going to be a 16th reveal before the LA gallery opening?
Paul Scheer: It might be the same day or it might be earlier or it might be later.
-- Well that clears that up!
This is me, too. I guess we can stop speculating:
Jack's beard: Paul, are you (and Tyson) really bad typists, or do all of the misspellings mean something?
Paul Scheer: Yes. It means I never went to typing class
Damn he knows how to deflect questions!
So am I right in thinking that Frame 16 is going to be more than a poster, rather something more "special" and it could be more than just one so we can choose which one we want?
My brain hurts more than trying to figure out the time traveling!!! Damn it, nosebleed! brb
Okay, who was Manchester, UK?
So who's in Haverhill MA?! I work in North Andover.
I just asked if the last release will be as limited as the others or if we can all get one?
I'm the one from Haverhill Mass. There seems to be a lot of us from MA.
You guys asked good questions.
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