A simple topic of conversation which we will leave open for the moment so if you have something you think of later on then come back here and add it in.
We may try and speak to the artists after the campaign is finished but there is no guarantee we will ever get to ask the artists anything, so this for the moment is a hypothetical question !
Try to be inventive with your question as "How did you get involved with the art series" or "Were you given a topic to paint" are fairly obvious.
Topics for questions could include the DamonCarltonandaPolar Bear art series, their own thoughts on Lost, anything about their own work and influences, or any other relevant topic you can think of.
How did you choose your color palliate?
How did you choose your WCM?
Off topic…
here is my list with the folks who sent pictures…
Were you told what to paint or were you just told what scene it was that they wanted you to represent and you went from there on your own ? Once you got the idea, do you stick to a specific style or have many styles that you go with depending on what your going to paint ?
Are you not on the list thorsten ?
Are you excited about the Operahouse show in February?
Have you created any other works with a Lost inspired theme, even if it is not obvious to the casual viewer ?
Not including your own print, which print in the series is your favorite?
If you could have picked any "WCM" from all 5 seasons of LOST to depict in a screen print, which moment would you have chosen and why.
After receiving WCM assignment, did you rewatch the particular LOST episode for inspiration?
Were you given a variety of WCM to choose from and, if so, why did you pick the one you did?
Impressive list, Thorsten!
Why did my name show up so weird and without my avatar just now?
very weird Andalone, it shows up as two different people with different google accounts.
The thing is, I have one account, and I was the one who posted the question too!
very odd andalone !
I'd ask what I asked Rob Jones, but he said that he couldn't talk about it.
"What was your brief for the job" As a designer I'd find this interesting, especially if TPTB were restricting in anyway. Like "we want this to feature the hieroglyphics" or what ever.
I am curious how long ago this was put together. How much advance notice/working time did the artists have?
That's a good question. Rob Jones probably only had a night.
andalone...have you been exposed to large amounts of electromagnetic radiation recently?
ummmm-maybe......explains alot. :)
need. a. constant.
I like to ask all of them if their final print changed in any significant way from their initial ideas when starting the project. I'd like to see pictures of the development actually :)
What did the sketches and prelims look like for this project? Love to see some before and after comparisons
Are you jealous that Thorsten Wulff is a better artist than you are?
Would you have been inspired to do this print if you had not been approached by TPTB?
How do you feel about the LOST fan's reaction to your print?
@Thor..aammmm..I see my name is Not on list. I did forward a foto , on Saturday ,,and it did not come back undeliverable. I cut and pasted the address from here..So ..let me know if there is a problem.. or maybe there is no problem at all.
Thorsten, I thought there would be more people on the list...is there still time for people to post or are the doors firmly shut on this one?
..How much influence has Surrealism been to you as an artist and to the subject of your Lost Art project?
What type of materials did you use in creating your original?
I'm particularly curious about the artists who did black-light sensitive or glow-in-the-dark designs, and how they incorporated those elements into their work (practically and artistically).
. . . who's your constant? XD
On a scale of 1 to 10, how big of a Lost fan were you before you were commissioned to create this poster?
MEL, just to be sure, send it again to thorstenwulff@gmail.com. I am just building it…
futureself, everybody who sends me a picture till 12/7/9 23:42 PST will be included.
Which artist, dead or alive, would you like to have seen participate in this project, and what WMC would they depict?
Boxers or briefs?
Only kidding.
A lot of people asked the questions I would have asked, but there are two I still wonder about. First, what music (if any) they listen to when they paint and second, what time of the day do they typically paint?
HA! How about Ninjas or pirates?
Bagles or English Muffins? (the correct answer is English muffins. Nooks & crannies, people. Nooks & crannies)
@Thorsten and Maven. Just emailed you re the print. Away for the next hour but will then be around.
ChrisL just changed the timeline ;))
New deadline 12/7/9 23:42 GMT.
I think it would always by why they chose to represent their subject the way they did. I love the breakdown of thought process. Even when the artists have stopped by or written up on their sites, etc, to give their thoughts on posters. I think it was Todd Slater talking about the concentric circles in the back of his Ben poster being time-lapsed stars to show the Island was always moving. I never would have guessed that!
So just really, why they did what they did and what were the most important elements of their topic to include- and perhaps, why such things were the most important to them.
Hey everyone! Great questions!
I'd like to know if they were given any limitations on the number of colors they could use. Screen printing gets a lot pricier with each color they put down. Glows and reflective ink are even more. It seems like most of the posters use only a few colors, so I'm wondering if that was their choice or if they were given a budget or limitation.
I'd also like to know if they were encouraged to use a quote from the show... only Daniel Danger did, although Todd Slater added text, too.
How do you feel about having your work be at the center of people's lives for (at least) a week?
Not that any of us are obsessive . . . ;)
Ooh! What are you responsibilities as our ambassador? Will you get Ferrero Roche?
Basically, I have to get people to watch the LOST DVDs that ABC is going to send them, and then they have to get other people to watch LOST, which ABC will send them. Then, they send me prizes for each person added on the chain.
Add me on!!!!!
What an awesome role to score though...well done AmyLynn ;)
Hah, congrats Madam Ambassador!
My question to the artist Leia Bell:
Do you think I'm cute?
Awesome Amy!!! Congrats!!
If you need me to watch some DVD's or Bluerays, count me in!
@Amy, me too!
btw, nice question Rev. lawl
again, awesome pictures reAnimated!
And congrats to Patmc. he is level 42 in the Photoshop file ;))
That's excellent Amy, congrats. If they need UK watchers... here I am!
Thorsten - I hope the pic I sent was okay. I wasn't around much this weekend and this was all I had at the moment.
Rev - I'd be more than happy to ask Leia that question for you. She's local in Salt Lake. I'm actually talking to her now about framing my Lost prints.
Amy - Congrats on your ambassadorship!
Who is the person in Jacob's Cabin? Locke,Ben or someone else?
for weeks you have found ways to keep me jealous of you!!
For anyone who watched Dexter last night, is Stan Bodry, Alavar Hanso?
picture received and already added, Tom!
Sounds great Amy, shall we try and get a chain of watchers around the world ?
@thorston, Thanks again.
To see more pics of my Hawaii vacay and Lost gtour goodness, check out my picasa pics .
I linked directly to the first one in the Lost bunch but its in an album of all my Hawaii pics. Enjoy!
Oh, never mind, yes he is.
My question is did they treat this art project as an opportunity to experiment or did they just stick with tried and tested?
Great questions everyone, all Qs that I would ask too.
I'd also like to ask them collectively if any of them were disappointed in how their posters showed up on the DCAAPB site, as it was impossible to see the details and special appearances of the work done, in the visual renditions on the site. The looks of a few of them actually made me think, "No way" when I saw them because they were do dark and difficult to see, but as everyone has expressed here, they all look much more impressive in person. I realize the limitations of reproducing some of the special effects of the posters electronically, but it's really too bad that an enlargement link for details wasn't available before the For Sale sign went up. Ah well, with the limited number of posters it would have just made things more frustrating in the end I suppose.
BTW, very nice list graphic Thorsten. Also, I see that there are a bunch of names that I don't recognize on the list, if you all are just lurking here, join the fun don't be shy!
Martyn - So it WAS hanso on Dexter? Nice catch! Didn't notice it myself because he was so dirtied up and no accent. Now that you mentioned it though I can picture it. Gotta go back and re-watch it now.
And Dexter just keeps amazing me with how good it is.
@Justin & Martyn... you've just convinced me that Dexter needs adding to my must watch list...
Dexter should be on anyones must-watch list. Excellent show. Finale is Sunday! Its gonna be "killer" :)
Gut-wrenching ending! Can't wait for the finale next week!
It was the early photo next to the police photo of him at the end, looks like they just robbed a photo from the Sri Lanka video!
And no scandinavian accent either?
Awesome photos, reanimated, so wish I could do that tour!
Thanks Martyn.
@capcom - I think some of the names on Thorsten's list are "real names".
I am Bonnie on the list.
:) email
I would ask if they had any extra and if I could buy one.:)
Rob Jones, what was the reasoning behind making such a large and intricate moment in the show into a more simpler and very literal adaptation?
Jay Ryan, did you study polar bear pictures before doing your art or did you go with memory?
Charter gets the "rim-shot" for the day. :-)
Oh I know Andalone, I don't recognize some of the nicknames, they may have posted at some point, but I hope that they feel free to post all the time. You know how some peeps say they're shy to post. But I'm glad everyone's going to be on our "hi-there!" poster to TPTB, this is great.
Tom, if you havent left already, ask Leila if she is going to the LA event.
Have you ever kidnapped a homeless person for no reason?
Hi Capcom, I'm CaptainJack on the list...don't know why I ended up using two names but guess it's only fitting in the world of Lost to go by many guises ;)
I don't mean those questions to be mean btw. I just really want to know how Rob Jones got The Swan and then put a literal angry Swan on his print. I like the color scheme...I just don't understand the print.
I have yet to see Ryan's print in person but I didn't much like it online so I will wait to reserve my final opinion on the piece. My MAAAAAALT liquor shirt has an awesome polar bear on it. I just wish that the polar bear looked more menacing. Maybe it needs blood...idk. I don't much like the brown paper idea either...but we will see. If not, Christmas gift!
ReAnimated - Thank you for sharing your fantastic Hawaii pics!!! You really did get so many wonderful photos and now I'm more desperate than ever to go :D
Anyone else know HOW BD Live works? I have had BR for over a year now, just never used it. Well there be actual "class sessions" at certain times?
Im asking because I have plans tomorrow night and cant really be online. :(
I know what you mean Charter - I'm not the greatest fan of the Swan but I think it captures the pure alarming nature of the Swan's existence on the Island. I think that probably you, like me, think of the Swan with great fondness - it's existence, when they finally get into the hatch, becomes a source of wonder, luxuries, security and obsessive love. But what the Swan actually exists to do is not any of these comforting things. It there to...hmmm, I guess that's still open to interpretation, but certainly averting end-of-the-world-type-stuff is certainly number one. And that damn alarm!! Every 104 minutes....for four minutes screeching away like a, well possibly, angry Swan!!
@futureself, Thanks! Def go if you get the chance!
@Thorsten - Finally! For the first time since all this poster madness started... I have achieved something involving one of the sacred numbers! LOL
I just checked Lost University... only 6 and a half more hours until the timer hits zero! That would make it 9pm PST. I'll be waiting, with my HD camcorder... just in case something cool happens. :-)
The only angry swan I have seen was that black swan from Curb! Larry got it though;)
The Swan station was an ultimate luxury that came with a price. Desmond was in there for years toiling away by pressing that button. Locke became fascinated with it. Ben told Locke that it was an elaborate joke. The Swan explodes and sends Desmond's mind forward and backward in time simultaneously. I just don't get any of that.
To me, this is my least favorite print and the most uninspiring. It is a beautiful print in person, it is good art no doubt. It just isn't good LOST art. Rob is such a fantastic artist and I love some of his work. I was excited about this reveal...I stayed up until 4 am btw. Then BLAM!...and hmmmmmm. I only bought it because I had not yet purchased a print, skipped Hatch and Transmission, because I only wanted to buy a few and I only wanted to buy ones I loved. I saw how fast these were going and decided I had better try to at least get one because it will only get crazier.
I thought your first Q was the best and a classic, Charter. It's the one that we all want answered with a 'yes'. :o)
You're right guys, it actually was one angry Swan! It made Radzinsky angry, Kelvin, Des, Jack (what doesn't make Jack angry?!), Locke, Michael, etc.
Ok, I guess I missed the list. I just haven't had the time to keep up lately with all the goings on in the comments. Email me at masage (at) netzero (dot) net if you can still add me and I will take and send a picture. :)
Do you know Jack Bender,and are you planning to take his Art 101 Seminar at LU?
Indeed the Polar Bear's not angry enough...he's just a bit lairy after drinking all those dharma beers :D
Perhaps there should have been a hairspray can amongst the beer cans, paying homage to one of my favourite Lost jokes (when Locke pulls the can out of his bag just before him and Charlie enter the Polar Bear cave prompting Charlie to say 'Hairspray? Now, I hate to be the one to point this out to you...').
Scoutpost, send your pic to thorstenwulff@gmail.com before 12/7/9 23:42 GMT. (you've got 25 mins)!!!
Congrats to Madam Ambassador Amy!
Scoutpost: You MUST be included in the poster!
Amazing Grace
Woah, that promo gave me goosebumps...the wait until season 6 begins is becoming more and more unbearable!
Who sings that version of Amazing Grace? I'm thinking maybe Mr Cash?
Strangly the most heartbreaking image here is Ben!
Good night all.
Good luck to those taking a midnight class.
also the lyrics "..I once was lost but now I'm found..."
Sound familiar ?
Hmmm Zort...15 and 16 come to mind ;)
Ah okay...it's Willie Nelson's version. Beautiful!
He's a YouTube link to the full version of the song:
Yes, lost and found...hmmmmm. Is that the clue that Paul means that we have not been thinking about correctly?
vita una mortem solum -
live together die alone?
Evening All - Great ??? for artists.
Amy Lynn - excited to see that ABC has a true fan that will do them proud.
Thorsten - if how you presented "the list" is any indication of what you're putting together... I think we're all going to be floored -plus- you're Latin's not that bad is it?
Last but not least, credit card officially charged today for the Polar Bear.
Bad with time zones....in EST am I too late to send the photo?
Hey everyone, just checking in. This collaborative poster you guys are putting together is a great idea. Sadly, I don't have any pictures of myself in computer form (does that make sense? haha) and I don't have a digital camera at school. So, I can't send in a picture :( But, great idea nonetheless!
thorsten: how about "Give Together, Buy Alone"?
Ben Linus arrived today :)
I would ask the artists how they feel about the print numbers/costs. If it was up to them, would they have made the numbers different?
Okay..Thorsten..resent foto..Neither has come back.
LT..received Ben Today..246/300..Can't wait to expound on this one...
I still think the clue is the web addresses of all the reveal sites..I mean..Why these long winded quotes for addresses?..If it was just for address purposes, theres plenty of short quotes from the characters that could have been used. I think they wanted certain letters in certain places ie..1 thru 15..which spell out an address for 16 when it comes time.. What else is there to grasp on to?
I'm so juiced, I designed a tshirt today to wear under my jumpsuit while in LA.
DCaaPB Mystery Solver
(I have set the commission to zero for order quantities smaller than 20, so it is the cheapest I can get printfection to do.)
Just posting it in case anyone wants one.
RevMilo: Awesome design...can they be shipped within a week?
..There is a preponderance of " dark" in the total of prints. Did each artist come to this on their own ?
Yes, how much Time was spent in " briefing" with Lost Personnel on this project?
Would you have preferred to have done this after season 6?
What is Lost to you and how is that communicated in your print?
Will you deal with the "Mouse" again if an opportunity arises in the future?
If you were allowed to do any Lost Water Cooler Moment..is there one you wish you could do?
thx MEL
They take three days typically to print, you have to base shipping on that typically. I went for shipping that cost more than the shirt needless to say.
But out of all the tshirt places I have tried, they win on turn around, quality of shirt, quality of print, ability to print on dark shirts, and repeat washing (I wave one I have easily washed close to 80 times and it is still doing good)
Thanks, RevMilo. I'm probably gonna wear my LU shirt. Probably over a sweater since it's pretty cold here now! I'm bringing my Hurley shirt for...hopefully...signatures!
That's why I made this shirt in long sleeve, and for the same purpose. We need a ready supply of fabric permanent markers!
Hey everyone! Good day to all :)
I was also selected as a LOST Amabassador. So if you want to watch some Lost DVDs on my behalf- let me know! :)
and great questions everyone!
sorry i've been away all day. "work"
Comixguru, how many people do you need to get to watch the dvds. I know a couple. Does it cost them anything?
Also if anyone is in LA and Michael Emerson is there it would be awesome if you could take a picture of him for me.
Rev..so you're really goin to LA then!..I still haven't made up my mind. I could fly over and back probably same nite. The memory of Tucson i haven't forgot tho. Lookin at the PS video,,ammmm...I think we need a place before and or after to go and maybe drink lots of coffee and yik yak. Maybe there is a Dennys or JRs or something nearby..Locals have any input on that? Sure, maybe a decent bar and grill? I mean.. it'd be great to sit and chat and get to know each other face to face. I'm not believing 1988 is going to be set up for that. It looks like tight quarters there. Maybe I'm wrong tho. I'm trying to sell myself into going. So,,what does everyone have cooking?
There's talk of Pink's hot dogs prior, and I am sure drunkness after...
Hope to confirm a hotel tonight, plane is booked. I'll be in around 1 on the 15th and heading out at 8 or 9 on the 16th.
pretty f'ing excited!
PatMC mentioned Pink's around the corner from Gallery1988. I imagine some of us will need to take turns to keep our place in line (please don't rain on the 15th). As far as I know, no one has made definite plans to meet anywhere. I'll be there by 10:30AM.
Wonder if the Gallery will provide you guys with Dharma port-a-pottys?
@kmfdm11031 I'll do my best to snag a photo of ME if he is there. Also- I just emailed the Lost Ambassador moderator to see if I can sign up more than one friend at a time.
Now theres somebody who is thinking a head...pardon the pun..Amy, you should be an ambassador or something..
Thats 7pm to 10pm or 7am to 10pm? The announcement isn't so clear and I haven't read every post to know better..hhhmmm..
@Amy Lynn- when I emailed the Gallery- they said that they do not have public bathrooms. :( so we're gonna all have to get pretty creative- or just help hold each other's spot in line for potty breaks. I'm pretty sure people will be cool about that. And there is a Denny's a couple miles away, I think.
so. ex. cite. ed!
Yay! I have just confirmed I'll have the 15th off -- so G1988 HERE I COME. I will pass out for a bit, then must get a flight and hotel -- any suggestions for where to stay?
@Ob, I am so jealous of you. I think you should stay with all of the crazy people at the motor hotel.
Tyson has NO idea what he is in for! I am very jealous, but very excited for everyone able to make the trip. We need a live video feed for this one!
Let me get this straight..regular hours for 1988 are 11am to 8 pm..but on the 15th..there is to be a special showing,,from 7pm to 10pm,,that will continue to the 24th..of all the Lost Prints and a bunch of other stuff, somwhow, Lost related. Perhaps a person or two of Interest will be there on the evening of the 15th..or is that just wishful thinking?
Poor Tyson. I hope at least someone shows up with a Tyson Givens t-shirt
@mungonna you got it!.. from what I gather MORE than one person of interest will be attending opening night!
Thanks andalone. Had to make sure..i mean..when i first opened up Zorts " list"..i thought it was a list of everyone going to the 1988 gallery on the 15th...!!!
Amy Lynn. I have that t-shirt. handmade. it reads "Tyson Givens is a genius." Almost burned it after the Swan and then again after receipt of e-mail.
Amy, you give me an idea of what kinda tee you think we should give "Tyson" and I'll have it made and bring it!
Rev, hmmm.... would it be too horrible to reproduce your and Thursten's little prank? :)
I'm back; out for a few days - HP computers are crap and I've been out of the loop for the past week. Just enough time on my wife's computer to follow the DCaaPB.com hub to see no new clues. Just finished wading through a colossal amount of posts- sorry I missed the List! And congrats, condolences, and sympathies to the folks here in their various walks of life. Would love to take off work and come on the 15th but just had two coworkers with immediate family deaths so that will be impossible.
Intrigued by the backwards playing of Thelma and Louise proposed by Cuse (so many comments ago...am I recalling this correctly?) How about playing Paul's video backwards or the SPiN LOST video backwards? The dinosaur laptop I'm using is doing well just to move the mouse cursor, let alone video manipulation.
@mel I wish! The list is those of us left behind, (for the most part)who sent in photos for Thorsten's poster, to be presented by "ARG Ambassadors" at G1988,
Lottery_Ticket has a list in progress of those attending G1988 event.
You just made me bust out laughing.
OK I will work it up tonight.
@Rev... or, or, Damon, Carlton and a fake DCAAPB print? :)
thanks Comixguru!!!
Yummmm, Pink's. :-)
@LOST Ambassadors- I just convinced a friend to start watching lost from the beginning. Email me at rogeroverton at hotmail.com if you want to have some DVDs sent to her.
Are we pretty much done trying to figure out clues? Seems like most people have given up...
Rev -- maybe put a 404 error, site not found somewhere on that tshirt?
Carlton: [extending his hand to shake] Hello. I am Mr. Cuse.
Tyson: Tyson Givens
Carlton: Do you mind if I sit, Tyson?
Tyson: Okay.
Carlton: How long have you been in here?
Tyson: Since the Saturday after Thanksgiving
Carlton: Are they treating you well?
Tyson: Treating me well? I'm a prisoner. And I don't know why, or for what, or...
Carlton: You are a prisoner because they are being careful. They are being careful because they believe you are lying.
Tyson: Why would I lie? They think I've kidnapped Shepard Fairey... I've never even met the bloke.
Carlton: Please, stop talking, Tyson. The first night I spent on this website I was dragged into the ARG by 15 men and one woman. They never spoke a word to me, nor I to them. I ridiculed these artists-- told them they had completely messed up the tone of the show, depicted their WCM's badly. I need you to know how sorry I am for this. I need you to know that I am back on the righteous path now. And that I regret my actions. I ask you for your forgiveness.
Tyson: Why are you telling me this?
Carlton: Because I needed to tell someone.
I have a feeling this group is going to make Comic Con look like amateur hour. It will be amazing!
Transportation??...taxi's? rent-a car..buses?..Personal vehicles..who is doin what?..Looks like a nite for me in L.A..Hotel near 1988 or near LAX depends on Transportation. Maybe we all ought to chip in for a van or..........a LIMO!
LOL Andalone. Unless they are keeping track here, I don't think TPTB know what's going to hit 'em at the gallery. *snicker*
I guess that we could call it a little Powers That Be Appreciation, to counter their Fan Appreciation, heheh.
Someone needs to give local news head up on this. It would be great if the LostArgs group makes the news too!
MEL -- are you coming to LA?!
Ob..I am visualizing the concept...uuhhhmm..selling it to myself...Ill sleep on it tonite and probably begin booking tomorrow.
I could call the L.A. Times and ask if their Art Critic is covering the LOST Art Show!!
maybe even serving some wine at the opening??
just about 40 minutes till the LU meltdown, all!
I'm watching too!
Any idea what will happen in 30 min?
@maven, probably the same Swan thing that happened when LU began. Can't imagine there'll be much on the site, as it all takes place on BDLive. But, ya never know.
Thanks for the ideas! I hope to have it ready for printfection in the morning!
That is of course if Thorsten doesn't object...I kinda dragged him into this one a little.
Maybe I can get one signed for thorsten!
UK people can start to use LU probably if they already have s5? I don't have it delivered yet.
@Maven, no clue. Exciting!
Anyone in the US have their S5 already? Mine hasn't shipped yet!
comixguru has hers. Mine shipped, according to Amazon, about a half hour ago, for delivery tomorrow in Manhattan.
Boy that was kinda weird. Not very exciting. lol
Pretty much, LOL. Oh well, on to the Blu Rays tomorrow. I won't get a chance to watch them until after my office party, but that should be entertaining, trying to understand quantum time travel theory while inebriated.
Ok...what was all that about? LOL
Haha. I have a similar situation. Cant wait!
Lost University countdown was OK, but not as cool as last time. I shot video of it... I'll have to upload it to my YouTube account...
The counter has reset itself for Lost University, Semester 2... on January 15th, 2010.
Security breach????? Is Hans back?
I have to get to bed; first day of school.
How does that glyph set compare to the other one?
I thought for sure there'd be something interactive!
Yawn... set the alarm clock... just in case the Buy Now button went live. Wait. Wrong ARG. :)
Good luck to all you LU students on your 1st day!
@maven & andalone - I've been thinking of tipping the media to us turning the tables during this Fan Appreciation event. DCAAPB + Gallery 1988 no doubt have it covered, but if someone on site wants to serve as media ground contact, I'll be more than happy to craft media/photo release & send out prior. ABC affiliate could also show some interest as it's their property as well. Thoughts???
Off to bed... early to rise.
So is that it? The countdown? Do you have to do everything else with the Blue Ray? (which I don't have) :(
My Dharma version of S5 has shipped and should deliver tomorrow! Can't wait to get started!
Have any of our UK friends tried their S5 Blu Rays yet? Any luck seeing anything...? I'm dying to know what it's like!
Apparently nothing else is happening yet!
Re media coverage on the 15th: I'm assuming that ABC Publicity is doing something and sent out press releases! Like I said, if I have time tomorrow, I'll call the LA Times and see if their Art Critic is covering the show.
Semester 2 starts on my birthday! :D
Don't forget to wear your LOST U shirt tomorrow! :)
I clicked on My Binder and it's the Dharma Logo is just loading...loading.....
Captured the LU message and timer. You can see at YouTube LotteryTicket1
Is there a typo on the date? It says 02-08-09. Shouldn't it be 12-08-09?
Thanks for doing that, LT!
I sent an email to Tom@lostuniversity.org asking about the date and why my Binder won't load.
The glyphs are different- can't find translation in Faulkner's dictionary.
"Hey, you've reached Tom at the LOST University Tutoring Center. I've been pretty busy getting things ready for my next session amongst other things I've been working on. It may take a while for me to get back to you again.
To be honest I've been working on some really interesting plans I want to use to exp"
This is Tom's reply email. You can see it unexpectedly ended...maybe there is a security breach!!!!!
CyberspaceCowboys, perfect Milo!
MEL. still no picture.
Comments on LU forum show that others can't get in yet either. one says classes show "full".
Okay...at least I'm not the only one! Thanks, JT!
Caved and bought a PS3 so I can do LU, got it set up tonight - have to pick up the Blu-ray @Best Buy in the morning, luckily I have to be up for a medical test anyhow. :P
@AmyLynn - congrats on the Ambassador position!! Please tell us more details when you have them :)
Re: LA plans: Might as well contact media, the newspapers/local news have covered the crazy doll meets I've been into, way weirder than Lost fandom, so I bet they'd like it. I seriously hope you guys get a limo! Don't know if you can rent a VW bus, hmm . . . what an entrance that'd be tho.
Had to cancel some travel plans for Jan and Feb - those AA miles keep staring at me, LA is calling like Bali Hai -- or maybe some other Island . . . ah, indecision.
BTW, anyone doing LU from here interested in an "Aly et Alia Vident" sorority/frat? lol. For fans who rabidly pursue clues, I guess ;)
Rev you are going to G88? I am from Texas too! Represent! See you there!
I just sent an email to the LA Times Art Critic about the event on the 15th! LOL
Hi all. I know @LT already posted her video of the Lost University countdown timer. I shot it too, with a HD camcorder, and took more of a full page shot of the countdown, so you can see the hieroglyphs as well as the screen. Not better... just a different view. If you would like to see it, check it out at:
Nerd that I am... I immediately sent an email to Tom at Lostuniversity.org too. I wonder if this is going to start another mini-ARG? It would seem that Tom is in deep doo-doo for breaking into the computer and all... Maybe we'll get the last URL from Tom!!! LOL!
Has anyone translated the hieroglyphs yet...?
NEW POST, for the LU video's
Make sure Pete WEntz is attending the opening and you can guarantee paps.
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