To start with very large thanks to ReverendMilo for all the reports and pictures from last night, it was much appreciated. As I said in the comments, having someone go to the event and report back in almost real time makes these sort of events come alive.
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Next the Hub page has been updated with quite a few pictures, some posted before by @PacesOilChange but there is also a video :

We have reports from Dragon Management that his order number was #778 for the Statue poster, this is the lowest reported so far, and ReverendMilo has told us that his order was #815.#
Update we have had an email to say someone has an order number of 776 for this poster
Ok here's my plan. If for some strange reason this hasn't sold out by the end of this, and depending on what I may have bought in the mean time, I'm going to come back and buy this one.
But if it is sold out then that's hte way it goes. I have limited funds and have to be patient. NOT my strong suit. lol It's soooo tempting. :)
I know what you mean Sayidsgirl, I'm so tempted just to buy everyone, but I promised myself I'd only buy the ones that immediately impressed me, but at the end I might go for another.
By the way if there are any comments, good or bad, on the small changes to the blog header then I'd appreciate them.
I personally like what you've done.
It gives a direct link to a topic you are looking for and it cuts down on the searching. Good job!
slashfilm's article
Zort70 it just gets better and better. Just you are up for the chaos that will be happening in the next 4 months. please let us know if you want any help and any way.
Jason Munn website is cool. I sent e-mail thnks fr th mmrs. And I am loving that FOB song title and track. very apropo.
? Is ReverendMilo wearing the failsafe key?
I had the worst luck last night. It was very much Widmore aka Comcast working against me. About 10 minutes before the print was available for sale, my internet went out because Comcast was working on the lines.
After a while of trying to make it work and look for neighbors with a working wi-fi, I ended up ordering from my phone. This print will be perfect the room I want it in as light will change quite a bit. Should be great!
Sayid's girl, I'm with you. I like this one a lot, but my funds (and wall space) are going to limit me to one or two TOPS. With ten more to go, I'm holding out. Sigh!
Someone on Darks site says they have order #891 so this must have sold over 110 copies
Great work Zort, and Rev, and everyone else keeping up last night!
One suggestion....this post should have been titled "No-toed Roundup", heheh. Seriously, isn't the watercooler moment of the statue, the 4 toes?! Sayid's comment says it all. I just don't understand why they couldn't be on the poster. I'm just sayin'. Oh well, that part made me able to not like it enough to not be sorry that I can't afford to purchase it, so there's my silver lining. :-B
Get some good sleep tonight Zort. :o)
Hiya all,
wish I could have done a better job of reporting last night. The iphone 3.1 update the other day messed my phone up to where if I use 3g internet, and then get a text, I loose 3g until I hard reset the phone.
The show was great, traffic and parking turned a normal 30 minute ride into a 2 hour nightmare so I got in the gate just after FOB went on stage.
I went all around the amphitheater for a bit during the show, checking with vendors, security, and everything else. But I think missing the meet and greet pretty much blew it.
the swag is just blink 182 stickers and keychain LED light. The failsafe key is part of one of my costumes. Security looked at me like I was nutters, which I always enjoy, but I don't think anyone involved with the show ever noticed us.
All in all decent show that I only heard much of because I was wandering around looking for the damn pink sign and being generally a spectacle to teens.
I think you did a great job Rev all things considered. Thanks for being there for us.
Rev, was the swag given or did you have to buy it ?
additionally - @idiotique:
in case you missed this early, I figured out:
and frank had to be in lower case too.
and it looks like it predicted huckfinnwastaken days ago?
You did great as roving reporter, Rev!
Yes - second that it was great to have someone on the inside.
We can present you with the Rachel Blake award for reporting.
You were definitely our eyes and ears, ReverendMilo! You did a great job, even with iPhone difficulties!
I, too, have very limited wall space...but I'm going to find somewhere in my quilt room to put up "Crash" (even if I have to take down a! So I'm only getting the posters that grab me right away and I don't have to think about!
As usual, Zort, you're doing a great job with all round-ups, updates, new headers, etc. Hope you'll be able to run TLC when season 6 starts!
TLC The Lost Community
It's our Lost blog where we discuss the episodes.
You're welcome.
When season 6 starts be sure to come by and discuss it with us.
The problem with me doing things on TLC is that the episodes air in the UK a few days after they do in the US so I'm always behind the times.
I'm happy to help out in other ways though if needed.
Ditto on all the thanks ReverendMilo. Great job!!
I'm also trying to pace myself with these posters. So far so good, but there's still a bunch to go!
Ended up sending a question to store re: my LU t-shirt. Haven't heard back yet. My luck, all those "orders" really went through and I'll end up with 20 t-shirts!
Melissa did the TLC posts for the eps last season, hopefully she can again for S6. Or, we can round up some of us bloggers to take turns with her? We usually just post a released screencap and a brief comment the day of the ep, Zort, nothing detailed cuz no spoilers allowed of course.
OMG, Scoutpost, I thought of that last night. Get ready to call your credit card office to cancel 19 orders, heheh.
I'm not sure who's listed as Admin. over at TLC. I know Dennis has left us and if into his Fringe blog (which is great). Melissa_Lossa did a great job, too!
Scoutpost: Keep checking your credit card statements!
David, Dennis and Mellisa are the admins at the moment.
Zort: That basically leaves ML all alone! She should have some back-up!
I'm happy to do it, someone just needs to make me an admin.
Reverend, just tweeted that there is another video of last night on PeteWentz's website.
Not much more than we have already seen.
What is that?
Idiotique has been trying to figure out the clues to get in
Ok this is a bit unrelated, but on the LU forum, where you can join the fraternities...someone in DocArtz' fraternity posted:
"Drink together, throw up alone"
LOL- just thought I'd share.
I want that on a T-Shirt
Boy, ain't that the truth!!! Erm, not that I'd know. Anymore. :->
Lost is everywhere.
I'm watching Flash Forward and in the first few minutes you see a Oceanic billboard on the side of a building. :)
i watched the LU countadown the other day, and when the clock flipped back, the numbers turned into hyroglyphics like in the hatch, then all these letters appeared pont he screen.
i tried to remember it all, then quickly made a thread asking if anyone was able to get a screen cap of it. huge high five to us losties, cuz someone did~!!! woot!! think it means anything?? probably not, but just in case :3 sorry if this has been addressed before...
Yeah it looked cool. There's a video of it up on's main page.... Though I'm not sure that it's been mentioned here.
I think it was Sayid'sgirl that posted a link to the LU countdown clock on another post here.
OT: FlashForward was great. Shows a lot of potential!
I liked FlashForward, too! The opening sequence was very Lost-esque.
Flash Forward is on in the UK on Monday.
Also I need to say we have had someone contact the admins to say that they had order #776 for the new poster.
Sorry Dragon Management, looks like you might not get a special prize this time
Yes. That was me. Zort posted a link to the lostpedia forum where someone had posted screen caps of it before me though.
Thanks knightsintodreams for bringing that up here. The posts have been fast and furious lately and some people may have missed the previous posts. Love your screen name btw.
OT I really liked flashforward too.
Sorry about the post I made last night zort. I didn't think about it being on later for you. I'll be quite until after Monday from now on if I have an urge to make an OT post again.
Oh btw I did look up the meanings of the hieroglyphs at lostpedia.
But since I have no idea how to read them my best guess on what they mean based on some of the meanings of the symbols would be they're welcoming/summoning us to school. ??lol??
I'm probably way off the mark on that though.
Has anyone found a translation yet? I haven't looked around to find out yet.
Sayid'sgirl, no need to apologies, an Oceanic bilboard is definitely on topic :-)
The most I've been able to find out about the LU countdown clock symbols is part of it is "summon".
The third symbol can mean book,writing or abstract idea.
But all the pictures I've seen of it is horizontal not vertical.
The fourth symbol can mean to or for someone, he, our us. Along with other meanings.
Combining that with the summons symbol I guessed Welcome to our school. Or Come to our school.
I don't know something along those lines. lol
Like I said I'm sure I'm way off the mark there.
I think we are going to have to wait for Damon, Carlton and JJ's book explaining all the hidden easter egss and codes.
Mind you that could be a very large book.
egss are really special hidden items, eggs are the normal ones.
lol I knew that. ;)
I've created a main blog post with the screenshot and details of the video, no comments so we can stay in this post for now.
Anyone wanna place a bet on when we start up again?
I'm guessing either Sunday evening or Monday.
My guess is tomorrow. They've never gone more than 2 days without re-starting.
I'm thinking maybe tonight or tomorrow.
I just spilled tea in my wireless keyboard. Thank goodness I kept my plug in one from my old computer.
I knew it would come in handy. lol
Hopefully it will work again after it dries out. It typed a couple of letters then quit.
Should we ask DCaaPB to split the hub page into new clues and old ones, as the current hub page s getting very large.
FYI, for anybody still anxiously awaiting their Crash poster -- don't worry, they're still trickling in. Got mine yesterday. #258 -- Kyle
@zort twitter prayer made.
You mean a large book like the one in this image Zort?
That's the one Capcom ;-)
Thanks Rev, it is much needed.
reading the big book of Darlton?
a lost encyclopedia, i would pass that on as a mysterious heirloom....
and it could be locked, with the pass code being the numbers X3
that'd be worth like $60 to me~
Yes, I will be very disappointed if TPTB don't write some kind of tome on the making of Lost, how they worked on it, their intentions for mysteries and answers, etc. Taschen is a good international publication company that makes huge art books for relatively affordable prices considering the size and graphics. They could do it!
I wouldn't doubt that they'll all be eager to move on after it's all over though, but they could start on the book NOW and be finished by the time the series is over. :-D
Darlton oughta write a giant book giving out the backstory of all those characters that never got one. That'd be interesting.
As to when they start up again, I think tonight. It better be before 10, though.
Hey all... small little note about LU.
"CarltonCuse" had posted on the forums saying that they were looking into the issue of people not having BluRay players...
It turns out that was not actually Carlton.
The thread (now locked) is here. An admin has posted saying that no one should post pretending to be "faculty" or Lost producers.
and they sounded so genuine.
Yeah, I really thought it was them. :/
Well, that's a disappointment. :(
Real downer. Wonder if the accounts are shut down?
I'm guessing they are. Neither the "DLindlof_ABC" account, nor the "CarltonCuse" account has posted since the thread was closed.
'The Crash' 162/300 arrived at my Canadian doorstep today. Looks very fine.
Gladto see they are still arriving Rob, as mine is still eagerly awaited in the UK.
No new clue overnight then
I've just been reading some other forums and they have pointed out that the highlighted leg / foot on the poster is the wrong side.
In the show it is the left one that remains, not the right.
Just realised the INSIDE THE ROCK POSTER FRAME said that a couple of days ago in the previous post !
This wait bugging anybody?
In a way, yes, but if we're going to get something as vague and misleading as that silver star, well, no :D
but you have to even get annoyingly vague clue 1 to start at all.... so bring it.
(I briefly had Tyson hypnotized and may have turned him more evil than when we started. retweet my prayers as I try to bring him back from the MIB with our faith.)
RevMilo: ? You tweeted that Tyson was the poster 7 clue?
just checking in :) I like those BIG books of LOST...haha.
too bad about the LU threads being false. Some people just can't resist.
Have a great Saturday everybody!
I think Rev is being hopeful
The power of positive thinking.
Lets all think together.
new clue... Vincent?
these are strange clues
Could be some kind of pet store, or someone named Vincent?
good idea, Amy. I wonder if there are any towns in the states named Vincent.
There are plenty that I can see just by Googling, also lots of St. Vincents.
Is there any dog events on the horizon?..Westminster? Is Slobber Tongue a name of a band or anything?..Howabout Golden Retrievers...Time to go GooglE!!!...mel
Westminster is in February, I believe.
Yes, that bugged me too Zort, that it is actually the wrong foot on the poster. Meh, I guess that one could site artistic liberty, but as an artist I say it would not be too difficult to get it right...and, to put the four toes in it.
Yea...a clue! Vincent would be an awesome poster! But there's nothing much to go on here...yet!
Vincent Black Shadow is a Band....named after the motorcycle...I shall pursue..mel
Maybe some sort of Vincent Van Gogh exhibit?
tyson is sometimes a few minutes behind me.
There's a town of Vincent in Perth, Australia....maybe something for our Aussie Losties!
I am willing to lay money down that is it actually this Vincent we need to look for
Heheh, does anyone remember Retrievers Of Truth? X-D
Oh, yeah, Capcom! Everything one can know about Golden Retrievers! LOL
I miss DJ Dan, and admittedly had a little crush on Rachel...
okay..two Musical leads...made the song "1952 Black Vincent " into popularity...
Richard Thompson..will be at Nottinham MA(?) on Oct 6
and the Del McCoury (bluegrass) will be at Chico Calif. on Oct 6..
thats what I got for now..MEL
I wonder if Bob Dylan is a LOST fan? He'll be in the Seattle, Portland area of his tour from the 4th thru the 8th...Why Dylan?...If Dogs Run Free, Why Not We?...of course....MEL
Am I the only one that thinks that Vincent is kinda squatting and "concentrating" in that clue picture?
I am going to examine various neighborhood dog poo and try to discern an pattern or connection between dog poo and Vincent Barbarino.
Gotta take these leaps of faith when all you got is "clue 1"
You all do that. I'm going to church.
There's a mobster called Vincent Mad Dog Coll. He's Irish.
There's a Scientology joke in there somewhere ReverandMilo, but I'm not touching it.
..aaahhh..Travolta is in the middle of an extortion trial rite now..( there was an attempted extortion on him and family)...soooo..I really don't think the abc promo dept would be at the court house..but you never kno!...mel
LOL RevMilo and Capcom re: Vinnie Barbarino and Retrievers of Truth! But of course what else are we to do when that's all we got?
Off topic..just wanna say Roll Tide!
New clue up! A picture of Vincent in the jungle.
Now get this...there is actually a " ring tone" available for your cell fone...that is called..." Dog Poop Jungle Heat...".....VINNNNNIE!!!!......mel
then there is the Univ of Wisc at MADISON ( vinnies real name)...lots of events going on there,,and I suppose they have a bookstore....mel
Yikes. Did you say MADISON, WI. That's me. My wish coming true?
"Love Triangle" just arrived at the door. IT"S 108! I'm feeling super lucky today! No curse.
Let me look around Madison for Vincent clues.
My dad lives in Madison, too, but I don't think I could convince him to go ANYWHERE. LOL.
Still, maybe it'll be Culver's :)
Amy Lynn. I am in Madison. If it the clue comes this way, we are going to have some fun here! Lots of LOST fans. Maybe we can get your dad to join with a little "Jacobian" push.
I'll start looking a Tues/Wednesday events here. The Capitol Building and University of Wisconsin are connected via State Street, a pedestrian friendly avenue with shopping and dinning.
Lottery Ticket, I'd say I hope it involves the Farmer's Market, but next Saturday is too far away.
Just got back from watching Fame at the cinema.
New post coming up
Order #776! BAH! You got to be kidding me!
Fast fingers, indeed.
Dragon, maybe the #776 claim wasn't true and you will still be receiving some prize? Hope so, good luck!
Got 4-toed poster today...and yes, it looks like I was 3rd. Got 103/300. Someone else is getting a sweet 101/300 prize...
Good job to whoever got it! Send us pictures of guitar?
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