As of 13:30 (est) Poster 4 is Sold Out
The URL shows us the new poster :-

This poster is by Eric Tan and called "The Crash". Click here to see Eric Tan's blog.
There is some confusion over the availability time of the poster as it has been showing two different time zones :

It seems that it was EST as the poster is now for sale at 12:10 est.
A special thanks goes to all that have gone down to Wall Street and reported back and extra special thanks to Congested for the pictures.
Ok I'll say this again. Dang it's not even 8:00 here on the east coast. I can't believe I missed this one.
I wonder if someone will get a Dharama jumpsuit, assuming they turn up at the shops.
The poster is interesting but I'm not sure that I like it.
Dharma jumpsuits huh.?
Now I have to go back and catch up on all the posts. I was going to follow congested on twitter but I was too late.
Now that it's all done I'm the only one here. I guess it was woody I was going to follow. Congested posted his twitter after Iwent to bed.
Since there's an event on the west coast too I wonder if something different wil happen there? I'll check back in around 11:00 eastern.
The poster site says that it will be for sale at around noon PST, I'm sure it said noon EST before.
I'm not sure about the poster either, I like it but at the same time it annoys me as it is a little too much of a stylised caricature of everything apart from Jack.
Says EST for me?
Who is the guy in the suit in the background ? Is it supposed to be Christian Shephard ?
Anon - Can you get a screenshot ?
Mine says noon eastern too. Which would be around 9:00 am pst.
Definitely PST for me
zort I've got a screen cap as soon as I can get the dang thing to load into photobucket. My computer has a case of the slows this morning.
Now it is back to EST for me, I've put a picture on the main post of the different times I've seen.
I like this poster, clean stylized, and in the Abrams pilot mindset of only sparsely showing red.
But why is the Oceanic plane logo backwards, like in a mirror universe?
Just emailed it.
Thin, thanks for pointing that out, I'd completely missed that.
Sayid'sgirl, thanks for the email.
Never mind. lol :)
thin, it might just be that the fuselage is upside down ?
I missed that too thin. I've been too busy trying to catch up that I didn't give it a close look. Interesting.
Was the fuselage upside down in the show? I can't remember. I'll have to go look at some screen caps.
I had to sign back in to post. I see how this day is going to go. lol
Have a look at this small screencap
It shows the plane upside down and scene not too dissimilar from the poster.
Thanks zort. You saved me time and a headache, which I already have. No caffine yet! lol
The final Crumbs poster has been updated on the hub page.
Looks like the Dharma initiative is getting sloppy !
BTW Thanks congested for going and sending the pics.
It's not there for me yet. I still have the hand shake picture. :)
Sayid'sgirl, it is the Hub page that is updated, the top image is altered.
The only thing I had in my hub page was the clues.
Oh ok I see it now. I just got my can of Pepsi I'll get better. Maybe. :)
Just got back from the New York "event" where nothing is happening yet.
Amy, did they say anything about what is happening apart from telling you the URL ?
Is the URL displayed anywhere ?
Oh, Amy. That stinks. Thanks so much for going. I do believe something is coming. On they've updated to add a comment. "UH-OH Dharma drop issues expecting between 8:30 and 10:30."
No URL displayed anywhere. Congested got there at like 6:30, and the employee who opened the store at 7:30 knew the URL. The employees knew that the "drop" was going to be late. They said that it involved jumpsuits that they had to wear, and they were not allowed to give them out to the fans.
I stayed till about 9:45, but then I had to go to work. Hopefully Woody or Congested or one of the others will check in.
It was fun to meet everyone, though!!!
I've just updated the previous post with another of Congested's twitter pics, some unhappy Lost fans.
Oh, those poor folks! It's a cute picture, though they look so sad. Chin up, the delivery will arrive! You gotta have faith.
Congested just tweeted that the manager left (!) and had no idea why the drop didn't happen.
Maybe the manager's running to the post office.
Congested tweets that FedEx just dropped a box off!
Amy, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!!! Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Dharma has a Fedex branch :-)
Eugene - ROFL
Eugene - HA!
Didn't you have to say, "Horace sent me" to get the skate decks? Maybe you have to buy a bakers dozen of the apple cobbler cupcakes in order to get a dharma jumpsuit. Just a thought.
Maybe so. I'll go back down there for lunch in an hour or so if something's actually going to happen. Maybe the LA people can tell us... their event should start in 4 minutes
Amy, if you want to buy a poster you may need to go earlier / later.
I'm pretty sure I'm holding out for a Ben or Desmond poster. My boyfriend is only going to let me put up one, if I'm lucky.
We were supposed to say Horace sent me. But the store folks asked us if Horace sent all of us and we nodded. They did not know what was going on. When they opened the box with the skate decks they said "Is this what you came for?". Uh.... yep.
Hollywood Bob says there's no giveaway in LA, either.
Hollywood Bob just tweeted that there is no giveaway in LA. This really seems pointless then. Why have folks go down to LA 3 hours after the website is known?
It does sound like a bit of a mess to me.
Hollywoob_Bob has also said that Fedex may have lost the NY Jumpsuits.
Any Lynn said..
No URL displayed anywhere. Congested got there at like 6:30, and the employee who opened the store at 7:30 knew the URL. The employees knew that the "drop" was going to be late. They said that it involved jumpsuits that they had to wear, and they were not allowed to give them out to the fans.
I stayed till about 9:45, but then I had to go to work. Hopefully Woody or Congested or one of the others will check in.
It was fun to meet everyone, though!!!
September 8, 2009 10:05 AM
Huh that's weird. This was posted at Dark's forum earlier.
by andreas on Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:30 pm
midnight-barber wrote:
not sure if its been said yet but where was the url hidden for this poster??
The staff in bakery had jumpsuits with the url printed on them.
I guess this person was told this by an employee.
Have we found out what the Dharma Fed EX brought yet?
The top Hub page picture has been updated back to the original version.
It may have something to do with the long holiday weekend. The mail and deliveries didn't run yesterday and that probably put them a day behind.
I don't know where "midnight-barber" got his info from. The jumpsuits haven't even arrived in NYC yet, to my knowledge
andreas was the one who said the staff had on jumpsuits in answer to midnight-baber.
Ah, okay. Apparently one worker in NY is in a jumpsuit, and that's it. No giveaway, no nothing.
I didn't put my tags in the right place to bold andreas' name.
Oh, ok then cool. :)
Nothing going on, on the west coast then?
Glad I didn't struggle through rush hour traffic to get to Larchmont Village!
I like this poster and am gonna try and order it! Hope it's 12 eastern...I'm be home here at 9AM pacific!!!
Apparently (so tweeted Congested) the staff even refused to be photographed in the jumpsuits.
Congested - Next time go with asking forgiveness rather than permission.
Wow, really?
I think I would expect someone to take my picture at a special event.
Oh well, too bad though.
*really wanted Michael Emerson to drive up in a Dharma van and give me a cupcake*
Oh, I wish he had driven up and given you a cupcake too.
Zort, have a photo of the sad-looking Dharma-less storefront, if you want it?
I've got a couple on the main blog page, if it is different to those, then please send it through.
to what addy?
Just got my Dharma van print!!!!
Will email you a picture after I have my lunch.
Went by NY on way to work, they were wearing them about 20 minutes ago...all seemed well now.
What do you guys think "around" Noon EST means?
My print number is 126.
Good news Sayid'sgirl, can you see anything extra on the print ?
Maven, around noon doesn't take into account the time dilation effect of the island :-)
order number 453!
order 444!
zort not that I can tell as yet.
All you can see the highlighted numbers unless you get real close.
The camera picked up the darker ones when I took a close up pic.
So maybe you guys were right the 15 was a mistake or maybe when the pulled it it bled or something cause you see all the numbers then the 5 instead of the 15.
But it's ok I don't mind.
I've ordered as well order number 462
Hub also updated with pictures of the jumpsuits
I take that back on my order number. I was too excited and got them wrong. However, I didnt get confirmation on my order number, so I guess I'll have to wait to see.
I ordered! #506
I went back to take a look at it again and it seems the darker numbers are easier to see. hmmm
I have it on the kitchen table and the light from the window is on it maybe that's why.
Wow ReverendMilo, you were fast !
So we know at least 52 posters have been sold today.
My maths is off, 62 posters.
and I managed to take my 2.5 year old to the doctor, mcdonalds, and the pharmacy prior. I convinced her to watch micky mouse clubhouse for 15 minutes at 10:55 cst, giving me just the right moment to start watching...
Love the poster. Although the matte's I choose for this insane variety of artistic styles is going to be a conundrum - buying this poster was inevitable, its cool.
Wow, I really like the style of this poster. A nice tri-color poster format, with a well composed collage. The Hurley collage was a bit too busy for my poster taste, heheh. I bet that this one sells out fast like Locke's, it's a great Lost motif piece.
Good work everyone!
Those jumpsuits have a Cupcake Dharma symbol. WANT ONE!
Love my poster, #449.
just put in order #594 for the latest poster. really liking this one. anyone got any insight into the discount code? i was throwing in random stuff (baker's dozen, widmore fine arts)but nothing worked. would be cool if we could put together some clues from the dcaapb site (and/or venues in the scavenger hunt) to come up with a discount code.
This is my favourite of the four so far. I snagged one, order #511.
Someone has just saidthey have order 607, so looks like only a few of these posters left.
If that's the case then it won't be long before we start getting clues for the next one. has the usual post about the new frame.
Oddly they don't mention the confusion about the Jumpsuits at the NY store though.
I must just have quick fingers. I was #443
Just read at Dark's forum that poster # 4 is sold out.
Also a poster named whmscl has pics from Larchmont.
I posted and asked if they would mine if I shared them over here.
I waiting for a reply.
Yep the ICANGETYOUPEANUTBUTTER site says it's sold out.
my van poster arrived:
hi-res pics
@zort feel free to use.
Whoa! Can't believe this one sold out so fast. I was order #558 at approx. 9:20am PST.
These posters go on sale at a most inconvenient time for me...usually when I'm doing the morning run around with kids. I placed my order from my laptop in my car parked outside a Paradise Bakery!
This was a really nice one. I'm starting to get worried that I'll spend all my alloted money before even half the posters are revealed!
@Scoutpost - Agreed! i'm definitely burning through my bank account with the price of the prints+framing them! After all, what's the point of buying them and keeping them rolled up and hiding? Proudly display your limited prints in all their glory!
Speaking of, I had my "Locke's Secret" print framed at an Aaron Bros. art place... The whole thing cost $50. I decided NOT to go with a matte for that print, as it is very "movie-poster" styled, and it looks better with just a nice solid black frame around it... Especially with the thick white border already on it.
Not sure what to do about the "Dharma Van" print as it's solid black all around... Maybe I'll matte that one...
Ooh thanks for the price info Steve. I was thinking of having a small neutral matte around them, but both the Locke and the Crash one I ordered today may not need them like you said. I was also going to go with a simple black frame. So good to know it was only $50, I was thinking I might have to take out a 2nd mortgage to get them framed like that. ;)
Here are the pictures that whmscl took in larchmont. Thanks whmscl for your permission to share these.
I was looking at frames this weekend. Looks like I'm going to have to go back and buy one.
Scoutpost, yikes! I almost missed it too! Order number #552.
My Methane poster arrived. It's really huge. Now I can clearly see the Methane trademark skull and their logo.
Booking room in Chicago for ZapIt meetup. Should I take a framed poster for decoration? Or will my Jopinionated pin have to serve. Anyone here or lurking going?
Can anyone tell which of the Bakeries (LA or NYC) was photographed for DCaaPB site? How are these photos being taken and by whom? A mystery.
It's the LA store in the pictures
That poster is SWEET...
So far this is my favorite. Of course, I didn't order it, even if I had planned on it...obviously it's already sold out.
I wonder if the vultures (non-LOST rare art collectors) bought this one up or if it's just fans.
*(my original comment poster name was STEVE, decided to make it more official)*
@Thunderstorm - I'm wondering about the "vultures" myself... These prints go up on Slashfilm pretty fast. That site gets some pretty major traffic.
But I doubt any non-Lost fans are buying them... What's the point of dropping $50 on something you're not familiar with?
Looks like Eric Tan has done som other pretty cool posters, like these for Pixar. Just sayin'- he does cool stuff.
What's the point of dropping $50 on something you're not familiar with? One word....Ebay. :-p Movie/TV collectible dealers would love to get their hands on these things for resale. But, since the first and third posters did not sell out yet, there may not be too many of those non-Lost buyers yet after all.
This one you would figure to go quickly, it's such a quintessential Lost visual. Someone walks into your living room where that is hanging, and they are going to know exactly what it's all about! :-D
Yes, I really like Eric Tan's artwork too, the pieces on his blog are great, thanks for posting that link on the front Zort.
And Locke looks badass!
LOL, agreed!
Sayid'sGirl. thanks for asking about the LA photo's, I've updated the previous post to show a couple of them, hopefully in the right sequence.
Do you think that if TPTB want someone to take decent photo's for the Hub page, they ought to ask one of us ! I'm quite happy to cover the UK if needed.
Anyone see THE NUMBERS? Maybe in the Dharma logo?
You're welcome zort.
I just made an hour and a half round trip to get a frame, got it home and it doesn't fit. Well at least it was on sale. :) That's been my day since I got up. lol
I wonder why the haven't put a sold out banner on the picture at DC&PB yet?
Wow, these went quick! Order #575... got lucky I decided early.
So excited I got in on this one! I just knew it would sell out!
Glad you were able to get it maven. I liked it, but not enough to buy it.
I got one, order #591! :)
BTW Zort, you sure called it right for the poster coming out on Tuesday. :-D
The SOLD OUT sign is up on Crash.
Hey, gang...just some friendly advice. I noticed the pics of the 'disappointed' NYC LOST fans giving the 'big event' today at Crumbs a big 'thumbs down'.
Please remember...there is a disclaimer in PLAIN VIEW on the DC&PB site that says..."Don't run and jump in your car and race to the will have no better advantage than those following along at home".
There's a reason that is there...Liability. It's the same reason radio stations are not aloud to go on the air and say, "The first 15 people to show up at Joe's Deli on 23rd and Main win FREE U2 tickets!". They use to do that...until someone jumped in their car and killed someone racing to Joe's Deli for free tickets.
There is serious liability issues involved in holding any type of 'contests' or 'giveaways' where you must 'race' to be first in line in order to 'win' something. That's why that disclaimer is there.
This is NOT a contest...there IS no official 'prize' for showing up at these things. They don't owe you a Dharma Jumpsuit...or even a free cupcake. Disney legal would NEVER allow that. That;s why we only get 12 hours notice TOPS on where the 'event' is being held. You can't buy the art at the site...all you get for being the FIRST to know the new website address....even can't order until everyone else following at home can order anyways.
So being bummed about attending these events should be expected. They TOLD you "don't kill yourself getting here" right on the site.
Just something to think about if the next event falls in YOUR town.
Cheif Brody: Very wise advice! The liability problem is very valid. Getting the info first on the next site really does nothing for you. The posters don't go on sale right away. I think as this goes on there will be less and less people showing up at these thing.
Thanks, Maven...And thanks to the admins here at LostArgs...I enjoy following the progress, and seeing the first person accounts as these events unfold...from the safety of my home computer! Lol!
I have just been reading a lot of 'disappointed' fan reactions from those who made it out to these things at various sites and Twitter feeds...and were bummed because there was no "reward" for their effort...or no LOST stars there to take a picture with.
Your best bet before heading out the door to head to one of these to keep your expectations LOW. Lol!
They actually did give out a prize for being one of the first to show up at an event, for the Locke poster. So it's not crazy to think that they might do it again, especially since this is the first real-life event since the Locke 'launch'
Capcom said...
BTW Zort, you sure called it right for the poster coming out on Tuesday. :-D
Yes but I also said the address would be revealed in the Mysteries of the Universe video, so I'm only half right.
Chief Brody, you are right that the Rules of the Road do tell us
" can participate right from your living room. Sometimes, it might even help..."
However the first couple of events where people turned up and got something for their trouble, a Lost cast member, A skateboard deck and a t-shirt did rather set expectations for this event. I think the general feeling was that there would at least be a free cup cake !
The photo on the front is more in jest than a serious moan about things, and I think we are all really appreciating what is going on so far.
Glad you are enjoying the reports of what is happening, hopefully there will be more people going to events to report on things, even if there are no material rewards.
I've created a NEW POST to show some images from the people that have received their VAN posters.
Just a reminder. If you receive a special prize and letter from Alexandra Miler for having fast purchasing skillz, please let us know. We are detecting ('cause that's how we roll) clues to the next poster.
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