From the comments this appears to be a seating plan for the Superpages.Com arena, formally known as the Smirnoff Music Center and also the Starplex Amphitheater.
The pink X on the star comes from the band Blink 182, their logo has a very similar X and the current tour colour scheme is pink.

Thanks to ReverendMilo for telling us where the seating plan is located, and Roxanna for letting us know about the new clue.
Also LotteryTicket gave us this link fusetickets.com/seat_maps/superpages.com_center_dallas_tx_seating_311.JPG that shows the seating plan shown on the hub page.
Another one of those moments when I can't sleep, so turn on the computer and there is a new clue to talk about.
Good work, everyone.
With the LU launch on Tuesday, it was good of them to plan something for Wednesday!
The only thing of significance near the superpages music center is fair park. At fair park, the Texas State Fair opens...the next day.
If there is a daytime event wed. in Dallas, I will have it covered with the Dharma Mini Clubman, but after that day care runs out and I will be sending one of my proxies.
(re-comment from previous blog entry comment)
I'd love to see a photo of the Dharma Mini Clubman !
I've also gone back and reedited the previous post about Pink as you were right it was you that mentioned it first (I know it's a bit late now but hey)
Going back to bed now as it's 4:45am and I'm feeling like sleep again.
ReverendMilo. Your wish came true. Tks Tyson.
Maybe a call around to radio stations to see if blink-182 does remotes or in-station promo. Does the superpages.com Center have an electronic billboard running event information that can be viewed by public/traffic? Just thinking that the url would have to be publicly announced or seen.
people have to buy concert tickets? O.O'
How funny...I'm in Dallas now! (for a funeral) Unfortunately have to go back to Phoenix tomorrow. Man I just keep barely missing these last 2 clues!
Hey Gang...
I have a feeling there will be a LOST University sign up booth outside the stadium at the main entrance. A friend of mine attended the D23 Convention in Anaheim last Saturday (link to follow) and he already registered for LU at a sign up booth there.
I have a strong feeling you will NOT need a Blink ticket, and actually be inside the arena to get the new art website.
With LOST U launching the day before...they are likely to be promoting THAT site, as well as revealing the new DC&PB site at this event.
Anyways...If you are interested in seeing my Friend Paul's report on the D23 Convention, and seeing pics of Sterling Beaumont & Francois Chau's autograph signing, and the elaborate LOST U "Dorm Room" they had set up...Check out Paul's blog at:
Congratulations to Michael Emerson...so richly deserved!
LotteryTicket, I will try to check with my radio station buddies but I am betting Cheif is righty.
I will make a Tyson prayer for you now that it seems he granted my whispered request.
Dharma Wants You Wins Primetime Creative Arts Emmy
Thin, now I know the world has gone stark staring bonkers.
No way, no way, no way
Ok how does a failed ARG win an emmy? :)
DWY made me look like an ass to my friends that I tried to convince that Lost had more to offer outside the show.
DCPB should be a lock for the award next year.
and here ya go Zort
I've added a poll to the blog, lets see what people think.
Rev - at least something today has made me smile.
That Dharma mini ferried 2 swan workers, 1 hydra lab tech, an to "numbers" tramps to the Austin 6th St Halloween fest.
It gives Dallas drivers in the know a smile every once in a while too. :)
You've got the ARG-ESP Zort! :-D
Gosh, watching M.E.'s win and speech put a huge grin on my face without realizing it. He seems like a really gracious and neat guy. But holymoly, were those the Hoodlum peeps taking the award for DWY? Maybe they got the award for the Comic Con booth with the DI setup and all. I wish that I could get awards for my failures, heheh.
I see Black Swan has been posting over on Myspace following the announcement last night.
Capcom - I'm not sure that's a good thing, it is waking me up at all sorts of odd times in the early hours.
Well, while the ARG wasn't successful, it was creative.
LOL Yeah I knew she would get a kick out of the video. I had to send it to her after I seen it.
Thanks thin that link made alot of peoples day. :)
Sayid'sgirl, you are most welcomed.
It made me smile too.
see it.
and . . .
*sings loudly and obnoxiously*
hmmm curiousier and curiousier.
new clue file name....
this is out of character, ussually the images are named clue number names
The guitar is a bass guitar. Blink 182's bassist is Mark Hoppus. Perhaps he, or his twitter account or something, will be the source of the URL.
Actually, the new clue seems to point to Fall Out Boy rather than Blink 182. The particular model of the bass guitar is the Squier Pete Wentz P Bass guitar. Here's a pic of the guitar on Squier's website.
Pete Wentz is in Fall Out Boy. And Fall Out Boy is playing with Blink 182 at the Dallas show.
image of guitar
The Squier Pete Wentz P Bass® guitar next to the Fender® Bronx Mowgli P Bass guitar.
It's Fall Out Boys
Here's events link with pink x
LOL, zort! Thanks for pointing out my recent blog post! (and thanks to Sayid'sgirl and Thin for the link)
When I think back to last year, the most fun I got out of DWY was making that myspace page because of our disappointment and finding out that other people felt the same way. Free thinkers from around the world came to let out a collective whine in very creative ways! LOL! Gosh, maybe that's why I'm not so into this "ARG" now.. hmmm, I haven't thought of that before.
BTW, enrollment for Lost University starts tomorrow.
New post on the way
here is where the image came from. name riddle solved
unlocke at Dark's forum posted this.
So I guess no one has heard about, Pete Wentz' Time Travel ARG Website? Oh, you guys are way behind...
See you in another life brother(s)!!!
So I googled it and came up with this.
By the time I post this I'll probably have to move it to the new post. :) LOL yep just got the tweet.
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