The new small and subtle clue mentions two people J. Perkins/R. Morrison, they are both Wildcat football players and their player numbers are 9 and 14. If the numbers are substituted into the clue we get 9/14 which looks like a date.

The "Wildcat Readers...." part of the clue could relate to the original clue which had the picture of the Bookstore, however there is also a Library at the university with an exhibit opening on 9/14 which is curated by Beth Alpert Nakhai. The library is next to the Wildcats Gym.

Thanks to Amy Lynn for telling us about the new clue, gkpipes for the date information, and LotteryTicket for the Library information.
Great research work on the numbers.
Good good stuff. I'm thinking we may see an ad or something in the Wildcat newspaper on 9/14. Awesome stuff
Yes, thanks to all that worked hard to get the information.
I'm off to bed now as it is nearly dawn here and I haven't had any sleep yet.
they were so clever to use those numbers as a possibly hidden date :)
Well done Zort! You're doing a great job posting and keeping up with this. I know we'll find out for sure when/where soon, but at least we have enough info that people can start their plans and it not be a total surprise.
Zort: I'm just in awe how on top of things you are! You were born for this job!
I saw that discussion about the URL's, but never checked them out. And you're right...knowing them really doesn't mean anything in the long run. Just takes away from the fun of the "game".
Thanks for the kind words, but my job is made a lot easier by everyone that contributes ideas and suggestions, no matter how small.
I'm amazed how people come to the blog and post the links many times in hopes of spoiling. Glad you took care of that. Good work on the blog everyone !
To be fair I think the link to the other blog wasn't posted with the intention of spoiling, just because it was suddenly available.
Talking of that blog there are a few small hints that it might be more than just an everyday blog. However until more concrete evidence we have to consider it is not official in any way.
Sent a quick e-mail to Arizona Daily Wildcat on the off chance they might cover event.
Myrna Irene Brown-Kainth
Inherent Brainy Workman
Zort, can you fill in any more info? I will lurk and listen, Thanks
Nice one zort :D
Oh yes... I forgot this:
fl md convo mkj
fl 815"" - B16(20)&&B16(3F)
Are those seat numbers of flight 815?
Anyway... cool idea :)
Please explain? Have we gone to the dark side?
Maybe 'Manny' finally got his reassignment surgery because MiB sure has his writing style
The link is from the latest zort's post about the url's...
By the way i'm totally agree with you about the url's zort.
While this url reveal removes some of the Mystery involved...the reveal does not show where the " events" are to be and Meeting up with other LOST Fans is not hampered either. What I am getting at is that the reveal of url's is almost non sequitor. Its information about apples with hardly a bit about oranges.
I suppose a copy of the WildCat newspaper with what ever " clue" it may have ( I believe that same clue will be posted at DC&PB) would be a cool memento to have. I should look for one if I make it to U of A. Which brings me to this question aimed at Tom..Tom do you have a sense of how many folks may be at the bookstore Tuesday morning for a probable Lost event? Being at the beginning of a line,,if there is any, is a concern for me...thx....MEL
That's odd, I'll see if I can find out where that came from
Bear LaCheck, more puzzles ?
Some fun for those that want to know
hex to text, then rot3
it's either my 2 day headache or maybe it's my blondness that stoping me from figuring it out. I can't figure out rot 3 at all. Oh well :-(
cute :)
caeser cipher lisa
much thanks, now can you make this headache go away pretty please ?
I am dealing with a hangover of my own, and now I am going to try to brave the apple store with it to upgrade my phone.
I wish I could say it was a hangover so then I could at least have had fun getting it. But no, I'm either getting a cold or it's a weird migraine. Maybe a stiff drink would fix it lol or at least the hang over could cover it up ;-)
Hey Reverend Milo, you better cut back on the wine in church lolol Your suppose to pass it around you know.
11 1011 10 01 11 0 00 000 1 0000 0 000 0 1010 010 0 1 1 0000 0 0010 001 10 00 000 00 11 0110 01 1 00 0 10 1
Wow, you folks are doing great, and Zort is so on top of things, I'd almost guess that he'd momentarily taken the TARDIS ahead a day to post the new threads so quickly!
the wine flows free in my church and the spirits move through all.
ooo bear, I think I like you.
My name is the secret the fun is impatient?
morse code hidden as binary...
Hvsm tg er yoex ?
Thanks Capcom, I'm working on a TARDIS, but my budget won't stretch that far.
Bear LaChek is that vinegar ?
Front Page:
"If the numbers are substituted into the clue we get 9/14 which looks like a date."
NUMBERS for a DATE recurs again
I said on Sept 2, 2009:
"Since we know that Dharma was experimenting with 'time', could the Numbers be someway tied to time?" Full post here:
thin, you could be right, the numbers could correspond to some sort of date or series of dates.
Pehaps these are nexus dates where things have to happen, or things will always happen ?
Could it also (maybe) refer to ages? Six numbers, Oceanic 6... I dunno. Going out on a limb, probably. Like defining moments that occurred at a specific age that changed everything?
Final clue is in.
University of Arizona Bookstore.
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
That's PST, yes?
NEW UPDATE CONFIRMING U OF A BOOKSTORE 7:30 AM TO 5 PM CAN'T WAIT!!! has a picture of sawyer reading a book as the poster
Is that the Sawyer photo in R.Midfew/DC/Scheer meeting?
If it's an all day affair, when do you think they will release url?
Who's going? need #tweets
Arizona does not observe daylight savings time. It is in the Mountain Time Zone. Checking the web it looks like 7:30 a.m. in Tucson will be 9:30 a.m. for me in the Central Time Zone.
Um.... 7:30 am MT is 8:30 AM CT, 9:30 ET
for those of you interested, I just went to impatientashell.com and found some new info was added to explain the site.
Here are the pics from the latest!
Utah and Arizona are both in the Mountain time zone. But since Arizona does not have daylight savings time, it is 1 hour earlier than Utah. The following website shows the current time in Tucson.
the text now on that front page was in the html source code earlier.
Could Zort have an alias ? LOL
i will tweet (@CerberusVenting) the website and some pics of the display as soon as i see them. my girl and I are heading up there tomorrow morning before they open up, so we will get there around 7am and will try to get a picture through the window if possible.... stay tuned. and on a little side note how great is it that they are doing this for us, they could say screw you until the premiere but instead they offer limited addition once in a lifetime artwork just for us, just fantastic to love a show who's creators love you back.
I heartily concur, Cerberus. Looking forward to your updates. :-)
there is an official announcement up now.
Thanks for the pics TomRex!
CV,,,I plan on being there. You will know me by the Hawaiian Shirt I wear,and most likely be the oldest olde fart there..I am bringing camera..so look good!..HA!!..This should be fun!! 7 sounds good!..MEL
Anyone wanna give just a hint as to how I'm supposed to go about finding the username and password on impatientashell.com?
Or just what significance the F.L. 815 code thingy has? if any?
Idioteque: those are the hints to the username & password :)
TomRex: Great pics and great model! I'm so envious!
I guess 7:30AM in Tucson is 6:30AM for me!
First off, TomRex.
if that print or jumpsuit becomes too much for you to deal with, contact me.
I am absolutely dying for that print to go over my mantle, I am not kidding. Really. not enough cash on hand for a few more prints, it can be fixed.
and I have paid so far for 3 custom dharma jumpsuits and one dharma lab coat. I am assembling a team for a con. if the suit doesnt suit you, let me know
email me @ thereverend@spacestationh.net
if you end up needing to part with your treasure.
Second: Bear LaCheck.
Just back online, been dealing withh apple store, hangover and toddle so I am behind.
Third, everyone else: what is up with Bear LaCheck, I am good at puzzles but bad at anagrams, and as about as sharp as a feather duster at this point of the day. Is his name something? Did Zort get it with Vinegar, so lost...(and kinda punny at the moment I guess)
is there any specific knowledge of HTML or some sort of computer or other language I need to be familiar with to "decipher" it?
I think I may have figured it out, but if my theory is correct, I need to know who sat where... I've looked and looked and looked some more, but I can't figure out "3F". And I'm not positive I have "20" right either.
@Idioteque: I found the info when I selected the text on the page. No need to really know HTML
@roxanna: did you read my post after that one about the 3F and 20 though?
@Idioteque FL are initials &there are clues in the text as to who it is
@roxanna: ok. i get where that goes... but i just can't get anymore of it. i'm sure at this point you're just being annoyed by my ignorance, but could you give me a hint what the B16 parts of the text are?
also, I know what the FL is, but I dont know where it goes or if i should use the full name or what
@Idioteque I am not sure about that part of it. Got as far as figuring out FL
Idioteque - the B16 stuff means that those are in hexadecimal code (base 16). So B16(20) means 32 and B16(3F) means 63. But that's all I can figure out.
Bear LaCheck sounds like the name of a bear that plays hockey. :o)
What the heck are you guys trying to decipher? I am so lost (no pun intended)!
Thanks, Roxana. I did check out that site. Are you guys trying to figure out the password?
Yeah. I'm guessing the username would be flapidus, right?
I don't understand that stuff written under Ben's pic. He is a fan, protecting TPTB? It's over my head I guess.
Ok, well I guess it's all confirmed now. I won't be able to get there at 7:30am while others will be able to...so I'm going to stay put. I'll tune in though to see the new poster. Have fun guys!
Arizona is ALWAYS on MST, we don't do daylight savings time...so to make a long story short... right now we are the same time as PST and will be until everybody "falls back". Then we will be on the same time as the rest of the MST states. So tomorrow:
7:30 in Tucson = 7:30 in PST; 9:30 CST; 10:30 EST.
I'm pretty reliable on this since all our family resides either in CST or EST and we're always having to figure what time it is so we can call them.
Hope this helps. :) See ya'll tomorrow!
thank you for clarifying! I looked it up earlier and was a little confused.
Thanks, Scoutpost! Now I get an extra hour of sleep (won't have to get up at 6:30AM).
NEW POST for the announcement.
let's get this straight.. Has ANYONE made it past the first page of impatientashell.com?
well, dang, I don't like that poster either ! Oh well, I'm happy with my van.
New poster up of Jack checking out Sawyer and Kate in the cages. Not my style
Hi Milo - I tried to send you an email - but it bounced. hir mw up - treasor@gmail.com
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