Here is The Barracks, what more can I say ? There has been a fair amount of criticism about this poster saying that it is too simple, and a lot more detail would have made it a better poster. I personally would have liked to have seen more of the houses.
The style of the poster with the almost photographic backdrop and the more cartoon style house seem to jar with one another at first glance, but as the poster is observed the two styles merge again and seem to compliment each other.
This first picture is from Lisa, and I wouldn't recommend using rocks to hold down the corners :

We also have another couple of other pictures from MEL and TheHoJo
Part of the comment that Nate Duval left us, which was posted in full in the
poster 13 roundup post, was this :

Looking at this picture of the barracks from the TV show it looks very similar, although interestingly this is almost a mirror image of the poster.

Notice how there is some hatching on the picture, this is very similar to how a newspaper photograph looks, I'm not sure if this is deliberate or a consequence of the printing process used.
These closeups were sent to us from Patmc
and finally, as usual some signatures (courtesy of Lisa, Patmc, and Dennis)
I think this poster is so sweet. I've liked all of the more subtle posters, which one wouldn't necessarily readily recognize as LOST as much as it's just a neat art piece. Even though, oh Frame 13! I will forever remember you for dropping the day my lame company imploded and laid off a fourth of itself.
Sidebar: I am having random anxiety about the 14th poster, I guess because we never got to log back in to make sure it was authorized. I know I have a lower order number, both emails, have had no calls and there were no oversells- but I'm still waiting for something to go wrong there! Haha.
By the way, Lisa's picture on the front looks a little different in colour to the other pictures. I think that is just the flash on the camera that has toned down the yellow on the house.
Maybe the people that have the poster could confirm if it is a more muted shade in real life or it is more like the yellow seen in the other pictures.
lostsailors, yes it must be very frustrating that there is no way to check the order status at the moment.
Maybe you could log in when the Buy Now appears, then purchase your poster after that.
Alright maybe that is a bad idea !
I could also just write customer service like a normal person. But then what if they go, "um, no." I would just die, I tell you! Just die! Haha.
Morning folks. I emailed GoMerch to ask how I could check the status of my Ben order. Zero response sadly so I join in that random anxiety!
I liked The Barracks at first glance and my view hasn't changed. I think it may well end up in my top three. Really looking forward to seeing mine in person but in the meantime these are great pics another nice post Zort.
Right, the time line has been updated, and I'm off to do some everyday mundane things.
Back later.
Haha, well maybe they will have a couple of notes Chris, because I finally sent off an email too. I thought I would be able to check up by now! Now being right before the next poster drop. Also it's 2AM and apparently I feel like I have nothing better to do than worry about that poster out of nowhere! Methinks it might be bedtime...
Sleep well lostsailors, big day tomorrow!
Morning All & Good Night lostsailors -
First off - my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery for andalone.
A sleepless night. Tossing... turning wondering if I should head to the office & try for the poster tonight, or try from home. As with most, I've been this close for the last 3.
Photos of The Barracks are great. Lots of mixed opinions, but for me because of the scenery based on the actual mountains of Hawaii, it has special meaning to me. Very fortunate to have a fellow LOSTARG'er who was willing to trade.
In honor of all those going tonight, I say we all make grilled cheese sandwiches as a BIG thanks to them as well as share in what is sure to be a VERY fun time.
In closing, this could be the last "traditional" poster reveal that we've become accustomed to... so GOOD LUCK & see you all tonight.
JPL, grilled cheese sandwiches sound good! Wherever you decide to be to go for this one... Good Luck to you too.
Good luck to all today - not sure if I'll have a chance to buy (assuming I like it) as my father-in-law's B-day is today and we're suppose to go out to dinner. It seems wrong to skip that, but thinking about it . . .
yes, the yellow in mine was messed up by the flash and bad lighting in the office. Ok, so rocks wasn't the best choice lol my bf would have died if he saw me do that. He made me carefully put it back in the tube after I checked it out. I do love it though, it is part of the show that I love- the cute yellow houses in the midst of the chaos and destruction. The lack of food, hunting with sticks and sleeping in caves, then they see these and they have a book club etc.
Just stopping in to say get well soon andalone and thanks to LT for always hooking us up with the Twitter list! Good luck today everyone!
I'm worried I still haven't received my Barracks poster yet. Has everyone who ordered one got it already?
It will swan came weeks after everyone else's...for no good reason. They've always came through, save for one weird, sketchy case I've heard about.
Get well soon, andalone.
All the best to andalone.
Spiegel Online just posted a story about Shepard Fairey here…
beware, it's german.
I don't believe in coincidence, btw ;))
I got The Barracks on the 25th, it said it shipped on the 18th. I live pretty close by in Southern California and it took 7 days. There were other people in Southern California that received their poster days before I received mine. Who knows the mysteries of the USPS?
I haven't bought a print since the Hatch but I usually got mine 3-4 days after the site said it was shipped and I live in Ohio. Go figure.
I watched "The Economist" about the time this poster came out, and noticed that the laundry line and white lawn chairs were there at the abandoned barracks. So they didn't come from thin air either. I think the whole idea of the unreal cartoon house against the menacing photorealistic mountain works fine. Maybe I just like the "have to know the story" meanings.
I hope the party goers tonight will have a great time. It sounds like the owners of the restaurant actually know what is happening, but I have been wondering if it would be weird to call and make sure the staff ask their bosses what's up tonight. Seems like folks at the reveals get so many blank stares.
Is there a place I can check to see if I am hitting the right buttons as quick as I can to order? I believe Rev Milo had some tips at some point? No harm in trying, except for potential heart attack waiting for buy now.
The Barracks is the least favorite, for me, in this series. No matter how long I contemplate it, explore it, I am let down by it.
I sense a last minute effort by the artist. Like, its Saturday morning and the deadline is 5pm Saturday evening and he hasn't started on it.
I previously posted about the mountain's realism..Well,yea,,since its apparent he used a photograph. And the accompanying photo of the bungalow shows the artists inspiration...ahem..
This print reminds me of a cover of the Cigar Aficionado magazine a ways back, with Susan Lucci on it. Bedecked in flower petals with a cigar in her mouth; oh..shes a cigar aficionada one mite of assumed. 4 pages of interview had only two sentences from her concerning cigars: Yes, I enjoy a cigar every now and then...and..I like the light ones...ooookaay. So much for Aficionado...The case against the magazine, not Susan Lucci,,began with that article.
When comparing Duval's effort with the rest of this series, perhaps one can see, how this minimum effort pulls down the rest.
I found it interesting,,that Duval appeared to " explain" the print as he visited Lost fan websites..I don't recall other artist who thanked the fans.." explaining " their work. I mean..if you have to " explain" it from the onset..that puts you on the defense rite quick. Point being..if you have to explain..then that is a sure sign of failure to communicate in the first place.
The juxtaposition in styles,,as in photographic realism of the mountains with casual primitive of the bungalow is more distracting , interference,,than flowing and unifying. If the Untruth of the Others in their La-Di-Da mundane self rightousness was his target..he missed it..imho. The " cuteness" of the bungalow distracts from the underlying message of that whole tableau of everything going Wrong in Otherton. I have to put too much into this print to get anything out of it. It should be " In the Print" waiting for me to find it...communication.
The artist sites the " AAA HAA" moment of realizing the Others lived in houses. That assumption was made the second they showed up in a motorboat with molotov. So to me..that wasn't so much of an AAAHAA moment. That Duval got stuck with it, may be unfortunate. Perhaps his lack luster effort is only reflective of his perspective of the " brick" he got handed. Too Bad. I contend that there is a lot more to the " AAHHAA" moment he refers to,,that simply isn't in this Susan Lucci put it,," I like the light ones".
So after a tirade such as above,,I am still grateful to those who made it possible for me to possess it. With out them my critique would be even more unfair. I strive for a complete collection and am the first to admit to the realization not all are going to " succeed". Such is life. The trick Eco..not to be sorry for it.
Just got my second ever print through today, Jacobs Cabin. It's stunning, can't believe how good it is. If I don't get another print I know that I'm a very lucky man.
Morning all on another reveal day! Sounds like the Chicago contingent will have a great time...try to grab extra swag for us left at home!
Hope to make it home from a kid's party in time to follow along!
mrtibbs-Am officially extremely jealous again. Got D Danger's Hast thou slain the Jabberwock by extraordinary luck this week, and I am following his store to see when Jacob's Cabin might be for sale.
Can I ask- do you know if most people that get the posters are using some kind of auto populate to log in the email address and password?
This is the first print I've managed to pick up. I really wanted Jacob's Cabin but couldn't get through the screens fast enough. I was very happy that I grabbed this one.
@ Mungonna: While you've laid out your criticisms quite clearly, I could not disagree more. Your opinion is a valid as an opinion, but I'm having a hard time reconciling your belief that this print brings the others down, and your need to have it. First (my opinion), while there are a few other prints that I would rather have, there are many more that I would not consider trading for. I'm not going to attack any print in particular, but I think we've all seen several that did not sell out until people decided that they had potential future monetary value. Second, if this one is harming the rest, why own it?
I think Nate came here to respond to strong negative statements from yourself and others. The quick sell out and difficulties with GoMerch left alot of people feeling angry and we saw some less than noble behavior from mostly anonymous posters, forcing Zort to change the rules and stop anonymous posting. Nate didn't have to explain anything to me. I think the ugliness due to disappointment shown here and on the other sites compelled him to respond.
Here's my take on this print: When we first saw the barracks they seemed out of place with everything else we'd seen on the island – a kind of Ozzie and Harriet idyllic existence in the midst of the island's darker realities. I thought the barracks lifestyle and architecture were reminiscent of 50s-60s suburban US culture, and the print's use of hand-colored photographic elements and hand-drawn, cartoonish barracks mirrored the pop art movement of that period. The "cuteness" and "interference" that you described, while I doubt he'd use those words, are the very message that I think the artist intended. The barracks don't fit the island. Maybe that wasn't super-obvious, but all art doesn't have to read like a comic book either.
@ LT: I just opened my tube this morning. 208/300
I've just put the World Time clocks on the main post at the top, now with added Chicago.
Thanks Zort- that is the easiest way to figure out times- rather than adding and subtracting and calculating in Daylight Savings Time, etc. I wish the different boards would use the same times for post listings-sometimes you want to know who said what, when.
What's up with Adelaide though?
I got my poster yesterday. I don't hate it like some people, but I thought I might like it more once I got it in person I think the artist missed an opportunity to make it more iconic. IMO, it really needs just one more thing. What is supposed to be "smoke from the 815 crash", just looks like clouds to me - especially since there are more clouds on the right. I think everyone would have LOVED it if Flight 815 was breaking up in the sky, or there were some hidden Dharma symbols in the mountains or something...
But like most things in life, and especially art, I wouldn't have been able to create something so awesome, so thank you Nate Duval!
That's one thing that I thought too Dennnis, even a little contrail implication would have done wonders in transforming that cumulonimbus cloud into crash smoke. I too noticed the dot-newsprint effect in the early close-ups Zort, and didn't know what to think about that. I also agree with Mel that the photo-image doesn't work for me personally with the Peanuts-like house, but that's just me. But whatevs, art critiquing is in the eye of the beholder, and there are even people who don't like the Mona Lisa. :-)
Spy answer you question. why own it?...because its part of a Collection. As with all things Life, you have to take the Good with the Bad. I am not the curator of this Collection so I have to take it as it is.
Again..the idea of the Others not really belonging on this " Island" was communicated to me way before the exposure of their living quarters. It started with calling them.." Others".
The rest of the prints beckon me into exploration of content, style, craft, and unique. My involvement with this print is over way to soon in comparison to the rest. There is not enough being communicated here for it to be in the same weight class as the rest....imho.
I don't agree. Of course we knew that "others" lived on the island, but it was shocking to see HOW they lived. Until this scene, were were supposed to assume that they were survivors, like our Losties, scraping out an existence on the island. Even when we found out that things were not as they seemed, the extent of how different life was for the others was dramatic (book clubs, hamburgers, etc).
I like the concept of the print, I just would have done it a little different.
That it's a collection is part of the problem we have in forming an opinion on each individual piece though surely? We're being asked to accept 15/16 different pieces of art by very different artists, the appreciation of which is always subjective anyway, as a whole. An impossible ask really and yet, in the main, we've adopted each piece and each artist and given them credit for trying to represent "our" show.
I wonder if any of these artists knew what they were really getting into with this? If they did then they were pretty brave IMO to even go there. To even attempt to somehow do justice to another classic piece of art, this amazing show that we all feel so passionate about, takes some balls.
I do love The Barracks. Unlike mungonna, I was utterly stunned by the reveal of Othersville, a defining moment for me, amongst many I admit, but still a very powerful reveal. I hadn't developed that sense of The Others that mungonna had at an earlier point. Consequently, this artwork does represent a profound moment from the show to me and I like the juxtaposition of styles. Sure, as Dennis said, a more defined smoke trail may have given it an edge but it's not there so...
Is it time to get excited yet?
I hear you. I'm often the completist when it comes to collecting something.
Personally, I like the simple nature of this print, and having much more going on would have less appeal for me. I don't think having and airplane breaking apart in the sky would make this better, just more obvious. Jacob's Cabin has a similar appeal for me. If someone without any frame of reference saw it in my living room, I don't think I would have to recap several seasons of a TV show in explanation. If they were a fan of the show, I don't think I'd have to explain it either. To me, that's more successful.
I do like the overall look of the poster...the shiny blue sky behind the lush green hills protecting the yellow bungalow. Very iconic Lost material. Anyone who's even watched the show casually since Otherville was revealed would recognize the subject matter.
In contrast,,the Title.".The Barracks" with the casual cottage,,how Ironic!..The "OThers" military perspective of their Island existence ,,while firmly displayed previously of this reveal, is lacking in the print. So., as Zort put it ..Entering The Barracks..becomes a interesting proposition. The Military State of Mind, Perspective,,becoming the everyday , mundane, la di da way of Life , for these Others, is a bit close to home ,but perhaps needs to be considered with all that is being presented here. While the out of place of the cottages is suggested, the wrong of the Others is barely scratched. Entering "The Barracks" takes a wrong turn away from the LOST moment, too soon...for me.
hey, rachelskid here. my barracks came yesterday too, LT i got 286 out of 300 and my order number was 2510 (the last one before the LT debacle). I too really like it. This was a shocking moment for me in the show. i love the juxtaposition and i think its multidimensional in that only a fan knows that the small wisp of smoke and the shiny blue sky hides a violent plane crash. it really involves the lost fan in its depiction. But, then again, my current collection involves all the red headed step children - the triangle, the swan and the barracks. i love them all though.
how do they send the prints? USPS, UPS, FedEx, still don't have my barracks and want to know what to look out for
usps. postman rings if he has too
USPS Priority Mail
From the time that The Barracks was revealed, I knew that it would be a poster I'd love to own. As mentioned earlier, wasn't able to get through, but was able to have a fellow Lostie who was kind enough to trade.
Everyone has their own interpration and I'm sure once it I receive it, I will also see the poster in a different light.
Trying something different tonight, not at work, not at home, but at Mom's. Hard enough to explain to her what Lost is all about... even harder to explain what the poster hunt is all about - maybe I'll let her listen to podcast. ;)
And yes, I've thrown a grilled cheese sandwich down. Add a few tomatoes and turkey and I'm ready (fingers crossed) for poster 15!
Lotto en route
Anyone know the Twitter names to follow? I'll be at dinner with my family but trying to follow
Have post from Hippy Campus at LP that he will be going with wife- he is wearing green Dharma stations T-shirt and she will have fail safe key. His twitter is Unlocke. Anyone know how to add it to LT's list?
@Lottery_Ticket/lostarg-frame-15 should give you anything you need I think Amy.
Twitter pic from LT- at Wrigley Field! Looks like Hippy has contacted her via twitter.
Lotto getting close!
Thanks, Chris. I won't be trying to buy, but am anxious to see the print.
Can't see the pics on my iPhone! :)
Aww, Wrigley Field! This is making me miss Chicago so much.
lottery as always thanks for organizing the twitter stuff. hope it's a great bash for all going tonight!
Lottery Ticket has arrived!!!!
and.... She's There!
I'm so excited to see who else will be there.
Could this be the biggest gathering of fans to date????
T-Minus: 1 hour & 30 minutes
people already waiting…
Yey Lottery!
@LT - thanks for the pics of the journey, glad you made it safe - enjoy, hope you get some cool swag
Finally caught up on comments.
Belated get well soon to andalone.
I too had a dream like ChirsL that the poster reveal time was up, so I checked it when I woke up and there it was. Sadly not the same reveal place as in my dream (Santa's Grotto) but still freakily awesome.
Adrenaline has been running through me for the past few hours so let's kick this poster reveal off already.
Quick, someone find a DeLorean or a TARDIS and lets skip forward an hour and a half!
Martyn, But this next hour and a half is my favourite bit! Watching everyone gathering together at the reveal and on here. Wondering how many will turn up asking "so how do I get one of these posters then?". Such FUN!
I love the last half hour and laugh at the people who come on asking how do I get one, which is probably a little cruel but it's like trying to teach my grandmother how to play Guitar Hero or something, but it's the anxiety I hate.
Give em the last half hour when I know the wait is almost over, rather than knowing there's still 1 hour 30 to go.
I'll compare it to getting ready to go to an amazing concert or show but you got ready a bit too fast and you've turned everything off and are just sitting on the sofa waiting for a reasonable time to leave the house so you don't turn up too early.
The adrenaline is well and truly pumping now!
funny enough, my barracks JUST arrived. 244/300 . yeahhhhh
The "Ben Linus" (no offense to those that like it) was the first non-stress attempt at a purchase for me (skipped trying for Barracks). I'm not even sure why I tried, probably would have just traded it for smoke moster or hatch or passed on to someone that missed out if that didn't pan out.
The most stressful was the Danger print - it was the one I wanted the most (so far) and it kept going soooooooo sssssssllllllooooowwwwwwww. Can't believe I got that.
Hey Martyn- Grandma here. What I was wondering earlier is if folks are using something like Roboform to fill out the login page. Thought I might try to use this poster to set it up for next one, since we can't even get into the site anymore. Does that not work because the URL changes every time?
I have arrived. Checked-in and now going on foot back to 44th Ward. T-minus 1 hour 5 minutes.
Same here Attorney Greg!
Was sure I was going to get a cancelled e-mail cus it took a good minute to get to the confirmation page.
But I wasn't too high and I somehow got a low poster number too. Makes no sense to me!
Getting ready for the release melee. About to go over the prints I have received so far with the wife to determine which, if any, will make it up outside of my office. The McCarthy Transmission print has the best chance.
Hey Just Thinking!
Basically, you have the 5 coloured buttons on the guitar and then you just press the colour.... Joke!
I did spend ages a couple of weeks ago on my Mac getting it to remember my login details for all the sites on the list but that was the week of the new URL and last week I was away and used a laptop so couldn't see if it'd work.
It took a while and changing a few things around in the Keychain files but it works. Sadly, can't do it now because they've changed the login page to SOLD OUT which is lame.
Doesn't Google Autofill work for people?
@Martyn , if you're there...regarding gelaskins. They cancelled about 3 days after they sent the first confirming e-mail. I just got one from and it came out very nice. But cost more. You can try them. Good luck!
Now back to catching up on 3 days of comments. So glad I got back from the holiday in time! Hope everyone had a great one.
Ok, as things are starting to happen a NEW POST has been published to discuss
Good luck to everybody tonight! :)
You are terribly wrong. How dare you say he phoned it in the day before. Can you not understand the art behind the print? Do you not see the stark difference between the house and the island? Do you not see how 'real' the island is compared to how 'fake' Ben's little world he set up? The Barracks were suppose to be a second home to the Others. The Barracks in fact were a fake little world set up by Ben to try and keep the people he recruited there for good. He lulled them into a sense of false security. That whole world was built upon lies and the DHARMA folk that built the place were killed by Ben. It is suppose to look fake.
You could even delve further into it and say that the DHARMA folk tried to make it home and it just wasn't. The Barracks are fake. Secondly, what more did you want from a print in which the artist had to depict the Barracks? It was the opening to Season 3. We see that they are living in a community with amenities and not living like the Losties, which is how we were lead to believe. The only thing I could think of adding would be 815 crashing in the sky. But, that was not what the moment was about so I understand why it was left out. In my opinion, the least inspirational poster was Rob Jones' 'The Swan'. That is the most simple poster in this entire series and represented a much larger moment in the series than The Barracks did. So, I was let down by that print more than any other. He took it too literal in my opinion and did a print that really has nothing to do with a moment from the show. It does look beautiful in person and it is good art. However, it is not good LOST art...which is what this series is about. I don't like The Numbers or The Love Triangle but I give them credit for incorporating moments from the show into their art. Besides, I don't think The Love Triangle is even a water cooler moment as compared to some of the other moments that are being left out of this print series.
Hey everyone, I usually post on Darks site but thought I'd join in here today as well if that's ok :) I'm quite excited about todays reveal and with our Losties gathering for a dinner party it has an extra fun vibe about it. Let the fun begin and good luck to everyone going for a print.
Orchid7 - you are most welcome, but we have switched to the newer post for comments now.
That's the wonderful thing about art, it can be interpreted all different ways.
I love The Barracks - I like that it's isn't dark
Also there's a new post for the next poster
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