It is by an artist called Nate Duval and is entitled The Barracks.
The URL is didyouburyit.com and was revealed on a ping pong ball at the SPiN NY club.

Nate Duval's website is http://www.nateduval.com/ (Thanks thorsten)
The quote is from Season 5 Episode 8 - "La Fleur" (Thanks Walkindude125)
it sucks
Got one. #2471. Anyone want it? Make an offer - AnthemDJ@Gmail.com
I have a feeling it will look a lot cooler in real life. I got "The Smoke Monster" a few weeks ago and the actual print was WAY cooler than the picture with the metalic paint and such - that kind of detail just doesn't show up in the internet picture.
Whoops, I was just saying on the other post how I missed all the action because of a mass firing at my job (quarter of the company- gone). I really liked this poster, I love the ones that are a little more subtle, I think, people wouldn't necessarily think it was part of a tv show event.
It sounds like in the old thread lots of people missed out. I am so sorry for everyone who didn't get one, or got cancel messages after the fact! Congrats on those who were able to wield some magic fingers and nab one this time though. Do we know the sell out time on this one?
MEL, sorry to hear about the shut out.
Sorry about the firings - at least you still are there.
I think the mountains in the background will turn out to be very realistic which will contrast the cartoonyness of the house nicely. Plus, there might be some hidden details in them there hills... :)
MEL, not up to your usual prosaic standard ?
Sandman..yea..I half expect it now. This whole deal has turned into a " miracle" hunt. Like I said before,, I feel fortunate if I get any from now on.. so I got the Cabin,,and that was fortunate....MEL
Chris Maccagnano, please don't use the comments to try and sell the print unless you are offering it at cost + postage to another fan.
lostsailors - that sounds bad, were you affected ?
mungonna: That's harsh, but this barracks scene doesn't really capture the mystery or danger of the Others or of the island. I passed on this one. I just hope that the remaining posters do more justice to the show that inspired them.
Sorry, Zort. :) I was trying to come up with a good sale price involving The Numbers. Example - $42.16 - but that would be too cheap :(
I'm not sure I love this print, but after seeing a few of them in person now, I realize how hard it is to judge these from the image on the screen!
I guess the Cray didn't work out. Still waiting for walt.
We had a really great time at the reveal. Zort, go ahead and post the video if you want. http://img35.yfrog.com/i/a7b.mp4/
Hey Zort! I made it through, but so, so, so many good people are gone. Basically about a quarter of the company was fired.
Chris, if you love it so much, why are you selling it? (not meant to sound hostile, just wondering)
Hi Amy, thanks for all the reporting, I've just been catching up on the tweets.
Big thanks to everyone else that went down and reported back as well.
Personally - I think it's pretty hot. Doesn't this pretty much sum up the irony of The Barracks - ordinary suburban homes in the middle of the jungle wilderness? This will look awesome! I wish I got one :(
I'm going to create another post tomorrow morning to catch up on all the pics / videos from the reveal.
It's 3am here and I've been driving for the last 3 hours.
Zort, you must have been shocked to come back and see over 600 comments! Did you have a good time?
Z...despite my few words...and Chris up there can confirm..I still have a collection to maintain..This print is just beyond me. I have takeb a good look at it. I don't get the cartoon on photograph. To further the analysis,, the clouds are lit wrong for the low angle of sunlite. So..its like 3 different layers. We can go with the "green" here and suppose that the artist was juxtapositioning to demonstrate man's out of placement with Nature..but then he got the clouds wrong..so its like nature out of place with nature.. what? what is he doing here?...IMHO,, the artist has some explaining to do here. Maybe there is a new school of art that is beyond me......But for the sake of the collection.. I still NEED this print...MEL
Great job to all reporting on site - it was fun following along.
I passed on the poster. Just didn't do it for me. Hope someone who wanted it got it.
Oh poor Zort, go rest! It's only 7PM and I don't think I can get through all the comments! Haha.
this one is def not as eye catching as walt's kidnapping or the hatch, those are my two personal favorites. i love the color schemes. however like a lot of people have said prints tend to look better in person. anyhoo~ congrats to everyone who was quick enough to get one, and thanks to everyone who provided us with updates from the reveal!
The first print I tried for was "The Smoke Monster" and I got it with little effort. I was going to start a collection and get them all - not realizing how hard that was going to be (sellouts in 10 seconds!!!) I tried to get all of the other ones, but had no luck. I was just kind of dicking around today and got lucky - but I've already abandoned the idea of my complete set, so I'll sell it to someone else and make a little profit. Not looking to get $800 on Ebay like for The Crash - just a little extra for the time and effort :)
horribly dissapointing
You can call me a Flipper if you'd like - but this is the only one I'm selling - so I don't really think that's right. Plus, I friggin love this show! The Cheerleader that's invincible - GENIUS!!!
(Just kidding)
feel_the_insanity - that was a very nice thing for you to have tried to do :-)
I got out of the concert at around the time of the reveal and managed to get onto the buy now option, but my mobile connection was just far too slow to allow me to login and complete an order, I got an oversold message on the browser.
I'm not upset in the slightest as it's not one of my favourites and I can live without purchasing it.
I failed on this one. Very sad. I had hoped to complete the collection with all 16. Now I am 12/13. I am undecided on the print - my feelings may be clouded by my failure. Sob.
I like the laundry and think it will look great framed.
lostsailors- I told my husband about you earlier- was sure you were gone and wondering what you would do. Very happy you still have the job.
Guess I know now if I'd rather die by fire or ice. Last week so depressed when I couldn't get the poster due to slow and frozen screens. This week, found it hilarious that the thing was telling me I was "Forbidden" and had a "Fatal Error....please wait" Don't they know that dead is dead? So I guess I'd rather go by volcano than glacier.
And thanks so much to folks who went. You did a great job, it makes it so exciting to have real time reporting.
No problem Zort, someone has to look out for our leader while he's away. We had a long convo earlier today about not buying prints if you don't want them, with me taking the side of "don't buy it if you don't want it." But, I figured I'd give a shot and someone would want it. Not interested in selling any really, and if I did it would be for face value. Ugh...my brother just called and said he LOVES this print. He asked if I got it...I felt so bad when I had to tell I didn't. The poor kid bought me The Hatch! I think I owe him.
Oh, and even though the print doesn't appeal to me I would just like to say it is BEAUTIFUL. The colors are just awesome. This is going to look amazing in person.
andalone..I am some what of the same sentiment..Its like.. the Print..The Barracks..undermines the value of the whole collection. I suppose like Walts Kidnapping.. the artist can say he was experimenting..and in both cases..I think they failed..There are some good things to say with Wk,,but I've yet to find any with this one. I can go only so far ..then it all falls apart.,, and thus weakening the whole collection.That disturbs me..a Trust has been severely shaken.....and the real grind is.. I still NEED it..
I liked it alot. Mainly because of of the prints I am buying are getting framed and placed up with 11x14 prints of photos I took while in Hawaii. This one will look great with a few photos from Camp Erdman, aka Othersville(see my avatar :).
Same here. 12/13, and the last few I had to purchase privately. I wanted to get the whole collection, but I'm out of money beyond the $50 (or so) price now. So much for that!
Aw, thank you JT! I am so embarrassed I wrote all that here. The window just happened to be open and I was commenting when the first people started running out going, "we're all gone, everyone here." I was so worried I wanted to let everyone know it was (kind of) ok.
I know what you mean feel_the_insanity- I passed on some poster once and found out later my fiance wanted it. Had I but known I would have tried for it!
I bet the naysayers will be surprised by the depth and detail of the actual image - Take a look of some of his other work - I like the little detail of the column of smoke in the upper Left which is from 815 (confirmed by the artist himself)
Short post by today's artist:
Lostsailors, I'm glad you kept your job. I was laid off about a year ago. Isn't fun at all. And I'm too old and crotchety to find another job. So there!
Amy Lynn- when yo get here can you describe what happened at Spin? We had some people go from LP and they don't seem to have found much going on, so I wondered.
I really like the style of this one, but I think that it might have been better suited for another subject. I can't be sure until I see it in person, though. (It kind of reminds me of the cartoons on the Criterion DVDs of the Wes Anderson movies.) I'm considering having my roommate draw the plane exploding on my copy, since she's a good artist.
If anyone is interested in trading another poster for this one, let me know.
Don't worry about sharing personal stuff Lostsailors, that's what we do here since we all first began blogging Lost. :-)
Right, I'm off to bed for a couple of hours sleep then up for work.
Who needs energy drinks with the adrenaline rush of a poster reveal :-)
@Mel — Let go of your OCD. You don't NEED it. I know what it's like to be a compulsive collector (of other things) but I finally had to say, f*** it, and move on.
@Chris — Don't compare the Smoke Monster to this. While I can appreciate art for art's sake, this doesn't hold a candle to the technical mastery of Ken Taylor. Unless this thing fellates me in person, it's not going to be a whole lot better than what we see here.
By the way, this isn't sour grapes; I didn't even try for this one — it just isn't my style.
Hey ,
anyone who was there took a few ping pong balls ??? i would love to buy one !! Please let me know here or via mail
The hub says "Watch the video closely, Ping Pong Players!"
What video?
i'll trade this for a different one. let me know :)
Oh..now its a little column of smoke..what?..They elected a Pope on the Island..white smoke?...
I know I am giving this one a lot of bad mouth. But geesh..If ya want color just give a 5 year old one jar of blue.. one jar of green and one jar of yellow,,an 15 seconds with a canvas and brush..voila..color.
As said before by more than a few.. this is not a WCM...Neither is the Swan..But the Swan maintains an integrity of the entire print. There is a lack of cohesion of this print. It doesn't hold together..its not unified to convey one message..unless its.." color".
@ Frank
here you can watch the video
Amy Lynn, you maybe got a ping pong ball and wanna sell it ???
@Flowrian, my sister attended the reveal and was able to snag a few ping pong balls. Not sure exactly how many, but once I figure out if we're going to ship any out I will post here.
@mungonna/mel, Ellen B, Lottery_Ticket...etal...it seems that this was unlucky 13 for many of us. There have been prints in the series that I preferred more than others, but I was able to find something I liked about all of them (when finally seen in person, and especially when framed). They all represent a facet of LOST. That is the appeal to me....beyond the subjective judgement of the art. I can usually appreciate a different perspective than my own. And I will acquire a better appreciation of this one as well...especially WHEN I acquire it. It may take time and more money than I can part with now, BUT...
Ok, so, what was I watching for? I thought I saw something pop up halfway through, but couldn't get it to show again.
@the arbiter: I would really appreciate a Dharma ball! Pretty please! (maven1908(at)yahoo.com)
@ the arbiter
that would be awesome !! before you ship them out for a few dollars let me know because i would pay from 10 $ up to "i don't know ,yet...but more"
Frank: There were some very quick shots at the end of the video. I believe it was Jesse t who posted the screen caps on the previous thread (don't feel like looking for it now.)
I don't have any extra balls to give away, sorry.
Hi folks.
Thanks for the comments on my prints, both good and bad.
Here are the thoughts behind this print when I was making it:
When I was presented with the gig, my moment was described to me as "the moment where you learn that the others live in houses."
I personally loved that episode a lot and wanted to do the moment justice. (if at all possible)
To me, the thing that made that moment so great was how casually the scene was shot. Just a nice normal, sunny day, with cookies in the over and a record on the turntable, then a quick plane crash and you learn the others live in house. It was the "casual fee of the moment" that I tried to capture and think I did job ob of it. I added my own subtle touches like the laundry blowing on the line, a lawn chair outside and a very faint smoke cloud coming from beind the mountains to indicate the recent crash of flight 815 that happend just after we learn the others have homes.
Knowing the following the show has and the insane amount of discussion and detail that the fans discuss about the show, I made sure to use accurate refence for all of the elements of the show. The house is based on one of the actual homes on the island and the mountain range behind the home is part of the real mountain range on the island as well.
Thanks again, it was an honor to be a part of the series.
Yes, many interesting pictures for just a sec at the end. You have t keep pausing.
thanks for posting here Nate - I purchased the poster tonight and I appreciate the hard work that must have gone into it. It'll look great in my home office.
Thanks to everyone who went to the reveal today and pass along the URL!
Hey Nate!
Can't wait to see my copy up close! Great art causes great controversy right?!
Thanks for creating something I'll have and no doubt enjoy for a very long time.
Anon.. you need to think some more. At the onset of all this , I realized that all the prints were Not going to be Mona Lisa's..Yet as Time moved forward.. a certain amount of Trust was built up. yea, I agree,,look at the other art these artists have done..So then.. why the experimenting Now?..Lost suggests to boldly go where artists haven't gone before.. Okay..Then expect some pushback,, and expect to be told of a failure when a artist fails. When an artist fails the whole collection is weakened,,becomes less value..like a grade point average. My Trust is shaken with this print. At best,,this print I would hang in the kiddies romper room. I expect to see Snoopy coming out the door.
And YES.. I still need..because even if its a F grade..Its still better than 0 grade for INCOMPLETE.
Hi Nate,
Thanks for coming over. I guess it must be hard to be a creative person when we all are critics- but thanks for being part of Lost for us.
I only started looking properly at these when "The Love Triangle" had just came out, and both it and "The Numbers" and were still available (those 2 really didn't seem to be that popular at first), but sadly didn't have any interest in either of those. I guess the buying wasn't so insane then, so I sort of thought I could just wait until I was interested.
There have been some really nice ones since then (particularly "The Hatch" and these last two), but I am kinda realising at this point that I'm probably not going to end up with any. A lot of it is my own fault because I hadn't been paying enough attention (in a timely manner anyway), but it still kinda sucks.
This print reminds me of the cabins at my summer camp when I was young. That truly was my first reaction. Fond memories, but still.
Thanks for stopping by here at LostArgs, Nate. We all appreciate hearing from the artists and their creative process.
Copying this comment over here in case folks missed it.
Nate Duval posted over on EB:
naduval wrote:
Hi, friends/haters!
I guess this went up and sold out fast judging by the slew of emails I just got...
Anyway, here are my "thoughts behind the design" since I know some of you all like hearing this kind of stuff.
When I was presented with the gig, my moment was described to me as "the moment where you learn that the others live in houses."
I personally loved that episode a lot and wanted to do the moment justice. (if at all possible) To me, the thing that made that moment so great was how casually the scene was shot. Just a nice normal, sunny day, with cookies in the over and a record on the turntable, then a quick plane crash and you learn the others live in house. It was the "casual fee of the moment" that I tried to capture and think I did an ok job of it. I added my own subtle touches like the laundry blowing on the line, a lawn chair outside and a very faint smoke cloud coming from beind the mountains to indicate the recent crash of flight 815 that happend just after we learn the others have homes.
Knowing the following the show has and the insane amount of discussion and detail that the fans discuss about the show, I made sure to use accurate refence for all of the elements of the show. The house is based on one of the actual homes on the island and the mountain range behind the home is from the island as well.
ooops - sorry. See Nate actually made it over here. Sorry for the additional post.
Time for me to sleep. I think I've had my fill of sarcasm for the day. Good night, friends.
Ahh, Nadal.. thanks for your words. My problem is.. I don't recall the reveal of the Others houses,, village ,, as a la de da reveal..or the casualness of 815 busting apart overhead..My first thoughts were always that they were out of place,, didn't belong there,,and basically housed the people who wore fake beards and thus put up false presentations of themselves..So I had no sense of "casualness" of the Others Barracks. Kinda like looking at a snakes pit and being struck by its casualness..I still can't do it.
BUT,,again Your Art is of the series and has been a success in sale. I am attempting to put a collection together. So,, if you intend to market any prints that you may eventually be able. I still.. may be a customer...regards..MEL
I have now read what the artist has to say 3 times. Enough! Wait, I was going to sleep. Should've listened to myself. ;)
@junglepunk520: You can delete your own post by clicking on the trashcan.
Tonight I'm thinking about an old building standing at crossroads, maybe in the high plains, abandoned, waiting. Very noisy day.
I don't think there much to say when securing an order number and confirmation e-mail still doesn't get you the MERCH.
Sent Tyson a message, here is the reply:
Mary -
There are no prints to supply you as we are completely sold out. Your order came in after we were sold out. We have never stated the number on your order coincides with anything in the poster series. We are not sure where you got that idea, or the idea that they are "200" prints available, when the site states there are less than 200 available for sale. We also have never stated the confirmation email means anything to getting one. It is just a receipt for the authorization on your credit card, which is not a charge. Do whatever you like with the confirmation email. You can email us at this address whenever you like. It is sad that such a great project has become so engulfed in people becoming angry they did not get a print.
Maven, when you post that way you dont have the trashcan option.
LT - wow. So if its less than 200, then how many is it, and does it differ from print to print. I must say, that reply surprises me in many ways...
kiwilostie: Sorry, I was under the impression that everyone can delete their own posts.
Lottery Ticket: This ordering seems to be a matter of semantics to Tyson. One would think that getting a confirmation email would mean you got the MERCH! And what did they expect when saying it's a limited run of 300...then implying that it's really 200....then pointing out that it's less than 200 (whatever that means).
@maven...Exactly! They say it's 300 at the time of sale...but, wait, it's actually 200. No, not really it's less than 200. On second thought, we're actually not going to tell you and we're just going to email a bunch of people and tell you're SOL. Oh, and these things will be printed again. Happy LOST Appreciation Event!
This has become pretty stressful for a large number of folks - I'm sure the producers didn't have this in mind when they commissioned the project
Oops, my awesome joke was supposed to say "NEVER printed again." Got so worked up I left out the most important word!
A bit of good faith transparency on GoMerch's behalf would be very welcome right now.
I dont mind playing by the rules, but what exactly are the rules...
Whoever is in charge, it's probably not the poor people answering our emails, you guys.
It's only as stressful as one chooses to make it. :)
which email addy did you use to write tyson ?
i wantto say that they sshould expanf the server capacity...it's really f**** zp that there are errors when we try to buy a poster..nearly kinda pathetic...
WOW - I am shocked that's the message from TGCS. Shocked. How about rather than whining that people are angry they aren't getting a print, you recognize the site has had some severe issues and offer condolences and thanks for being a big enough fan of the show to write an email asking what's going on? "Customer Service"? Really?
I'm sorry Lottery - if I had put in the right order on my CC expiration date, I'd send you mine in a heartbeat (still can't believe I entered it backwards somehow...).
What a despicable response...
Don't get me wrong, I think their intentions were in the right place. This is a GREAT fan appreciation event. But, the game has obviously changed. So, why not adjust mid-event? Post on the website that you can order additional prints, but you need to wait so we can print them...send them to artist to get them signed and then ship them to you. I'd be willing to wait a while for a Crash or Locke's Secret. With the money earned there they can pay the artist for additional copies of their prints being produced.
Ugh, enough of this talk. I'm done for this poster, new clue please!
LT- Very sorry. Someone awhile back said releasing art prints is like throwing a cow in a piranha tank- and I guess that's true. Seems they could be more clear than "less than 200" though, since that is anything from 0 to 199.
I also think Zort is going to have a lot of posts to delete in the morning- come on guys- give us a break.
@skarphedin - True, I just like seeing the new posters as they are revealed... The Go Merch folks - well, the employees at least, are doing the best they can.
Well I'm not going to get caught up on posts tonight. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who went to the reveal. Loved the pic great looking group. Also thanks to maven for keeping us informed too.
Amy thanks for getting the video.
Glad you survived the firing sorry so many of your friends didn't.
Night all.
I get the idea of Limited Editions, but this is a Fan Appreciation Event. You obviously have to stop selling the prints at some time. So, why not stop at the end of the whole thing? Limit it to 400, or 500. I'm not saying sell these things forever. ColdSore, looks like you have nothing positive to add to the conversation. So stop being an a-hole and join in on talking about LOST and the posters. Stop criticizing people.
@TA - this post has had it's ups and downs, certainly. In the last few days, your comments have really been an unwelcome occurrence. Clearly, no one engages you as you are rude and generally offensive. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... If you were at least as interesting as Mel, it might be worthwhile reading your contributions, in spite of what I can only guess is youthful insecurity. At least make it worth my time to read your comments by directing them at something relevant to the post.
Nate, well, I for one loved the print and tried so hard to get it... No joy. Got the call of death. Oh well, it is beautiful to see on line and I'm sure it's more than that in hand. Thanks for playing along with us losties.
Glad your back Zort, you missed all the crazyness
Lostsailors- glad you kept your job, sad you had to see your compadre's leave like that-hope tomorrow is a better day for all. Night ~
2 major problems with the your complaints about TPTB response.
1. we dont see your email to them. Working in customer service myself, that's a very important part of their response. You should post your initial email as well. It sounds like you threatened them a bit with the confirmation email, but if you post your first email here, we can all see it.
2. Am I the ONLY PERSON who has noticed it has said "less than 200 available" since the beginning on every poster purchase page? Nothing has changed
I started at EB, then came over here as a LOST fan, but you guys are sounding more and more like sore losers everyday. This happens in EVERY big limited print sale, it just wasn't very public until recently. Obviously a viral campaign is going to pick up steam, its the definition of "VIRAL." Zort has shown a lot of, "I missed out on this poster, but that's ok, I get it." I respect that a lot. Not life or death guys.
Amy Lynn, thats a fairly strongly worded email for someone with no authority. Im not convinced.
I respect the way you take your cancellation as well. I agree with TPTB - it's getting sad how people respond to sold out posters, especially since a lot of the people complaining about it, also talked about how they HATED the poster when it was revealed. Sounds like there are more flippers at LOST ARGS than one would like to admit
What is eb? Have always wondered.
I honestly have no idea who is in charge. But I do know they are dealing with seriously overloaded servers, and are probably doing their best to reply to thousands of emails trying to clear things up.
Also, if they had 500-750 prints available, you'd all be complaining about how ABC was making such a profit off this campaign. Be honest, you guys know you'd say that. Maybe not now that everything sells out so fast, but you would've at first, especially since a lot of people even said that when the posters first popped up, even at the low amount of 200 print sales revenue
I am sorry that LT and all the others who got their orders cancelled.
Nevertheless, I would like to point out that the fine print underneath each poster say there are only "less than 200 available" to the public ever Since the beginning of this viral/ARG/FAPP.
So whoever that's in charge of this thing, either Tyson or ABC, didn't change their mind about how many copies would be available for sale.
@anon eb = expressobeans website forum
@Sanford, we get what you are saying. I understand that this is how the poster business works, but this is a fan appreciation event. I would understand if Daniel Danger decided to do a LOST poster and he was the only one...but this is an organized, mega-fan appreciation event. That's what most of us are getting at. I respect the way the "poster world" does it. But, when they put "fan appreciation" on the website we, as LOST fans, hold them to a high standard. But, your points are very valid.
Amy Lynn, good point, you should work for the UN! :)
e-bay I'm guessing.
@Sanford, yeah well, I'll admit, I'm a sore looser here but only for myself. I don't care for the posters with the people on them, just like the neat one's of the parts of the story- I bought the van- which I absolutely love and it will hang in my home forever more. I will buy this one sometime when it's out of the lime light, or I will print it off for my own enjoyment here. Either way, I'm glad to have played along. It is the game after all. I wanted them for their beauty, not to have them all. My house is too small for 16 on the walls, my dogs would eat them anyway lol Ok, really off to bed now. :-)
@Sanford, ABC is making a killing on this. But, it's not really about that. It's about the fan appreciation. Would 500 prints really be so bad? No, not really. I understand they have to be limited editions, so make them limited. What I'm saying is, did they really think there were only 300 (assuming all these prints go to fans) in the world?
I personally think it does suck how fast and impossible things have become. Because when and if a poster that I like comes and I must have it and I can't I will cry into my big bowl of cheerios (which is yuck as cereal really is only good with milk IMO). I will hit the wall, throw post it notes and maybe do a little complaining here because I feel like a little bit like this my poster home. I have not tried for any that I haven't liked, but that doesn't mean I don't like have crazy messy it has become. I enjoyed the leisure days. Is it silly to think that it would stay that way? Of course but I like to be silly. I do wish that we could all sing a little song together right now as I find sometimes that brings the hostility down a bit. No? Okay back to my hut. (I just made it).
@Brad - Yep, me too. I've been online for each reveal and have enjoyed seeing each poster as it is revealed, and of course all the excitement leading up to it and all the great tweets and on-scene reports.
And about the comments more generally, I have to say that what we're seeing now is what I was expecting to happen right from the start. Locke's Secret on sale for two days or whatever it was? Are you kidding me? If Walt and the Barracks sell out in under a minute, then Locke should have sold out before it even existed.
Lost has an worldwide and rabid following. Once TPTB said only 300 prints would be made, it seemed clear that alot of people were going to miss out. Making a limited number of prints is a decision TPTB made, for better or for worse, at the outset, and it seems to me that it's a decision we assented to by playing along all this time.
Final point for me, GoMerch is doing the best they can. I bet they get a ton of emails from people like us furious about the sale of these posters. They seem like good, honest people doing the job they were hired to do: sell the posters. They've always answered my emails in a positive way and helped me resolve some issues, I appreciate that. Of course we wish the website worked better, but 200 prints will go fast no matter what.
fti, how could they have known they could have sold 1k of each poster? they didn't. the money this makes for abc is a lot, but in the scheme of things it's nothing.
i once worked on an abc pilot that had like a 5 million dollar budget, abc didn't pick it up. this is nutin' to abc.
Hey Nate, if you are still plowing through any comments- thank you for all your hard work and this wonderful poster! I always love when the artist gets to come over and talk about their piece. Thanks again.
PS Thank you, Lisa!
I really don't intend to come off very mean, I promise. But like your suggestion about them making more prints late in the game for a product that was promised to be limited earlier - you thinking ABC is making a killing off this is extremely naive. The money put into this project vs. the sale of 200 of each print is not "a killing" for a company who works in hundreds of millions of dollars like Disney.
I agree, maybe more than 300 would work now that the campaign has gotten this popular, but remember there we unsold prints for a month. The "viral" aspect did it's job and kicked in. Sure, hindsight maybe, but their marketing campaign is definitely working and I have to assume this fury was part of the goal.
lostsailors. these artist are very approachable, i encourage you to contact them with questions or to invite them to blogs to talk. many of these artists do this because they love it, not because it makes them rich.
I suppose..let s go a bit deeper so the kiddies can be separated from this discussion and remove any doubt.
The idea that the " Others " felt quite comfortable,, secure,, and casual in their setting is understood. But the scene referenced did indicate things were not swimmingly well. Julie burnt the muffins, matter of fact,, Julie was upset and crying on the exercise machine...her plumbing was plugged..arguments over a S King book at a book club meeting and eventually a big indicator that things were not casual or.. not working out as all the casualness may have been implied..was the earth quake. So..everything was going wrong as we were taken thru this panorama of mundane...and I knew from previous seasons,, that the folks in this village were messed up... ie Kidnapped Walt.
Now..if its the mendacity of the mundane that i got out of the very same sequence of scenes..then i can say,,based on my perceptions,, that this print did not get me to the same feel...But thats just me. I make no pretensions of speaking for any or all.
LT..don't forget..that house is still made of Something.
@ColdSore, I'm just a humble LOST fan who's just been introduced to the poster world. I'm so sorry I'm not as cool as you.
@Sanford, let me rephrase what I said. They WOULD make a killing if they sold 500. Didn't mean they are now, with the cost to print them and pay the artist. Actually, not even convinced they would make much at 500 prints. I respect your views.
you weren't a bad sore loser at all. You seem to get that a lot of people are attempting to buy a limited amount of things. I think other people are just not thinking about where the project has gone. Yes, bummer for people like myself who were here from the start, but c'mon, it's "viral marketing." Their goal is obviously accomplished.
@feel_the_insanity Understood and even agree 500 is questionable on making "Disney profits." I know it's not easy to see through the sell out disappointment, but this kind of poster sell out insanity is common for great posters. Be bummed you didn't get one, hell I am, but I just am surprised people are taking it so personal and taking it out on the TPTB
Mesocrazy - I got the bagpipes, you sing.
@tim armstrong Listen, I'm mad I'm missing out on posters now too, but no one should be this mad at the people who created the campaign or Damon and Carlton - it's marketing guys. For a TV show! It got super popular. Good for the artists and good for the marketing division. I still think it is all very cool to do.
i agree with you. no one should be pissed at this point. the campaigned worked and everyone knew there was more than 200 nutso lost fans before this began. not many people round here gets that.
ColdSoreSuperstar -- please delete your comment above. Feel free to say whatever it is you have to say without using slurs such as you did above. I do not want to retype that in my post.
Slurs? Huh?
I'm sick and tired of all this! People are entitled to their own opinions, and differences of opinions should be discussed civilly without the need for name-calling and bad language. If you don't agree with someone, your entitled to make your point...but please respect each other. We're all here for the same reason...we love LOST! And Damon and Carlton commissioned this "Fan Appreciation" event to honor us...not to cause us to attack each other. Sure...the posters hae gotten out of hand...anything regarding LOST is highly coveted. I'm not saying this has been run perfectly...but the intentions were good and noble.
@maven well put
And no longer fun.
Too bad they didn't set up a website where everyone has to enter the numbers every 108 minutes, with the last person standing winning the prize.
Saddest part in my eyes, it seems TPTB let some season 6 pics out in the video shown at the reveal. and I cant find anything really about it on here because everyone so focused on bashing Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear.
On the positive side of all this, I have discovered other prints by the LOST artists that I purchased -- Kevin Tong's Fight Club print and Dan McCarthy's The Fall. I found them at Expresso Beans, may have purchsed there or somewhere else. Anyway, it's been fun. But I still want the cabin (barracks), poster #13!!
ColdSoreSuperstar -- sorry, but it's above it's your post with the word Mongol*** in it. It's much earlier in the comments now.
Chris Maccagnano -- Zort asked you not to do that.
Sanford, you insinuate. I don't have to post for your satisfaction, my personal messages. A response from any business of this tone should be subject to question. Not me. As I have stated elsewhere in these comments, money exchanging hands is contractual. Conformation in writing is normally binding. When others report that they purchased prints 30 minutes passed the hour and have order numbers 20+ after yours NOT canceled, I think an inquiry is warranted. Mistakes are made. It was a young voice on my answer machine. There was no verification of my order number, simple "our poster has been oversold and your order has been canceled."
final post. moving to a new 'house' built by kinder hands.
Zort70, I will contact you direct.
My apologies if I have offended.
whomever offerered Chris Maccagnano $250 - rescind your offer. all the artists will sell these eventually. no need to pay ridiculous prices. he's probably lying.
@lotteryticket you also can't say incorrect things and think they are correct. It has ALWAYS said that there are less than 200 posters available, and you said on this board - they should make up their minds if it is 200 or under 200 posters available. ALSO, they do not actually take your money until the poster is shipped. There is an authorization placed on your card. NO MONEY IS EXCHANGED when you place an order, so there is no obligation at all on the end of any company just placing an authorization. I work in a very similar limited business to what TPTB are doing, and I'm just telling you what is correct and not just somthing being said by someone mad they didn't get a print. And you not posting your initial email proves you probably had just as nasty, if not nastier, than the tone they responded in. There have been some people being "mean" in the comments here, I am not one of them. I am just stating the facts that you are not seeing.
..LT..Yes, this is a Viral Marketing campaign. But..is that to say standards of normal business are no longer applicable simply because its "Viral"?
Viral means you can treat a bunch of kids crudely and rudely,,and as long as its the only thing they know.. it will continue? But for some, who know otherwise,,the attributes of this viral campaign have been substandard,, mistakes made here in this marketing campaign would drive a normal business out of business quickly. The problem is that the Go Merch business has a monopoly on these prints. So.. the effort can be staffed on the cheap and when things go wrong..oh well what are you going to do? Buy'em somewhere else?
Grievances of this effort are as vaporious as the web itself. That the youngsters make excuses for it,, only indicate that they don't know of any better. But still..
Its mho..that there are people here only to get under your skin and irritate. I notice some wait until the mod leaves..This kind of cowardness you can not allow to push you out.
Heck.. I even stand my ground with an artist. Yes other routes are available. As already communicated,, I too have serious questions to myself about.. why do I put up with this crap? Crap is just one side of the coin. Remember the other side. You were having fun earlier. Please Don't forget that....MEL
yeah - the poster people will have no inside info on how to score from the artists quick-like, and after more of your fellow lost fans have heard about the series.
I really am not trying to be mean, but some of you should stop trying to buy the posters for the final three. You will just become more and more disappointed and start to question things like the number in which TPTB are selling - even though it's been stated on the websites since day one. I think a lot of you are losing grasp in what is happening with tens of thousands of people attempted to buy under 200 items. Honestly, if you don't like the way anyone does business, don't give them your money. That is understandable.
Everyone reading these comments has benefited from this blog - even if you never got a poster, at least you were able to figure out what this whole crazy thing is all about. I understand the posts people have had on both sides - whether you're frustrated with not being fast enough to order a poster or having an order canceled, or whether you think those people need to understand the nature of a limited-run sale.
But people, the more we fill up this blog with frustration and taunting, the less likely it will be to continue for the last three weeks. Zort's done a great job of moderating, but we all need to realize that each time someone posts a negative message, the more likely that Zort will decide it's not worth it to keep going. So, everyone, both sides - poster or no poster, Lost fan or art collector, Mac or PC, Jacob or Esau - relax. For your own good.
Agreed CD.
@Cdog I agree with what you're saying. 100%. I have even said before on this post I respect Zort for how he's taken the disappointment with prints he was not able to get. I also respect what he's done on this site for our entertainment. I do hope people read my actual posts and not just consider them "negative." I am just telling you what is actually happening. they aren't attacks on you with fallen obligations. I just do believe a lot of people are not looking at where this viral campaign has went, and that will make it successful for a marketing campaign. I agree, it won't be successful for some us who don't get a specific print (p.s. I have had an order cancelled in the past, so I am not stranger to the disappointment). I get the frustration, but some of the anger from the sore losers is a bit much. Most of you do have to agree, right?
buy fairey posters, flip them to the posters people, and buy your prints on ebay with their money
cDog: Well said! We need to get over these hard feelings...whether they're toward each other or TPTB or ABC or GOMerch. We've made it through 13 reveals (barely) and, I for one want to see it through all 16.
@maven again, well said. I do hope my posts are not just thrown away as negative. I have always been on the side of us who have been here since day 1, but let's all also be realistic. To poster 14!
agree with maven and cdog - GROUP HUG!
Yay -- *hi fives* all around!
*group hug*
ready for the next clue... :)
Hugs to all...let's move on and just complain that there's no new clue!
TYSON is trying to get his mojo back -- the site's always down for longer after each reveal.
Frame 14, here we come!
Good night everybody! Time to go to bed! :)
@Sanford - I thought your comments were great. And I hope some of the people who were upset listened to what you had to say. Just wanted to get the conversation back on more positive ground. To that end...
I don't want to dictate the blog, Zort et al., but I think it would be cool if we could put our collective heads together regarding some of the strange things that have popped up during this ARG. Seemingly intentional typos in the letters from Ronie Midfew's assistant, the out-of-place 5s on the Hurley and Van print, etc.
Nothing like solving a mystery to bring out the best in Lost fans.
The point you are missing Sanford is that this campaign has been a substandard operation all along. Its been Allowed to remain substandard because it basically has a Monopoly on the Prints.
Now.. one can suppose that there may be an end game involved. Some big even out event at the end..frame 16. Who knows..wishful thinking for the abuse delivered.
One can also suppose that there is some tampering going on. As LT points out..higher numbered orders than hers,,haven't reported back about cancellations..not yet anyway. So..as asked way back in this thread.. exactly what are the rules?? Yes,, less than 200..but you are missing the point ..The OVERSOLD was supposed to be fixed weeks ago..but since something changed, perhaps GM's software,,there seems to be a new way of determining oversold,, and which orders are determined Oversold and which are not..Point is..IF YOU know this is what its like in the PRINT WORLD.. then why doesn't GO MERCH AND LFA?? and if they do know.. why hasn't better execution been in place? You can't have it both ways.
How many folks are going to go christmas shopping .. spend their Gift Money..at GO MERCH?? You think I'm going to do any more business with them than I absolutely have to?
I agree with everything SANFORD has had to say 100%. It's been the same deal since the beginning, 300 posters and less than 200 for sale on here... Now people dont like a little competition. It's luck of the draw! And if you want to get one and sell it on ebay, or trade it, or light it on fire, its yours to do so if you purchase one. So much complaining, its crazy! Alot of people came together to do a fun project, and there will be flaws, deal with it.
PS. i think todays poster is really awesome! I prefer the more subtle prints like "transmission", "locke", "J cabin", etc. Stoked I got one.
Mel - I'm not going to get in a back and forth with you, as I've watched where it goes with you on this site since day one. All I am saying is that the campaign is of very large scale one and if you don't like it - don't give them your money. It's easy.
Looking at Go Merch's other clients - I'm pretty sure their other items are not in your age group (bands like Panic at the Disco and Cobra Starship sell thousands of merch through them) - so you won't have to worry about after this. I'm just saying - it's a marketing campaign, not a promise to each of you to do anything to your specific standards.
mongonna said - The point you are missing Sanford is that this campaign has been a substandard operation all along. Its been Allowed to remain substandard because it basically has a Monopoly on the Prints.
Have you ever tried to put something like this together? I'm assuming you haven't. It ain't easy. Coordinating artists, printing schedules, the release events, the distribution, etc.
Overall, the folks that have put this together have done a great job to be honest. The prints are arriving in great shape, quickly, the artists are engaged, the release events are being enjoyed by those that can go.
It's a shame everyone cannot get a poster, but it's naive to think every fan was going to get everything they wanted out of this.
agreed with postercal. 16 events and posters? I'm not an expert about stuff like this for TV shows, but I'm pretty sure something of this scale has never been attempted - even in complicated puzzle-like ARGs. I'm also mad I'll be missing out on posters - but bigger picture shows a really cool project on their part (especially when I look at it without a selfish outlook) - and most likely really hard to pull off. Haven't they done stuff in different countries even? I mean, come on!
...just gimme a flippin dharma ping pong ball and i'll give u a Ron Herman Lost bag.
Anon I removed your comment above, about the message posted on another forum as there is no conflict between sites.
Anyone is welcome here as long as they are polite, and unfortunately some people were not that is why we have removed some comments this morning.
Yay -- Hi Zort!
Also anyone that is a fan of this site (and if you are a true fan I know I don't have to say this), please do not go to other forums and stir up trouble.
As I said there is no conflict with anyone else.
Healthy discussion is good, venting in as polite a way as possible is good but it has to stop at some point.
I think the fallout from last nights poster was fairly large but we just need to move on folks.
Good morning to you Zort -- I am off to bed (finally).
Hi all
Good night
The artist got 'The Barracks' to paint. It isn't his fault, blame D and C. I don't get what all the bitching is about. He took what he was given and he made a great piece of art from a not so awesome moment in the show. The lamest poster is easily The Swan. Rob Jones took an awesome moment from the show and turned it into that uninspiring and lame print. What did you all expect from a print about The Barracks???
I just can't believe I am seeing so much hating on this print. It isn't the worst by far and it isn't the best.
agree with my fellow anon...the swan print is by far the most disappointing....Ive had a t-shirt with nearly the same design for about 3 years now...lazy!! The barracks is a very nice piece.
If anyone later choses to sell this print and would like to help a very appreciative person complete their set please, please email me.
Please, any help is greatly appreciated. Lost fans have already helped so many, and that's what makes us different. Better!
Thank you.
Holy Toledo, did it get ugly in here today...
Zort - I got my "Walt's Kidnapping" today. I'll try to get some pictures for you in the next couple of days. I have to figure out a better way to weight it down. This one is really curly for some reason.
Am I the only one who wonders... where in the heck is Rev. Milo today?
@Sanford, yeah bummer I agree. I was here from the start as well. Just been on and off the boards with this all and in the shadows through it all. I love playing the game but some of it drives me nuts. I'm a artist as well and well... some of it would bring me to tears if this was over my art. If people ever saw some of my work and said some of the things they do here about it where I could read it or hear it, I would be in tears. My moma always told me to be polite, don't say something mean about something. My interpretation of what is art might be different than someone elses but it's still art and the painter still put their hard work into it. ack- too early to think, need more coffee !
Does anyone know if there is there a way to check your order status and profile anymore? I had a bookmarked link to through actuallyitsketchup.com that was working, but now seems dead...
muschology, Gomerch always take the site down for a while after a reveal to tidy up.
It should be back soon.
Thanks, I'll check back. Never noticed that happen before. This is the URL I was using:
Now it's just a 404.
My old method was to select "Buy Now" to get into my account. Back in the old days when prints were available... Like Hurley and the Van.
Amy, almost got me !
I've replaced the group shot on the main blog post from SPiN with a better version of the picture.
I love these sorts of pictures as it just shows how people are united by a small TV show called Lost.
ooops wrong thread
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