Information about a potential new ARG has been appearing around the internet over the last few days, all started by a Twitter account of a user called Simeon Hobbes posting some interesting messages.
Shortly after this a YouTube video was published called 'Who is Simeon Hobbes' in the YouTube channel used for The Lost Experience. The video consists of a star scape and some audio, and in the audio there is some Morse Code. The translation of which is :-
A tweet from Simeon said 'Follow the Pheonix' which led to another twitter user 'epithetalpha'. Simeon Hobbes then responded with the tweet 'Phoeonix Found'.
Maven from The Lost Community sent a message - "And With This Fire I Purify" - to Epithetalpha and received this reply :-
"Are you a candidate? Await further instructions May 18."
None of this has been confirmed as official by any source related to Lost and this may only be the stirings of someone wiaitng for Lost to return next year, however if it is then the timing of all of this is immaculate to coincide with the Lost finale. It also quite neatly fits in with a lot of the egyptian themes increasingly used by Lost this year.
More information if it becomes available.
Thanks to Maven for posting information in The Lost Community about this.
Also the translation of the Morse Code came from the LostPedia blog.
its a fake. abc confirmed in a podcast that there would be no arg this year
actually it was also said that Damon said in a pod cast that something exciting will be happening this summer starting with comic con. He said this would be their last Comic-con so they would do something for us this summer. so I am going to stick with that one and hope there will be a ARG this summer. I'll find the link to it and post it.
. And as if that wasn't enough, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse gave a small hint on the most recent episode of The Official LOST Podcast (May 11th) that there may be a new ARG beginning at Comic-Con San Diego 2009 (July 23-26). This doesn't necessarily mean that an official ARG won't start before that, but they didn't give any hints about anything coming sooner. Here's what they said:
Carlton Cuse: "So this is it. This is the last time we're going to be chatting until Comic-Con, but we hope that you guys will come to Comic-Con as that will also be our final Comic-Con appearance."
Damon Lindelof: "Yes. We've got some treats in store, I think."
Carlton Cuse: "Yes. We are already talking about what we're doing for Comic-Con and it should be really fun."
Damon Lindelof: "That is very exciting." ....... This is from http://thelostmeister.blogspot.com/
I hope you're right Lisa. Even if this one is a hoax. I hope we get something from Damon and Carlton this summer.
I don't think that they would go through the last summer without any ARG. I was so upset when I figured out that the flights were cheaper now but the Comic-con tickets were all gone :-( I wana go toooo waaaa
Oh man I'm sorry you missed out on that Lisa.
Here's Simeon Hobbes 2 latest tweets. Oldest first.
It’s always the same thing. Why don’t they want us to serve You?
May the light of Jacob be with you all this day, as we celebrate musical Aegocerus.
I don't know what thst means if anything.
This seems relevant from the Wikipedia site, and others describe a similar thing :
Aegocerus "goat-horned" was an epithet of Pan descriptive of his figure with the horns of a goat
Given that EpithetAlpha is the other Twitter user.
I made some mistakes I'm going to redo that last post. Sorry.
Here’s what epithet alpha has had to say since saying the candidate applications were full.
All these were about 5 hours ago. I’m going to leave the names private. I’m not sure I should post them.
@***** Burned up not coming back. (I assume he’s referring to Jacob)
@***** For the record, I didn’t say “ppl.” So I think were about even. CAPSLOCK.
@***** (same person) Which is why I don’t have much to say! Await non-micro bloggage.
(BTW it’s hard to understand these tweets if you don’t see both sides of the conversation)
@***** Chosen what?
@***** Because if he wants you, he’ll get you. And you’ll never come back.
About 4 hours ago Aidoneus signing out. I’ll be back tomorrow. But remember : these are bad people. Don’t sign your life away BRING THEM DOWN.
About 3 hours This site means a lot to me: http://www.27 project.org/
About 3 hours ago @ nickolacalypse Don’t bother.
I for one am not going to try that site. If anyone here wants to go ahead.
I posted this at TLC. I'll post it here too.
BTW zort
They're saying this youtube is part of the possible ARG too.
It's titled With this fire I purify.
Warning it's very annoying. lolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czpUwW0QS0A
Huh even with all the spaces I put between the html and the youtube address it didn't leave a space when I posted. I wonder why it's doing that?
the www.27project.org website is a fairly simple UK based site :
a project to explore the inexplicable recurrence of
the number twenty-seven
in everyday life, movies and nature
Nothing Lost related as far as I can see.
The Lostpedia blog has this.
I'm just going to space instead of using html.
UPDATE 1: the YouTube account "thelostexperience" is not, as far as we are aware, official. This still leaves the authenticity of these Tweets up in the air. However, the channel has existed since March 2006.
Yes I saw that earlier, I think it is far too early to tell if this is anything real, but it is a mystery !
The pace that things are going seems too fast for me. Even TLE didn't go this fast at the beginning.
Agreed zort. And I had trouble keeping up with TLE.
I did some digging, and this has nothing to do with LOST officially. Just people having a laugh.
CrazyBeardedJack - yes that is entirely posible, but just in case..... :-)
zort said:
the www.27project.org website is a fairly simple UK based site :
a project to explore the inexplicable recurrence of
the number twenty-seven
in everyday life, movies and nature
Nothing Lost related as far as I can see.
The is from the Lostpedia blog.
Tereza said...
If you want to know what the voice is saying in the second video (that you get from the Base 64 translation, And with this fire I purify), it's repeating of words 'sedm' and 'dva' in Czech, which means seven and two :).
Sun May 17, 02:35:00 AM PDT
This is probably fan based, but it is interesting.
Yes very interesting, and pretty well worked out for a fan based thing.
yeah I put the numbers in my decoder and that's what I got too but then I gave up because it just doesn't look legit to me But then what do I know.
Anyone think that the "7 and 2" repeating from the audio could represent 7-27? This would be the day after comic-con ends. A bit of an inferrence (and stretch), I'm well aware.
I've created a new post for the second YouTube video, this may be fan based but it is very interesting so far.
There's a new blog at wordpress called Who is Simeon Hobbes with references to Widmore, and a possible reference to comic con.
Can't tell if it's just a red herring to make it look official, or something legit.
Also, the 27project site makes a reference to Genesis 27 which tells the story of Esau losing his birthright to Jacob. Maybe connected?
If it is a hoax, it's elaborate and well done, and fun to follow while waiting for something official.
The constellation in the youtube clip is Cygnus (latin for Swan)
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