Friday, February 6, 2009

Ajira Airways: Destination Destiny 16

An updated video has been added to the Ajira Airways home page. The video features an announcement of a new route:
Welcome To Ajira Airways. We're happy to announce a new route leaving from LAX to Honolulu, Guam, then Indonesia. Check out our new feature Destination Destiny. Namaste.
The Destination Destiny section appears to be unchanged, however the video is strangely hosted on another server,, which at this time seems only to exist to host this video.


Lisa-Maladylis said...

its neat that they are still updating the site for us diehards that need more more more
Oh- First ! lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I was wondering about AMC since his name is all over the "Adventures" section.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the Ajira airlines water bottle that was in the last episode in one of the boats.

Black Swan said...

4th!!! (one of the numbers... lol)

Oh good! Thanks, dennis! I've been gone all day, so missed this earlier.

I think it's possibly a hint that there will be more (and hopefully good stuff) because of the server change!! I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Is this video to do with the arg?? Does it mean that its starting up again?? or that it never actually was cut? hmmmm

MadAriad said...

Hm. I'm not expecting great things but I suppose I'll keep in touch.

Kirk said...

wasnt MacCutcheon the brand of Scotch that Desmond and Widmore drink?

Anonymous said...

The server has also been used earlier to host the flash file for using a seat. I already mentioned that over a month ago. We also got to know the mail address
Nobody answers!

Nice video anyway. They tell us to check out destination destiny. Perhaps they have a new hidden combination using Destination Destiny. We should try around with the flights again.

Anonymous said...

Saw that guy holding up the 316 sign again at approximately half way through, it's the same guy from the following link off this website Guy holding 316 sign

MJCarp said...

Just posting link to DocArzt's re: billboard in LA

MJCarp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MJCarp said...

Unidentified Female
Unidentified Male

Did anyone get it right?

Capcom said...

I haven't tried it yet. Anyone else?

Capcom said...

BTW, Dennis, where are you and your awesome Fringe blogs?! :-o

Anonymous said...

Maybe here we go again...
Look in the eye of the 6 season promo... see anithing?

Eye frameMaybe I'm paranoid... attention...


Zort70 said...

Hi all, since there has been some new information floating around recently about a potential new ARG, I have created a new post with some of the details.

Let us know if you think this is real or not.