The two videos from last night are below, one is the graduation address from Damon and Carlton and the second is the small video from when the countdown reached zero. Both were recorded by Patmc
There were also a few new news articles posted including a list of the 108 graduates, there are a few familiar names there.

Kinda quiet in here. I trust the graduates are celebrating in fine form...
@Just Thinking...
My name on everything but here is dieweener. Only learnt how to change my name here last month, by which point, there was no need. I was on the same list as dharmadude during the commencement ceremony. I knew I'd read that name before.
I'm slowly recovering from a hangover from some heavy partying last night with all my fellow graduates.
Actually, I'm just on the train in to work, the former sounded more interesting. I am wearing my LU top though in celebration!
After the Eric Tan poster drop yesterday anything will seem quiet today.
LOST U Administration Takes Secret Meetings
An inside source has informed The Lamp Post that several members of the LOST University administration have been taking meetings with various professors and LOST cast members. As with anything associated with LOST, these meetings have been shrouded in secrecy. The Lamp Post promises to keep you informed of any developments in this story.
I wonder if this means more LU content is to come ?
I was just thinking about this. Coupled with some mentions I've seen elsewhere of 'stuff that's secret', I think there is -SOMETHING- still to happen.
Pat, Lotto, Amy, thanks so much for being on the case with the videos... Awesome that so many here managed the 108... Some of us are still trying to build the raft!
And congrats to Noel on The Crash. Did anyone else here manage one?
I know of at least one other person that did, and in fact they were so kind they offered me the poster just in case I wanted it.
That's the reason I love LOST fans.
Very cool of them Zort.
By the way I didn't take up their offer as I already have a crash poster from the original sale.
I'm room317, top of the second list. I finished around 12:40am, which means it probably didn't take too much longer to fill the top 108. Good work everyone.
I think LOST University is listed on the Season 6 Blu-Ray press release. Wonder if that's what it means?
if that kind person would like to offer ME the crash, I'd be well happy.
Still no sign of the Danger - i really hope it's not next week!
I didn't make the 1st 108. Spent a lot of time saving up for a blu-ray player, then saving up to buy the 5th season on blu-ray. I was probably one of the last to graduate cause I had to make sure I took every course and got an A on every test. I did make Dean's List though, for what that's worth. Regardless, it was a fun experience, and I feel thoroughly enlightened about time travel, black holes, wormholes, and speaking Korean. Congrats to everyone that made the first 108! Hope you get something really neat in the mail.
Congrats to all who were among the first 108 graduates!
Unfortunately I quit LU mid-term to backpack across Europe. I won't have a Darlton-signed diploma, but I'll always have Paris!
Maybe the 108 will be immortalized on the season 6 blue ray?
@amy lynn I think the lists read across by rows since I finished about 9 hrs after it went up and I am also in the 2nd column.
@beesknees7, oh, cool. :) Thanks.
yay so happy i made it (jonnywest1)
I just got what they say at the end-I'm not signing anything- I'll sign for you- lol
Rob- how can you compare Paris to LU? lol
I think you are right beesknees- because Martyn finished about the same time I did -he's dieweener. So I'm down to 7 rather than 3-but I thought it would be filled up in 5 minutes- so just happy to be there at all. Do you think it's wrong to put your LU diploma up with the kid's college graduation pictures?
And one more- Martyn- it's dress down Friday- maybe I'll wear my T too!
Lol, just thinking.
Was tempted to wear grad hat too. But people think I'm weird enough as it is.
And no it's not wrong. If it's actually signed by darlton, it's going up next to my actual uni diploma!
Mine will be going next to my signed Expose mug (thanks to comixguru and Weinbeezey and the whole front of the G1988 line)
@ Amy Lynn - I graduated in the morning around 9am I think (EST) and still made the 108 (however my name appears to be one of the last on the list!) so it looks like it took a few hours for the 108 to fill up.
Also, for anyone who is interested, I emailed Lauren Gregg and asked her if she will be selling print copies of "Charlie and a Polar Bear" and "Hurley" - she said that unfortunately there can be no print copies of these because abc is cracking down on non-sanctioned lost prints.
I just picked up this cute little print ( from Nate Duval for my kitchen. =)
Very nice print Amy Lynn. May get one for my girlfriend.
I was able to get a copy of Dan McCarthy's Homeward Bound, even though it was sold out. He sold me an AP. Very excited.
Speaking of Spam folders, has anyone rece'd their e-mail regarding the details of the 108 diplomas yet?
@ Amy Lynn
Nope, not yet.
Happy for everyone who got a poster.
With regards to the lamppost - I wonder if they are working on a few extra "lecture" type courses or if they are even setting up another ARG to last throughout the season so it culminates with the series finale in May.
Smoke Break arrived today. 7/100. It's lovely :-)
@ ChrisL
Ah, I wish I picked one up after the news I got from Lauren this morning! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled on ebay/eb
The list can't be across, because I finished -before- some of the people who've spoken here and would be listed as 'before' me under that scenario.
In general real life, graduation lists go -down-, not across. But they also generally go alphabetically. So it may not be -down- either.
In other words, I'm not certain WHAT generated the order. But given that real-life lists go down, I am claiming #4 forever. Partly because it means I'm a number.
@Ray, I consider myself lucky to have picked one up under the circumstances. Thanks to Ben for the heads up on that one.
Should I be concerned your Smoke Break arrived before mine and you ordered yours the day after me? Should I start my rant at Royal Mail again or would people prefer me not to?
@Martyn, relax for a couple of days. I know someone who ordered it within 10 mins of me and hasn't seen it yet either.
Bobbleheads ordered btw!
Any word yet on the winner(s) of prize 9???
My smoke break still isn't here yet either... I'm hoping for tomorrow, as I'm away for a week as of monday.
Are there any news about the Haiti Prices?
PayPal and StC have not sorted things out I'm afraid.
If we can't get them to agree within the next week we will have to think of another way to sort this out.
Apologies for all the delays but it's out of our hands at the moment.
Thanks for the explanation.
No need to rush ;)
No worries Zort! Us losties are a patient bunch ;)
I'm also really happy to hear that a couple of folk offered you their Crash...that's so cool!
Martyn...any luck in finding your Florida shell-beckled Jesus-mobile pic?
True I guess Chris. I'm just so impatient when it comes to posters now, it's ridiculous.
And thank you for the bobbleheads,
Are they not allowing you to see who sent it and for how much?
Charter...I believe (and I'm probably jumping in out of turn her) that Zort and Co are trying to get Paypal to waive their fees as the money is being donated to Save the Children. The agreement to do this obviously isn;t going as smoothly as planned (who'd have thought Paypal could be a bloodsucking corporation?).
Btw, if anyone is wondering why I am am a consistent mis-speller and mis-punctuator, 50% of the reason lies in the letters on my keyboard being so worn you can barely read them anymore (the other 50% is just bad typing)...
Speaking of Bobbles- I got the Jimmy Kimmel patch separately in the mail today. Do the UKer's know him? He's a late night talk host who really likes Lost- had Damon and Carlton on after the premier and does lots of Lost skits & bits. He's going in the scrapbook too!
No sign as of yet but I found a lot of old photos that aren't even in my iPhoto so will look again later.
@Just Thinking...
I know Jimmy Kimmel. He had a glyph on his mug for pete's sake, lol. I've watched him a couple of times when I was in America.
Anyway, SLEEP!
An early goodnight from me!
I only know Jimmy Kimmel from the 'I'm f*"@$*g Matt Damon' thing :D
That too Futureself! That was a brilliant skit!
Jesus Shell Car!!!!
Found it by pure fluke.
Really going to bed now, am happy that I have found it.
LOL - That is even more brilliant and scarily psychotic than my wildest nightmares!!! In many ways I hope it must be a Florida Sacha Baron Cohen behind that carbuncle but the realist in me fears the worst...
Actually, I love that there is a burger king sign positioned right above the roof of the car as though it is a part of the jes-car-iconology ;)
Before I forget congrats to all who made into the top 108!
My computer died and I only have my phone to get on line with. I make so many typing mistakes that it takes for ever to make posts and follow up posts. And keep up on reading posts here and TLC. lol
The only thing I's love more about that car is if it was a taxi and someone filmed my reaction as it stopped to pick me up :D what to do when it snows out.
That car is so funny. I didn't know it had stuff piled on top of it. lol
I can't believe it's allowed on the street.
If you can, I would recommend watching BBC Horizons 'To Infinity and Beyond'. It's available on iplayer for the Ukers and by other methods for those outside ;)
After missing the Crash, it was really nice to discover that I was one of the 108 and would be receiving a diploma signed by Damon & Carlton. Congratulations to everyone else who made the list!
whew! I finally made it back online...first, I had no internet, then, my computer decided to crash but good...I lost all my stuff.
Now, we were finally able to buy a new system and I have the internet and I'm back for good. (Just in case anyone missed me! :D)
Hi Ellen-don't know about the others- but tonight I am watching the Olympics- Oh Canada!
Finally got my Ben Linus back from the framer ( I ended up butting Ben and WK in the bathroom. The Barracks will go in the kitchen tomorrow, and Smokey will get hung up in the bedroom sometime next week.
Anyone watch Jimmy Fallon's parody 'Late'? It was pretty good/funny.
Amy Lynn, have you got a low humidity bathroom? :)
Welcome back Ellen, nice to have another voice in here!
Cosmically Yours
Wow, I fail. I didn't know there were any new posts - hadn't hit refresh until I had to restart my system. XP So here I was thinking I was a thread-killer, but everyone had moved on. *headdesk* I should have known people would be chatting more about Tan! (I DID think it was weird, everyone killed by Langoliers?)
Will catch up further in the morning. But at least I don't fail at EVERYTHING, since as I posted in the old thread which probably only a few people saw, I was also one of the 108. #10 if the order of the list is of significance. Think when I have it and framed I will take a pic in cap and gown like a NERD.
Bed to see if I can fix my apparently defective brain :P
Lol @Anne. Never mind, the comments here are 68 so nothing too big to catch up on. And believe me, i shall be joining you in nerdiness and getting a photo of myself in front of my diploma. Was wearing my graduation hat while watching the ceremony yesterday.
Im glad the photo was worth the wait! It was a weird, weird car and every other car that was waiting were looking at us and other cars in shock of all the stuff on the car. Maybe I should submit it to peopleofwalmart?
@Sayids Girl...
Yeah, I wouldn't of thought it was road legal either, there must of been one or two things that have fallen off of that car in it's time.
Oh yeah, @midday...
Yesterday when I said my store didn't attract as many "odd" people as on the walmarts website, I take it back!
Martyn, would you mind if I shared your shell car pic on my facebook page?...the joy really must be spread!
People of Walmart - having worked in retail in my younger days I've seen things you people you people wouldn't believe....
just watched ep 3... WOW. Also waiting on the postman. I am guessing no post today, which is sad. I WANT MY SMOKE BREAK!
Go for it. I can believe your stories. The crazies are just endless!
Cheers Martyn!
Catching shoplifters in denial and radges with fake notes were the most fun (and dodging items thrown at me when I refused to give it back...yes funnily enough I can spot a fake Scottish £20...something a lot of Londoners have issues with). But the joy of getting a stolen credit card!! Wonderful ;)
Ahhh, the joys of the retail world!
Fake Scottish 20's? Never thought about that, surely the easiest to pass off in England.
Ha, yes...I've had many a battle over getting English shops to take Scottish notes...refusal brings out the Wallace in me:)
A UV pen or scanner will show the fakes if in doubt. But watching the panic wash over the face of an English cashier when handed a Scottish £20 is kind of entertaining.
@TKI, I suppose it's a regular humidity bathroom. We live in a tiny Manhattan apartment, so everything pretty much flows into everything.
Exactly!! Scottish £20 notes scare us so in the panic, we accept it without checking if it's fake or not.
Not for me now anyway, I scrutinise all Scottish money as it would be easy to convince the English it's real. So far all real, only ever received a fake £20 and they weren't even trying.
English £50 notes are scary too.
OK, NYC Losties, fess up.... who is responsible for this?
@Martyn nope I missed like 460 comments on the previous thread too D:
BTW I think someone said they could hear what Damon/Carlton said to each other quietly on the end of the LU graduation video? My audio is generally terrible (this week LOST sounded like it was being broadcast via tin can).
ABOUT THE LOCKE'S SECRET TEE! I have for you measurements, it's quite a broad M (for a girl anyway). I didn't snap a photo, happy to take one, but here are other details: Numbered 363 of 815, size Medium, flat measurement (double it for circum) 19.5" underarm to underarm (chest), 29.5" from neck to hem. All I need is your name to add to a hat, I'm charging um . . . the shirts were $25? @_@; +shipping.
All other questions, I'm trying not to clutter here too badly, happy to answer them via email! princessteacup at gmail dot com.
In other news remaining concerned about Daniel Danger's health. Do hope he's okay.
@Anne, Damon says something like, "I'm not signing anything" and then Carlton says, "I'll sign them for you."
Oh, and the shirt will come with a free DJ AM button. I also still have a spare Chang napkin (well two if you're willing to fold for framing, my father got FOOD on one D:), shoot me an email about that too if you like.
@Amy Lynn Thanks XD I really need a new TV x_X;
Future- the fact that Scotland has it's own 20(geez- don't think I have that symbol) notes is one of the many reasons I could never write a novel set in Scotland. Had no clue there was such a thing.
Don't want to miss the 2nd 108 email from ABC- so if anyone who gets it posts here - thanks.
Amy Lynn- frosttbite! Very cool beans picture.
@JT, I think we're probably safe e-mail wise until Tuesday. The LU e-mail specifically said 7 business days, which leads me to believe they wouldn't send it over a holiday weekend.
AL- yes- I forget Monday is a holiday- don't have it off.
Or how about Tawaretfoot in the Park?
@Anne don't be - he's a big boy, I'm sure he has it all in hand. Danger's last poster drop was for several at once. More likely he's just chilling out, and will do it when he's ready. He's complained a bit about Losties nagging though (who wouldn't?) So I suppose the answer is a drop sooner rather than later... which sucks for me. PLEASE NOT NEXT WEEK.
@Ben, I think Anne was referring to Daniel's post on his website that he's having some lung issues, and has been sick for a few weeks.
Lol JT - yes, we have our own parliament and education system too ;) The currency is still Sterling and is legal tender in the whole of the UK (just and English notes are legal tender in the whole of the UK). Both the English and Scottish get confused when handed a Northern Irish note but they too are legal tender in the whole of the UK. And I have no idea about the Welsh :)
FS, No-one has any idea about the Welsh!
@amy lynn - so was I. He's a big boy, I'm sure he knows where his doctor is!
Has anyone who ordered "Don't Let Them Touch" by Armando Chainsawhands received their print yet? I know it's only been a couple of weeks since print was released, but I was curious as to delivery time.
@Ben I dunno, I've known a lot of adults without the sense to go to the doctor! ;) Nothing like late-night IM conversations "if I can't stop the bleeding, do you think I should call someone?"
I remember vaguely hearing that there were different bills accepted across the UK . . . not so bad that they're surprised to see a different one, I heard a story once about a guy who had mall security called on him for trying to use a $2 bill here! And that was our OWN money.
Ugh, I think I'm going to have to defriend Ryan from Hawaii on FB. He just posts spoilers all over the place. :(
My girlfriend got given a $2 bill and she's not ever going to spend. Extremely rare things.
And I didn't think NI had their own notes as well as Scotland.
@Amy Lynn...
Well, yeah! That's what he does, he goes and watches them film. He's definitley a person to avoid if you don't want spoilers, thought you knew that?
Hey ARGpeeps!
Hope all of you are well and all those on the east coast have survived the snow -- so far.
Anne -- Hope you are feeling better?
Can anyone make out which DHARMA symbols were on Darlton's graduation gowns in the video? I'll try to get a closer look when I get home, but the question just popped into my head.
Anne, I went back and looked at what you wrote when you were still stuck 3-4 posts back (knucklehead :) ).
I am so glad that LU went well for you. It sounds like you needed a boost and something going right.
I believe when Lost ends we'll find out that something had gone wrong in the Lostverse, causing events to repeat, sometimes with different people, again and again, until a choice is made that ends the cycle, heals the Lostverse, and allows it to finally continue on its way. I hope the same happens with you.
Cosmically Yours
P.S. Amy Lynn - ahhh, to live in a small Manhattan apartment!
Have not been paying attention - Did anyone ever announce the winners of the charity donation prints???
@Attorney Greg
Nah, Paypal and the charity are having issues. All in good time.
@andalone: I've not received it yet either.
thanks ray.
Last night I kept trying to comment and it wouldn't work - we'll see how this goes.
@Ob just vaguely under the weather, immune system being useful this time. Working away on Cafe Press and print simultaneously, lol. Maybe drawing pictures of the Island cures you too? ;)
My mother asked the same thing about the logos! Couldn't tell.
@TKI thank you for the kind sentiment :) Last night I wound up being put in mind of Lost as a washer-dryer - round and round until the cycle ends? lol. BEST THEORY EVER! Now we know why the Hatch had 2000s era units!
Since I forgot to mention before - I will be taking names for the Locke's Secret/Olly Moss tee until 7PM CST Tuesday night - tie in the drawing with the new ep since I had to pick a day.
Just saw this place ( on Damon's Twitter feed.
Any MA ARGers out there? We're going to MA in May for my brother's law school graduation. Will DEFINITELY be eating at DharmaBuns!
@ Amy Lynn
Saw that too! CT ARGer but def going to try and make it up there sometime in the near future
Didn't we think for a while that Dharma Buns was going to be the reveal location for the Polar Bear print?
So I was at a bar last night and stopped by a local after-hours mexican food place and who was in line in front of me?
Kevin Tong!
I had met him at the gallery event, so I recognized him. Chatted with him and his friends for a bit. It was pretty cool running into him. I'm guessing he lives pretty close to me. I think he was a little taken aback that I recognized him lol.
Dharma buns IS real. I live a few miles away. Never been there but I have been meaning to check it out.
Just letting you all know, I just receive back the interview questions from Leia Bell. I sent them to Zort, and hopefully they shall be posted soon!
theotherben, your wish is my command :-)
@amy lynn : Have you heard anything from the LostU crew about your diploma? I was Tostie14 in LostU (my name is just to the right of yours on the list -- top of the 3rd columN). I finished 2nd semester in 10 minutes to try to make it into the 108 Club and apparently it worked.
But I haven't gotten any emails yet about personalizing my diploma. I've even checked spam filters and everything.
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