If there is any more poster series news (see below), or LOST University news we will try and bring it to you and of course we will sort out the Competition 9 prizes as soon as possible.
In the meantime, while we are waiting for the next LOST ARG / Marketing campaign, then head on over to The LOST Community where you will find a friendly place to engage in spolier free "watercooler" discussions about our favourite TV show.

1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»first ?? Morning all and Happy Lost day !!!
Happy Lost day Lisa!
In Celebration of LOST DAY:
Samatha Thomas and abc promo crew
Happy LOST Day!!
wooooah.... I don't want it to be over! Spoiler free sounds good - I may get sucked in the Lost Community.
Morning everyone. What an exciting day!
Awesome pics Mungonna!
Happy LOST Day, all! Here's the outfit for school today:
We're also having a party afterward. I made cupcakes:
Happy Lost Day Everyone!
YAY. How is today not an international holiday?
Happy LOST Day everyone!!!
All -
Happy Lost Day and not to be overshadowed (pun intended)... Happy Groundhog Day!
Rob Perrin - Great interview with Nate Duval. The Barracks is at the top of my favorites.
Hobbit - Love the look and the cupcakes.
Mel - Fun photos... fun times.
Ben - Lost Community is looking to be my next frequently visited Lost web site as well.
13 hours and counting.... :)
Happy LOST Day ARGers!!
Great cup cake action Hobbit, I think they are now the official food of LOST fans :-)
Happy LOST day to all!!!
Can't wait to watch it all again tomorrow. At Heathrow now so almost finished my journey, just a 2 hour coach journey back up north.
Glad to see both MEL and Maven made it home safely and Maven, tell Marty I'll be reading up on the battle of Waterloo when I get back home!
12 hours till the recap episode.
Wasn't there a recap ep (season1-5) a few days ago?
Wow, I didn;t realise it was Groundhog day too...very cool...Bing :)
:) Happy LOST day!
I am so giddy about tonight - and having some LOST friends over tonight to usher in the last season. On a similarly fantastic note, received my Locke's Secret from Olly Moss yesterday. And now the print quest is complete!
Great pics, MEL. Fantastic!
Happy Happy- but busy busy!
I think this should also be :
So, my thanks and appreciation for all the time and skill and dedication it took to keep this board going through the whole craziness. All the side posts, the organization, the ability to steer the discussion back to civility-was tremendous. We wouldn't have been here without you- as all the award show winners say! :)
@Jason, I'm not sure. The recap episode tonight is called "Lost: Final Chapter". (That's not a spoiler, right?)
Amy Lynn
I wouldn't consider it a spoiler.
They always have the Damon Carlton show before the premier.
I would like to add my thanks to JT's. Thanks for giving us a fun place to be through this long hiatus. And keeping us on top of all the print craziness.
Three cheers to Zort!
Hahaha. Definitely a spoiler :P
This is sort of my LOST-iversary. Not datewise, but last years S1-4 recap was the first footage of LOST I'd ever seen.
Oscar Noms are out... Not much love for Star Trek :(
Haha... Last May was the first time I got addicted Lost. Started from The Pilot and finished at The Incident, 2 weeks later. They were brilliant. I had seen previous eps before that but didnt like them that much cause they didnt make sense.
@rtfarr - Suks huh? Star trek was one of my fave movies of the year.
Wow. I think Up is the first animated movie nominated for Best Picture.
mine too. Giacchino's score should be on that list...but his Up is really good too. I think it'll win. :)
@ Jason, it's at least the second. Beauty and the Beast was nominated for Best Picture about 20 years ago.
@rtfarr - I loved the soundtrack to Up. Very sweet and full of emotions.
@amy - Really? Didn't know that. I haven't watched that film in ages...
yes it is. I love how different it is from his work on LOST and Star Trek. It's quite amazing how versatile he is. I guess that's one reason he's being showered with awards this year. :)
Martyn - You and your gf in photo of Star Bulletin!
Hey guys! Happy L O S T day everyone!
Don't know if you saw it, but Teefury has a John Locke t-shirt today. Just thought I would share that info.
Happy Zort/Lost/Groundhog day! Thanks for all the links to the great pictures. I'm jonesing for a cupcake now.
If you click through the pictures from the star bulletin you can see some of our other Lastargers! Comixguru in her Dharma jumpsuit and is that her in the last picture rockin' the hula? Awesome!
Happy LOST Day and thankyou all for making hiatus great :)
Won't buy teefury shirt, even if i like it.
I'd never wear it :(
I wear my TeeFury shirts all the time. For some reason, they fit REALLY well.
I'm wearing my Olly Moss shirt today, though, and my Ajira pin.
I hope my "missing" shirt gets here today...if not, I'll be wearing my "Log Carrying Guy" shirt
Happy LOST day everyone! I can't wait to get my TeeFury shirt soon. :D
Happy Lost/Groundhog day everybody!
To my utter surprise and amazement german
SpiegelOnline picked up on season six…
Um, er, I understand the word "LOST" :)
The Reduced Shakespeare Company performs Reduced Lost
Hey, gang: I can't believe it's really here...HAPPY LOST DAY!
I'm moving on over to The Lost Community...it's a great place to discuss the show in a spoiler free atmosphere! Hope to see a lot of you there tonight!
Thanks again goes to Zort for making LostArgs the place to be for off-season excitement! He helped keep us all together through this long hiatus!
(@Martyn: Marty says "great", but read up on the Battle of Trafalgar, too!)
I'm going to post in both places, because I know a bunch of ARG people *aren't* making the move for various reasons.
Amy, I'll be here till the bitter end too but also over at TLC.
Have a fantastic time tonight everyone in the US.
@andalone..Thanks for the SB link! He did a much better job than I could ever do...but I'd do the trip exactly the same all over again if it was possible.
In recap..don't worry, no spoilers, just the observation that TPTB have remained True to the formula. You will not be let down. Many seeds planted in premier, with the rest of the season to watch them grow.
Met up with the usual suspects and made new contacts with so many. No two people have the same Lost . Thats how it should be. Beauty. Honoring and respecting that is at foundation of Celebrating LOST Day. Which is more than I can say for the HUGELY Beer Belly'd security guy who kept sticking his beer gut in my line of site to the actors as they inched their way down the red carpet. I don't kno ..maybe he was with twins.
Lost Day this year ,is also the Beginning of the End. I know tho..there will be no end to all that has become the Lost Experience for all of us. Bonds have been made, perspectives made aware of, the magnetic feild lines that run thru and connect us all grow as the ripple, the sphere of influence, expand out.
One Day a Year in Celebration is an Excellent gesture to mark the Beginning and the changes brought about its expansion thru Space and Time.
A parable ensues: A Lostargie lost a shoe during the hurley burley of the Sunset on the Beach scene. Many retracing of paths taken were made to find the wayward shoe. Much angst and getting wrapped around the axle over the situation was made. After the event was over, the sandy beach nearly empty and the homeless scavengers already setting themselves in for the harvest, still much concern about one foot naked. So, it was advised..let it go..free yourself of the worry, the troubles. Finally there was the deep breath taken, the acceptance,,it was gone..time to move on. A few yards later,,a few seconds in time further..there was the shoe ,somebody kindly placed at the base of a light post, illuminated , just waiting to be found.
Wait? What day is it? I thought Lost was next week? Holy cracker jacks.
Happy Lost day every one.
And Zort, I really really really really was teasing on twitter. Caprica is good too.
I wish I had a snuggie so I could pretend it was a blanket and wrap myself up in it tonight. But instead I'll have to settle for a regular blanket.
Cyber high fives all around.
And one for All,,to All; rather than the beginning of the end, a Celebration of the end of the beginning..
MEL, thanks for sharing, those pics are awesome (esp. Ms. Lilly. Wow.)
Zort, thanks for making this site happen. It's been a huge source of entertainment and even inspiration at times over these past months. Quite a community you've built.
And the "missing" shirt is found :D I'll be wearing it to my premier party :D
Happy Lost Day, everyone! And yes, thank you Zort for everything over the last 6 months. I'll see you all on the other side!
who else is going to see Darlton on Jimmy Kimmel today? :] i am!
Hi Weinbeeezy, I have the DVR set for it. Meant to tell you that the t-shirt made it. I actually fit into it. I thought XS meant toddler size, LOL. (cuz, I'm no XS!)
Thanks for the news link andalone, wasn't expecting it to come up until later.
@Eugene: good to hear it! i wasnt worried, everyone got theres too! hope you enjoy it!
Martyn - your gf is lovely. I enjoyed seeing all the pics posted on twitter throughout the weekend. I hope she enjoyed the trip.
MEL - You rock a Hawaiian shirt like no one else!
She loved it, almost as much as I did. I think she'll probably make an appearance on here at some point too.
Loading my photos on to my computer is crashing it like never before!
@hobbit, you have a Sam and Bill the Pony! And is that a Tom Bombadil?
It looks like we share a few interests. Cupcakes too!
@RobPerrin, those are some good photos considering it was under glass! I think the natural light (and no flash?) must have helped a lot. Thanks!
And to Kermit, er...Zort, Thank You.
Boyfriend just informed me that after watching every episode from S1-S5, doing a re-watch with me the first time I watched S1-S5 and half-watching me do my own re-watch, he has no need for a recap episode, and will be cooking dinner for us tonight.
don't worry, La Fleur has you covered!
@and,,HAA! thanks for the compliment!..I tried to have a Hawaiian shirt for every occasion..it seemed to have worked out okay. But I did eat very well( best chili dog ever!! at the Rainbow Drive In, one of a very few LOST shooting sites that they Did NOT change the name) and had to suck it in for a few pictures.
Speakin of rocking..heres a couple of pics where I try to capture the wild frenzy of rocking out Hawaiian style by Comixguru( who stunned us all) and Martyn ( who was brilliant!).
Hahaha Thorsten. And all this time I've been a Jack fan, when Lafleur is the one to have what I need. Fantastic.
Thanks, I almost forgot about that.
We got to the rainbow drive in at about 9 and they'd closed up and switched the lights off which was sad. But we did eat in Murphys and drank in O'Tooles so all is well I guess. but that photo is great. If you don't mind, i'm stealing it for my collection!
@MEL - the green Hawaiian shirt you were wearing in a pic taken at Lulu's was my favorite. :)
The LostArgs group looked like everyone was having a great time every single moment. You gave me many smiles, a few chuckles, and 2 laugh-out-louds!
@martyn..well..thats okay since I plan on lifting yours or anybody's pic of O't and Murph...Seriously folks..have at them..Any and all are for You,,takem and do what thou will with them. Anybody want a original let me kno here.
The Argers definitely represented big time. It was such a pleasure to share in your adventures even at a distance.
@Thorsten - you made me lol at that for MSC!
@Amy. Top BF.
Yo Chris, as you can see from the box it's a rather tiny snuggie!
Dharma vacpac. Expands vastly on release.
The arse that runs the NYC Meetup group sent out ANOTHER email inviting me to an event in a few weeks, and included the episode title, after I already told him to stop inviting me. ;( :( :(
Here's my Lost Hawaii Album. Not many good red carpet pics since we were so far away...there are plenty of other places for those! Mostly pics of us Losties!
Hello all. Been super busy of late, with my job and personal work, just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy lost day!
Hopefully I'll get to watch it all tomorrow night, so all Lost sites are out of bounds until tomorrow evening.
Enjoy all, look forward to discussing stuff with everyone later this week.
Take it easy! TIbbs
(This is Anne. Google is freaking out and will not let me sign in.)
Nice shots, MEL!
Oh man Reduced Shakespeare Co. stole my idea! I saw an absolutely brilliant short film version of a 15-min Hamlet years ago that I sadly can't track down . . . Ophelia drowns herself by dunking her head in a bucket. XD Anyway their version of LOST was very funny as well. Anybody notice Damon's Tawaret in the BG?
Well I can always do it with puppets. Might have better luck finding "stunt hands" to help than actors anyway.
Maven: lots of happy people :) lol @purge pic XD
@Hobbit: those cupcakes are full of win! Love the varied expressions on the polar bears.
Bit jealous of those having a party :( But incredibly excited about the premiere!!
AAAWWHH!! Thanks Maven and Marty!..Geesh we all photograph very well!!! Pics say it better than words!!
Tibbs, welcome back mate!
Maven, fantastic album. Thanks so much for sharing that.
maven - Ditto what ChrisL said - such happy, smiling faces!
Happy Lost day!!! I've had so much fun with you guys over the last 6 or so months (even if I didn't post all that much). And meeting a bunch of you at the Gallery was the icing on the cake!
Anyways, to celebrate today, I'm releasing my second poster this evening!! Check my site before or after the premier (depending on your time zone) for my release! This time I ventured into season 4 for all those that were waiting for a later-season poster!
Come check it out! This time, I'll be giving away the original line art for the poster to one randomly selected purchaser! And as always, I will at some point release high-resolution jpgs of it for free.
Anyways, I can't wait for tonight! I've somehow been able to remain spoiler-free, so I have absolutely have no clue what to expect!!
@Justin... I'd suggest you repost that later in the week. I fear it's going to get buried tonight.
Thanks MEL.
In the process of finding the photos I want to keep from me and Eleanor surfing and then I'll load all the photos up. Love the photo you took at the top of the cemetery!
Just wanted to say Happy LOST day everyone!
Been quite busy, but I've really enjoyed reading along with the recent HI adventures and all.
Can't wait for the premiere, just hours away. Enjoy!
lol, if you live in the US and happen to be home atm: Syfy is running the Terry O'Quinn episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Don't confuse coincidence with fate!
@Amy, I'm sure it will :) I wanted to get it in now before it got too crazy. I figured I'd give people a little advance notice. I'll probably repost it again if they don't sell out tonight.
Good to see you Midday. Been giving EB a miss so it's good to see you here. Come over to The Lost Community with us won't you during the season?
Martyn - I want to see those surfing pics!
Look here, Anne… Damon sporting his Trek Cap:
@Everyone! From Methane Studios:
In order to be fair we are having a lottery for the purchase of our LAST LOST posters. We have 10 left at $200 per.
The first 10 emails we receive with the correct number will get a poster. ONE guess per person!
Guesses will be accepted between 11:00PM-11:30PM eastern. Tonight! Feb. 2, 2001 STRICTLY!
This number is related to show in some way.
Good luck! This is fair as fair can be so be nice!
We will notify winners by end of week.
Remember ! ONE GUESS PER PERSON!!!!! if you vote more than once ALL you votes will be disallowed.
ps-please NO emails before lottery. We will be busy watching show!
Hmm - which e-mail address though?
3 hours till clip show, 4 till LA X.........
Ryan has posted a great entry on his blog about the premiere weekend, along with some terrific photos.
Just stopping by one last time tonight - have a look at suprafootwear.com for some LOST shoe news !
@Zort, 9PM PST? Yikes, that's um, unfortunate for West Coast people.
I'm out of trying for The Dharma Van. Sorry to those that need help but I'm simply too exhausted to do a 4.00 am UK. Here's hoping for better timing on the Tan and Danger.
and I won't be trying for any Expose footwear at 5 am either!
I'm assuming the Methane number is over 100 (and not one of the numbers) or else they would have made the guess between 1-100. I would pick either 108 or 316.
Either way, I'm not guessing. Good luck to those who try!
Not trying for Methane here, either. Good luck.
200 is way to much for the Hurley Van. I will be going to get a few pairs of the supra shoes... If I get extras I'll post on here
Any one know the cost of the Supras?
Dang. How did you find out the price, Weinbreezy?
i WANT that dharma van.
But ABSOLUTELY not for 200$.
Good luck to those who will try.
I'm off to bed, tomorrow i'll wake up early and watch LOST again.
LOST fever!
Haha the store is here in LA so I'm accesible to it ;)
3 hours till the clipshow...
4 hours till LA X...
Im most likely behind the times, but these are more my style -http://www.freshnessmag.com/2010/01/20/nike-sb-blazer-high-–-lost-pack-dharma-initiative-edition-available/
A short 2 hours from the clip show here on the East Coast. 8 months has become 3 hours till LA X
Oh, dang! That is absolutely awesome Weinbeeezy. And so is the price for all of that! I just hope they have some available for size 12/13.
Weinbeeezy, if you see any in a women's 5, LOL...
I really wish i could speed up time by abouut 3 hours. What to do with myself until Lost? Guess i will watch "The Incident" for the 459th time...
Have been super busy and wanting to post earlier.
Thorsten HUGE thanks -- I just emailed you!!!
More in an hour or so!
Thanks ChrisL! I will be stopping by The Lost Community, thanks.
I think $200 is asking too much for the Van. Especially in light of Tyler selling all of his for $70. Only 10 copies in question here - make it a real celebration of premiere night and ask half that amount. Love the print, but ...
Anyway, only a few more hours... :)
Hope you had a great time in HI, ObFuSc8! Lucky!;)
Wow - I've been away a lot due to lots of work these past couple of weeks, but I can't believe it's the beginning of the end today. So excited, yet so sad also. But I'm jumping with anticipation!!!!!
Thank you to LostARGs and all of you for making these past months so much fun. I was kicking myself because I never did do the full 5 season re-watch that I had planned this fall, and I realized that was because I spent so much time with this ARG - it was a totally unexpected surprise with plenty of excitement and adventure along the way. So at least I had a good excuse!
I will check in here and I'll also head over to the LOST Community and check it out soon (along with a couple of other forums that I haunt regularly).
Thank you again Zort and Dennis and EVERYONE! HAPPY LOST DAY!!!!
They are sold out of the Expose shoes so none will be online tonight so don't waste your time f5 ing.
My Olly Moss is here. 83/300! The tube was pretty badly damaged, but the print is A-OK.
See above Pat.
Just did... LOL
congrats Amy!
Just a reminder to everyone watching the clip show - beware of the spoiler commercial that I'm sure they'll play at every possible break. :(
Good heads up Amy Lynn... thanks! I think I'll watch it on a delay on my Tivo, so I can skip the commercials...!
OK, for once, I'm officially jealous of the East Coast... LOL! I'm 3.5 hours away... I wish I was only a half hour away! Damn you clock! Move faster!!!
Right, all done, photos are uploaded. Just waiting on GF's so some are missing but eh!
Heading down the library on Friday so will look out for the battle of trafalgar and battle of waterloo. Doesn't hurt to have that sort of knowledge in your head. Got to get a book Amy recommended as well for my intended Uni course. Another bonus to HI. Knowledge!
Hope this fulfils your requirement, if not, my gf took a load of other things as she was on the window so I left her to take photos of some things.
link 1
link 2
link 3
link 4
link 5
@Martyn - Thanks for thinking of me! :-)
I can't access Facebook here at work. Any chance you could post them on any photo-type site? If you can't don't sweat it. I'll just have to look for them later. I'm still jealous as hell... but from the other photos I've already seen, it looks like you had a blast!
Arg!!! It feels like the clock is moving in slow motion today! It feels like I'm a kid on Christmas morning who woke up before my parents... and has to wait to open presents!
Took me all night to upload those and that's without tags and comments. Some photos I robbed off of twitter and other folks, but will comment whose they are tomorrow. After I watch part 2 of course!
Oh and there's still videos to come, some of which i'd rather not get uploaded but there were too many witnesses to it so...
Anyway, goodnight folks and enjoy the premiere. You will not be disappointed!!!
Oh and apologies if I just pre-blew anyones mind.
Watching the clip episode now. Wow about the narration, makes it even more fun. Commercials are short.
Even more fun seeing a bunch of the locations we walked through!
Hi Martyn!
Hi obfus...
How was your flight back?
Oh and me and Eleanor watched the constant, the whole scene is completely different to me now. Love it though, knowing I stood there.
Miss being in Hawaii with you guys, and the lost themed alcohol. Mainly you guys.
I think.
Just saw darlton on kimmel... They dropped spoilers before we all saw the episode -__- thanks guys
Martyn -- the flight back wasn't too bad, just that the first was a few hours delayed , but after that, OK.
Getting a bit tired of them wanting to charge for everything from the food to pillows and blankets and headphones though.
I had so much fun with all you guys in Hawaii that I wish I was sitting here watching the 2nd hour of the premier with you all too!
You must tell Eleanor to pop in here as well.
West coasters are just about to start, huh? Be patient. Second hour is tons better than the first.
Weinbeeezy -- that kind of sucks, but JKL doesn't actually air until after the the premier, so maybe they just thought that by the time everyone esle saw/heard what they said it wouldn't be a spoiler?
I would have been ridonkulous if you had your Razzle Dazzle supras on and ran screaming "La la la la" from your seat with your fingers in your ears "I shall remain spoiler free! Jacob told me too, and don't tell me what I can't do!"
Hey folks,
Just finished the premier and I gotta go lie down! For those that didn't get ta see it, I made a new print inspired by our favorite show:
Got more in the works if you're interested. Night!
@Amy Lynn
Both episodes are quality, but absolutely agreed--I do find the second part to be far superior to the first!
Photos from LOST Premier
Hawaii Part 1
Hawaii Part 2
..heheheee...excellent stuff..just about every good line a surreal double entendre'..the writers must work every word over like a sumo wrestler. One of the best juxtapositions of the nite..," I ain't gonna kill him..cuz he deserves to suffer on this rock like the rest of us..then the cut to Jack at airport dealing with what has to be one of the ultimate plane traveling nightmares..Maybe Martyn and Ob8 have a different opinion on that..but Lockes reply to Jacks condition at the airport,,and the ensuing development of a connection..perhaps hints at an earlier idea that they all end up together in the end anyway.
Its something...neat...to realize when watching a scene..like all at that airport..that..hey I was just there. I went up that stairs or sat in that chair or etc etc etc..talk about connecting.
Bottom line is..a Great Nite. Lost continues as it has done. The formula is true and continues to exceed expectations. MIB Locke is my Hero..I want to go Home. I face the Templeistas everyday.
Lovin the Surreal
Careful on Season 6 episode SPOILERS! Tonight, the West Coasters won't finish watching both parts until 2 AM, eastern.
xxxhardcore,,i'm in Phoenix AZ..so..any west coaster here and not watching the 2nd hour, isn't of right mind in the first place. relax...
So- Damon bought the Smokie taking a poo painting- I wondered which ones they bought before the show opened. Carlton got the polar bear in the tree with crashing plane. This from Jimmy Kimmel interview.
Thanks JT -- I have election coverage here, so JKL will be a long way away :(
btw.. Thanks MJ for the foto album,Fotos say it better than words. So let me try this:
ABC BOBBLEHEADS ON SALE NOW! Alpert, chang, and faraday... First 1000 gets a Jimmy kimmel dharma patch... His face in the middle.. Order off www.abc.com
@JT *dies laughing* WELL I feel better now about being so upset that one was sold when I got to it! XD;
I cant pull the trigger on the bobbleheads.. esp with shipping being $7. Even with the patch... :)
Wow. What an episode!
I couldn't resist a bobble head to commemorate premier night- especially with Jimmy's patch- he's such a fanboy!
And don't we feel special having gotten a print of Damon's favorite from the show:)
But after tonight- I guess I can't imagine Ben taking Smokey on a leash anywhere!
I'll definitely feel special about that...maybe the fact that Damon loves it will help the gf realize how awesome it is :)
On another note, wasn't expecting the last episode to be on may 23....
Ah but JT -- who's leading who on that leash...
if anyone heard the guy yell, I LOVE YOU DAMON, on JKL tonight, that was me :]
@Weinbeeezy - I just felt sorry for Carlton... No one seems to yell out "I LOVE YOU CARLTON" for some reason. ;-)
BTW... May 23rd for the finale... is a Sunday night. That'll be a first... and last I suppose. Start your party planning now! LOL
Too much to cover tonight... gotta get some sleep. Good night all!
@Patmc i didnt want to get kicked out of the show for yelling to much haha! but when carlton says nice its because he recognizes my Olly Moss Locke T-Shirt!!!
sorry everyone in the other countries that haven't watched it yet. I thought I would come over and say good morning. Yeah I added my old forum name to mine since someone else was commenting with the name Lisa as well last night and it wasn't me. Anyway, Morning Zort, Chris and Martyn !
Ooo.. Entertainment Earth are making Locke, Hurley, Kate and Ben figures.
I should have known it was one of the Argies at JKL. Did you notice WeinB that they were wearing black & white?
Good point Ob8. And re your comment at TLC that now we can see the meaning of the Hurley clue in the last poster- I think maybe the other clue is the intact plane in the sky, going over the island.
Ya, I'd snag a Hurley or Locke bobblehead! Not gunna pay $20 for those options.
@justthinking i didnt notice that! very interesting
Weinbeezy,,That was You!!?? EXCELLENT!!.Way to Go! As much as I like JK's humor and all..it was a good moment of Fan Ownership of this show.
On that note,,Some thoughts on season opener:
Andre Breton ‘s perception of , a human being existence is dual, that a human being lives in two realities simultaneously has always been a presented thematic motif of Lost.
These two realities are the world around you, the external world, the physical world and the other reality of Man being the internal world, the place of dreams, subconscious, memories, Id, Ego etc etc.
Season 6 appears to be bringing these two realities closer together . In the past seasons flashbacks and flash forwards kept the battle lines distant. The conflict between the two realities took their toll as a result of a engagement of opposites in the fog shrouded trenches of the abstract Adrienne . Now, with season 6, the “ flash”
is neither forward nor back,but is transitive in the space realm of Exterior reality to interior reality. We are Flashing at the same time but thru the space of the two realities of Man..
Of course the question of " Who" is some what mystical. What we are presented is existence as seen or experienced by Who? Early Lost had the question , “ Are You Him?” Middle Lost had the question, “ Who Am I?”. Later Lost had shift to, “ Aren’t You Him?” So , “ Him” a non definitive pronoun, as a Mystery, remains, but appears to be settling down, a lot less radical in his conflicted shifts of flashes. Perhaps as Juliet eventually communicated , “ It Worked." I wonder if “ Abilify” had anything to do with it...? Seriously tho,,as serious as I can get presently anyway, the perception of..that everything we see in the presented Lost,,is really or existence, as experienced by a human being ,,the camera lens is the Eye of the Mystical Him , seems to becoming easier to perceive. The opening sequence of epi 1 season 6 heavily suggests the simultaneous , dual, existence. The external world of the plane, and the internal world ,,way below, submerged in the murky waters of subconscious, dreams, etc etc...Fascinating how the “ exaggerated” and distorted attributes of the Island reality grips us , brings us to our personal “ Feel” in its extremeness.. Maybe there is the answer to the question of the Mystical Him...?
Interestingly tho..by the near end of epi 2..did not you, the viewer, have a “ feel” as Jack extended himself to man in the wheel chair? Again, the viewer is being asked to do the Flash,, the viewer is asked to walk the bridge between the two realities presented. Like the MIB Locke put it,,” I want To Go Home!”
There is some distance still between the presented,,and “ Home”. The Books of Lost are presented to help us in the trek. So, it was Kierkegaard Des was reading. That's even better than I supposed. Kierkegaard’s perception of “ wholeness” of a Life being suggested, or the pursuit of a Whole life fits well with the Surreal belief of the Hope of Mankind is in the Unification of the Two realities conflicting Man. Season 6 appears to be traveling that path. With each step, each episode, we seem to be getting closer to Home.
Ahhhh, and the premiere is complete! All caught up now. By the looks of it, I don't think i'm going to be able to deal with TLC, 393 comments already and i've only just finished. I'll give it a go though.
About to start tagging all my photos, thanks btw to Lotto and MEL for your photos.
I felt the same way. Watching the first part, I recreated all the applause and whooping in my head but with the second episode I was disappointed at not hearing any of that and wished they played it on the beach as well. :(
I'd be interested to hear more about the beach reactions. We found the first part pretty boring, really, other than the flight scenes. I think I would have asked bootlegger Bruce for my money back :-)
Dan MCCarthy just sent out a new e-mail for his ner print
Hey X-Philes,
I believe I saw "The truth is out there" written on the back cover of the magazine Rose was reading on the plane. You can see it for a moment as Bernard returns to his seat.
MEL, what do you make of that? Just an in-joke? Or something larger?
Cosmically Yours
wow! very nice poster!
ABCMedia Net - Cafe Press LOST Design Contest
@Amy Lynn...
I think the beach reaction is greater than those who watched it on TV. For me, I find the first episode better than the second, even though the second is definitely more informative and awesome. I think it was just the feeling of being surrounded by all these lost fans that made it intense. The cheers for certain scenes, just made rewatching it at home very lifeless without it. Had to recreate them in my head.
@Sam G...
Got the e-mail and just couldn't resist. I have no where to put it either. Damn these posters are addictive!
@ Martyn -I know, really great poster and I like that it is a different size.
@Amy Lynn...Having fun are we? You appear to be straining yourself over the modern ubiquitous ability to live stream . I'm sure TPTB are aware of that ability as any. The right or wrongness of it is basically non sequitor, since any who take advantage of it have already answered that question to themselves. That " choice" is in everything we do or don't do...much less to watch an airing 3 days before its on TV. That folks paid to be there versus seeing it for free,,misses the Whole Experience versus a flat 2 dimensional viewing of 41 minutes of an episode. There is no monetary value that can be assigned to the Whole Experience. It does not belong to Rome.
I can only speak from the inside. Perhaps when you go to Disney Land..I will be on the outside, wondering why an adult would pay money to go and see what is available on the internet and TV.
Happy Day After LOST Day!
@MEL, I think it just depends on what it's worth to you. :-) I can barely watch LOST with my boyfriend, forget 16,000 people.
@TKI..the truth is out there...hhhmmm..Its the Directional of that line,,that fascinates me. " out there"..
Again, the presented ,,of Lost..has always been a fascination. What is presented is the view of whom?..or thru whom..? The camera lens is the Eye of Who?..are you him,, who am i. etc. So..the truth is out there,,suggests to me..that " out there"..is within each viewer. How LOST it is..that Out There..is within each of us!!
I've always saw Sayid as the characterization of Truth. Like he said last nite....Ive tortured many people..That he died and was reborn..or as Dogan put it.. if he dies , we all are in big trouble..sealed the deal for me. Hope, in the form or metaphor of the Ankh..is very much connected to knowing Truth from Illusion. Perhaps the Dogan and the Temple-istas have a bit of Illusion to deal with on their own..and that is why they fear the MIB Locke. Sayid as Truth then,,reborn,has a challenge then doesn't he?
@Sam G...
That's another reason I bought it, I may be able to fit it in somewhere. I've just seen one spot it could go, but with Jabberwock still to be framed and Smoke Break on it's way, i think i'm going to have to lock up my CC for a long time now.
And I have to agree with MEL. The Hawaii experience extended way past the premiere. And everyone was surprisingly quiet, except for the motorbikes that made me want to quote South Park but resisted in case people didn't get it.
Can we just go back to Hawaii just to go to Giovanni's Pastrami just to watch the episode in there? That's got to be worth another trip back, right?
TKI -- NO WAY!!! I will go RW and try to SC "The Truth is Out There" if it indee was on the back of Rose's mag!
While I wouldn't defend AlohaBruce's ustream of the premier, I am sure TPTB expected "leaks" from the Sunset on the Beach screening and this may have influenced them showing only the 1st hour on the beach. And, as LOSTies go, so many are spoiler free that they ignored the leaked footage -- I would not have watched (even if I hadn't been in HI). Just because the ustream footage was out there doesn't mean anyone had to watch it. While I have heard from a few that they watched the ustreamed episode, each of them also RW the actual premier on ABC.
The experience of watching the premier on Waikiki beach not just with 12,000 LOST fans, but also my own LOSTie friends was unique and fun! Despite the size of the crowd, everyone was pretty quiet for the premier itself, and it really was fun to hear everyone cheer or gasp at certain scenes. Most of us knew we would be RW the entire 2hr premier anyway, so no one really went to the beach expecting to catch every little detail or nuance -- that's hard to do even when watching at home, most tend to rewind/RW anyway.
@ Martyn..what I'd give for another Rainbow Drive In Chili Dog..another direct eye contact with Evangeline Lilly..another Shoe with MJ..another,"uhhmm how do you say?" from a French Lost Fan..another warm smile of a Lost fan from Finland...another margeritta with New York and Britannia..another discussion with Marty and Bonnie..another foto op on the coast of Hawaii..another moment with Karen,Jo, Ryan,Jenna,Bruce,Alice, Terri!,, everyone and all and all in no particular order..
Like i said, no monetary value can be assigned.
That shoe was an epic moment of the whole weekend for me!
And you're right, i'd trade all my posters for that again.
@Martyn: yeah it's a lot to keep up with! Bit intimidated by the traffic there. But it makes for lively discussion I should think.
BTW do you have a photo of yourself? lol weird right but I think I might have seen you on Nightline?
@Sam G: thanks for the link! Hmm have to think about entering, though I don't know if I have any clever ideas x.x
Since people here use CafePress, how is the quality these days? Friends and I used it not long after it was created; I was never much impressed with the tee quality. Just wondering!
Article on NY Times about a somewhat "divided" LOST fanbase; probably don't agree, since I kept stopping partway through to yell about it with my mother! XD
Man, just read through 417 comments. My head hurts on a major level now! I don't think i'm going to like the idea of doing that each week.
What's nightline? There are plenty of photo's of me in Lotto's HI photos.
BTW, if anyone wanted a digital copy of my photos to add to their own, let me know. And if anyone else if offering theirs, I will gladly be receptive, right click save on facebook isn't the greatest quality.
Concerning the NY Times article..consider that the article itself is a demonstration of the Conflicted state of mind..Two opposite views of LOST...and the author wishy washes between the two. So..its sad and hilarious at the same time, that the author is unable to go where Lost has gone quite a few times when dealing with various Conflicting opposites..Rise Above the opposites and find resolution of their conflict in the Imagination..The author is almost there but not quite. Maybe by end he or she will be.
Martyn, epic or no, the shoe story will not be a repeat and I have learned my lesson(s), thank you MEL. I am struggling down stream of all that has happen since my arrival home late yesterday. I passed out twice in front of laptop in an awkward position and woke up paralyzed from the waist down. Panic set in and adrenaline rush kept me awake for the second hour. lol But sadly, little memory remains and will have to rewatch later today.
and, to second MEL, Martyn above, the experience out weights the expense. I wish everyone a chance for same whether LOST related or no.
I posted above FB photo link (captions have been added, please tag if you see friends)
MEL your photos are fantastic, but can you find not so tiny pic, but really large pic on-line site. My eyes are no good. Maybe flickr.
That's me watched and in awe of that opener and what's to come. OMG!
I loved part one. I loved part two.
You could surely have heard my heart's delight all the way over in the US of A at dear Juliet being alive... but then gone! Nooooo.
And did Giacchino not surpass himself with that part one closing piece, just beautiful.
Favourite moments... UnLocke leaning forward into the light with Ben in the Statue like a more lucid but equally deadly Colonel Kurtz. And Locke smiling at Jack in the airport lost luggage scene, reminding us how Locke once was (and seemingly is again).
I'm floating. Delirious with anticipation of 7 days time, and again and again.
Oh and Hi all. I missed you for the last 24.
lol, it was amazing. A beach of supposedly 12000 people and your one missing shoe turns up, leaning on a lampost? Pretty amazing, I think.
And your photo's are amazing, i've added a few to my collection because they were that good. Same with yours MEL. The total amount of photo's is now at something like 636, I think. :s
Loving your new Avatar Martyn!
I'll try again for suggestion . . . where can we post full or near full resolution images as a group? Anyone? Sad to lose all these great pics from LA and HI with time.
ChrisL, I was just wondering about you! Yes, best camera work on scene with MIB and Ben. Could not agree more.
Zort70, any news regarding our final Prize? I do you have date for this Blog to close? I would like to know how long will we have access to comments posted since August. Thanks.
Hmmm, we could create a Flickr page under the name LOSTinHawaii, where the people contributing have the username and password to it and we all just upload on to it.
Can't see how anyone would be malicious with it tbh.
Thanks! Although I may change it to the Dharma Surfboard I saw.
Martyn, contact me lotto.ticket.108 g mail.
Martyn, saw some of your pics - they're amazing. Totally envious of your trip !!
It was an amazing trip. Back to work tomorrow, all hell was breaking loose when I left so I dread to think what's happened since. And me telling them about this amazing trip won't help either. Nuts!
In other news, my T Stout FOTC print turned up while I was away. Looks stunning, but mine was numbered out of 250, I thought there was a mistake in the numbering or was that just in the ones he sold on his site?
Damn, the McCarthy is sold out.
@LT, why would the blog close? With rumors of a second poster set next summer, plus, no real reason to get rid of it at all.
@Amy Lynn...
I think I still prefer here. Everything moves too fast and there's too many over there. Here, I feel what you have to say is heard more. Not that it's not over there. I just feel like peoples thoughts can get buried.
Sorry about the McCarthy, I bought it as soon as I got the e-mail and even when I got the receipt, I still convinced myself it was an oversell. Old habits die hard!
Anyway, good night all, back to work and not fully adjusted to the timezone still. Will not be fun.
Hello old friends! Red Bull, my my, haven't you grown. And is this you're little one? What's her name? Pro Plus? How beautiful!
Ok i've lost the plot, goodnight!
Well, yeah, I prefer here too. A lot of people on TLC are mean, and aren't as um, insightful as people here.
ChrisL, you sure it's sold out? It's still available to add to cart.
@Amy Lynn...
That was my sort of idea in the first place, we'd have to re-establish ourselves in a way. There's no way I could of posted that nonsense about red bull and be looked at as sane.
Indeed it seems like open floodgates over there compared to here...I'll give it a go. I've always felt there were the 'right' amount of post-ers here. And(tense times aside) liked the tone/subject matter of convo here.
@ Martyn... try your best to keep yourself in that Hawaii state of mind. And true, co-workers never like to hear about fun times that are had outside of work. Par for course. Screw 'em!
Re: your FotC . Nice, it arrived! The numbering on yours is the correct run size : /250. Tyler made a mistake when signing numbering his part of the run and did so /350 - it was the incorrect numbered ones that he signed.
WOW! Can't believe the new McCarthy sold out in half a day! This is my second year as a subscriber of his print club.Every month it proves to be the best deal around in the print world. He's been on quite a streak lately too - three of the last four of his prints are really truly stellar -IMO- and among his best work. Can't wait to get this. Interestingly, to free up some time, he's getting D&l to print this one - they printed Rousseau's for him.
@ChrisL, i can still add it to my cart too
Yes, you can add it to your cart, but if your hit 'checkout' you will be informed that it is sold out.
typo: *you
@MiddayShadows - McCarthy's printing with D&L for this one?? I'm surprised. Daniel Danger told me at the gallery that Dan was disappointed with transmission - he usually does his own prints and the "banding" in the hills was not meant to be like that.
For those of you that missed my post yesterday, I released my second poster! I've just posted a new clue to find the URL and the answer will be posted tomorrow afternoon (PST). Check the clues out at DamonCarltonAndMe.com
Since the official posters didn't deal with any of the later seasons, I decided to take a crack at a subject matter from season 4/5. I will also be giving away my original inked drawing for the poster to one random purchaser!
Let me know what you think! Even if you don't like it - I can take criticism :)
I'm surprised by that too. Thanks for that tidbit of info too, coming from DD, as it validates my assumption exactly: that Dan must have been disappointed with that banding - the one flaw in the execution of the RT print in my eyes. As a subscriber I do have many , brief email exchanges with him, but I've never felt comfortable asking him about that , as I didnt to risk coming across critical of R.T. overall- I do still think it rocks overall. But this very thing was on my mind today as I looked at similar hills in the background of this current print.
Also, point of fact, this is actually the second print D&L has done for Mccarthy since R.T... They also printed up 'in a silent way' for him in December.
it appears that Leia Bell still has a Love Triangle left on Etsy if anyone is interested...
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