me either - no spoilers please anyone! Tomorrow is the first night of the show I'm directing, meaning it's really unlikely I'm going to be able to get this. Anyone (I'm guessing it's not going to happen) want to poster buddy for me? Please? email me!
I'm hoping Eric will take into account the Europeans and drop at some point between 6pm and midnight GMT... well, I can hope right? How many people are really going to refresh for 6 hours in the hope of getting one of the 35 or so (my guess) that he's letting go?
It wouldn't surprise me if there were less than half of that available. 6 weeks have passed so the artist may have taken some big money private offers.
ioioos, I really don't know whether I can commit hours to a minimal chance at 20 or less available. It's a stunning piece and I want it very much but...
I'm with you. Much as I would like it, I've got a hell of a busy day tomorrow so I can't afford to spend hours on the PC hoping. I'm going to try and a couple of key times, but I think the chances are slim for me.
Besides, having now seen all the prints in a flesh, I have my favorite three, which are Swan, Ben and hatch.
I'm in the same boat :( and I have to get to sleep early, as I have the play the next day too. THEN I'm overseas for a week running a trip, so if the Danger drops, I'm double frakked.
Yeah, I'm a little heart sick. I have a skills test for a possible job promotion. Can't be at pc all day...chances of an evening drop are pretty slim, I guess. Good luck to all of you.
Hey, did anyone else get an email in Lost University that they will be getting one of the 108 diplomas? Just logged in it appears they sent out the email yesterday!
You made me check and... sure enough! I am officially one of the first 108 to graduate! I trust there are several others on this forum that were, too, seeing as how I didn't graduate until about 2 AM Eastern time, and I believe there were others in here that graduated before me. Congratulations and good luck/skill to all getting that e-mail! Here is what it says:
"Subject: First 108 Graduates
Congratulations! You are one of the first 108 LOST University Students to qualify for graduation. In the next few days you will receive an email to the address you provided at enrollment from our staff requesting further information needed to personalize and ship your diploma to you. If you do not receive an email within the next 7 business days, please be sure to check your spam folder.
Samantha Thomas Office of Registrar; LOST University"
Yes, like Ray said... That e-mail is found by signing on to LOST University in the email Inbox on there. The email is NOT in my regular email address account. The email I'm now waiting for is in my regular account, though.
I've tried (but failed unfortunately) to be a Poster Buddy - but now I'm asking if someone can be a buddy for me for the Crash? Thanks in advance - very much appreciated
I don't think people are going to be poster buddies for people they don't know. I don't want to sound mean but someone could turn around and sell it for all they know.
Whee- got the first 108 email for LU! Thanks for the info guys- as Samantha says I will have to keep an eye on the spam folder. I am hopping like bunny 15- well inside anyway.
Speaking of which, I am waiting for the Jimmy Kimmel Dharma patch that it looks like was backordered when I got the Halliwax bobble head. The family agrees that the Dr Chang likeness is not great- but it has heavy resin construction and he is holding the ever so cute ill fated # 15.
As I mentioned before, sadly I have NONE of the Lost posters, and of course, Crash is my absolute favorite! Unfortunately I have class most of Thursday and I simply cannot miss that day. One of my teachers is crazy (no, really) and is 100% serious when he says you need to be dead not to come in. He actually requires you to show up sick so he can see it, then leave. Someone told him they were at the hospital visiting their sick relative and he said that wasn't good enough. No, really. Like I said, crazy! The other class I have a group project that our entire grade is based on and it's the only time when all group members meet. :-/
So I pretty much have figured that I won't be able to get one myself. So... if ANYONE on here gets a spare copy and wants to take pity on a person who 1) doesn't have a poster from the series yet and 2) wants Crash most of all, then please pick me.
As stated previously... In return, I can offer you the following; my "constant" undying love and devotion, a miniature plastic toy plane, a travel sewing kit, a letter vowing revenge, two photographs of a lovely woman from the Middle East, an awesome chocolate candy bar, a comic book in Spanish, a CD from a one hit wonder band, a lottery ticket, a copy of Our Mutual Friend and possibly... a kidney and/or my firstborn.
(Also anything else Lost I can scrounge up like; a t-shirt from the premiere, sand from Sawyer's tent area at the Losties camp on Oahu, stuff from Comic Con like the pre-first season promo poster, etc.) ;)
No 108. :-/ Gah. Such a major bummer. I tried so hard to finish quickly and considering I didn't get my blu-ray player till the end of Dec and had problems getting my internet up and running I guess I should be glad I was able to finish at all! I did everything (as in BOTH semesters) in two days, with a 4.0 and finishing all but 2 classes offered. I thought that might be good enough but guess not. I hope those who don't get a signed one at least get a faux diploma after forking over the dough and spending time/effort on it.
Out of curiousity what is the glyph you are talking about? Missed out on the Apollo bars as well (sigh) but have been contemplating buying one on ebay just to display it.
The glyphs from the Lost Experience us to pieces of the Sri Lanka Video you had to arrange the pieces of the video in the correct order. I was like a giant scavenger hunt and it was amazingly fun.
So... Are many regulars here trying for this one? Despite everyone absolutely wanting it, it sounds as if not many of us have the window of opportunity. Being on the East coast, I'm going to bed now to wake up in a few hours to make the most of what could be a HARDCORE long day!
well im going to bed now... banking on it not dropping during the wee hours of the night! I'll be up by 5AM PST... if it drops before then what can you do? :)
I'm a regular that'll be going for it. Doubt I'll be able to nab one, though. I've been up for a pretty long time and I'll probably fall asleep for like 11 hours once I do. :( East coast though, so maybe it'll drop soon, in the wee hours of the morn'
The poster page just updated with this beneath the "Limit 1 per person" message:
There is a slight chance that a flood of orders will cause the poster to be oversold. Unfortunately, this is the last of the run and I apologize in advance for any orders that get through after all remaining copies have already been accounted for. I will do my best to notify you immediately if this occurs.
That's the very glyph I'm talking about, the one from the live DJDan show that was put on the radio station in Santa Monica. I kept it and brought it with me to the G1988 art show opening and got it signed by Lindelof and Cuse. Lindelof actually freaked out when he saw it, giggling like a madman.
His signature reads "GLYPH!!!!" before his actual name.
SWEET!!!! Just checked my Lost University email... and I too am one of the first 108 to qualify for graduation!
OK... that's one LOST related piece of good news today. I'm crossing my fingers that I can make it TWO pieces of good news today. I'm REALLY hoping that I can give the Darlton signed diploma a friend to hang out with on my wall... ;-)
Gotta get up early tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. Hopefully Jacob will be smiling on me, and Eric won't drop The Crash before I'm awake and in front of a computer at work.
Happy Lost Poster / Lost University graduation day everyone!
I'm still checking occasionally, but I'm not sure how often I can check until later on today when I get home.
If anyone can send me their graduation email can you take a screenshot of it on your own pc and forward it to the admins email. I'd like to show it on the main page. I wasn't in the 108.
He is going to get complaints, regardless. You can't please all the people all the time. West coast. East Coast. UK folk. And all timezones outside and in between. To have less traffic and ease of sale, ungodly hour is the way to go. That being said...
Yes, I agree it will probably be a few more hours, at least.
Seriously, I stay away for one day to avoid any mention of the LOST episode and then go away to see my girlfriend and come back to this???
Never going anywhere again!
Right, try to catch up then.
@Team Jack...
Mountain Dew was around for a couple of years but that's when mothers started saying coke and sitch was unhealthy for kids. I remember being annoyed at my mom for a while as she was a mother and I was young so I blamed her for the loss of Mountain Dew. That all changed in 2004 though. It can be bought off of but it's quite expensive. And if you tried shipping any to me...well, don't get me started on the UK postal system again. The two bottles I have will be saved for a special occasion. Can't believe you smuggled sand from Sawyer's tent back, didn't the agricultural officers see it?
Yes i'm feeling a lot better now. the stomach pains are hours away now rather than minutes, which is awesome. As for the shoes, thinking about it, Eleanor bought me a pair of limited edition super mario trainers for xmas a few years back and I barely touch them, they're too precious to take out in to the real world. Now that I think about it, I'm just going to give up and just put them back in their box.
And glad the earthquake wasn't too serious for you guys. The only earthquake we've had here, I slept through and my mom said she thought a lorry crashed in to the house. Guess i'm a heavy sleeper? I did experience one once on holiday in Zante, while I was reading Harry Potter (Told you I liked Harry Potter, Team Jack) and I remember just carrying on reading my book. Was fun though.
Yes, Ultrasurf means you can watch it off of the next day, it comes up with an error message saying geopolicing or something failed, which means you're in!
I shall be trying for the crash as today is my day off and i'm not in work until 10 tomorrow so I can get away with it. Not a fan of the Crash tbh but there's plenty of people I know who want it so will try for them. Or trade it for Locke's Secret. But that'll never happen. Anyway, will be trying for friends so i'm in!
Feel like i'm plauging this page now but I just remembered, Anne, the Locke's Secret tee? I would like to put my name down again. Felt left out of the Olly Moss tribute in Hawaii :(
I'm trying for the crash too... my 2nd fav. I actually just got Locke's Secret from Olly on Tuesday but it arrived damaged. Looks like someone wacked the poster tube against something pretty hard. I must have been one of the first orders because I also got his die hard poster, which is awesome. But unforently, that's damaged as well.
Thats a bummer. I was lucky enough to receive mine undamaged, but I did notice the tubes were a bit thin, compared to the ones used by Rob Jones that could withstand an explosion.
Olly dropped ~11:50 AM, Eastern. The nice thing about that was that it was early... and we could go on functioning with out day, regardless of outcome.
So back to newbie online buyer questions- I don' see anywhere to pre register account info on Erics site- will paypal carry it over - or does everyone have t sign in?
It is standard PayPal. I sought out other sights with BigCartel and the BUY NOW went straight to PayPal.
Hmm... I'd say, night owl! But I hope I am wrong. Meaning that I hope he doesn't sleep late into the day and then drop it! But, as is promised, random is, well... random! It can sometimes help, too, seeing as how it might give you an extra 10 second window to buy it without so many people focusing on a specific time... Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.
@chaseter - No. I'm free this morning for the next two hours then off to work. Doubt it will drop by then. It also is a bit liberating to simply follow and not feel the pressure.
I was going to try to get one for my buddy but I have work and I think the site is going to literally crash so I think it is going to be a huge hassle today.
I just hope it's not at 5pm GMT, got my university interview then. I feel like I should prepare instead of watching this terrible 80's Transformers movie and watching check4change constantly refresh Eric Tan's page.
Anyone any advice on how to prepare for a phone interview?
Have one piece of A4 in front of you. Before the interview write a few points on it…..
1. List three reasons why you want to go to this university
2. List three reasons why you want to attend this course
3. List your three academic strengths
3. List one of your weaknesses. This is for humility. Just pick something like “I’m my own worst critic of my work”. A negative that is also a positive. If they ask for another weakness, tell them its spotting weakness.
Armed with these as a nothing more than reminders, just be yourself. If you try to be something you are not it usually shows through.
The lists will simply help you avoid the "uummm....eeer" moments if you are put on the spot.
Ahhh, yay! I also got the LU graduation email. I was worried since I wasn't able to get the required credits until about 9 hours after classes went up. Can't wait for the ceremony tonight! This makes up bunches for not being able to get The Crash.
You are always speaking twice as fast as you think you are...
Never be afraid of awkward silences. Let them fill it.
Don't be afraid to make them think. When they ask if you have any questions, calmly say something like "I don't mean to put you on the spot, but could I ask you, from what you've heard today what would be your biggest concern about offering me this opportunity?"
This question allows you the chance to alleviate their concern with a rebuttal, or gains you approval from them, which they find difficult to change course from.
For those waiting impatiently like me for the Crash, here's a new Ben print I did the other day. Enjoy!
This is great stuff! I always hate that I can't think of any questions to ask but that seems like a good question to ask and will allow me to learn personally too.
And those awkward silences always tend to bring the drivel out of me. Seems like sound advice so will give it all a go.
You're not the one interviewing me today by any chance?
Dang! I am at 9:24:38. I think it is an oversell because the first couple of times I tried to get in, it gave me a "-4" as quantity, and I had to adjust it to just "1." However, there was a Poster X quantity sold/available bar and it was slightly less than half when I went through to PayPal and now it officially says SOLD OUT. So... let my own private waiting game begin.
Well, true to form, the time was at least "random" as promised! It reminded me how every second and F5 press truly does count. With the latest time stamp, I will let you know as soon as I get an "oversell" email if I get one (I am thinking I will...).
it was random in that nobody knew the time, but I was extra alert for 9:22, because after 8:15 passed, and people were thinking about important numbers in LOST, I thought then maybe Sept 22 was going to be a possibility.
Well, isn't that just grand! Goes on sale while i'm having a telephone interview! Not cool Tan! lol
Congrats to those who nabbed one!
The interview went alright, your idea helped when he asked about why I wanted to do the course, may have babbled at one point so shut myself down promptly and remembered to breathe and talk slowly.
The interview was so brief, it didn't really call for the question at the end, I just said my questions were answered at the open day and repeated to him what I asked at the open day.
So yeah, I will find out next week I think if I was successful!
Yes, my receipt quantity is "1" as well. The thing that worries me (besides having a later timestamp than a couple of people) is that I had to adjust the quantity from a -4, which makes me think it was oversold by 4 even at that point.
1 – 200 of 466 Newer› Newest»I haven't watched the new episode yet or read any comments since yesterday, so I should be ok posting here first !
me either - no spoilers please anyone!
Tomorrow is the first night of the show I'm directing, meaning it's really unlikely I'm going to be able to get this. Anyone (I'm guessing it's not going to happen) want to poster buddy for me? Please? email me!
Good luck with the show Ben.
I'll try and get a poster, but I suspect the time difference in the UK might cause problems.
If we thought the wait for the 16th poster was a long, tense one, this could be even worse.
thanks... I'm occupied from 5:30 until 10pm our time, which I'm guessing is prime dropzone. :( I'd kill for one!
i gotta ask again... if theres ANY poster buddies out there in the LOSTUNIVERSE help is wanted for this poster :[ thanks!
I'm after a buddy or someone needing a trade too, so let me know.
I'm going to try for this, but I can't afford to spend all day and night waiting, I've got too much work on.
Besides, it bound to drop at some unfriendly hour for Europeans, plus I've already got my favorite prints.
Glad everyone is finally getting another chance though.
Good luck everyone!
I have a potential trade, email if interested...
Hope the show goes great Ben!
I'm hoping Eric will take into account the Europeans and drop at some point between 6pm and midnight GMT... well, I can hope right? How many people are really going to refresh for 6 hours in the hope of getting one of the 35 or so (my guess) that he's letting go?
Good luck folks.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were less than half of that available. 6 weeks have passed so the artist may have taken some big money private offers.
ioioos, I really don't know whether I can commit hours to a minimal chance at 20 or less available. It's a stunning piece and I want it very much but...
I'm with you. Much as I would like it, I've got a hell of a busy day tomorrow so I can't afford to spend hours on the PC hoping. I'm going to try and a couple of key times, but I think the chances are slim for me.
Besides, having now seen all the prints in a flesh, I have my favorite three, which are Swan, Ben and hatch.
I'm in the same boat :( and I have to get to sleep early, as I have the play the next day too. THEN I'm overseas for a week running a trip, so if the Danger drops, I'm double frakked.
Yeah, I'm a little heart sick. I have a skills test for a possible job promotion. Can't be at pc all day...chances of an evening drop are pretty slim, I guess. Good luck to all of you.
Good Luck!
Morning all. Everyone on the East Coast, stuck in the snow, keep warm and enjoy another snow day.
Methane Studios tweeted that there are a few Van posters left. Sorry but that was an hour ago and I just saw it so they are probably already gone.
Hey, did anyone else get an email in Lost University that they will be getting one of the 108 diplomas? Just logged in it appears they sent out the email yesterday!
You made me check and... sure enough! I am officially one of the first 108 to graduate! I trust there are several others on this forum that were, too, seeing as how I didn't graduate until about 2 AM Eastern time, and I believe there were others in here that graduated before me. Congratulations and good luck/skill to all getting that e-mail! Here is what it says:
"Subject: First 108 Graduates
Congratulations! You are one of the first 108 LOST University Students to qualify for graduation. In the next few days you will receive an email to the address you provided at enrollment from our staff requesting further information needed to personalize and ship your diploma to you. If you do not receive an email within the next 7 business days, please be sure to check your spam folder.
Samantha Thomas
Office of Registrar;
LOST University"
Are we ever going to find out who won the 9th prize?
I'll be away all day long, with no connection available.
This sucks. :(
No email for me on getting a diploma, and I was graduated a good long time before the time XXX mentioned.
sigh. I'm just getting no Lost love currently. :(
Did you check in the Lost University fake email thing on the dvd? They wont be sending a real email until next week.
Yes, like Ray said... That e-mail is found by signing on to LOST University in the email Inbox on there. The email is NOT in my regular email address account. The email I'm now waiting for is in my regular account, though.
Hi Everyone
I've tried (but failed unfortunately) to be a Poster Buddy - but now I'm asking if someone can be a buddy for me for the Crash? Thanks in advance - very much appreciated
Rich in Vancouver
I don't think people are going to be poster buddies for people they don't know. I don't want to sound mean but someone could turn around and sell it for all they know.
Whee- got the first 108 email for LU! Thanks for the info guys- as Samantha says I will have to keep an eye on the spam folder. I am hopping like bunny 15- well inside anyway.
Speaking of which, I am waiting for the Jimmy Kimmel Dharma patch that it looks like was backordered when I got the Halliwax bobble head. The family agrees that the Dr Chang likeness is not great- but it has heavy resin construction and he is holding the ever so cute ill fated # 15.
As I mentioned before, sadly I have NONE of the Lost posters, and of course, Crash is my absolute favorite! Unfortunately I have class most of Thursday and I simply cannot miss that day. One of my teachers is crazy (no, really) and is 100% serious when he says you need to be dead not to come in. He actually requires you to show up sick so he can see it, then leave. Someone told him they were at the hospital visiting their sick relative and he said that wasn't good enough. No, really. Like I said, crazy! The other class I have a group project that our entire grade is based on and it's the only time when all group members meet. :-/
So I pretty much have figured that I won't be able to get one myself. So... if ANYONE on here gets a spare copy and wants to take pity on a person who 1) doesn't have a poster from the series yet and 2) wants Crash most of all, then please pick me.
As stated previously... In return, I can offer you the following; my "constant" undying love and devotion, a miniature plastic toy plane, a travel sewing kit, a letter vowing revenge, two photographs of a lovely woman from the Middle East, an awesome chocolate candy bar, a comic book in Spanish, a CD from a one hit wonder band, a lottery ticket, a copy of Our Mutual Friend and possibly... a kidney and/or my firstborn.
(Also anything else Lost I can scrounge up like; a t-shirt from the premiere, sand from Sawyer's tent area at the Losties camp on Oahu, stuff from Comic Con like the pre-first season promo poster, etc.) ;)
Wahoo! One of the 108!
No, I hadn't checked the LU internal email. Must have missed that the first time.
Yes, I AM one of the 108 graduates!
This'll go soooo well with my soon-to-be-framed Glyph from the first ARG that Damon and Carlton signed at the G1988 event.
I think there's something really sweet about having something from the -1st- ARG and something from the -last- ARG.
Somewhere, someplace I have a glyph from the LE and DJ Dan's broadcast in Santa Monica and 2 unopened Apollo bars.
No 108. :-/ Gah. Such a major bummer. I tried so hard to finish quickly and considering I didn't get my blu-ray player till the end of Dec and had problems getting my internet up and running I guess I should be glad I was able to finish at all! I did everything (as in BOTH semesters) in two days, with a 4.0 and finishing all but 2 classes offered. I thought that might be good enough but guess not. I hope those who don't get a signed one at least get a faux diploma after forking over the dough and spending time/effort on it.
Out of curiousity what is the glyph you are talking about? Missed out on the Apollo bars as well (sigh) but have been contemplating buying one on ebay just to display it.
The glyphs from the Lost Experience us to pieces of the Sri Lanka Video you had to arrange the pieces of the video in the correct order. I was like a giant scavenger hunt and it was amazingly fun.
So... Are many regulars here trying for this one? Despite everyone absolutely wanting it, it sounds as if not many of us have the window of opportunity. Being on the East coast, I'm going to bed now to wake up in a few hours to make the most of what could be a HARDCORE long day!
well im going to bed now... banking on it not dropping during the wee hours of the night! I'll be up by 5AM PST... if it drops before then what can you do? :)
I'm a regular that'll be going for it. Doubt I'll be able to nab one, though. I've been up for a pretty long time and I'll probably fall asleep for like 11 hours once I do. :(
East coast though, so maybe it'll drop soon, in the wee hours of the morn'
The poster page just updated with this beneath the "Limit 1 per person" message:
There is a slight chance that a flood of orders will cause the poster to be oversold. Unfortunately, this is the last of the run and I apologize in advance for any orders that get through after all remaining copies have already been accounted for. I will do my best to notify you immediately if this occurs.
I wish he posted a time! :(
My Richard Alpert bobblehead came in today :] looks awesome! Even comes in a dharma case haha
Sam G--
That's the very glyph I'm talking about, the one from the live DJDan show that was put on the radio station in Santa Monica. I kept it and brought it with me to the G1988 art show opening and got it signed by Lindelof and Cuse. Lindelof actually freaked out when he saw it, giggling like a madman.
His signature reads "GLYPH!!!!" before his actual name.
Well... it is now officially Thursday here in California. Let the festivities / torture commence...
Ah... just like old times, isn't it? :-)
Hahaha... like old times, but worse. Everyone wants this one.
No lag so far...
SWEET!!!! Just checked my Lost University email... and I too am one of the first 108 to qualify for graduation!
OK... that's one LOST related piece of good news today. I'm crossing my fingers that I can make it TWO pieces of good news today. I'm REALLY hoping that I can give the Darlton signed diploma a friend to hang out with on my wall... ;-)
Just logged back on. Where did the sale page go? I'm just getting the standard blog page???
Think the BUY NOW will appear on the normal view, or with the enlarged COMING SOON view?
@XXX - I wondered that myself. I have one window open with each, and I'm alternating refreshing each of them... LOL
Oh well folks....there was me hoping it was going to go on sale at 1:08....
Time to do some work.
Gotta get up early tomorrow, so I'm off to bed. Hopefully Jacob will be smiling on me, and Eric won't drop The Crash before I'm awake and in front of a computer at work.
Happy Lost Poster / Lost University graduation day everyone!
Congrats to all the graduates! And good luck with the Tan!
Tan's bigcartel site is down...??
whats going? Did it flood the site!!
The site has gone, not the poster. At least, I don't think so...!?
Was the site getting slower or did it just get taken off?
All of BigCartel is down, it seems. Doubt this was directly related to Eric Tan.
It just disappeared in the middle of a refresh for me.....coming soon then the oops screen.
phew! panic over. Still refreshing just in case though.
It's been down about ten minutes for me.
back up, but still coming soon.
Well it is the middle of the night LA time, so its probably just site maintenance.
I don't see Eric listing it this ungodly hour anyway, he'd get loads of complaints.
I'm still checking occasionally, but I'm not sure how often I can check until later on today when I get home.
If anyone can send me their graduation email can you take a screenshot of it on your own pc and forward it to the admins email. I'd like to show it on the main page. I wasn't in the 108.
He is going to get complaints, regardless. You can't please all the people all the time. West coast. East Coast. UK folk. And all timezones outside and in between. To have less traffic and ease of sale, ungodly hour is the way to go. That being said...
Yes, I agree it will probably be a few more hours, at least.
Zort - Patmc posted a twitpic of his
Seriously, I stay away for one day to avoid any mention of the LOST episode and then go away to see my girlfriend and come back to this???
Never going anywhere again!
Right, try to catch up then.
@Team Jack...
Mountain Dew was around for a couple of years but that's when mothers started saying coke and sitch was unhealthy for kids. I remember being annoyed at my mom for a while as she was a mother and I was young so I blamed her for the loss of Mountain Dew. That all changed in 2004 though. It can be bought off of but it's quite expensive. And if you tried shipping any to me...well, don't get me started on the UK postal system again. The two bottles I have will be saved for a special occasion. Can't believe you smuggled sand from Sawyer's tent back, didn't the agricultural officers see it?
Yes i'm feeling a lot better now. the stomach pains are hours away now rather than minutes, which is awesome. As for the shoes, thinking about it, Eleanor bought me a pair of limited edition super mario trainers for xmas a few years back and I barely touch them, they're too precious to take out in to the real world. Now that I think about it, I'm just going to give up and just put them back in their box.
And glad the earthquake wasn't too serious for you guys. The only earthquake we've had here, I slept through and my mom said she thought a lorry crashed in to the house. Guess i'm a heavy sleeper? I did experience one once on holiday in Zante, while I was reading Harry Potter (Told you I liked Harry Potter, Team Jack) and I remember just carrying on reading my book. Was fun though.
Yes, Ultrasurf means you can watch it off of the next day, it comes up with an error message saying geopolicing or something failed, which means you're in!
I shall be trying for the crash as today is my day off and i'm not in work until 10 tomorrow so I can get away with it. Not a fan of the Crash tbh but there's plenty of people I know who want it so will try for them. Or trade it for Locke's Secret. But that'll never happen. Anyway, will be trying for friends so i'm in!
Think i've caught up now. Oh, and Lost was good!
Oh and I was one of the 108. Will try and screencap off of my PS3, i'm pretty sure I can do that.
Most I could do was a picture Zort, will send it now.
Thanks andalone, and Martyn.
Sorry zort, obviously still in holiday mode and took way too many photos of an e-mail.
Feel like i'm plauging this page now but I just remembered, Anne, the Locke's Secret tee? I would like to put my name down again. Felt left out of the Olly Moss tribute in Hawaii :(
if there's a shot at an Olly Moss shirt, I'd love one in L or XL, but I'm guessing it's about as likely as me scoring the Crash today...
The last unicorn. Best of luck to all!!!
One last post then i'll shut up. For an hour. Maybe.
My spare Walt's Kidnapping is on eBay
Sorry to spam.
I'm trying for the crash too... my 2nd fav. I actually just got Locke's Secret from Olly on Tuesday but it arrived damaged. Looks like someone wacked the poster tube against something pretty hard. I must have been one of the first orders because I also got his die hard poster, which is awesome. But unforently, that's damaged as well.
@ JD
Thats a bummer. I was lucky enough to receive mine undamaged, but I did notice the tubes were a bit thin, compared to the ones used by Rob Jones that could withstand an explosion.
Any guesses on the time of drop? Olly made it a little easier on us and I was hoping Eric would do the same. Thoughts?
Olly dropped ~11:50 AM, Eastern. The nice thing about that was that it was early... and we could go on functioning with out day, regardless of outcome.
I guess random is random!
So back to newbie online buyer questions- I don' see anywhere to pre register account info on Erics site- will paypal carry it over - or does everyone have t sign in?
Thanks if you know-
Sorry, no t's on my keyboard today.
But of course Olly dropped it late in the day in his own UK time zone.
Does anyone know if Eric is an early riser or night owl!?!?
Its should be a standard paypal transaction. Just make sure your details are up to date.
It is standard PayPal. I sought out other sights with BigCartel and the BUY NOW went straight to PayPal.
Hmm... I'd say, night owl! But I hope I am wrong. Meaning that I hope he doesn't sleep late into the day and then drop it! But, as is promised, random is, well... random! It can sometimes help, too, seeing as how it might give you an extra 10 second window to buy it without so many people focusing on a specific time... Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.
OK... the advantage here is unlike the Moss drop I did get some sleep! Hopefully that keeps me functioning through the day!
I'm not really going for The Crash, but hitting F5 anyway, just to see what's doing ;)
Great lost theory here:
Listen around 38 min. It makes total sense and brings alot of the latest stuff together.
Have you ever though what would happen if you didn't keep pressing that button? ;)
Nope :)
I think the site is going to 'crash' on poor Eric today :(
@Amy Lynn - LOL! I found myself doing the same thing. Getting sucked in and I'm not planning on going for it either (got mine the first time around).
You both are going to F5 all day and not try for it??????????
Can you guys get one for me then!
Actually, now I'm trying for it.
@chaseter - No. I'm free this morning for the next two hours then off to work. Doubt it will drop by then. It also is a bit liberating to simply follow and not feel the pressure.
I have shifted my working day around to be about for a few hours. I bet it was wasted and it will drop when I'm getting my beauty sleep tonight!
I was going to try to get one for my buddy but I have work and I think the site is going to literally crash so I think it is going to be a huge hassle today.
I think Eric will take account of the Europeans too. I'm guessing between 10 and 2 pacific.
I just hope it's not at 5pm GMT, got my university interview then. I feel like I should prepare instead of watching this terrible 80's Transformers movie and watching check4change constantly refresh Eric Tan's page.
Anyone any advice on how to prepare for a phone interview?
Wake up, California people. My index finger hurts.
Martyn. You don't need any advice I'm sure. You'll be fine. Good luck all the same.
Woot! I was one of the first 108 graduates of LOST U!
Cheers Chris, i've got poster nerves AND interview nerves so not a good combo!
Martyn, just remember to speak clearly and at a reasonable speed. I usually talk too fast on the phone so I have to remember to slow myself down.
Have one piece of A4 in front of you. Before the interview write a few points on it…..
1. List three reasons why you want to go to this university
2. List three reasons why you want to attend this course
3. List your three academic strengths
3. List one of your weaknesses. This is for humility. Just pick something like “I’m my own worst critic of my work”. A negative that is also a positive. If they ask for another weakness, tell them its spotting weakness.
Armed with these as a nothing more than reminders, just be yourself. If you try to be something you are not it usually shows through.
The lists will simply help you avoid the "uummm....eeer" moments if you are put on the spot.
Good luck! You'll do fine!
That's great advice, especially the slowing down talking, I do tend to do that, and anything that combats the umms is perfect.
Better crack on with it then!
Going to and from work are the scariest times on poster days like this. I just got to work fine, hopefully it drops sometime before I head home!
Ahhh, yay! I also got the LU graduation email. I was worried since I wasn't able to get the required credits until about 9 hours after classes went up. Can't wait for the ceremony tonight! This makes up bunches for not being able to get The Crash.
Do we need a login or anything like that for eric tan's website? will it use paypal?
Hi Joey, all the info is on Eric Tan's site
You just reminded me....
You are always speaking twice as fast as you think you are...
Never be afraid of awkward silences. Let them fill it.
Don't be afraid to make them think. When they ask if you have any questions, calmly say something like "I don't mean to put you on the spot, but could I ask you, from what you've heard today what would be your biggest concern about offering me this opportunity?"
This question allows you the chance to alleviate their concern with a rebuttal, or gains you approval from them, which they find difficult to change course from.
For those waiting impatiently like me for the Crash, here's a new Ben print I did the other day. Enjoy!
Darn. I'm not one of the 108 getting the diploma from LOST U. What's the procedure for the rest of us tomorrow? Just log in?
Jeff- I read that paragraph like 3 times and missed the part about paypal every time! haha my bad...
haha no worries
This is great stuff! I always hate that I can't think of any questions to ask but that seems like a good question to ask and will allow me to learn personally too.
And those awkward silences always tend to bring the drivel out of me. Seems like sound advice so will give it all a go.
You're not the one interviewing me today by any chance?
Hey all, good luck with trying to get the Crash today!
Yes, I will be conducting the interview and the entrance fee is one copy of "The Crash" ;)
so, no 8:15 drop then... damnit. I have to go be director for four and a half hours in an hours time... I really hope it goes by then!
I was convinced he might it 8:15! oh well.
Could still be 8:15 PM.
I have a feeling work is going to get in the way of me getting this today lol
well that's 4:15AM my time... ain't no way I can be up for that.
At 8:15pm PST I'll be tucked up in bed here in GMT dreaming of F5's.
Bit much for a chance to be interviewed. I barely want to do it for free!
Right, all notes written up, listening to some relaxing music and just counting down the most nervous 25 minutes.
Could do with The Crash going on sale now, just to take my mind off of it!
Good Thing i replaced my F5 button yesterday, even though this new one is already getting worn out
has anyone used "page reboot" which automatically refreshes a page for you?
We have a snow day here in North Texas, so I'll be trying for this one!
I already have a copy, but I'll try for someone else who might need it.
No, but sounds like I could use it.
OK, so it can go in the next half hour, or it can wait four hours for another 2 hour window. Otherwise, MEGAFAIL.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only North Texan at this party! :)
I'm definitely enjoying the snow day :D
@roxanna i would like that extra copy :] thanks!
hmm... I'm pretty sure I was first in line for a poster buddy... I'd love it if someone could!
North Texas shout out!
I've got to leave work now and travel home, so no sneaking in a poster drop while I'm gone :-)
woo hoo North Texas!
And since it's not guaranteed that I'll get the print, I don't want to promise to be just one person's poster buddy.
Will have to wait to see what happens :)
I'm my own poster buddy. That way I'll have two chances.
I am super hungry. I just KNOW if I g down to get some food I'll miss it. SHOOT.
There are girl scout cookies in the building here. I wasn't hungry until I heard that.
Ack...I feel like this is going to waste my entire day.
sold out :[
i think i got one!
Got in. Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled
anybody get an extra???
heart still thumping.
Yeah... Got one? Maybe? Very odd process!
Well poo
9:23:34 PST
09:23:06... i *hope* im safe!
09:23:08 PST
+1 even after 3 empty cart tries!!!!
that was an unexpected maze through paypal
:'[ extras? extras?
totally crapped out on me. If someone got a spare, and wants to sell, email me - I have another print i can offer up!
9:23:11 for me
Feb 11, 2010 09:23:35 PST
Paypal messed up 3 times too when i was trying to put my password in. Hope it was quick enough
I went to get a sandwich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Dang! I am at 9:24:38. I think it is an oversell because the first couple of times I tried to get in, it gave me a "-4" as quantity, and I had to adjust it to just "1." However, there was a Poster X quantity sold/available bar and it was slightly less than half when I went through to PayPal and now it officially says SOLD OUT. So... let my own private waiting game begin.
cart went empty as soon as i tried to checkout
If anyone got an extra and would like to donate it (read: sell) to would be much appreciated.
We will even do an interview with you and put it up on the site!
- Alex
LOL @ selling to LostBlog. Um, no.
Anyone else have strange quantity checkout/PayPal stories?
Oversell big time... for a good 50 seconds after you guys.
Damn, work def got in the way :-(
if anyone got any extras, i'm your man! 8)
It went straight to server overload for me & then finally showed Sold Out.
Congrats to those who got one!
09:25:13 PST
My quantity said 1 so, fingers crossed.
Well, true to form, the time was at least "random" as promised! It reminded me how every second and F5 press truly does count. With the latest time stamp, I will let you know as soon as I get an "oversell" email if I get one (I am thinking I will...).
My first paypal attempt didn't go through, but the second one did (at least I got a confirmation). Waiter or hater?
That checkout process sucked. I had one, had to click the country, then it said -1, re-updated and then it said sold out. None for me.
Yeah, it kept hiccuping with the quantity and having to put in country and updating the cart and then going to checkout. Crazy. But expected crazy.
I have an extra Ben and Foot if anyone wants to set something up let me know. :-)
Ben is unopened and foot is opened once on accident (thought i was opening up RT hehe) but is still in perfect condition.
Damn you sandwich....damn you all! ;)
What were the odds on it popping up in one of the only breaks I have taken all day!?
Zort is going to be with me.
Glad some of you got it.
If anyone has a spare, I'd willingly pay extra - thanks in advance guys!
Rich in Vancouver
No, I'm not a flipper. He was a Dolphin.
@Joey email me chickenluver11 at yahoo dot com
Hey all -- congrats to anyone who got one. No luck for me here since I had to work, I snuck a few minutes, it looks like right before, it dropped.
Anyone who wants to sell, email me through my profile, please.
it was random in that nobody knew the time, but I was extra alert for 9:22, because after 8:15 passed, and people were thinking about important numbers in LOST, I thought then maybe Sept 22 was going to be a possibility.
so it was, but it messed up for me.
oh well I'm still happy with what i have.
how long before we know of oversells...?
Hopefully within the day.
Ugh, I think I may be on.
@Joey email me as well
AlexxxCarson at aol dot com
Looks like there's one Tan Crash poster for sale here..
Did you notice the Poster X quantity bar during the cart/checkout screen? Or anyone else notice it for that matter?
Well, isn't that just grand! Goes on sale while i'm having a telephone interview! Not cool Tan! lol
Congrats to those who nabbed one!
The interview went alright, your idea helped when he asked about why I wanted to do the course, may have babbled at one point so shut myself down promptly and remembered to breathe and talk slowly.
The interview was so brief, it didn't really call for the question at the end, I just said my questions were answered at the open day and repeated to him what I asked at the open day.
So yeah, I will find out next week I think if I was successful!
I owe you one ioioos!
Feb 11, 2010 09:24:12
Hoping for a poster instead of a refund. If I get a refund, I'll trade Locke's Secret for someone's Crash
What was this interview for? I've been trying to follow the conversation, but I was so Crash-focused, I never figured it out.
@ XXXHardcore
Unfortunately, no, I did not. My receipt says "Quantity 1" though.
Really nervous. Anyone who happened to see the negative quantities still able to make an order?
If so, does your receipt say 1 or...?
What was your PayPal timestamp?
LMAO, that ebayer was who I bought my Flight of the Conchords poster off!
I offered Mr. Ebay $100.
*crosses fingers*
Yes, my receipt quantity is "1" as well. The thing that worries me (besides having a later timestamp than a couple of people) is that I had to adjust the quantity from a -4, which makes me think it was oversold by 4 even at that point.
A post-graduate at University. My nerves are settled now though and i'm $200 better off too!
So Martyn was in his interview, I was getting a sandwich, Zort is commuting home...
Eric...have you been reading this! ;)
I see that guy in Moorland CA has one up for sale already. He seems to be buying every print he can on Ebay and then reselling them.
Wow, i'll buy people's Locke's Secret if they think it's inferior to The Crash!
@Martyn Awesome. Condolences and congrats.
my thoughts too martyn...
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