Friday, September 12, 2008

Test 4 Email - Thinking Outside the Octagon 283

Hans Van Eeghen has sent us another e-mail (view it here) telling us to go on over to DWY and take Test 4. There does not seem to be any hidden messages in the email source, but it does talk about how some of us have enthusiastically embraced the "Recruit Created Assessments" (RCA). It also says that some of us will be eligible for promotion to the position of "Instructor" in the recruitment programme.

*UPDATE: The Lost ARGers quizzes have been updated as of 9/14. You can view them in THIS POST.
Also, check out the latest poll and add which group you're in.
At Dark UFO they have a list of the questions from Test 4 with answers. You can view it HERE.

*Thanks to maven for e-mailing about the email


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Anonymous said...

heres my quiz if anyone wants to do it ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well Im back! Thanks so much for the profile simone, although to be honest I dont really understand what it all means (Am I psychic maybe lol!)
Just joined the DarkUFO forum and posted two tests there, as well as inviting everyone to visit our BS myspace page!
@sayidsgir...yeah sorry about that, I got a bit carried away making tests.I didnt think about the points actually, Its just I got tired of taking so many tests and sucking so much at most of them ;P
Anyways, will browse the main page to see if there are any new ones I have not yet taken.


Anonymous said...

oh wait thats not mine!!
here it is lol:

Anonymous said...

Soap I got a 60!!Oh the shame!!


Ange said...

I've updated the list again :D.

Ange said...

Soap, I got a 50%.

I'm also happy to report that as of right now my Dharma points are accurate to the amount of folks who have taken my quiz. YAY!

Anonymous said...

Im still missing 40 points! (the ones I had before these tests)


Anonymous said...

bored...........where's my president Mr.Alpert??


lost2010 said...
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lost2010 said...

I had 10 different questions. I have no idea how I managed to delete one and add the first one in again. . .I should probably quit while I'm ahead.

Anonymous said...

hehe thanks for doing mine =)

lost2010, I only got 40% xD

Dennis said...

Wow, I just checked my points and I have over 4000! Crazy!

Here is a test my wife created about Hobby farming / gardening:

FYI... I only got an 80 in it!

lost2010 said...

@soap - I got 70 on yours - which definitely raises my overall average if there is such a thing.

Maybe mine's not as easy as I thought. . .or my couples aren't as famous as I thought. . .

lost2010 said...

I got 80% on the hobby farming quiz. That was fun! Something I know a little about - finally!

Anonymous said...

@Dennis over 4000DP!!!!!!!!Where do I sign!???LOL
About to take lost2010's test, we'll see how it goes (poorly no doubt, if my performance so far is a sign!)

ANM "Please take my tests...I want DP and have no friends!" lol

lost2010 said...

ANM - I took four more of your quizzes - hopefully the points will show up. My highest score was around 40 - I am hopeless.

Anonymous said..., did you use wiki to answer...having made the tests with its help and realising (a bit late Im afraid) that they are actually quite hard, I strongly recommend it! I have been using wiki to answer some questions, especially those whose answer was unknown to me but that interested me particularly. If I didnt care I just guessed! So you see, using wiki is actually a compliment (As far as my weak mind and I are concerned hehehe)


Anonymous said...

Silly me, I forgot the most important thing.
THANKS lost2010, much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

BTW the leader board...still frozen!!How many points do the have good God???!!!


lost2010 said...

ANM - No problem - I didn't use wiki because I'm too lazy - it's raining here - AGAIN - what's left of Ike I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Well here in Spain it's Coold!!


Anonymous said...

Well everyone is out it seems


Anonymous said...

Over at DarkUFO they are posting how many points they have...some have 9500+ DP!!!!!!!!!!!It's no use, we'll never make it to the Leader Board...(9500....F**K!)


Ellen said...

I redid my Astronomy Test. Couldn't find a way to redo the original, so I just remade the whole thing...

Astronomy Assessment Test

and a redone Philosophy Test too...

Philosophy Assessment

Thank you!!
Ellen :)

Patch said...

Lost 2010, that was a fun test. I got 70.

Dennis, I got 80 on you wife's hobby farm test. It also made me want a hobby farm! :)

Patch said...

Soap, I'm ashamed to say I only got 60 on your test, but what great memories of better days, or should I say better ARGs. :)

maven said...

I've had computer problems today. I think everything seems to be working again.

I'll start taking tests again!

Zort70 said...

So many more tests to take, I'll be here a while doing those !

Zort70 said...

The leaderboard seems to have been updated today. DarkUfo is listed as being 2nd

Zort70 said...

I've added Ellen's two tests to the list.

Ellen said...

Thank you Zort!!
I am off to start taking tests...

Tess315 said...

Good Morning All
Whew!! What a day. We had high winds all afternoon yesterday and at 4:00pm the power went out, it didn't come back on until 4:30 am this morning. Alot of schools are closed. And I have to throw out all my food. Oh well at least no one was hurt in our area. I heard one person was killed in Cincinnati.
Now I'm behind on taking tests again. lol

Ellen said...

Good morning Sayid'sGirl! I'm so glad you and your family are ok!

Anonymous-I receive these comments by email, and I took your 5 tests about LOST! I love all of them...terrific tests.

my scores:
Connections 100%
Connections 2 90% (Didn't know Charlie's Mom's name!)
Connections 3 100%
Episodes 40% (Didn't look them up, just off the top of my head-I'll retake as soon as I refresh my memory a bit! :D )
Deaths 50% (same as above)

I thought the questions were great for fans! Well done...


Tess315 said...

Thanks ellen

I wasn't complaining about your amount of tests. I was just saying I had 6 not 5 links. :)

Anonymous said...

lol know, I was DarkUFO has 27430 points and he's only second...that BadNumber guy has to be a hacker if he got to the top via recruiting friends...lets say he's got 30000 points ok? thats 3000 people (read fake accounts) he made...3000!!!!!!!!!


TheFriggenItalian said...

Just thought I would throw out my test...

Anonymous said...

lol....I'll take yours if you take mine hehehe (just kidding). Do you know if ange has addeed your test to the Lost ARG front page or is this one new? Here are my links, but do visit the front page and take some of the others', they are pretty great!

PS: Use wiki!!!


Anonymous said...

thefriggenitalian got an 80! yay...didnt remember DW had won an AA...mmmmm

Tess315 said...

soap I got an 80 on your test. Good one.
lost2010 got a 40 on yours, I thought I got 2 qestions right that I didn't, tricky.
Dennis I got a 70 on yours.
thefriggenitalian I got 60.

Tess315 said...

oops I forgot to retake your test ellen. Two more and I'm caught up again.

Tess315 said...

I got a 60 one more than last time ;)on the astronomy. On the philosophy I got 60 3 up from last time. I think I was awake this time when I took it. I think I took yours late at night the first time.

maven said...

Been busy taking tests. Everyone has done a great job stumping me! LOL I have not gotten a 100 on anything!

All those Dharma points that people like DarkUFO has accumulated makes it daunting for the rest of us to get anywhere. And I was so proud of my measly 2160! I'm just going to be content with what I have, and play along. At this point, we have no idea what these Dharma Points really mean in the game. I just guess we all won't be Supervisors or on the Executive track!

Anonymous said...

I wa bummed about the poitns thing at first, especially with the whole "recruit your friends" crap, but on the bright side DarkUFO is taking part in this ARG to keep the rest of us informed and not just as another anonymous player so if these DP end up opening some secret "doors" we will know about it!


Tess315 said...

That's a good way to look at ANM.
I've got 900 points even though it says 20 people have played my game.
I don't expect to ever get much over 1000 point if at all, let alone 10,000 or more.
I'll just keep playing and see where it takes me.

Tess315 said...

maven said:
....I just guess we all won't be Supervisors or on the Executive track!

I know I won't but me and eris will be having more fun ditching the ditch and swiping the Dharma van for a joy ride and a Dharma beer run. ;)

Anonymous said...

Im in!!!!Besides my favest fav fav person (You know who it is!!) began as a workman so we'll have something more in common!
Go beer run/van joy rides through the tropical jungle!!Woohoo!


lost2010 said...

sayidsgirl - Tricky? Me? I'm curious as to which ones were tricky if you remember.

TakesaVillage said...

Hi everyone,I just stopped by to drop off my second test about Pirates.It's a little harder,hope you like it.
Be back later.

TakesaVillage said...

Congratulations to Dark UFO.

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess315 said...

You really want me to show everyone how dumb I am. lol
Ok. The Scarlet one even with the warning and the Moonlighting one.

I deleted my previous comment because I thought may I gave to much detail for people who haven't taken your test yet. Sorry to anyone who may have read it.

lost2010 said...

sayidsgirl - Isn't it kind of worse that I did know?

lost2010 said...
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Zort70 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

Sayid'sgirl - Oops, just did the same thing !

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess all that's left now is wait 'till Wed's update...I will actually leave on a trip to the north of Spain from Turs to Mon...I hope I can take my laptop!!!


Zort70 said...

ANM - unless we get another test creator type activity then you will probably be all caught up on Wednesday :-)

I'm already going back to an almost bored phase.

Tess315 said...

LOL Nahhh

Black Swan said...

I'll be sure to check out your new test TAV (yay, pirates!) and I'll check to see who else has new tests.

The points that those on the leaderboard have is something I don't have the will to achieve.. but agree with ANM that darkufo will keep us informed so that's good.

My cheater account (codysmom) has 2220 Dharma points and my non-cheater account (hurleysdad) still has no Dharma points. Hurleysdad didn't even make a test. He's in helios. That's my experimental account.. hurleysdad will probably end up picking up Vincent's poop:)

Black Swan said...

Did I hear the word, bored? Black Swans never get bored... "we don't believe in boredom" LOL

(new blog post)

Black Swan said...

lost2010 50% (not so easy:) and some trick questions there..
dennis 60% on the gardening test (if you only knew how many houseplants I've killed in my lifetime:)

gonna take more now....

Black Swan said...

Whoa,.... that freaked me out soap! The first test you listed was mine!! I thought Hans was coming after me:) and I only got 50% .... lol

lost2010 said...

codysmom - Sorry. I shouldn't have said it was easy - I worded the questions badly I think.

Black Swan said...

lost2010.... yeah, it'd be nicer if you said it was a really hard test, then everyone is so pleased with themselves they got more than 40%.... LOL!!!!!!!

ellen... 50% on your astronomy test

It would be nice to know if the scores we are getting on other people's test have any meaning at all......

Black Swan said...

ellen, got a 70% on your improved philosophy test

lost2010 said...

I deleted the misleading post - it should have read - -

Here's a quiz on somewhat famous couples who have vague connections to Lost in my mind:

And the answers are somewhat tricky, I'm told. Sorry about that. I'm better with Construction Safety.


Black Swan said...

Oh, I liked your construction test, lost2010! I'll go try your new one now...

lost2010 said...

I was just joking around - I only have the 2 quizzes.

Black Swan said...


Tess315 said...

takes a village I got an 80 on your pirate test. hilarious test!

Anonymous said...

well Im back....took the pirates test (70) and about the couples one by lost2010...yeah, easy is definetly not the word that comes to mind...more like challenging!lol
Oh I cant believe I'm gonna say this it comes......Im sick of taking tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There it is *phew* what a weight off my shoulders.....*looks around nervously) for the DI inquisition brigade.....I hope no one heard


Ange said...

The Quiz Post is updated. I have lumped all the "Anonymous" quizzes together. Not to be confused with our ANM of the eleventeen quizzes of course ;).

Let me know if you see any repeats, I compile them from comments form both posts and e-mails. THANKS!

Anonymous said...


ANM which actually doesn't stand for anonymous *shocker* of the eleventeen quizzes

lost2010 said...

I certainly hope the next phase doesn't amount to them randomly drawing from the questions that were submitted in the RCA's. That would be pretty anticlimatic (sp?).

I'm about ready to drive a boat through some icebergs and watch Sam search for his long lost love who will be shacking up with Sawyer next season. :)

Anonymous said...

"No more tests, no more tests, no more tests"- ANM


TakesaVillage said...

For a change of pace:Lost in HD on Sci-Fi tonight 7-11PM (Pilot 1&2, plus Tabla Rasa and Walkabout).I think I still have time to take a few more tests first though.

TakesaVillage said...

Dennis,I got a 90 on your wife's test.I think I have a Dharma-green thumb.

Dennis said...


Dennis said...

Takes a village... you did better than me!

Black Swan said...

lol, ANM... you've burned yourself out... go relax!

I watched the pilot of Lost (parts 1 and 2) last night on G4 (without the pop-ups). It was great as always!!!! Of special note this time watching = the phenomenal acting, esp. Kate (surprised me, even).

Tonight G4 runs part 1 of the pilot with the pop-ups at 9PM (Eastern). G4 will also be re-running their viewings at 4 PM the next day (in case you missed it or even better, so you don't have to miss any of the new shows coming up).

Anonymous said...

ok off to ZzZzzz land!


Scoutpost said...

Ok well I finally made a quiz- it's on
Autism Awareness if anyone wants to take it.

EmeraldIsLost said...

oh my gosh; i've just been reading the comments after having not checked in for 2 days and theres so many more tests! i was all caught up before, lol! btw, i notice the leaderboard has been updated; DarkUFO is at number 2 now, so the new points must be catching up or something.
Oh and ill throw my 2nd test out there again for anyone who missed it and feels like taking yet another test lol;

i see this place is really busy today, lol.

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