Test 7 is The Integrity, Honor, and Honesty Assessment. Hans, in his latest video, is happy to tell us that we have already completed this most challenging exam. He goes on to explain the who and why of Black Swan. I don't want to spoil it here, so check out the video yourself, or head over to Dharmawantsyou.com. It's not good news for those who cheated though. Hans has a lot of raw data to look over and our results are going to the Dharma Initiative Recruiting Evaluation Panel for review to determine our rolls in the Dharma Initiative's current project. Results will be released AFTER DECEMBER 15th.

Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau
*Thank-you CodysMom for the White Swan image.
Ange=not honest or honorable...and my progress for test 7 is "Black Swan".
Can you believe who the Black Swan is?!
I'm only 1/2 dishonest. I couldn't get all the cheats to work.
Is everyone in group "Black Swan" or are there more groups?
I'm in group Black Swan.
I'm curious as to the differences in the cheaters and non-cheaters.
I had a cheat and non-cheat and they are both in Black Swan. Hmmm...
December 15th ????? ARG !!! I hope this gets going before that or people will be dropping like flies ! Luckily I have a NON cheat account. lol
We just got Swan'd.
ok, this is really weird. I logged into my non-cheater acct and never did see the vid... I couldn't click on the middle where it's announcing the end of testing Oct. 7. So I took the test and it said unassigned????? lol, I still don't know who BS is! Don't tell me, ok? I want to find out myself:) I f5'd and it's loading loading,,
Just hit test 7 and go there, you will find out all the info you need there.
What test did you take CodysMom? There was no test.
I kept expecting Hans to scream Cheater when I was watching the video with my cheat account. ~~~~~~~~Cheater Cheater !!~~~~~~~~~
PS: I can not believe that I multitasked through Fringe to see that video. Thank goodness for tomorrow and Hulu.com!
I can't believe that I waited a whole week for this !!!
I agree lisa.
codysmom does your non cheater account have a test to take?
I think I'm going to throw up.... lol (I finally got thru on firefox.. don't know what was happening on IE)...
OK, my non-cheater, no Dharma Points acct is in White Swan.. I hate that....
you think we will get a email tomorrow with this test ? One for non-cheaters that says hey, you were great and one for the cheaters that says you suck !?!! lol well, after all of this non excitement, I'm off to bed.
there is a white swan ?? Oh damn ! I guess I will have to go take the tests again with a new account. damn and double damn !
I had no test to take in firefox... I'm not sure what happened there? Maybe I hit test 6?
Going to go get my cheats-like-hell acct. lots of Dpts assignment now...
lol White Swan you're kidding!
lol, lisa..... you have plenty of time:)
DEC 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, oh.... I'm in trouble on myspace... I may need help :-O
wait, there's a White Swan Group? Can you send a screen cap Codysmom?
ok, ange
OK, I don't get this part....the people who got the most points did it by cheating, and they got rewarded with instructor status and T-shirts? :-B
white swan
hurleysdad no cheats no pts
Dec 15th ! Do they really think we will wait that long from October to then ?
Just zipping by to say "hi!
none of the people on the leader board were made instructors. They were all different people then those ones.
On my non cheater account with no DP I'm in Black Swan.
Hmmm, perhaps it is guilt by association ?
that's weird, zort...
I tested out a non cheater account and got white swan so it's not by association maybe you used a cheat and forgot about it.
ange, is that ok or do you want it in an e-mail? also, I can make it bigger
black swan
codysmom, cheat all the way, 2570 pts
Aw, thanks for all the support at myspace, guys!!! I feel better already:)
Of course codysmom Black Swans take care of their own right. :)
That's right, sayid'sgirl!!! I'm already working on a new avi. lol
Is anyone else somewhat disappointed?????????? I mean really, big deal.... and now so much waiting...
I am I was really hoping for more.
And if I hear patience is bitter one more time I may choke someone.
To quote my friend, Sawyer, at my "What did you say to Hans" blog:
"Much outcry, little outcome."
Okay, I'm Black Swan! Does this mean if you go in and take the tests again with no cheats on another account you'll be White Swan? When I have some time I think I'll open a non-cheat account. And do we really have until Dec. 15th until something happens?
I thought it was interesting when Hans said the "Dharma was betrayed by those close to it before." Do they know about Ben/Richard's hands in the Purge?
Okay gang, I updated the main page for the final time tonight including the two group images. Thanks CodysMom. I'm off to bed, it's WAY too late!
Namaste Zort in India!
good night, ange!
maven, I guess that's what we'll be discussing til Dec 15th? I'll be working on a new blog, too. Other than that??? Back to the bookclub.. lol
maven, I went over to darkufo, and they are talking about starting a new acct of non=cheater.
Two and a half months before anything else happens in this game?! I can't even call it an ARG anymore. It's clearly not.
Anyway, I'm in the black swan group as if that's any surprise. I did use cheats.
Yes, we've been "swanned"... it's the same as "Ralphied"
I hate Hoodlum... maybe that's what I'll change the myspace name to!!!!!
Do you think they'd let me?
Yes I must have subconciously been persuaded by the Black Swan to use a cheat that I don't remember.
Ah well I'll have to open a new account to try and get into White Swan.
Codysmom, it would be interesting to see if hoodlum even looks outside their own small world.
zort, I think I'll stay Black Swan... the support coming in wants it.. lol
I haven't heard of any other white swans yet. I wonder if the Dharma Point thing has anything to do with it? I had 0 dharma pts..
Was retarded brown-noser on the list of jobs? I can't remember:)
From darkufo.... I love this!!
Wanderin'Wildman said...
Hansie claims that the test results won't be available until Dec 15? I'm not buying it, this is just act 2 in the drama.
I expect that sometime soon (this week) "someone" will steal his briefcase (which he constantly strokes and pats..yuk..) and the adventure will begin. After all, he claims that ALL the info and test results, etc., are in the briefcase. Maybe he'll wait until Oct. 7th, but something is coming up. Where's Dan B. and Rachel been hiding? Just a thought...WW
I love that!
Me too, maven!!
then (also dark ufo)
Rod said...
Wildman, I think you're right specially because of the bitter patince thing at the end
And then this,
KristineNichole.Cook said...
I think Hans is giving us time to make legit accounts. A recruiter who didn't want you anymore would immediately close testing and tell the cheaters to screw off.
Hmmm, is the briefcase / file going to go on holiday around the world ?
Is it a global game of pass the parcel ?
zort, that would be so cool!!!
You better stay in India for awhile... lol (I don't have anyone stationed there)
Just wondering if any one tried to make a new account, watch the final video, get put in White Swan... then do all the tests and cheat to see what happens?
I would do it bt I have to get some sleep.
I'll stay if you can explain to Mrs Zort (Fiona) why I wasn't back for her birthday :-)
Oh, ok, zort.... If that's where your priorities lie, ... lol
interesting idea, ded... maybe I'll try it tomorrow..
Ok, so now we know who Black Swan is... but still waiting for the "event"... lol
I hope the interesting thing that may start all this will be in the always-late e-mail announcing test 7.
Am I being too optimistic??
I'm in Black Swan! Woo-hoo!
I like the idea that we swipe his briefcase.
Oh dear we're all in trouble now; they wanted to ensure against another purge i guess... well we're all guilty there kind of, lol.
Black Swans still rule!
Good Morning! It's raining in Massachusetts, but the leaves are unbelievable colors today!
Just a quick thought this morning. Back in July/August Jesse Heinman (the actor who was Dan Bronson) had a Facebook status saying he was happy to give Lost fans their Christmas gift, or something like that.
I wonder if we really will have to wait until then, or at the very least see Dan Bronson again around December 15th.
Good Grief! I have not taken test 7 yet, but what a let down...hope something happens on 10/7...guess we'll see. Off to watch the video now.
I'm really hoping Wanderin' Wildman is right. Something has to happen before Dec. 15. They can't really believe there'll be any players left by then.
I had 2 accounts but I don't even remember what the username is for one of them. I didn't cheat on that other account so I guess I could go catch it up if I could find the username.
You know what guys. I'll bet you anything that Hoodlum is graded on how many sign up. So this is a ploy to get people to go back and sign up as someone else. The whole game is based on getting people to set up accounts on DI. Everything - from the points - to this new wrinkle.
THIS IS BULL****!!!!!!!!!!Seriously?!DEcember 15TH?! Ok, screw Hoodlum and this ARG, I'm done. Can't believe it.....
Screw Hans..there is no way he's BS!!Go BS!!We will prevail!
BTW Spain's rocking the leader board!YAY!
I truly don't think they will make us wait till Dec. 15th till something happens. I think thats when our paper works will be done being compiled but other than that, I'm sure the game will gone on now.
I think BadNumber and his friends are having synchronized flag changing on the Leader board lol
ROFL,anm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just love your spirit!!
In some of the comments on my myspace, those who got put in white swan wish they had cheated now... lol
And they want to "execute" Hans!
I wanted to go see the leaderboard, but it must be busy. loading, loading, loading...
Does anybody here think Hans is trying to pit the Black Swans against the White Swans? Especially if the folder with all the results are stolen, we could assume a Black Swan did it and the White Swans would go after it because they want they're results known (having been such pure, lovely non-cheaters who think they'll get the best jobs)??
lost 2010....
You would love this (made by my Irish friend at Black Swan myspace, NOTLOST):
Hans Rationale = link
Well I'm making a new non-cheat account, learning how to use my new iphone (HAPPY!) and posting here all simultaneously...so there Hans, you can keep your second rate jobs!
Oh, new iphone!!! I'm jealous!
anm, make a pic for the BSWY with that quote..."so there Hans, you can keep your second rate jobs!"
I like it... lol
From the start of this thing I've been wondering why we are so anxious to suffer time-displacement, with outdoor hard labor, etc....
And after all those stupid tests, are any of our previous groups we were assigned going to mean anything at all???
Ganymede Steropes Antaeus Atlas Chronos Hestia and unassigned. Did not cheat, not once!
I hope for their own good that the ARG returns next week or else people are gonna drop out like leaves in Autumn! (myself included) I hope ABD paid Hoodlum a small amount and dedicated the big bucks to season 5 production!
Also...if cheaters are out whay are the big names still in the LB!? I mean Bad number cheated or else I'm a cow!lol
Also....Hans makes no mention of the phone calls!!!!Nothing!Anyone else finds this suspicious!?
There's an easy way to get white swan status found at darkufo:
cypher80b said...
There is an "easy" way to be White Swan and cheating at all tests. So here is a final cheat (to piss of Van Eeghen):
1) Create new account
2) First take Test 7
3) Check your progress. You are now White Swan
4) Take the rest of the tests using the cheats
I'm going to try it. I want to be the ultimate swan, A WHITE SWAN CHEATER
This whole thing is suspicious... lol
I wonder if Hans just said he was the black swan to throw everyone off. He said nothing about his number being leaked or the other stuff. And what about us on the leader board ? I don't think there are many there that didn't cheat. who knows, I wonder what the new email will say in the source code this time after this weird video.
I'm in the process of becoming a white swan cheater... lol and I'm at the part where you give registration info.. should I call myself "hansworstnightmare" or "biteme" I'm liking the first one but the second one would be easier to type each login:)
darn, I forgot you need another e-mail acct to do this.. hmmmmm not sure
Congrats on your iPhone ANM! Get the MySpace app, it's pretty cool. Oh and the LIGHTSABER is the geekiest thing ever, but I can impress a room full of 10 year olds with it.
I'm inclined to agree with whoever commented at Dark UFO that the binder that Hans had is going to get stolen. I don't think they gave us an October 7th date for nothing AND they have a lot of our phone numbers and addresses. I'm going to be watching/hoping for alternative types if communication. I dunno though, if they keep interrupting Fringe I might need to boycott.
ange, I agree with something big happening Oct. 7th and I think it will be the stolen Hans binder. AND BOY DO I AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT INTERRUPTING FRINGE!!!!
btw, you teach 5th grade? (10 yr olds) that's the grade I taught:)
Interestingly, I didn't need another e- mail account at DDWY to create my white swan cheater acct.
So, now my question is.. I can't figure out how to delete that gmail acct. I made that I didn't need... duh....
This is still pretty frustrating. Do they really want us all to take the tests again without cheating and become White Swans? I don't really want another email account and another identity...I have enough trouble remembering my passwords, etc. on various things! LOL
Are they supposedly giving us until Oct. 7th to decide to not cheat and become White Swans? I, too, can't believe this will stall until Dec. 15th. That briefcase is too enticing.
And, I want to be the first here to wish our fearless Admin, ANGE, a Happy Birthday for tomorrow! We love you!
Hey codysmom
I've looked all over but I can't find how to post a picture in the myspace comments. Could you give me a hand?
I have a picture I want to post at Black Swan. It's already uploaded to Photobucket.
"Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all."
sure, sayid'sgirl:
click on the HTML code to copy and then paste in the comment box
I dug up my extra account. She took the eligibility test and never took another test and she got assigned to White Swan without even taking a single test. LOL
This is hilarious.
Dharma wants people who don't even try.
Yep, lost 2010... Dharma wants people who don't even try...... good one!
I was just going to take all the tests again on my whiteswancheater acct. but maybe I'm better off just leaving them all unassigned? why bother????
Yep, that alter ego of mine that doesn't cheat and doesn't take tests is having quite the day. She just won the Irish Lottery too, apparently. There are all sorts of people wanting to improve her love life. And a Philipino widow wants to split her inheritance with me.
I had to check my throw-away email to get the username.
That's what I thought but wasn't sure.
Thanks codysmom.
I hope the file's the right size. Let me know if it's too big to post in the comments.
Good Morning - Well in CA it's morning. Looks like you all have been at it for a while.
Did anyone else take note of the smirk on Hans' face when he announced the Black Swan??!! I was cracking up.
I think something is going to happen with that binder, too. He's too in love with it for it NOT to get swiped by the REAL BS!!
Down with the DI - Sneaky bastards!!
BTW, I only cheated on some of the tests, but got Black Swan anyway.
Just seen my comment on myspace.
I was afraid that's what would happen.
I don't know why I keep getting all that white background. I never use to have that problem with screencaps. I must be doing something wrong. I'll have to go back and look at the notes I took on it, if I can find them.
sayid'sgirl, I love your pic, but it looks like you should have cropped it to get rid of all the white background. A good tip for photobucket is to set your option to upload at 17 inch screen size (then you have the option later to resize to anything you want)
Here's my whiteswancheater account....
Since I agree with lost 2010 that Dharma wants people who don't even try, I'm leaving this account with no taking tests no dharma points... lol
Ok I created two non cheat accounts:
ANM and WSWY. On ANM> I took all tests without cheating and on WSWY only test 7...status pending
WSWY -----> WHite Swan (took no tests)
ANM ------> Unassigned (took all tests w. no cheats)
I've signed up for another account and took (!) test 7 first.
Straight into White Swan.
Very interesting developments and comments today. :-)
We still don't know what the other divisions mean that we were put into, so they may still be important as to what kind of job placement that we get. By that I mean, even if we get a White Swan level clearance (for security?), we still may need to take the tests to get the other placement labels. Just thinkin'.
I just posted a new blog about all this on the Black Swan myspace, if you're interested. I'd love to hear your feedback!
Well, first let me say, capcom, that I'm jealous you were comment #108.... lol!
second, I don't even know now that there is going to be such a thing as getting placed in a job at DDWY
again, check out my blog post:
lost2010, hope you don't mind I used your quote, but I loved it so much...
Thanks Maven!
Codysmom, I didn't know you were a teacher...neat. I'm on year thirteen this year and can't believe I have another 30 years to go before I retire. Sheesh I was kind of hoping Dharma would recruit me so I could retire early, but no dice I guess since I'm a stinky, dishonest cheater pants!
That was a happy accident. :-)
Thanks for posting a link to your Myspace, I forgot to bookmark it before.
I know, I felt weird even typing out the words that Hoodlum might actually utilize all the efforts we put into taking the tests (or that the categories mean anything at all that deep in the game), but there's a chance it might so it could pay off to take the tests without cheating too, to have that finished and on record. I guess. :o)
I put a better pic of Hans in comments.
I'm off to read your blog.
capcom, yes... I want to keep all my options open, too, hence the three accounts I now have... lol
Thanks sayid'sgirl and thanks for posting on the blog (you didn't say first!! lol).
I'm so rarely first I never thought of it. lol
Oh I put my purge Hans pic on my profile page. I fixed the first one I made I think it's better than the second one. It's more symmetrical.
I finally figured out what step I was leaving out.
cool, sayid'sgirl! Isn't it fun learning new things???
Yeah it is. But the thing is I learned how to do screen caps during Find815 then with this ARG I forgot. Poor ange I kept sending her these huge screen cap files but she was good enough to fix them and use some of them. :)
Meh...I'm sticking with my "cheater" account. I'd need another e-mail adress to reroll, and I'm definitely not going to get another one just for dear old Hans. Hopefully this doesn't mean I'll be excluded from the rest of the ARG, though...
Ah, well...even if I am, I can still keep up with the game through everyone else.
I'm burning my DHARMA draft card! :-p
lol I'm going crazy...iphone related...and I haven't even gotten to photoshop yet today...
Nathan: I'm with you. I don't want another email account that needs another "cute" name and another password! LOL Some of us have to Black Swans!
I made my non cheater account. I already have multiple email accounts. I had to take test 6 twice the first time it said it was incomplete. I am now also a White Swan.
I totally agree! There's nothing wrong with Black Swans... lol! And the only reason I did was for research since I run the myspace:)
Capcom said...
I'm burning my DHARMA draft card! :-p
anm, quit playing with your iphone... you're gonna get the clots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
codysmom - If I say anything worth quoting, you are most welcome to it. :D
Thanks, lost2010!! (Whew, I really should have asked first:)
good job, sayid'sgirl.. (good thing you take notes with all those accounts.. lol. With my third account I decided I better write them down.. haha)
I know. I'd be lost without my notes. The funny thing is I hated taking notes in school.
I have a white board in the kitchen to remind myself of things I need to do. lol
I don't know what I am! It just says test incomplete, so I'm not any kind of swan.
You have to click on Test 7 and watch the video to get your Swan result.
BTW my cheat account is:
Ganymede, Steropes, Enceladus, Oceanus, Chaos, Apollo, Black Swan
and my new no-cheat account is:
Pandora, Steropes, Antaeus, Atlas, Chronos, Hestia, White Swan
I broke down and made a non-cheater account (totally without cheating):
Ganymede, Steropes, Otus, Atlas, Chronos, Demeter, Black Swan
Pandora Brontes, Enceladus, Helios, Chaos, Hestia, White Swan
None of the groups are the same.
cypher80b said...
There is an "easy" way to be White Swan and cheating at all tests. So here is a final cheat (to piss of Van Eeghen):
1) Create new account
2) First take Test 7
3) Check your progress. You are now White Swan
4) Take the rest of the tests using the cheats
So I am guessing that my speculations were correct. I should have tried it last night but as it was, I only got 4 hours of sleep.
I have a Blackswan... Dedjezter
and a Whiteswan... ded jezter001
You don't have to watch the whole video either. Just let it start and then click my progress. If you're really lazy. . .like me.
Ded, I posted that in my blog on myspace..(people are starting to comment) where have you been and why no sleep?
Here's my Cheater Acct.
Pandora, Polyphemus, Enceladus, Cronus, Oranos, Ares, Black Swan
And my non Cheater Acct.
Ganymede, Polyphemus, Antaeus, Helios, Chaos, Hestia, White Swan
Bloody Hans Van Eeghen.
Hack Swan?
Black Con?
I want to read more puns!!!
Over at Dark they seem to have found some code that implies you can hack the video and see your results but no one's figured out how to do it yet.
And obviously since it took me two weeks to do the chess puzzle, I'm not the right person for the job.
Ange,just in case I get purged in my sleep,have a Happy Birthday tomorrow.
Maven;I want Hans to know who he's dealing with,so it's Mano o Swano.
One account to the bitter end.
Thank you Dennis, yes I did that. :) I just checked back and did it again, and I've been put in White Swan.
Thanks TAV! I have a feeling that you won't get purged in your sleep but you might get swanned a little.
Takes A Village: Well, I did break down and got my White Swan. I almost blindly answered questions. I really don't think the groupings mean much at this point.
Hey, this is my first time posting. Now, im kinda young and i wont say my exact age but i am somewhere between 11 and 16, but i really like ARGS! ones that i have done before and are currently doing are halo 3 iris, why so serious, 1/18/08 (Cloverfield), Project Abraham, Fringe, District 9, and this! so anyways, i have a cheater account and a non-cheater account, and i was really suprised by test 7. sorry for the long post
Welcome abob6
Age doesn't matter around here. We range from young to ancient. I fall into the ancient category. :)
You've played alot of ARG's, stick around if this thing gets going we could use your expertise. At least I could. lol
I am in the black swan group. I only cheated on one test. But I cheated still.
I am sticking with my one an donly black swan account. It is fitting for me anyway!!
thanks sayids girl
Hi all. I actually suspected something like this would happen, so I started my non-cheater account last week, and lo and behold, that one is in white swan, my other two accounts are black swan. Funnily enough, for last weeks test, one of my cheat accounts and my non-cheat account ended up in Apollo. So I either jagged the correct answers in non-cheat (coz I really didn't know the answers to a lot of them), or the right answers have nothing to do with what group you were assigned to.
Well just posted my latest photoshop baby over at myspace (this one's for you codysmom!)!
Happy early bday Ange! I'm not sure I'll be able to log in tomorrow so just in case. Welcome all abob6, batcabbage, we will certainly benefit from your presence here.
Please someone post how to hack the vid if someone figures it out 'k!?
Long live BS!Down with Hans!
PS: long time no see nickb123!Welcome back! (BTW I didn't get to play for the Bad Twin copy...no time!*snif snif*)
See y'all soon!
Thanks ANM, glad to finally be posting. I love this site, and the comments are always incredibly helpful (and funny. DOWN WITH HANS!). And is it just me, or does anyone else think the Slovaltine puzzles were much better (and fun) than DWY?
Welcome Batcabbage and abob6! New people=awesome.
Thanks ANM. I'm trying to enjoy my last hours of Not-35.
oh ya, happy birthday ange!
Welcome to abob6 and batcabbage, too! You'll love it here no matter your age! (And I'm one of those on the other end of the spectrum! LOL). And Ange is slowly catching up with me as of tomorrow! LOL
anm, wow... great pic!!!! I thought it was real so you're getting good at that!
Welcome, adob6 and batcabbage!!
Happy Birthday Ange!!!!!!!!!! Hope it's a great one!!!!!!
i've been reading on other forums that there might be one last cheat hidden in the video but they need someone with programming experience, has anyone else heard this?
Thanks Ange, Maven and Codysmom. Happy birthday Ange! I turned 32 a week ago, so I'm catching up too.
Yes, I heard this, abob6. I actually talked to someone who discovered it. I'll let you know here if I find out anything more.
ok thanks codysmom
Ok Mr. MadAriad is on the job of looking at the video code and telling me what he can find out. But he's having a problem getting to the info. I showed him something off the darkUFO and he can't follow the link.
Ok so he can't get to it or something. I'll keep y'all posted if he figures anything out.
you need a link? I have it.
ok. That might help.
hope that helps!
Thanks, codysmom!!
Even though it's not the 2nd in LA yet...Happy Birthday to one of our Admins and friend, Ange!
Happy Birthday!!
As Hans has sent us an email about Test 7 :
New Post !
Happy Birthday Ange!!!
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