Hans Van Eeghen has finally graced us with an e-mail (view it
HERE) reminding us to go on over to DWY and take Test 3. It doesn't seem to contain anything of note in the source code, but it does commend our efforts, and mentions that Dharama is compiling
Volunteer Assessment Dossiers for release at the end of the program. If you haven't taken Test 3 yet, give it a go, and while your at it vote in our poll in the previous post. Let us know which group you've been assigned to.
*Thanks to Zort70 and KingLost for Emailing.
Posting for e-mail and to wish a late Happy Birthday to Dedjezter and a regular Happy Birthday to Codysmom! :D
Blimy, its gone quiet again hasn't it.
The weeks excitement has been condensed into a Tuesday night / Wednesday morning.
well, nothing exciting with this email ! No source code to speak of. Yawn
Me thinks we have all been time traveling. Since we seem to be taking the tests before being notified. I am hoping this is part of the game and not Hoodlum's ineptitude.
Peace & Namaste!
I'm just hoping that this test isn't too see how well we'll be able to bob and weave when the polar bears get loose. I'll be fish biscuits for sure!
Hoodlum's ineptitude gets my vote unfortunately :(
I've been having the same feeling too. That time travel is a part of this game. With March Has 32 Days being in the source code of the first email and this game always seeming to be behind. I don't know if we're right but I hope so. I'll be glad when we're down with these tests. I can't wait to see what will be in the next stage. At least I'm hoping there's more to it than test. Time will tell.
LOL melissa_lossa I know what you mean. These types of tests aren't my strong suit.
That should be done not down. :)
Well I finally got the email. I can't see anything that really stands out as being a clue, but I also haven't had coffee yet, so that may be why.
I can't seem to view the email source code. I think there's something wrong with my browser or something. Has anyone posted the code anywhere?
It would certainly be way more interesting if it was a day behind on purpose; lets hope so! Where is the point of this arg so far otherwise? To make us angry, bored, rebellious? Its been succeeding for a while now, then.
Happy Birthday, Codysmom!
Thrasher: Good point on some sort of time traveling going on here. Remember: Time IS the essence! With the emails coming after the fact, it just might be pointing to what time line we're all on.
Ok so if the timeline is off, does that mean the ARG won't finish until after season 5?
I wouldn't put it past them....
Long live BSWY!
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!
I also think that time is screwed up with getting the e-mails well AFTER the test has been released. BUT why would the website (DDWY) be on-time and not the e-mails? I just think they're trying to spread out the activity on DDWY so the servers don't crash:)
Black Swan
It's an attitude
Happy Birthday Codysmom!
Happy Belated Birthday codysmom and dedjezter! Hopefully when you blew out your candles you wished for this ARG to make some sense! It's so screwy, we can't tell the difference between something that is in-game and something that is just a hoodlum blunder. Not good. I wish the pace would pick up a little. I really am having a hard time holding my interest in it. Happy Saturday!
Ded & Codysmom, Happy, happy belated BD!!!
Thanks, bigdog, scoutpost & ellen! I had a fun weekend (hope you did, too)
Nothing new here, huh? Like a ghost-town!!
Any news on a podcast this week ?
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo bored! *ugh*
hey, zort - if you're looking for the Tempest podcast, I'm still trying to get David's answer on when he wants to do it. I'm ready!
I can't believe we are supposedly in the middle of a LOST ARG, and I didn't post one comment yesterday!
@maven LOL me neither!!!
Right, ANM! Gosh, I long for the TLE days when I awoke early to turn on the laptop and couldn't drag myself away for real life! The discussions and speculations were awe-inspiring and every day was a learning experience (computer-wise and researching subjects I never even got to in college)! Unless something happens as a "game-changer" (to quote politics), this ARG is sure disappointing. And nothing against you guys here at TLC! What with Codysmom and others getting the ball rolling at Black Swan, etc., we're all trying to keep this thing interesting!
Hi, guys! I couldn't agree with you more, ANM and maven! This is about as exciting as watching toast burn...
I have been having fun with the Black Swan myspace, though, and meeting some new and interesting people..
maven, anything interesting at Facebook lately?
Sayid'sgirl has a new comment on Black Swan's latest blog entry that's hilarious! We can now be called the "D.I.P.s". lol
Everytime I think I missed TLE....*trembles with anger* I wanna go AAARRRGGGGG(HHHH)!
I don't know that D.I.P.'s thing just kind of jumped out at me. :)
It's kind of how I think most of us feel playing this game.
Codysmom: Not much happening at Facebook either! "Dan Bronson" just seems to a fan thing. Jesse Heiman just seems to be an actor excited about parts he gets, shows he's watching, the diet he's on, and now he's moving to Studio City, and the Dharma gig was just a bit part for the summer. It doesn't seem that RuckusGuy/Dan Bronson will be porrtrayed by Heiman very much, if at all.
Thanks, maven. So, still no info on the enigmatic Black Swan... It's nice to know we have myspace and facebook covered, just in case something comes up on those fronts.
For now, we're just Dharma D.I.P.s. Getting through the next 5 weeks of test, find cheat, get late e-mail, do nothing.... AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! (Isn't talk-like-a-pirate day coming up soon?)
ANM, yes, you should be kicking yourself for missing TLE (all except the part with the glyphs... that got drawn out). Here, stand up.... let me help you:)
Being the Lost fan that I am, I still hold out hope that this ARG will get really cool, but only after the testing part is over...
@codysmom LOL, well the kicking will get the blood circulation on my behind going once more ;P
I actually missed it because TLE was offcially launched in the US/UK/Australia only so we never got wind it had taken place AFTER it did here in Spain (regrettably at the time I did not follow the online LOST forums, blogs etc) Only after season 3 did I realise these ARGs where taking place!
*wipes tears off*
Edit "We ONLY got wind it had taken place after it did, here in Spain"
Oh, well, you poor thing..... I sent you something to cheer you up on myspace:)
Oh! Im sorry, I just fainted there!
@Codysmom, you just made my week...no scratch that, my month! *swoons*Mmmmm...Ben......
Glad you liked it.. lol
Hey everyone, I fell asleep while digging a ditch for the DI... it's cool though, looks like I didn't miss much.
Where is this Black Swan and why is he/she not contacting us?
eris said....
"I fell asleep while digging a ditch for the DI"
You sure haven't missed much... I haven't even gone over to DDWY since last week.... sad, isn't it?
You sound like a good candidate for the Black Swan myspace:
Yeah we'll all meet up back here at 11:15 pm Tuesday night to take the next test. Some of us will wait for the cheat to be posted if we can't find it ourselves. Then we'll see how many times it will take us to get 100%.
I guess I should have said 11:15 pm eastern time. 8:15 for you lucky west coasters. :)
For once I'm a lucky west coaster! LOL
Definitely, I'll check out the myspace page. It's a great idea.
I was really hoping to check in and find loads of new developments, but I knew DDWY would let me down! :)
My fingers are still crossed that something good will come of this yet. Alright, off on a Dharma beer run!
Roger that Sayid'sgirl.
Loved your pigeon though.
eris inspired me. Although I'm not great with paint.
Thanks takes a village.
Heheh. I love it, sayid'sgirl!!
I hope that part of this ARG involves getting real Dharma beer when we're assigned ditch duty! I never did bother to get any dharma points so I'm pretty sure that's where I'm headed...
Good one, sayid'sgirl! ROFL!!
Did you do a pigeon, too?
I'm impressed with your "Paint" skills (I hate that program)
I'll be breaking rocks right beside you. :)
No I didn't do a pigeon, but I liked the one you did on the Black Swan myspace.
sayid'sgirl: Oh good! We'll have to ditch the ditch though and take the Dharma van out for joyrides! It will be more fun than being a stuffy DI scientist anyway. As long as we don't end up like Roger while we wait for the next test!
codysmom: I still have to check out the myspace page. They have it blocked where I am right now. :(
Hey I'm always up for a good joy ride.
shhhhh what was that? oh nothing!
sayid'sgirl, you're getting so good at your computer artwork skills, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything:)
ok, eris.. we'll see you later, then!
real life calls for now
This ARG is b...o...r...i...n...g.
Ah the TLE days- remember we used to use that trivia program and we all used to be up to late hours competing with each other? We wouldn't dare sleep in case something happened. And good ole Talk Like a Pirate day...I think that IS coming up soon.
Sayid's girl- that pic and caption of Roger Workman is hilarious- and depicts exactly how I feel. Oh I hope this thing gets more exciting after the tests are over. Do we know how many tests there are going to be? Just trying to pace myself..er I mean not slip into a coma.
Can we get some more Slovaltine, please?
Ugh...well its Tuesday 20:53 over here in Spain. Just listened to the new Do or Die podcast, very entertaining. Surfed around, checked the different forums, once again resigned myself to the fact that there are no Lost/ARG related news......On a happier note Fringe starts tonight (yet another show I'll try and c, one less hour of sleep yay!) and I'll be going to a free concert tomorrow nite! Anyone here knows "The Script"? Looked them up in itunes and they look pretty good....what can I say, anything to get out and about, the clots you see......;P
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