in the image. Feel free to discuss it in the comments, and if you think you have the answer
go ahead and send an email to slovaltine@lostargs.com.
Hint #1
If you look at the file properties of the image, you will see the URL of a photo. This was the original photo used to make this clue (as discovered by Codysmom). Notice the order of the characters?
Hint #2
If you were to arrange the faces in that order (you don't need to do this to solve the puzzle), you would see something like this.
Hint #3
You would have to be blind to see what to do next.
The pattern made by the faces is Braille. Spelling out the answer from Hurley to Desmond, you get SMOKE MONSTER.
SOLVED IT!!! this was pretty easy =)))
so is this clue related to the jumbled phrase on the blog??
ok thanks
dont even know what Im looking for....ugh
did u get my mail? can u confirm that it is correct?
the second i posted this comment, i got your mail =)))))
Just watching brilliant minds at work! You guys are great!
Same here, Ellen! It's fun to "play along" by watching brilliant minds at work! Some of this is way above me.
Maybe this helps - there are 36 pictures:
Ben - 2
Juliet - 4
Hugo - 3
Jack - 2
John - 3
Des - 4
Sayid - 4
Sun - 3
Jin - 3
Kate - 2
Claire - 3
Sawyer - 3
OK, I have to ask - "a Lost related answer" - Answer to what? What kind of answer? The description is way to vague, and the hints - if you can call them that - what?
you have to find Lost-connected phrase, name, nickname, word, number, anything... when u find it, you'll know it is the right one =)
You mean in this picture?
it is not as simple as looking for a written word.. that's why it is a puzzle =)
I obviously realize that. Maybe it's just me, but these puzzles are vague. I won't even call them "hard" or "difficult" because that would denote objectivity. They are so subjective it's not even fun.
I agree, way to vague. How can we find something when we know nothing of what we are looking for?? I see 36 close-ups from the lost cast (season 4 aparently) which are repeated 2,3 or 4 times.
The number of times each character appears is:
a) the season when we saw their first flashback¿?
b)a code
Let's crack this together guys!!!
We can do it!
That's the problem with these two puzzles - they are "Lost related" - but related to what? Characters? Mythology?
The first one is just a bunch of stuff that one could relate to Lost, but that could also just be random items.
The second one is just a bunch of pictures. Maybe the pattern is important, but no matter how I look at it, it's just pictures.
My point is, when Lost has an ARG, it's got a central theme - Lost Experience dealt with The Numbers, Find815 with the freighter/search for wreckage, The Project deals with Dharma. These are just two random pictures, no central theme. It's like being given a handfull of Legos and being told to build the right thing without any kind of prompt.
That's the problem with these two puzzles - they are "Lost related" - but related to what? Characters? Mythology?
The first one is just a bunch of stuff that one could relate to Lost, but that could also just be random items.
The second one is just a bunch of pictures. Maybe the pattern is important, but no matter how I look at it, it's just pictures.
My point is, when Lost has an ARG, it's got a central theme - Lost Experience dealt with The Numbers, Find815 with the freighter/search for wreckage, The Project deals with Dharma. These are just two random pictures, no central theme. It's like being given a handfull of Legos and being told to build the right thing without any kind of prompt.
That's the problem with these two puzzles - they are "Lost related" - but related to what? Characters? Mythology?
The first one is just a bunch of stuff that one could relate to Lost, but that could also just be random items.
The second one is just a bunch of pictures. Maybe the pattern is important, but no matter how I look at it, it's just pictures.
My point is, when Lost has an ARG, it's got a central theme - Lost Experience dealt with The Numbers, Find815 with the freighter/search for wreckage, The Project deals with Dharma. These are just two random pictures, no central theme. It's like being given a handfull of Legos and being told to build the right thing without any kind of prompt.
well.. it obviously isn't just 36 close-ups from the lost cast... there must be something more..
i don't won't to give major hints because it would ruin the game.. and i don't think i should, 'cause i am not the one who created this game.. if there is anyone who should give hints, i think it should be Nickb123 or Dennis or whoever the creator of this part is.. although, for this puzzle, i dont think that it is needed
Like putting a 10000 piece puzzle together with no picture on the box, fake pieces and an all-pastel colour scheme!!
I'm sorry for that being a triple post, my computer at work just went nuts. I apologize.
and the two pictures are not connected.. they are just two different puzzles (at least that's what i think, cause i solved the second one and didn't have much luck with the first one)
[Nickb and Dennis]They worked hard to put this together and think it through, but execution...well, I think only kindred minds or really lucky people get the answer right away. I suck at puzzles but this is killing me heheheheh
And there's another thing - you have a "series of clues" that are totally unrelated. The person who made the puzzle analogy is exactly right.
They might as well put up a Lost related Ink blot Rorschach test and see who's "right"
This isn't "hard work" - I could put something like this together in 2 minutes - in fact nickb said he put the first one together in 5 minutes.
thanx crazybeardedjack...I worked hard on that analogy....at least that I could do, unlike breaking these..really fantastic and totally awesome (thanx thanx Nickb and Dennis)torture devices =)
Maybe I just have the wrong brain, which is a shame because I love most everything Lost. I can't wait until The Project kicks off on Tuesday to get into another real ARG
This is what i've got although it doesn't add up to any "answer" in my head... I'm obviously missing something. Looking for patterns...
Patterns match:
Ben and Jack
Hurley and Locke
Claire and Jin
Sun and Sawyer
Desmond, Jin, and Sun sort of make a directional shape.
Flip it horizontally and it looks like a map of the U.S.
I've also xed out people not in the crash, people who got off island, female/male, dead/missing...
Maybe someone can build off of that or maybe I'm way off... Even if there is a pattern, I'm not translating that into a phrase, name, letters, or whatever.
I'm thinking parts of each of their names spell something out and each one of them represents a letter. The only hole in that theory is that there is a big lack of consonants in the first letters of their names (and last names).
You mean a lock of vowels, right?
What about staying away from the fake,red herrings???
What the hell does that mean? Another fish drawing with morse on it?? Uh??
The only thing I can think of from red herring is Jin wearing a red shirt and being the son of a fisherman
How about:
Ben 2 = E
Juliet 4 = I
Jack 2 = A....
then we get a bunch of letters that spell something out?
Des=Desmond 4 = M...
Yeah, but if you're doing that do you use "Hugo" or "Hurley"; "Sawyer" or "James"; "John" or "Locke"
the second paragraph from today's post refers to the puzzle #1 (from yesterday)
More than clues, I think, we need pointers to know we are at least going in the right direction/ totally off....*grinds brain*
We try first names and surnames
First names:
doesnt seem to spell anything, even taking away one N (Jin=Rd herring??)
the red herring (and the whole 2nd paragraph from today's post) refers to the puzzle from yesterday (with the objects on the table) - it has nothing to do with today's puzzle
See, that's another thing - he's referring to another puzzle in the description. I'm sorry, but that is absolutely confusing.
Surnames (only for some characters who habe been addresses that way)
Sorry, on the previous post it is ...A A M
Meatball said previously: "Obviously the answer is 'rabbitkeyblackthingpolarbearbadtwinwatchwheelkeyenvelopekeylockherringmedalticketeyekeypeneraserpencilnecklace'"
And the answer to the second one is: "Who are characters from Lost?"
Does the first word relate to money? I just want to know if I'm on the right track ... submitted one answer I see that it is now wrong.
Right Crazy, like a Jeopardy question-answer! :-)
Ok people... the point of these exercises is to think outside of the box. There are clues like this in ARGs, and the people who run them don't give hints. It's just part of the game.
If you want some help, go over to Lostpedia, and look at some of the "puzzles" that were used in The Lost Experience.
I'll post some tips on how this all works soon...
But I'll give a little hint for #2 right now. Is there a pattern to the faces?
I don't have any idea, but it just dawned on me that the blondes all got left behind on the island - Juliet, Claire, and Sawyer.
I'm sure I'm going to have to think a little deeper than that to get this one, right?
Is that maybe a Moth and not a butterfly?
Has someone already solved that first one?
So there's a face constellation in there?
BTW: there's a partial moon eclipse going on right now for those of you in EU, Africa and the Middle East (more or less)!!
there is a connection between the faces...Juliet-Hugo-Juliet-Hugo-Juliet-Hugo, Jack-Hugo-Jack, Desmond-Locke-Desmond-Locke-Desmond-Locke. Also unde the Locke situated between Des and Sun, there are two Des, one goes off into the Locke chain, the other into a Des-Sayid. There is also a Sun-Sayid chain (all this now to the right), KAte is connected to Claire, Sun and Jin...aarrrggghh, Im sure there's something to this but my eyes cant make any sense of it!
I don't know if this will lead me to an answer but I noticed that the images are in lines, either from top to bottom or diagonally.
Help me Obi-Wan.
@anon: yeah i can see the partial moon eclipse.. it's great =)
@orb: nice observation =)
Thanks steff. I'm still non-the-wiser though :/ I'll keep looking and thinking.
Do the faces matter at all? I guess I'm asking if it's a visual pattern made up of either the white space or the portraits. . .
I coloured each character differently in Paint to make a pattern stand out, but so far I can see nothing. MAybe we must divide characterd in groups of some kind? Anyone else trying something similar?
What if you just black out all the faces and look at the blue space in between. Does that do anything for us?
When I do that I get a pattern that looks like something on Eko's stick. . .LOL. . .I'm sure it's something else.
How complicated is this anyway? Is it one of those crazy things where you have to invert the colors and look at it in a mirror while standing on your head and then translate the braille you get from hex into ascii?
Now I inverted the image colour and then drew lines across repeating character patterns. Looks like a bed, a chair and two doors!!
what else can I try...mmmm
Apparently Lost2010 this is average hard given the level of TLE and Find815 so get your mirror, get that head down and find someone fluent in braille/code
It looks really cool with the colors inverted. What if I just don't know the lost phrase or whatever the answer is. . . like what if it's something from a Desmond episode. . .then I'd be utterly hopeless. . .
you'll know
What about the fact Sun and Ben have people behind them, Sawyer has the ocean and everyone else a more or less cloudy sky?
Give me a box
So I can think outside of it
-Desperate me
I e-mailed a guess, but nobody has responded if I was right...
Steff can you at least tell us if you had to mess with the pic in any way to "see" the answer?
I tried doing the thing like staring at it like a magic picture book, but my eyes just went crossed...
Anyone has the original pic? Maybe the faces appear in the same relative position to each other as in the original except for one or something?
haha, Dennis made this one - but I saw Steff's answer and its pretty much gotta be correct lol!
Can we please have a little clue... just a tiny one.
*winks eyes*
*turns pic, winks again*
*closes lids slightly, winks*
Nope, still nothing
BTW what if a Lost fan has poor sight??What are they to do?!(; ·)
heres the original pic
nick, I emailed and sent a guess! nobody has responded
Okay there are two "teams" here if you will. . .
On the right we have:
Claire, Kate, Jin, Sawyer Sun
On the left we have:
Ben, Jack, Hurley, Juliet
In the middle we have:
Locke, Des, and Sayid
Is there something those groups have in common?
your try (to paint each one's faces with different color and try to see the pattern) was excellent, although you dont need to do that, just think outside the box, look at the big picture =)
I mean here is the pic
the amount of cloudiness in some of the pictures is different. namely the one of locke on the bottom. mean anything?
Codysmom - yeah I got it, it wasn't the one though. I posted a new clue on the comments over there if you wanna switch clues.
Faces in the sky. . .
My husband gets a map of the US out of it.
thanks, nick
I think I've got it but not 100% sure. Have emailed and waiting for a reply.
Orb - the answer is not "Lost". I do not know the answer for sure as I didn't make this one, but Steff's answer has convinced me that his/hers is the correct one.
OK, I'm back if anyone has any questions about Clue #2
Codysmom, good find on the original!
Thanks Steff (for saying the opainting thing was good). So many anons, I should sign my posts!
Im Anonnymousnomore, or ANM if you prefer hehehe
So the original photo does come into play??(I actually thought of that all on my own...YAY!)
BTW Lost2010, I also see the outline of the US but without its SW chunk...mmm..the bigger pic uh?
Is it...an geographical term for a certain kind of place with a major role in the show?? hiiiihiiii
Oh my gosh!!! I'm not trying to brag, but I actually got it! All by myself! I NEVER get these things. I'm so excited. ;) (of course I'm still waiting to hear from Dennis..)
Oh BTW, my computer's back up after a week away. Fun puzzles- thanks for the distractions Dennis and Nick!
Dennis, come on. Don't try to say this is like a puzzle in TLE or Find815. Not even close. Those puzzles involve more comprehension and research, not just a rearanging a picture. They're not the same thing.
Yea! I did get it right. Unfortunately, I think puzzles like #1 are waaaaaaay over my head, so I guess I'll just bask in my luck with this one. :P
Wow...just clicked the word humanity on the hansofoundation web and I saw that Mittlewerk dude's video! (Old news I know, but I missed TLE and Find815 since it wasn't made public in Spain)
Ok, I think I will wait for the answer.....
Steff - Stefan - some form of Steven - male =)
CBJ - actually this one is pretty much exactly like one the new ARG could do, in my opinion (I played all the Lost ARGs, and the key to breaking Dennis' picture is one that has been used before)
Scoutpost, I agree. I don't think I would be able to solve clue #1... it is very complicated.
CrazyBeardedJack, if we had planned this at all, I would have probably started off with some easier clues, but it was very spontaneous.
We generally have a lot of experienced ARG players around here, so I didn't want to make my clue too easy. I didn't expect to get such an influx of new people (which is great!).
I'll post the answer tonight, and you can see that it's not THAT hard, if you look at it from the right perspective (and you are not blind...)
Ok I suck at computers so I need help with a technical issue. I have done everything possible to the pic with Paint and still nothing. Can I "cut" the faces and move them around somehow?
Never mind, I figured it out
Cutting and moving around,feels pointless, looks like a freakin moth-eaten atlas...2:15 am
In the original photo the Losties + Ben + Juliet + Des are in a different position and evidently there is but one of each. Does this matter at all?
wait, does the original pic matter?
I've modified my guess and sent it again - - waiting to hear. . .
Ok, here's what I think. These may be LIKE an ARG, but they aren't. An ARG creates an alternate reality that (in Lost's case) is focused one one thing. TLE was focused on the Numbers and Hanso, Find815 was focused around the recovery of 815, and The Project is focused around the reconstitution of Dharma. They all exist inside a realm that is related to Lost.
These puzzles have no frame of reference other than Lost. With a show with a mythology this huge, it's extremely difficult to have any idea where to start without prompts, or some jumping off point.
These may be puzzles that are similar to an ARG, but they exist in too gray of an area to really "play." It's either you get it or you don't, and for the most part no one is getting these. That has nothing to do with experience, it has to do with the person/people who made the puzzle. If your class took a test and only one person passed, would you blame the students, or the teacher?
CBJ - Did you even play TLE/F815? A code from TLE off the top of my head - heavy water, found by zooming in on a faceless image and noticing D20 in the grain, which is the chem symbol for heavy water. Not a prompt or Lost connection - either you get it or you don't.
TLE - Sam's phone convo with his mum, the voice monitor made morse code patterns that led people to I believe it was just some Season 4 thing like Cheyne Walk or whatever. Again, no prompt, no specific Lost connection - either you realised it was Morse or you didn't.
This clue especially is exactly what COULD happen in a new ARG (mine's probably a top-end one in difficulty terms). But cryptography is a hallmark in all ARGs...
in cbj's defense tle was easier, because things like the d20 thing - if you didn't know off the top of your head, it's the FIRST thing that you can find if you google "d20" we were looking for two word passwrds/clues (most of the time) and heavy water was actually really easy to find even if you didn't EVER know what heavy water was before that game and even if you weren't any kind of cryptographer. those games are lowest common denominator. they can seem really hard if you are high level, but for those of us that rely on googling things we find like "d20," they usually make it just as easy for us somehow. the hex stuff is easy. morse code is easy. i'll even give you pigpen (which i don't think ABC would ever use). there is some stuff that is a little subjective though. i forgive that though as you aren't an enormous corporation that is doing this for oodles of money.
anon, it's as easy as the things you mention
The thing is ABC wants loads of people doing this, has opened up the game to the world (hello, non native english speakers!!???Clues need to be straight forward enough that everyone "gets" them- I am Spanish and my english is as you see it but I tend to over think the meaning of things, its a learning tick thing) and knows there are many types of Lost fans: old experts (Nickb and Dennis), people who have watched the show since the beginning but never did TLE/F815 with ok knowledge about the show+its mythology(me), newbies (several friends and family members who are watchng Lost on DVD FOR THR VERY FIRST TIME). Again with the foreigners thing, Lost is airing still in some places, others have not seen S4 etc. To unify all this into a satisfying game for all is in my opinion quite hard. They will weigh whether there are more hardcore/softcore fans and probably choose different difficulty levels at different times. That way some fans will lead at certain points but the rest will be able to crack some things in their own and feel "included"
WOW, that was a loooong post
BTW I zoomed in on the pic and saw nothing...shall I look again?
FRom really far away it looks like a butterfly thingy
I'm with anon... there are three desmonds in one column. that is all i can spot. but that's not the answer...
DAMN IT! i have failed the Lost community.
i'm going to go hurt myself.
Ok you guys- here's a little help- you don't have to cut and paste, zoom in, have special computer skills, or move anything around. There is a pattern in the faces. There were a few people (don't remember who) who were on the right track way back in the comments, but it seems that everyone has left that vein of thinking.
dancingbearman- keep looking!
Yes, I played both, and I worked on one for a mixed marketing class. Like I said, an ARG is based in an alternate reality. You have to create that reality before you have a game. It doesn't exist without a backbone. You can't just have a picture that references several things on the show and call it related. All you created was a puzzle with items that a fan of Lost would associate with the show.
I guess what I look for in a game is not something that makes you squint and guess, but something that compells you to research, and learn something you didn't know before. Or just something that beefs up the mythology or back story and fills in the blanks. But again, without a frame of reference (world to exist in) these tasks would also be no more than a guessing game.
TLE and 815 were fun, and you wanted to go farther. I always hated when I would reach the "end" of clues for the present time. I never wanted to give up. But with these, I do, and many others do as well. When that happens the person who did the puzzle has to ask if they did it using their own personal view of the show, or a view that would be common with others, and could be identified with.
Ok, I am new to these games.. but, looking at the picture could it have someting to do with the placement of the faces? The pattern they make?
there is a pattern in the faces???You mean perhaps, the faces are in /make a pattern no?
Yeah, that's what I am thinking.. that it is not so much who is in the pictures, as the placement of the..
But, then again I could be totaly off base also!! :)
anon- yes the faces make a pattern- I don't want to give too much away...look for a pattern in the way they are arranged.
Does me answering this clue give me anything? a spoiler? ahahah i hope there is an outcome to all of this.
Anonymous... maybethe pattern is that they're ALL looking at ME.
CrazyBeardedJack... All you created was a puzzle with items that a fan of Lost would associate with the show.
Exactly! We are NOT running an ARG. This is just supposed to be some fun until the real ARG starts. I'm sorry you are not having fun.
FWIW, Clue #2 was solved in 22 minutes - It is NOT a guessing game. If you are familiar with the different types of puzzles used in TLE, than you should be able to figure this out.
This is just a fun puzzle, it has nothing to do with puzzle #1 (I don't think) and does not lead to anything else.
example: look only at the placement of the pics of Juliet....see if it looks like anything.
How about this... you're saying "it's like this puzzle in this ARG".
Can someone just put up a link of a puzzle LIKE this one from TLE?
Wouldn't that give away how to solve it?
Look at the fake clues in Puzzle #1 - there was some Morse Code, some Binary... think along those lines...
Ian said... Does me answering this clue give me anything? a spoiler? ahahah i hope there is an outcome to all of this.
Only the congratulations from your peers, and the satisfaction of a job well done. Sadly, there are no prizes.
WOAH! i just saw something amazing... a pattern! maybe it has nothing to do with anything but...
ummm... how can i say this without giving anything away.
6 at each bottom side.
3 at top.
2 Vs?
Just so you know, some of us have zero TLE experience. Wish we did, but we dont. so we stare, and stare
oh nevermind. i'm totally wrong.
lmao some people just think better than i do?
okay i'll keep looking at juliet and all.
oh god, did anonymous figure it out before me?!?!?!
ian...a V and an inverted V¿?
grr...i had tried making some sort of morse code out of it earlier, but i just got gibberish...fail.
Ok- looking at the patterns that each person makes, there are angles and lines when you connect them.. like a dot to dot...
jesus christ is this one of richard alpert's tests?!?!?!
except i did that.
and all i got were triangles and strange lines.
nothing happening in the dot-to-dot department for me.
juliet's portraits look like a ...7 Des' Sawyer's and Sun's like a D or >...bens look like ..nuttin much, same with Jack
Hurley same as lock, like an i´...sensless...
I did the dot dot too...looked like the diagram of a chair , two door like things and an |__
lol juliet looks like a 7? How? lmao
more of a trapezoid?
the island is stuck on a trapezoid.
okay, no need to watch season 5 or 6.
i'm wrong?
Juliets portraits also form a "tsu" symbol (Japanese hiragana)!
I was thinking that maybe it had to do with hieroglyphs.. but couldnt fins a lost connection with it-
Sorry stepped away for a bit....
Yes dot to dot...not morse code but........come on keep going- you're on the right track.
i dont get it first im supposed to look at juliet then some says desmonds in a row by himself now im supposed to do dot to dot?
Ok - like I said Im new.. but, I have been reading some past TLE things. (since it keeps getting brought up) and it seems that they used different ways to spell out the clues. They used Binary systems a lot..
So, maybe the dot to dot is doing the same thing??
yeah, that is what I figured... I am starting with drawing out what I see and then I will see where that takes me! LOL
finally, got it (I think)
Uhhh..........I STIL don't get it. Sad times.
I am familiar with the other ARGs.
And you say "Clue 2 was solved in 22 minutes" - by one person?
Like I said before, when a teacher gives a test to well educated students (I'm assuming most here are well-educated in Lost and it's lore) and only one passes, that means the teacher wrote a bad test. Simple as that.
I'm sorry if I'm arguing, but I'm trying to show you that you are making puzzle based off your personal viewpoints without considering how others think. If you had done so, people would at least be able to deduce things. These puzzles are NOTHING like those in the ARGs. They may be similar in your mind, but they really aren't.
HA!!! I think i have it. NICE CLUE!!! Lots of fun.
Thanks for putting the effort into doing these while we wait for the Project to start.
this is first time when I play ARG (when TLE come out I didn't know what Lost is and on find815 I thought it is just a flash game (find in ABC's site)). Now I'm reading a lot about about The Lost Experience because I want play The Project.
I have done all with this picture what I can imagine. I even don't know what I need to find. Text? Image?
Damn... I'm starting to thik I'm stupid.
What if the patterns dont make out "things" or "words" but some code...like Pigpen (lots of angles)?
doing dot to dot on Sun, Des and Sawyer I get a fast forward sign >>>...how do I know if Im connecting the dots correctly?? Through one character's face? From one character to another? If they form a triangle shape, do I close It (> vs. |>)?
Ok, Ive drawn a red line connectin Bens with Bens, Juliets with Juliets and so on, and if thats the way to do it Im baffled, because the "patters" I got are, well.....patternless..no meaning to me at all....I should go back and view S1-4 a few times over again.......
CBJ - this clue is EXACTLY like one from Find 815 in nature. These are exactly what could be given in an ARG. Do you even know the answer? If you did you'd see that this is completely possible. I remember in TLE they did a fiendish code where to decipher it you had to shift every one letter left on a keyboard. THAT WAS HARD - and very very subjective as you might say.
I'm sorry if I too am arguing, but having played TLE, F815 and this new one, and having rewritten literally hundreds of articles on Lost alternate reality games for Lostpedia - this is what could happen definitely (well, mostly 2 & 3 - 1 is very hard).
I'm definitely on my way to getting it. Got a bunch of things now to re-arrange then I will have it :)
It's not that hard guys, just look at the patterns of each persons face. What does each one look like? It was mentioned earlier.
Each face is in a pattern. That pattern refers to a letter in Braile. All the letters are...
Dunno what to make of those though.
Knee From Moss?
I think you've got a couple letters wrong. . .but they haven't e-mailed me back yet to say if I've got it right or not. . .
Ironically, I took a wild guess based on some other elements in the picture last night and it got me the same thing the braille gets me. . . my mind seems to be wired exactly backward to how you're supposed to solve these things. . .
Lol lost2010 - and then I emailed you back all like "how did you get that answer of yours?" - completely trying to sound like it could be wrong
YAY! I figured it out!!
Now i have to try and figure out the 1st and 3rd ones.... *gulp* =/
Got it!! No wonder the symbols didnt look familiar...and someone said you could solve this if you WEREN'T blind??Get it??
I got, amonghst others, some funny possibilities!
eons jerk moms
eons jerks mom
jerks me monos
jerks me moons
jerks ones mom
joke mens mors
joke mess mors (Joke message morons???!!)
Ok, not a J, a T!!! All these faces look the same after so long damn
got it...this is gonna sound fake, but o thought of this. However I did so when I erased the faces in paint so I figured I was way off. I mean the pattern was to be built using the faces...crap
Oh, and I rearranged the faces into their original positions (Right after my post:"August 16, 2008 6:59 PM")...but I erased the extra ones!!!!Idiot...
if i didn't have your trail of crumbs to follow i never would have known where to look to solve puzzle #2. now i have plenty of cipher and alphabet bookmarks ready for when the arg actually starts to roll! thanks everyone for posting your processes and hints - now on/back to puzzle #1. --fissy
i must say that i can see crazybeardedjack's point of view on this although i also understand that the same kind of codes are being used within the puzzles, and don't get me wrong, they are fun and the whole point of these things is a challenge, so they should be hard; isn't it testament to these clues that there is so much discussion going on because they are good enough that people really want to work out the answer, and to keep at it even if they aren't having much luck. but yes, i do agree with crazybeardedjack on that, well, i think the main problem is that its really hard at first to see what you're supposed to work out, its seemingly random and theres not much to go on, but once you are on the right track they are awesome puzzles and yes, i can see similar codes and things being employed in a real arg, its just the knowing what to look for at the beginnning that is tough. But phew, long post, hope it makes sense.
Okay... I am pretty sure I got it... waiting on confirmation and now moving onto #3...
Interesting to know.
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