This all started a couple of weeks ago when Patmc (@patmc4fun) suggested via Twitter that I adapt my design for the Fringe First People calendar to the Lighthouse dial seen in the episode of the same name from the final season.

So the suggestion of one of our Lostie friends and because it is a pivotal LOST scene is the first reason for posting here. The other reason is that when it came to adding the names around the outside of the design it was clear that there is not a full list available of all the candidate names on the dial.
I found what I could from the internet and studied as many screenshots and photographs as I could but still came up significantly short. I thought of just using a phone book to find random names, but then it occured to me that I already had quite a long list of names from people that have emailed this site over the last few years (Yes I have kept most of the emails !).
So I dipped into the email archive and pulled out at random the surnames of as many people as I could. If there is a full list of official names somewhere I've missed or more information comes to light I'm not sure I would change the names now anyway as I think how it has evolved adds a bit of personal connection to the design.
If you Click Here you will see a large version of the outside of the wheel where the names are clearer. The choosing of the names and the number assignment was a completely random process and if your name isn't there it wasn't a deliberate omission.
There are a couple of exceptions to the randomness as we have the names of some of the Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear artists, who were the inspiration for me starting some of these recent art projects, and of course Mr Lindelof and Mr Cuse.
So now I've explained the reasons here is the deal, I've created some Cafe Press items with this design on if you are so blown away you have to have one now.

You can vote for this to be made by clicking here. Whatever your prefered option I would appreciate a vote on Qwertee anyway.
Hopefully I'll see some of you in July at San Diego Comic-Con, but for now Namaste to you all.
This is really above and beyond - thanks!
Love the t-shirt design, great work Zort!
Zort! WOW! I ordered tee, mug and beach tote for SD!
I'm #63!
Nice job Zort. You've been making alot of cool stuff lately.
Thanks all, I was driving home when the post went live.
I hope it looks as good on fabric / ceramic etc. as it does on the screen and paper.
Learn all the names next to the numbers there will be a quiz !
Just bought one =D
Thank you for including V-neck ladies' shirt in CafePress merch!
Will probably order tote as well for BEACH BABY!:)
VERY nice Zortster!
Oh and hello lovely Lostargs. I miss you :(
How do I buy one?
Hi Joey, just click on this link - http://cafepress.com/zort70lost
Also don't forget to vote for it on Qwertee as well - Click to go to Qwertee
Appreciate any and all votes
hi, ChrisL and all. Miss our little home here too. I've voted and will start studying for the quiz. ;)
great design Zort. Bought, voted & RT'd :)
That's better, cuinXlifebro . . .
hehe, just finger trouble, I had to blow the cobwebs away it's been that long since I signed into Blogger.
The "Forever Lost" bit kinda ruins it for me. The lighthouse/compass design is awesome though.
Fantastic, Zort! Ordered one. If anyone can find my name/number, let me know! Hard to see even when zoomed in!
Exciting to have a new post!
Nice! Just happened to check my Twitter account that I've not checked in months and saw this. Nice work. And I'm on the dial - have to have it now. You've got my vote!
Must. Order. Merch.
And I'm candidate 91! To see the names click on the link Zort provides above. In Firefox you can CTRL+ to make it bigger / more legible.
Am I 163?!! :D
...and 91 is 16 upside down (though not sideways). Woo-hoo!
Maven you are #63 and I think theotherben that your name was one that was already in the identifiable names on the dial.
Opposition scrub that Maven is #67 Lotto is #63
Argh predictive text
cheers Zort, just noticed I'm #72, yay!
Thanks, Zort! Lotto and I are close together! :)
Also voted for your tee!
Well, can we just say it's mine anyways??
So funny, Zort...your tee just popped up in an ad on my yahoo mail page!
Sweet! I made the list! That's a surefire way to get me to buy something. ;o)
And I noticed a number of friends, too!
Awesome, Zort! :)
@theotherben of course ;-)
Completely Badass!
Awww I miss you guys.
Really well done Zort!!!
I've just uploaded another LOST idea I had to Qwertee.
It is something I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with but I couldn't think of anyway to improve it without starting again and as I won't have much time to do anything over the next few weeks I uploaded it anyway.
See what you think Island Protectors
By the way, just want to say thanks to all for the positive comments I've had about the lighthouse design, even Jensen Karp gave it the thumbs up on Twitter.
Zort: It's the featured tee in CafePress ads! I've seen it in numerous places. Awesome!
I've seen that too, I think it is a clever marketing technique that they show you places you have visited recently.
Sort of like a personalised advert.
I'd love it to be featured for everyone, but I suspect it is not being pushed to everyone just yet.
Although saying that someone did buy a Fringe t-shirt yesterday (The fourth one sold) via Amazon marketplace, so I assume Cafepress advertise there as well.
I’m gonna have to buy one 'em em this evening!
Very nice Zort, great idea! Nice to have something to bring us back together for a reunion too. Wasn't able to see if I was on there or not, but that's OK. I'll try to get one as soon as I can afford it. :-)
It's really very nice, Zort. I will have to check out your Fringe shirt as well.
Well, I don't believe I am a candidate (that's OK- I'd sunburn on survivor beach in two minutes!). But I got the tote bag, and will bring to SDCC for signing by all the gang.
Bit of a mixed bag when it comes to the printed t-shirt.
Paul has had a very badly printed version.
However I had one printed on white and it looks good.
If anyone else gets a bad print can you let me know.
Only just saw this as Maven posted her wearing it on FB. Very nice design Zort, great idea!
I love the tee, Zort. However, it is not easy to read the names...even with a magnifying glass!
I got my tote today (I'm going to get it signed by the artist!) Yes,I guess there is a limit to how small the printing can be once it's off the computer screen? No matter, I know it's y'all on there :)
I'm #299 :D unless someone else is Dale :) Miss ya'll :( Thanks Zort!
I've been looking for a LOST forum to post this in, but I can't seem to find many active ones these day...
Anyway, I have a rare LOST item up for sale on the bay, and I just wanted more Losties to see it!
Sorry this is an ad for something I'm selling, but you guys know me! I'm the "funny guy!" who mucked it up at the G88 overnight event! Remember?!
Anyway, just thought you guys could do me a kindness and check it out, and maybe let other LOST fans know about it... I hate to sell it, but I've been running into debt problems lately and I need to start purging the goods...
Thanks for your time and I hope you don't all think this is too annoying! Anyway here's the link:
RARE LOST item eBay listing
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