Room 23 Store who sell original LOST art, including the very popular LOST trading cards series, have a new competition for us.
The competition is the chance for you to voice your opinion and defend the honour of LOST. To do this all that will be required is to write a paragraph on each of the three topics given.

There will be a panel of LOST experts judging the work and the entry that is judged to be the best defence of LOST based on the three topics will win the new
Room 23 Trading Card holder and for the second placed entry any other item, chosen by the winner, from the
Room 23 store.
Click here to go directly to the competition page for the points you will need to defend and all the information needed to enter.
Good luck and good writing
Just a reminder to enter the Room 23 contest thats underway. Write up the best defence while using the 3 stated points about why LOST is awesome and you could win the new Swan Hatch Trading Card Holder! The best thing is we have Zort from LOST ARGs,along with Anna from The Four Toed Foot, Manda from Lost For Life & Ryan Ozawa from The Hawaii Blog judging the entries!
Just a reminder that we're at the half way point for the "In Defense of LOST" Contest! All entries will be due next Monday, January 31st! Make sure to enter to get some free stuff! http://room23lottery.blogspot.com/
If anyone interested in doing small offscreen voices for my new film, email me at theotherben108@yahoo.com
Instructions will follow.
I wanted to offer this up to any lostargers. The roles are very small, one or two small lines. Just offering. Thanks
This Monday is the deadline for your Defensive LOST Essays! Send them to room23hydra@hotmail.com !!!!!
Just a reminder to e-mail me your "In Defense of LOST" Essays to me by tomorrow! room23hydra@hotmail.com Make sure to put "In Defense of LOST" in the subject header so that I don't erase it! http://room23lottery.blogspot.com/
And the winner is Mike Lerch! Please e-mail me your mailing address so that I can send you a Swan Hatch Trading Cards Holder!
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