The Catalog will cost $55, however for that you get items arranged in season order and 300 pages of colour photographs, if you order one now it will be shipped at the end of July.
If you don't want to spend the money then there are 6 Adobe PDF files available if you want to browse the catalog on your own computer.
One small word of warning, the online order form is not a secure web site, so I would recommend you don't enter your credit card details directly into the form. There is a suggestion that you can send the credit card details separately to the email address given. Maven has done this already and reports no problems.
first wow never happens........ why no countdown clock
also is there a way to order the catalog via paypal?
It looks like is no way to order other than the online form and sending in your credit card, or by sending a check in the mail.
I don't think Profiles In History are really ready for the interest that this will probably generate.
I wouldn't like to be poor Lorna processing all the credit card emails.
The countdown clock was for the next episode, but as there won't be one (snif) then it just shows the symbols. It is actually provided by another site and I haven't managed to let go and remove it yet.
I've looked through the PDF files now and there is so much stuff I would love to bid on.
im going to bid on some items and see how it goes... im crazy so i can see myself grabbing a few things for the insane collection i already have.
Restraint is a hard thing. :( Ordered catalog. :)
Agree that they have no idea what they're in store for. Surprised that they are using a standard Google Form to capture info.
BTW Zort... great that ABC Marketing sent you the hi-res photo. They a know a GREAT LOST site when they see one.
Ordered catalog and been browsing pdf file since I woke up. I want so many things! If prices hold at estimates I will be able to get something. BUT I think they are really underestimating what items will sell for. I think prices will be at least double or triple (or more)of estimates. :(
it's horrible, you can buy Clair's baby Aaron lol I would be shot and hung out to dry if I tried to buy something for 200 and up :-(
and I forgot to click the email box. I think I better sell something here so I can justify buying something.
I think the Dead Boar is probably more creepy than the squirrel baby, or even the jumpsuit and separate rotting arm !
@JPL, yes I'm glad they have us on the list, even if it is a long list of sites !
I take the prices are guide and not reserve? anyone know?
Looks like I can't buy jughead. the shipping costs are too high.
Squirrel baby, here I come!
with all due respect to lost fans because i am one. many people sound like they dont have the money to spend on these items so i dont believe that the prices will stray to far from the list. apart from a few exceptions.
Hi folks,
Sending credit card info via email is usually not much more secure than sending it through the Profiles in History site. With all the numbers flying around the interent, yours is not likely to get stolen, but to be safer you should print and fax the order form to Profiles in History.
Cosmically Yours
By the way the Olly Moss Star Trek print is available now.
All sold out, I was too late !
So I just had a lengthy email discourse with someone at the auction house about tickets. I figured after seeing that the catalogs were $55 that my chances of actually going to the auction would be shot as I assumed the price for tickets would be way out of my price range.
However, he told me if you use the pre-registration form which they will post some time next week, you will be given FREE access to the auction. Yes, FREE. I confirmed this with him many times. He said if you pre-register your name will go on a list (Jacob's?) that will allow you to enter the auction free both days.
So, looks like my 8-hour drive to Santa Monica is ON! Don't know if I'll be able to AFFORD anything but just going would be a cool experience!
Justin T
Justin: Thanks for the info on the tickets! Good to hear they are free! If I get on Jacob's List, we will be going!
Thanks for the info Justin
For anyone who missed out on Moss's LOST and didn't want to pay the crazy ebay prices before, it seems they have dropped to a more reasonable range. Saw there were a few for like $80 with no bids. I'm sure most people are squared away by now, but figured just in case you were still looking...
Also, do you get order confirmation after purchasing the catalogue? I just got a simple message saying: "Thanks now this will appear in my spreadsheet"
I haven't had a confirmation of my catalog purchase yet.
I might Chase things up on Monday.
if you guys could have anything from the auction forgetting about the price (i know thats hard lol)what would you want?
Been busy of late, hello all!
All posters have finally arrived, black rock is flat filed and moss is at the framers waiting to be paid for but have to wait until I get paid. It's going to look amazing though.
Anyway, just thought i'd show what Amazon.co.uk are selling us brits for the complete collection: link
My advice, buy it off of Amazon.com instead, a much cooler complete collection I think.
Hey Martyn. That UK Collection is soooo lame!
@thaeagle2003, No question for me... a large piece of 815 for my living room :-)
Man, this looks seriously exciting but I believe that some of the items are poorly estimated...
@thateagle2003 - The countdown clock was CGI-ed. They made a real one however they wanted it to have a metallic clicking sound when the numbers flipped. Unfortunately, they couldn't make it happen so they made a CGI version.
Jason, that answer makes much more sense to the question of the countdown clock :-)
I was wondering where it was when I browsed the on line version of the catalog.
No confirmation of my Catalog order has been sent yet. I'll have to write a follow up email.
@thaeagle2003 - I think I would like a piece of the 815 plane.
Either that or one of the hatch doors.
A piece of the plane, a Locke knike, compass, DS ring, Jacobs tapestry, Mary statues, hatch, squirrel baby.....all the bits we want!
I'm sure they will go for a pretty penny and it will be the clothes and stuff that go for a bargain.
Mrs ioioos (also a Lost fan) didn't like my idea of bidding on Jughead. She did however think we should go for the 12 metres of Submarine for the garden! I pointing out the shipping issue.
My new favourite idea....I'm genuinely about to replace 12 foot of my front fence which is on its last legs....thats the same length as the Santa Rosa mental institute sign......oh yes.....
zort... the catalogs are still at the printers... profiles said about a weekish and then they will go out. im going to bid on faradays journel, eko's stick and mib's outfit from the season 5 finale.
About a week n a half ago abc emailed everyone about a free mr. Clucks keychain with any Lost purchase... Well mine came in and it was a POS mini rubber keychain that is in no way related to the show... It is also supposed to have a rubber egg it in but it doesn't work because it leaked out all over me... Really?
Does anyone have a contact email for AbC? because this is just ridiculous
Morning All,
If I could get one piece of an original prop... it would have to be a piece of the original Oceanic 815 for nostalgia purposes... it's how it all began. Granted I have no room for a complete piece of the plane, so I'd settle for a shard. :)
@Weinbreezy - think you and anybody that purchased got taken for a Long Con. IMO... bad business practice. I'd contact and let them know that you wouldn't have even ordered and ask for a refund on shipping costs. Contact customer service: http://abctvstore.seenon.com/info.php
Last but not least... the last LOST Titan Magazine hits the book stands today. Will try to pick up at lunch time today. :( Should be an interesting read.
Have a GREAT day you all everybody!
Hmm.. If I could get something from the auction (without thinking about the price), it would probably be the papers of production artwork, Jack's final shirt, Sawyer's Chair or Charlie's guitar.
Why don't we buy one piece of 815 between us and cut it up into framable little chunks??
@Weinbeeezy - What a load of rubbish.
I assume they were over subscribed and sent a cheap replacement.
ioioos - We just need someone with a machine shop and an angle grinder.
FYI: Received a confirmation today for the catalog purchase:
LOST Catalog Order Confirmation
Seth Wiseman <seth@profilesinhistory.com
We have received your information and will be processing your request in the next few days.
Thank you for your order!!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time.
Seth Wiseman
Office: 310-859-7701
Just got my confirmation too! Yippee!
I was going to buy one till I went to the doc yesterday. I've been having eye troubles. Now I have to go to the neurologist because she says it could be cancer, tumor or worse. I'm freaking out and my bf is too. so now all purchases are put on hold till all doctor bills are paid and I figure out what the hell is going on. but.. if money was no object, I would get the Dharma Jeep or Oceanic plane parts. I also thought of the sub for the garden. fun things they have !
OMG, Lisa! So sorry to hear this...it's one thing after another with you. Hope it turns out to be a minor thing...my thoughts are with you!
ain't that the truth Maven Just when life gets good, that monkey wrench came flying at me. I should know more tomorrow. I'm keeping it off of facebook though. too many read that.
FYI: Just got an email with shipping info and tracking number from Lorna Hart at Profiles in History for the Catalog! Should receive tomorrow! (their offices are about 1/2 from me)
I'm a little late on this one, but looks like I got the same emails as everyone else around the same time - so everything seems to be good.
Lisa..I'm very sorry to hear about that - I wish you all the best, and sincerely hope that everything turns out to be actually nothing.
Best wishes to you Lisa.
Sending you positive thoughts Lisa.
I got my email too, and then an hour later another email to say that the international shipping cost would be an extra $30 !
I see they have now updated their website to say this as well.
Anybdy on here collect vinylmations?
Lisa, as with all... your in my thoughts.
Thanks everyone- I'm not so scared today and we will be going in for the day long day of tests and hope to have it all figured out soon. I was a bit freaked out and needed to tell someone. thanks for listening to me whine.
Sorry to hear about your health issues. You're in my thoughts.
Got the Lost Auction Catalog today....it's gorgeous! Totally worth $55! Everything is up for auction, even clothes worn. There's a description of each item along with what episode it was in!
Wow... How different is it from the PDF?
@Jason: The catalog is the same as the PDF. However, it's printed on nice quality glossy paper bound in a soft cover book. It's a memento in itself!
I'm now tempted to get it...
My almost complete Lost Wall! http://twitpic.com/2agjtr
Mighty fine wall there, Weinbeeezy. Ha! Before I saw your message under your pic, I thought, "needs a Lost/Stout". :D I have one available...I was going to hit you up to see if you were interested. Thought it was sold a short time ago...didn't happen. I can't afford to frame it and have no room to hang it. So, anyway, if someone is looking...
@seaque .. What kinda price are you looking for?
Wein... email me
sl.whitelight at gmail dot com
I have been looking live bidding on the site that will do that Lost auction. Lots seem to go in seconds-really fast. Might be good to have some kind of practice if you plan to bid- maybe sign up for another auction to try it out.
Oh man... I was comparing (the about to be auctioned off) Penny's Letter to the one that was used in the Season 2 Finale and I just realised that they arent the same... Even though I am pretty sure that it was used in production, it bothers me that it actually isn't the same one that was used onscreen.
I noticed that a while back too Jason. They made many copies of these and have sold a few of them already. I noticed that there was no Ben wooden dolls either. Guess they didn't make the cut.
Ahh, I see... Dangit. I know this might be a bit late but I'm sorry about the bad news and I hope what you have is only minor. Get well soon.
For those of you with GoMerch issues, they seem to have posted a response in the Lost posters thread over at Expresso Beans. Here's the link the thread (scroll down to gomerch's post):
To quote it: "Hey. I came across this thread about the LOST posters. We recently got rid of our customer service person because of her lack in follow up on these types of things.
Email me directly and I will personally find out what is happening/happened with your order.
My direct email address is casper@gomerch.com
If you can include your order number or forward a receipt and your phone number I will call you to figure out what is going on.
Thanks and sorry for the lack of service you have all received from GoMerch.
Thats one of the reasons I would pay very little for some of the auction items. More often than not, they are not unique and you cannot be sure it even saw screen time.
To ensure their are no production and continuity problems, there are often many vesrions made of the same thing.
Take the clothes for example. Does anyone really believe that Terry O'Quinn wore the same filthy Tee Shirt for the whole two weeks of the final shoot? Of course not. They would have made a batch with the same "wear and tear" on all of them.
Its a tricky old business authenticating props to actual screen time.
Maladylis, hope the good news starts rolling in.
Some doctors mention the (unlikely) worst case scenarios, not realizing that's usually what sticks in patients' minds!
Patrick, thanks for the gomerch info. So strange that they would finally admit that so 'publicly'.
Cosmically Yours
Just found out some more information on the auction. So, it appears that you are required to put up a $500 "good faith deposit" in order to bid. This will be charged to a credit card and then refunded if you don't win anything. If you do win, they'll take the bid amount off the $500 and refund you the difference.
Also, there is a 20% Buyer's Premium added to the final bid of each item as well as sales tax. So, keep in mind when estimating how much you want to bid on something that you need to add roughly another 30% to account for fees and taxes.
Not such good news. You can read more about it on pages 331 and 332 of the catalog.
Justin T
I would imagine that the fees/terms are customary for auctions...maybe not. Anyway...just wow. Good luck for those of you that are planning on buying. Sheesh...not me.
Sitting here tonight flipping through my catalog. It is so beautiful. Bad thing is I want it ALL!! Trying to narrow it down to the stuff I absolutely love then see if there is anything I can afford. Not holding my breath. My catalog and just going to the auction may have to be my only souveniers. Hoping too that maybe a LOST alum or two might show up at the auction and I can get my catalog signed...
@seaque yeah, I'm sure that it is pretty customary but it was still shocking to me. 20% just seems like A LOT.
Justin T
Happy Birthday to Martyn!
@Justin: I plan on going to the auction, too. I think the catalog is my memento of the series! Just interested in seeing some stuff in person and hanging out with Losties again!
Martyn - Happy Birthday Mate!
Got catalog yesterday. And yes... worth it! It's definitely a retrospective of all 6 seasons. I'm content with just having it. Prices are going to be ridiculous (but rightfully so)!
A thought... if someone was smart and had the funds, they'd purchase a piece of Oceanic 815.. chop it up and sell pieces of it. I could justify $100. :)
Happy Birthday Martyn!
Still the 2nd my time Martyn- Happy Birthday!
Very interesting this auction biz. Am I reading it right in the terms- that the auction house itself can bid up the price if it is below the confidential "reserve" point? We may have a shot at the reserves not being too high though- if they are really trying to pass on the props to fans and not just get the maximum amount.
Did you see also that some of the items are still in Hawaii? I suppose the big things are there.
I thought about someone cutting up the plane too- but would you trust just anyone selling you a bit of metal and calling it a piece of Oceanic 815?
Oops- I mean the 3rd Martyn! Well, hope it was a fun day.
Hi all, there is a NEW POST with some updated auction info.
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