Well you would be mistaken if you did as this is not the artwork we saw being created, it is a specially commissioned version of it.
One of our regular posters, JPL, contacted DGPH in January about possibly getting anything art-related to the mural. From the time he saw what they did on the wall - he loved it. Maybe it had something to do with spending the entire weekend when the first clue was released scouring the web for pink monsters and coming up with everything from playing the Molestown online game to thinking the reveal would be at a potential Atlético Huracán soccer game.
The one off piece of art was commissioned after a few translation issues and arrived on a 30 x 30 cm piece of wood that is about 5mm thick.
JPL has been dropping hints and running his own mini ARG in the comments for a while now, but if you were looking for the answers then this is what it was leading to.

Click here for the DGPH website if you want to see more of their work.
Yikes JPL! So that's what you were on about! That is stunning sir!
So is that for sale? Its actually pretty solid... I think...?
very kewl Zort ! so when are they going up for sale ? it will be interesting to watch as people clamor for them.
I'm fairly sure this was a one off, that JPL sorted out privately.
If we find out anything different I'll let you know.
JPL, thank you for preserving a variation of "runsaverytightoperation.com" called? "4815162342". As we know street art is ever changing and this wall will someday become another's canvas. Bravo!
Zort - thank you for sharing with my felow Art ARGers!
All - I will post more info tonight when @ home. ;)
Yay! New Post.
That is very cool!
JPL, I am so jealous! I loved the original mural as well and sent several emails to DGPH in the weeks following the reveal. But I never heard back from them. I took that to mean no. Well done!
I am anxious to know if there is any possibility of them doing prints or similar original pieces. Can't wait to hear the whole story!
VERY nice. I also thought they might do some mass production prints of this one. Any special reason it is on wood?
Very cool!
That's pretty kick ass! Thanks for sharing JPL! Awesome that you were able to have that commissioned!
Superb JPL, lucky you! Would be amazing if they mass produced this, would love to own it purely for the memories it'd hold.
Packing is about to continue in a bit, just been out for a farewell meal with my family. I don't usually leave packing this late.
To everyone who wished me safe travels, thanks very much. A little bit nervous about it all as i'm going on my own with a group of people i've never met but hopefully, they will be cool people.
If anyone is interested, I will be trying to upload a few photos every now and again to flickr. If you search dieweener, you should be able to find my stream (my avatar is Bob fom ReBoot). I will be hopefully meeting up with Hiroki too on my last day so will upload a photo of that too if I can.
So yeah, farewell and speak to you all soon. Will try and get my girlfriend to come on here and be my substitute while i'm away.
Oh and i'm all for keeping this community going, long past LOST hopefully too. You all are such amazing people and it's been a privilege to meet and/or chat to you.
hey Martyn, have a blast ! We'll miss you while your gone. Isn't your gf going with you ?? tell Hiroki I say hello. Have fun !
Have fun Martyn!
Try not to be out of touch the WHOLE time Martyn! Will keep an eye on your Flickr but tweet when you update will you. GF very very welcome.
Golden arc around you as you fly.
The new Gallery 1988 show looks amazing. Many of the DCaaPB artists contributed pieces.
Well, just tried to buy Fenway by DD at the G88 show- but no more preview ones available. Rats.
Hi ARGers -- It's been a tough week. I had some weird stomach thing the last couple days but seem to be OK today. My Aunt's prognosis though is pretty poor, so thanks to all who have sent positive thoughts and wishes.
Thanks JPL for the DGPH info.
Super-DHARMA congrats to Anne. She deserves it!
LT -- I have been a sloth for the last couple days, so hadn't had a chance to return your email. Nice addition to your LOST collection.
Martyn -- safe travels. I'm sure you'll charm all who are in your group. And we would love to have El sub for you here!
I can't decide whether I like the diptych version of Danger's Fenway better, or the single 11x44 version. Tan's The Final Battle, Tong's Lucha Libre, Methane Studios' 715, Olly Moss's Master Race, Mike Mitchell's The Dude Invitational, Slater's 20,000 are all temptin, but I have no room....ugh.
Yeah, G1988 told me preview sales capped at half and they won't sell any more online until after tonight's event.
Anyone going to the show tonight?
Lack of wall space (and funds) prevents me from buying prints too. I think I've discovered a way to solve my prob. If all goes well, I should have a full set by this weekend.
Ok, that's totally funny CQ
Martyn, have a great time!
Ob_ no worries, whenever you get a moment.
LOST references?
Leia Bell "It's Just a Game Man"
Am I that tired, or do some of the bowling balls have faces (in the Leia Bell piece)? (this is not the first time I've had to ask that kind of question)
I'm sure the trip will go great Martyn . . . hope to see photos on Flickr, will add you. Maybe I'll work on getting up my very delayed pics from my last trip in your honor, hah.
oh, creepy.
I was looking at Team Smokey.
Please...no more prints....my bank acount can't handle it and my kids need shoes.....:)
Just popping in to say good night. Happy Lost Day to everyone in the UK! If you haven't watched online yet... you're in for a hell of a ride tonight! :-)
@Anne - could you send me an email? I wanted to ask you a quick question...
funinsanmarcos at gmail dot com.
@CQ - Now why didn't I think of that! Probably would have been much more affordable. LOL!
Talk to you all later today...
@Patmc - I may have downloaded it, watched it, started jumping up and down and shouting at my PC when things happened !
Zort. Did you get my email?
Hi Chris, yes I did and I've just realised I didn't reply.
I'll go and do so now.
I wonder if Danger is going to release his copies of Jacob's cabin, or if maybe they were all released under the radar. No mention of it in his latest post, either.
Ray, I've been feeling a little suspicious too...
lol...yes, and framing costs are nil. With help from a friend, I found easels online for $1.33 ea. (I'm buying in quantity.) I'm making these as a thank-you to some fellow LOST fans I've met along the way. I just love the miniatures. I think the sterling ankhs add a nice touch.
@Seaque - Those would be awesome to put around my computer monitors at work! I've wanted to do some sort of LOST themed decoration at work, but we can't get to showy, as we have business visitors occasionally. Any interest in selling a set? If not... I'm going to have to blatantly steal your idea! LOL
@ChrisL & @Ray - I would certainly hope that he's not trying to be sneaky about it. I got to meet him at Gallery1988... and he seemed like a true LOST fan, and a nice guy. I would hope that if he did actually sell them... that he would say so. There's nothing to be gained by not letting people know. Besides... they were his to do with what he wants. If he sold them or gave them away... he should just tell people.
Has anyone else here tried working on a promo for the LOST Promo contest? I messed around with their tools online... and while it's fun to create something that way... I get the feeling that the winners are going to be using stand alone video editing software. I'll have to mess around with it this weekend with my Sony Vegas Pro software. I'm pretty much a hack when it comes to editing... but what the heck. With a prize of being at the ABC Finale party and getting to hang with the cast and Darlton... you better believe I'm going to enter SOMETHING!
I hate Friday afternoons... they can drag on FOREVER! Only 4 more hours of work for me until my weekend! :-)
Pat, I wasn't suggesting anything underhand with DD... not at all. I just think that when it's been this long... sooo long, by accident rather than design, many of those JCs may have found their way into 'others' hands. It's just the way of things. Remember how few of The Crash actually made it through to the drop? I do hope everyone is not terribly disappointed. I know so many people who are still awaiting THAT print to fulfill their particular ARG dream.
Pat- I did try playing with the promo a bit- it is fun even if you don't submit anything. I was thinking it would be great if they would have 2 prizes- one for their tool and one for the pros out there with their own systems.
Chris L- yes, I find that I still really, really, really, really want Jacob's Cabin- but I also know it would take a miracle.
I'm on the same page as ChrisL. Was not suggesting anything sinister! But I do hope that he does release some if he has extra copies.
I went to the show last night, picked up the Nolan Ryan print, the Dude invitational, master race and got the danger uncut to give to a friend as a wedding present. It was a very low key opening from what the other folks in line were saying (only like 15 people lined up before the doors opened, I was 5th and only got there an hour prior). Fun bonus Eric Tan, Kevin Tong and Olly Moss all showed up and hung out for a bit. Olly is a very awkward person, but super nice.
By all means...be blatant and make some! That's why I posted them here...I thought there would be others that don't have the resources to buy real prints. :( Plus it's a great way to display a full set while conserving space (as you suggested at the office). However, I'm not so sure how I will explain these to non-Losties...smoke monster, zombies...etc. at work.
These are so inexpensive to make and I wanted to make something as a thank-you to a few people I've met through this experience. To keep costs down...I wanted to use supplies that I had on-hand photo paper, card stock, rubber cement...ect. Just had to buy paint, ankhs and easels. I'm telling you...they look great (the pics don't do them justice.) You will be very happy to have these on your desk. The smaller prints I made in a standard art card size 2.5 x 3.5 and from there adjusted WK and LOST for size. Have fun!!! :)
Morning all, the competition 9 prizes I had with me are all posted now.
So it is up to the tender care of the international postal services now.
Nice one Zort. There'll be some smiling faces in a few days time I think!
So you know, the 2 packages I had were sent out Thursday morning.
Thanks Sam, and thanks Chris for the Smokey Bear T-Shirt, much appreciated.
Morning All,
Sorry for the delay. It's been a crazy week, but the weekend is here, so time to answer a few of your questions and give the rest of the story - it's going to be a somewhat lengthy post or 2 because of character limit.... so grab a fresh cup of coffee and I hope you enjoy. :)
First, thanks to Zort for sharing. I'm glad that this site remains active with so many of the friendships that have been made over the last several months. I really feel that the creators of DCAAPB couldn't have guessed what type of effect this ARG would have on fans of the show even after it "officially" ended. From fan-created art to other works of art by the original 16 poster artists - this continues to be just as fun (without the F5 stress).
Hats off to those who had an idea of what was going on with my earlier comments that included subtle hints and emailed me or posted... Ray, Martyn, ObFuSc8, and mtutick - who guessed it immediately. Thanks to all of you for the kind words on the final piece as well. @Martyn – it will definitely be something that will bring back LOTS of GREAT memories. @LotteryTicket – thank you for naming the piece… I was struggling and your suggestion helped me choose.
So onto a little history and what the future holds for "4815162342". I reached out to DGPH to 1/24/10 and although they didn’t have anything that they could sell regarding the artwork at Parque Patricios, they were more than happy to sell a commissioned piece. Price ranged from $200 or $300 depending upon size. From the time, I reached out to them until I received the artwork on 3/1/10, I was in regular contact with Martin and Diego who were both very gracious and first-class all the way. I can understand why DCAAPB asked them to get involved. I gave them an overview of what I’d like to see on the piece… pretty much a replica of the wall with the exception of the numbers. They provided a picture of the art in progress which I used as a scrambled clue, tracking information from Buenos Aires once the art was shipped (it left the country on 2/17/10). Not sure how it was delivered to the States, as Correo Argentina only tracked its movement in Argentina & when it departed the country. All I know is that I was like a kid at Christmas when it showed up this week.
In my last email with Martin @ DGPH, he was kind enough to answer a few questions including most importantly whether they would be willing to do more commission work if contacted by LOST fans. The answer was an enthusiastic YES – they love painting and illustrating… so as he said “bring it on”. Shoot them an email at shop@dgph.com.ar.
The wall itself and the reaction? They didn’t know what to expect, since it was kind of a mystery for them as well. DCAAPB were pretty much open as to what they could do and they were allowed to choose what they painted. Martin had seen the 1st two seasons of LOST, but has since “lost” track. The reaction was amazing as well as the amount emails they received from many people trying to solve the clues. @Andalone – my guess is that’s why they didn’t get back to you immediately. Anybody that has seen and knows LOST, gets what the wall is about and to those who don’t… they’re happy to have a painting on a wall that used to be pretty much ruined.
As to what they have planned for 2010 – they’ve got a show entitled ““Journey to Molestown” at Gallery 1988, San Francisco, on April 2nd
, with 100 DGPH pieces as well as another show the same time in Shin Kong, Taiwan with digital art. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to be at either show. I'll definitely be checking SF out online.
Sorry for the last few deleted comments... can't the link to work.
Finally… this is the 1st painting I’ve ever purchased from a known artist and it will be going up in my office… bright, cheerful, and captures the essence of LOST as well as the many memories of this ARG. What more could I want? Hope that those of you who reach out to DGPH are just as happy!!!
You can take a look at some other photos I took of the piece when it arrived -
A few last words and I’m out of here to refill my coffee.
A shout out and a BIG thank you to Jo at jopinionated.blogspot.com for being a very special person.
@ Seaque – very original!!!! Definitely solves the space issue.
I’m hopefully meeting up with Davide from Italy next week. He’s visiting the States and we’ve pretty much wrapped up our trade of Smokey for Jacob’s Cabin. Have a feeling that we won’t be seeing many JC for sale soon and I feel lucky that a fellow ARGer was able to help me out. Then again, that should come as no surprise… as we’re a mighty fine bunch!!! :)
JPL, thanks for that fascinating insight into DGPH and your awesome art. I'm afraid I completely missed out on your clues as, even thouigh I knew something interesting was going on, I just wasn't in a place to be able to get my head around it :-(
I have no doubt that you'll enjoy your piece for years to come and what a great reminder of our experience... (as if a whole bunch of prints aren't reminder enough lol).
Once my bank account has fully recovered from the past few months I may well drop DGPH an email. Thanks again for sharing.
And be sure to give Davide our very best! Perhaps post some pics of you guys if you get the chance? Oh and I was getting a 404 on the link to your other pics btw.
JPL - I am curious how you will be hanging the piece. Will you hang it as is directly on the wall, or have some sort of frame done? I wondered about that since you said it was done on wood? It is a very special piece. Congratulations again.
Thank you so much for the information! I am definitely interested in commissioning a piece as well.
But it will have to wait until after the Daniel Danger release to hopefully put me at full set status. I know there is the secondary market still available, but would like to take a chance on the artist drop first. I am patient as I haven't finished framing the first 15 yet. I have 5 prints still waiting in the portfolio. I hope to have a couple more framed this weekend.
andalone, your prints that are framed look amazing. Worth taking your time when they look that good. You will have your full set :-)
Thanks ChrisL. The framer is an old friend and has been amazingly generous in framing my prints at his cost. I'm trying not to take advantage and so only bring in a few prints at a time.
And since I have been been purchasing so much of the fabulous non-arg LOST art as well, I am really grateful for the savings. Fortunately, my framer friend and his wife are huge LOST fans, so he gets a kick out of my FANatic collection.
Thanks ChrisL. I am a very happy monster with the art. :) Will definitely pass along the good wishes to Davide and try to get a photo or 2.
Try this link for photos:
@Andalone - I still haven't framed any posters yet. Mine are also in portfolio. As far as the DGPH piece, I'm not sure because it's painted on a piece of wood that's 5mm thick & I'm a novice when it comes to this. It could certainly hang by itself if it had something on back to attach to wall. I'm thinking of taking it to a local framer and ask their advice. Or if any of you have suggestions... I'm open to them.
JPL, that really is a great piece. How excited you must have been opening that package!
JPL - it seems to me that you wouldn't want to mount hanging hardware directly to the back of the piece - might detract from value to alter in any way.
My suggestion is a black gallery frame. I personally tend to like chunky frames, but I think that piece would do well with a narrower one, maybe 1 inch.
I say just drill a hole in that bad boy on each side and hang it with wire. haha jk for sure ! It can probably be put in a shadow box type frame one that will come up the sides or even put a large piece of velcro on back and hang it with that. I have no idea.
lol @ Lisa
hello everyone.
Awesome work with the art JPL! Now there's two of us with unique pieces. My Lauren Gregg prints came back from the framers yesterday... Charlie's in the bedroom, and Smokey's in the toilet, fittingly enough.
As for friday's episode... LOVING what happens with Sayid. About time he went full badass. I'm unsure about Kate and her role. And this season, I'm never sure dead is dead... especially with that pool involved.
Ben, I would love to see pics of the framed prints!
Andrews's Faraday print and Justin's new print "The Exit" were both delivered today.
And I am beyond thrilled with both. The pictures on the order pages do not do either print justice. I encourage anyone who was undecided on whether to purchase to decide YES.
I feel bad about triple posting, but Whatever Happened, Happened is back from the framer. Awesome!
Looks fantastic. Andrew should be proud.
Had to go find Andrew's post. I planned on buying it but wasn't at a reliable computer until today.
Sam G, Thanks! Andrew really did a great job with this print. I hope he has a sellout.
In other great LOST news, Amazon is taking preorders for the LOST Encyclopedia, releasing August 24, 2010!!! I am so excited!
Product Description
Featuring more than 400 pages and over 1500 images, the LOST Encyclopedia will be a comprehensive guide to the characters, items, locations, plotlines, relationships, and mythologies from all six seasons of the landmark series aired on ABC-TV and produced by ABC Studios. Created in full collaboration with ABC Entertainment and ABC Studios, this will be the first and only fully licensed and comprehensive reference to all things LOST, and it includes a foreword by executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.
andalone, that looks fantastic. Andrew did very well and it was great that we had the chance to see the process here as he shared his changes and improvements.
We're trying to find out from Gregg Nations if he has anything to do with the encyclopedia. Because if he isn't involved, it's a crime. He's the only one I'd trust to do this.
I'm definitely looking forward to the Lost Encyclopedia as well... and wholeheartedly agree that Greg Nations (LOST continuity god) has to be involved if they want to do it the right way.
I got my Evangeline Lilly signed trading card from JoPinionated on Friday! It's pretty darn cool knowing I've got a little slice of Kate in my collection now. :-)
Speaking of Evangeline Lilly... My wife and I watched The Hurt Locker for the first time on Saturday evening... and had no idea that Evangeline was in that movie! Granted it's a bit part... but still a pleasant surprise.
MEL's comment on Sundwn on mrjames11383 vidcast
Posted at TLC but reposting here for those that may not read there.
Is there going to be any information on the statue Lotto donated to charity? I may want to bid on it.
I've been told - The LOST Encyclopedia is done by the people that do LOST Magazine and they had inside access to the information. Probably a little too much to expect Gregg to do everything. The show in itself is a full time job and LOST University. Just not enough time with s summer release date.
"Jay & Jay 30 Hour Autism Speaks LIVE podcast has announced the guest lineup. Included will be Ryan and Jen from the Transmission, Jorge Garcia and Damon Lindelof. The show is held in Raleigh, N.C. at the Ice Plex starting on March 20"
The statue will be up for auction.
Lotto will post more info on the actual auction when the details are confirmed and no doubt Zort will try to keep us updated too (I hope).
TeeFury will have a new Lost tshirt for sale tomorrow! Don't miss out!
Help LOST get Hulu Best in Show award!!!
JPL, that's super awesome. :)
rtfarr1 - LOST against Fringe how unfair.
@sam g
I agree...I love both. But I still want LOST to win :)
LOL! Check out the new TeeFury, LOST themed shirt for today!
Desmond's replacement! For some reason... it reminds me of Anne... :-)
Already ordered it...
Thanks for the TeeFury heads up. Ordered. Love this one.
Happy LOST day!
What better day to pop my head in than on lost day. Although it is almost over for ke and it hasn't even aired yet.
I'm contemplating buying a $10 iTunes card online so I can download on to my phone to watch later.
And yes, I have ordered the teefury top all the way from Japan. How could I not?
It's snowing heavily over here, which is really really annoying, especially as I didn't come prepared for snow.
When I have the funds, I'm ordering one of those. In a hard bit. Will be a bit hard to convince the people around me but I'll give it a shot. Considering I cracked your puzzle from the first clue, shows how much I love that artwork.
Speaking of artwork, my poster buying habits haven't died. Just bought an amazing piece of art of a dragon. Watched the guy make it in front of me. Soooo impressive. Filmed him make it and had a photo of me and him with it. Will upload when I get back as it's on my camera and not my phone.
So anyway, to lotto, chrisL, lisa, obfusc8, team jack, Anne and anyone else who's interested, I've uploaded a few photos I took over the past days on to flickr. Just search for dieweener.
Domo arigato and sayonara!
sounds like your having fun Martyn. Have some fun for us and bring us back something nice lol Snow in Japan, who would have thought !
I hate snow. Never send me snow again! Lol.
hangs head in shame lol well, I didn't know it would follow you like this ! :-) But I have no idea how to send sun and now your way out in Japan so it wouldn't get to you till your home anyway.
I'll take it! Would be nice to come home to sun in England.
I need a favour from my lovely US friends out their. Would anybody be willing to buy a $10 iTunes gift card and email me the code so I can download lost and watch it tomorrow night? Would obviously pay you back for it, but I still do need my lost fix. If not, it's no problem, I can wait until Saturday and get off the uk store, but no guarantee of wi-fi after Thursday. :s
let me see what I can do. I will check out the store and see how it works and if I can get you one.
they say they are 15.00 and up and then it says ships out in two days or something. Do you have a link for them ??
Oh no, i meant from just the iTunes store (as I have no card registers to my fake American address) or from local shop. If it will be a hassle, I'd rather leave it, don't want to put anyone out or anything.
I was going to buy it off of eBay but doesn't look very trustworthy some of them. Especially as they were saying $10 and you said from $15, so definitely don't trust them now, lol.
yeah I think it's a scam Martyn because on iTunes, they are all 15 and up. sorry dude !
Yeah, Martyn they use to sell $10 ones, but haven't for awhile.
Then I shall steer clear of that one! I'll see if I can find a way around itunes' USA only policy and buy a gift card off of there. They tend to give the code straight away.
If I still can't, if you don't mind lisa. Unless you don't have iTunes, then just leave it. I'll just take my chances with downloading it on Saturday.
Weird to say this but good night! I'm off to sleep.
Hi Martyn, no I don't have iTunes since I can't get it to work on my Vista pc. I even have my sons old ipod I can get to work on this pc because of Vista. So if I need it on the pc to use it, I guess your out a luck from me. Sorry. sleep well.
No worries lisa. :) Was just a another of my many fleeting ideas, lol.
Plus, vista does royally suck!
Yay Martyn. Guess you're asleep by now but just going to check out your pics. Great to hear from you dude.
Wow, wish it wasn't snowing for you but the place looks awesome. Loving the 108 shoe locker!
@Martyn - ...or you could always just hit your favorite BitTorrent site about 3 hours after it airs in the US Eastern time zone. :-) You should be able to grab it in less than an hour, depending on your connection speed.
Did anyone else who watches Chuck, notice a possible LOST reference last night? The interviews were taking place in room 108 of the Buy More. They are so into pop culture... it's got to be a LOST reference, right?
I've been thinking about it... and I'm starting to think that maybe we've got Sayid pegged all wrong. I think he might actually be a "good guy". Think about what happened last week. Yes, he killed Dogen and Lenin... but where did he do it? In the "magic hot tub"... where he himself was brought back to life. Could it be, that by killing them and leaving them there, he was actually PROTECTING them from Fake-Locke... knowing that they could be resurrected in the water after Smokey and his group left? Food for thought anyway...
Happy Lost Day all!
I wondered about that myself Pat I thought if her was dropping them in the water, won't they come back to life again maybe later ? Interesting thoughts.
Interesting Pat...
I thought when Dogen cut his hand and put it in the pool and it didn't heal, the waters weren't working?
I think it was just working slower. They left Sayid in the water for the requisite 1 minute and 8 seconds, and they were surprised when it didn't work. They thought he was dead. Then everyone was surprised when he woke up a few hours later.
I think it's obvious that things aren't working as they are supposed to for Dogen... but it least it appears that they ARE working.
I have to agree with Sam G. The water isn't working. It didn't save Sayid. Miles said Sayid was dead for 2 hours and Dogen and Lennon were as surprised as they were when he woke up.
All the same, I'd like to think that Sayid is pulling a fast one on Flocke.
Me too ChrisL. :)
Only got an iPhone with me. Wanted to get a laptop for the trip but the uni I'm going to didn't send me the equipment list in time so didn't buy one in the end. I'll just wait until Saturday.
And most likely with chuck, yes, it's a nod to lost. If you remember way back to season one whencthey were testing what he knew, one of the things he said was oceanic flight 815 was actually a military cover up and they shot it down or something along those lines. Funny stuff.
Yeah, the shoe locker was just for you guys ;)
I keep forgetting to say. I saw dogen in a green tea commercial on the train in Tokyo. It cracked me up and made people look at me weird a little bit. He didn't look as intimidating in the commercial. Will try and record it when I go back to Tokyo at the end of my trip.
@Martyn, if you still want iTunes card, let me know . . . I THINK we still have some $10 ones lying about from a while back.
Ryokan, huh? Nice. Unusual amount of snow though for this late! (Not sure where you were heading first tho.)
Yeah I didn't get to rewatch until today, last minute, off I go. Yay Lost Day!
Oh and re: magical healing hot tub - we don't know how long Locke was in that ditch after Walt shot him. Might have been that MIB fixed him AND Sayid. Just a thought.
Thanks to andalone, my lost issues are solved. Thank you very much :D
@lotto, lisa and Anne...Thanks for the help!
And yeah, the tour guide said it was ridiculously wrong for it to be snowing this time of year. This morning was terrible and it obscured our view of mt fuji. Luckily it cleared up a lot in the afternoon (blizzard like snow to bright, warm sunshine???) so I saw the legendary volcano. I uploaded a few more photos. A lot easier while wi-fi is availble at the moment. I'm sure my friends and family appreciate it.
Disappointed Eleanor hasn't chirped in yet so will get her to correct that later today.
Wow!!! Another power-house episode last night! Michael Emerson was absolutely electrifying! I think that LOST is going to produce a lot of Emmy nominations this coming year!
My vote for best line of the night: "Wanna try another stick?" LOL! Awesome!
@Anne - did you ever get my email last week?
@Seaque - could you please let me know where you found those mini-easels? I can't seem to find them via Google... grr...
Off to bed! I'll check in after I get to work in the morning... Good night all!
Yeah, I know. I had a hard time finding them at a good price online. andalone found this link/source for me. Item #50360-1001
Yes! Home early from work just to watch last nights ep.
Very excited.
@Seaque - Thank you very much for that link! I was starting to get frustrated at my lack of success via Google.
@ChrisL - Lucky man! I hope you enjoy Dr. Linus as much as we did! I think that's got to be my favorite episode so far this season.
Pat. Loved it.
Gallery1988 has a new website, and it shows a few pieces from the Lost Underground show which are still available, online or otherwise. I was hoping to see that a few Locke's Secret shirts would still be available but alas I was wrong.
Anybody else feeling a very strong urge to bump up their Ben Linus print on their to-be-framed list today?
@TKI, no, mine's been framed since the day after it arrived at my home.
I sure would love to have some of those Gallery1988 pieces, but alas, my poor wallet and my very patient wife, might not be too happy about the prices of any of the remaining pieces... LOL
@ChrisL - Glad you got to see it! I really loved the scene at the beach towards the end. Slow-mo montage, with Michael Giacchino music. It brought back pleasant memories of Season 1, where every other episode ended that way...
OK... I'm starting to get really ticked off at my co-worker who lives in Hawaii! She just emailed me that for the second time in a month... she was out for a nature walk... and walked right by TERRY O'QUINN! Despite my begging and pleading with her... she STILL didn't stop and get a picture or autograph for me!
I just sent her a picture of me in my WWJLD T-shirt, with a text message. I told her to just show it to him on her phone next time... :-)
She said that he smiled and said "hi" to her on both occasions... so his reputation as an extremely nice guy remains intact.
I sure wish I could get over there before production wrapped up... (sigh)
Hi all! Are we okay posting about last nights ep here? If anyone hasnt seen it , dont read this post! :
I liked the slow-mo-Giacchino-beach montage for the same reason Patmc -the throwback to S1.
My only qualm is that it featured a few less of the the characters I care about. As the available screen time left evaporates, I find myself resenting when characters I'm not invested in (as much) are given time over those I care about. I realize Damon and Carlton are going to pay off Sun a Jin's story eventually, for example, but in the meantime I'd still like them involved (more than just the token line here or there). It seems to me that they are just drifting along in the story, rather than being propelled by their motivations. I do not want to see any more of Ilana or Arzt! This isnt a 24 episode season (as it should have been)!
Um, sorry, didnt mean to rant. I did like the episode.
@MiddayShadows -- YES to all your thoughts. Less Ilana. More Sun. Please. It is a complete waste of Yunjin Kim's talents to have her say "Where's my husband?" and that's IT.
Received Andrew's "Faraday" today. It looks fantastic.
I tweeted but forgot to post here!
Andrew's Faraday, JimmyGoose"We Have To Go Back" and a Dharma Dummies tee arrived all the same day!
here's my post re: Dr. Linus
Episode thread
Hey Midday, How have you been? Agree wih your thoughts, I find I'm frustrated at not seing more of certain people too. I'm trusting though that every word and every scene has been written for a reason and that it will pay off in the end.
Cool Ep post LT.
Managed to watch episode 7 last night and I loved it.
Amy Lynn and ChrisL - glad I'm not alone in feeling that way. Yunjin Kim/Sun has been marginalised somewhat since the Ajira crash IMO. This is not the same woman who confronted Widmore so boldly. I do have trust in Darlton though, as you do Chris -theyve handled some other characters (Hurley) as lovingly as would expect thus far, so I expect more for the Kwans.
I've been well, ChrisL - Thanks for asking! I've been very preoccupied with a project, and only had time to devote to lurking here; and sometimes at TLC -so hard to keep up with posts there. How've you been? Did you get in on Olly's 'Master Race' print? I think it's fantastic...
Also, got my Ben and Smokey print from Lauren Gregg. What a delight! ha - seriously, my fave 'honourary' DCaaPB print.
Gallery1988's new shop is pretty slick too.
So glad Ben is still around (for now), BTW. The promos were of the annoyingly worrisome 'he will finally meet his fate! dum dum daaahhh...' variety.
Just in case you haven't seen it ABC are having a competition for a LOST promo -
Want a chance to be a part of LOST history? Visit the official "Ultimate LOST Fan Promo Contest" website now for rules and details on how to make your own 35-second LOST finale promo. Your entry could be chosen to air on ABC the week before the series finale, and you could win a trip to a special LOST party in Los Angeles.
Our DCaaPB friend Johnny Cupcakes is going on a road tour. Here's the link where you can see list of cities.
Johnny Cupcakes Tour
I'll try to make the Chicago stop. If anyone in Chicago will be attending, let's get together.
Midday, I've been absorbed by some of life's more unpleasant aspects of late and like you, struggling to keep up and find a voice over at TLC. Some good thinkers over there though and an enjoyable read.
I did pick up Olly's A Life Well Wasted No 2 which arrived yesterday and is a beauty. I too was lucky enough to get Lauren's piece (being framed right now), also picked up a couple of Tim Doyles, Bound Before the Right Eye- Metal Edition and Batalla en la Esquina de Ditko y Kirby - Glow Edition but my fave lately is this J D Salinger by The Half And Half. I love it and it's going to look amazing framed...
This weeks is a very strong episode though. Ready for my re-watch!
Help LOST get Hulu Best in Show Award!! Fringe is currently ahead by 8% :( (and yes I do love Fringe, but LOST is still better)
I am making the call to head to LA on May 22- 24!
Tickets for Jay & Jack Finale Party go on sale 3/18. Booking rooms at Hilton Checkers. Dinner plans are in the making for Saturday. If you are in LA, and want to join us, please let me know dm, e-mail, or here. J&J LIST has been started!
Costume contest needs to be discussed. *ahem*
Jay & Jack Finale Party
update: rooms at Omni 1800THEOMNI
For anyone considering going (we can't, but wish you all well), Jay and Jack will be showing the finale on the Central Time Zone feed, so you'll be seeing it 2 hours before people a block away!
ha ha, then we can run out screaming or crying in the street of LA!
LT - how exciting!!! Wish I could join you. I will probably hear you screaming and shouting from here!
Does anyone still need The Swan or The Statue?
Watched the episode and loved it! Such amazing acting and I find myself liking jack just a little bit more now that he seems to becoming a man of faith.
Need or want? Lol
Is needing it the only prerequisite for receiving it from you? :)
Hey guys, I'm glad to see that so many of you like my Faraday print!! I can't thank you enough for the kind words :)
For anyone that doesn't know where to buy, the link is http://www.whateverhappenedhappened.com
Sharing the link with friends and family would be greatly appreciated! :)
I'm counting on word of mouth to sell them because I don't want to go on other forums I'm unfamiliar with and spam them :P
Thanks again for the kind words!
Hello all - it's been awhile since I've posted but I've been reading and following everyone's comments in this wonderful community.
LT - funny you mentioned Johnny Cupcakes. I'll be hosting him next week in Orlando. He'll be speaking to my business students at Full Sail University http://ow.ly/i/HeJ
I can't wait to tell him that I first learned about him through DCaaPB!
We LOVE it! :)
Mine arrived in the mail today. I can't wait to get it framed! :D
@Pat DUDE I am SO sorry. x_x I kept remembering while away from my computer, and forgetting when I wasn't. Check your email now.
Am up for the Johnny Cupcakes thing. I'm at 98% on the Jay & Jack party, I just have to decide whether I'm being totally irresponsible. lol. If G88 is any example that doesn't really stop me!
If so I DEFINITELY want to do something for the costume contest. I have an idea, not sure whether I should "leak" it? ;) I have some uhh technical hitches I'm trying to figure out though so could help someone else too . .
Oh, and btw, for non-Twitter buddies since I have so far failed to match up names here to names there (you are welcome to add me: house_of_darkly)
My signed prize shirt came today, from CafePress contest!:
My mother noticed Josh Holloway wasn't on there and wants to know what that means.
email me at JGZ350 at gmail dot com and let me know what your asking price is for the Swan and the Statue. If the price is right, I might be interested.
I'm also very interested in getting Stout's LOST, so if anyone here has one to sell at a fair price, let me know.
It would be nice to know when Danger is going to drop Jacobs Cabin. Anyone heard anything?
Anne, so talented. I think these are no longer available. Maybe Anne will let us know, but wanted to share this photo, cause it's soooooo cute:
Polar Bears
The good twin bear is mine! Thank you, Anne
Here's link to her Etsy Store House of Darkly
Speaking of cupcakes, DCaaPB addicted me to Crumbs. Went to the Paley Fest tonight for the FlashForward panel the whole cast was there. We saw 20 minutes of the episode for 3/18 and WOW!
rtfarr1, sadly, needing is not quite enough. It's a good start though!
Payday is around the corner so I might consider taking the statue of your hands. So yeah, if you still posses it on the 26th, I'll most likely take it. Which I know is bad and I shouldn't, so if anyone needs it, they are more deserving than me who just wants it for the sake of having it, lol.
Oh and if anyone wants anything from japan, let me know. Can't guarantee anything as incouldnt even find a camera shop in Tokyo. How lame am I?
lol Martyn, bring me something nice :-) We always said that to my father when he traveled which meant come home safe. I need to find your photos on flicker. I haven't done that yet.
Martyn - Great photos! Looks like you have mastered origami cranes.
I particularly liked the "Don't Touch Questionable Things" warning. It made me laugh.
If only I'd been given that warning years ago!
good morning. please listen to the Jay and Jack podcast (I download from iTunes) today for Autism Speaks details, or go to their web site www.jayandjack.com for the written details.
The Lost Community and The Lostargs Blog are penciled in for Sunday 2 - 3 pm (ET)! That means us! The show is LIVE via UStream. There is a chat room. Zort70, Dennis and Scoutpost are scheduled to talk with Jay & Jack at some point during the hour.
As with all things LIVE, things are dynamic. So, if I get any updates I'll post here, or you can follow me on the Twitter at @Lottery_Ticket.
There are three items being donated for auction. The Taweret statue signed by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, a litho of Stout's LOST and the "Mr. Clucks' hat/puppet that Dennis and I worn at Gallery 1988 and is now signed by Jorge Garcia.
Please get the word out via your LOST friends.
Thanks. Lotto
@LT, I think you're referring to Wednesday's podcast. Today's isn't up yet.
Hi. I think there's one coming out today.
Amy L & LT-
To a little tune-
I stay away from Jay & Jack....
Cause they say things they can't take back!
Need to stay clear of Jack & Jay?
In case they say things they should not say?
Amy Lynn-did they not reveal Widmore coming back? Do they have a low spoiler lever in general?
I'd like to know about their party though-I have seen the contest link for them, but not party info anywhere? Would like to listen for the auction too.
Very cool LT, thanks for the info.
@JT, on their "Sundown" recap episode, they gave the special guest starts list for "Dr. Linus". They definitely did it with a warning, so you could have skipped over it. It's entirely my fault for listening!
everyone needs to go vote for LOST against Fringe on hulu.com. go! fly you fools!
Can you vote for Lost more than once? lol. Maybe I can bribe some friends to do it ;3
I still have two polar bears listed on Etsy, but I am going to discontinue them soon. I don't want to say no if someone really wants one, but they're labor-intensive and with all those bits quality control is really a pain. Fish biscuits are easier lol.
@Martyn sent you a DM on Twitter, let me know if you need some tips/directions! I can DEFINITELY tell you where the camera stores are.
Also, I want that "don't touch questionable things" on a t-shirt...
yes you can vote as many times as you want. I've been voting for LOST non-stop since Wednesday! :)
JT, Jay&Jack have their podcast enhanced with chapters. The one that you DON'T want to listen to and I skip over is "Next on Lost." Everything else funny and certainly worth a listen.
The 30 hour podcast will be some LOST some random silliness, special guest, etc. There is no guarantee of no spoilers in the chat room. But people are usually respectful and give a warning or alert.
You can find the LA Party information at the site for the contest www.globalcashcard.com/lost
Drive the van over to the "LA Party" button!
And, I so wish I could enter the contest for the van. @lostcontest via Twitter has links to images of the van as it's being restored. Simply amazing coolness!
Anyone planning on going to LA Finale Party, please let me know so we can meet up on Saturday night. lottery dot ticket dot 108 g mail.
Happy Birthday Andalone!
Damn, that lost Promo competition is right up my street, but its for US residents only!
Any US residents want to team up? I'll make a promo to enter, pass it to you, and if it wins you invite me as guest to the lost wrap party?!
This weeks episode was the best of the season. Vintage Lost. Quote of the week...Jack..."Wanna try another stick!?!
ioioos, I'll do it!
Ok Amy, I'll get working!
So I just brought my Locke's Secret and Crash to be framed- i opted for regular glass instead of the special "museum" kind. Anyone know if it REALLY makes a difference? I don't plan on hanging them directly in sunlight or anything...
The guy at a frame shop I went to said that it didn't matter if the print isn't hanging in direct sunlight. The print will still fade over time. How long that takes...dunno'. Of course, in my case, it could be true. I live in a city that gets an average of over 300 days a year of sunshine. Yeah, hard living here. :)
Here's the line-up for the 30 Hour Autism Speaks Podcast hosted by the Jay and Jack Lost Podcast starting this Saturday, March 20, noon.
12:00pm: Opening
12:30pm: BSG Talk With Matt & Alirio
2:00pm: Patrick Labyorteaux
4:00pm: Bethany Shady From Geronimo Jack’s Beard
5:30pm: Josh from the Josh Mister Lost Podcast, and Josh from the Lost Flashback Podcast
7:00pm Damon Lindelof
8:00 - 11pm: Media Junkyard Lost Quizoff, USA Vs. Canada Foosball Campionship.
11pm: Jo Opinionated
12am: Tad Stone
1:30am: Ryan and Jen from The Transmission
3:00am: Jimmy Aquino
4:30am-9:00am: Axel Foyle from the Lost Mythos Theory cast and Health Solo from Lost Revisited Podcasts:
[4:30am Intro - Heath and Axel talking Lost
5:00 - Jon Lachonis (DocArzt.com)
5:30 - Talking about Lost Podcasting - From The Mouths Of Podcasters & Bloggers
Jon Lachonis (DocArzt.com), Donald (Donald is Lost), Katy Gowland (What Katy Said), Jed (Losties with Jed and Cara), Matt (Keys to Lost)
6:45 - Lost Theory Roundtable
Donald (Donald is Lost), Wendy (Lost Revisited), Hurricane of Feedback Len, Dharma Dummies, Anna (Jacob's Cabin), Denise, (Jacob's Cabin)
8:15 - Chris Sparling, writer of "Buried" starring Ryan Reynolds
Alex (It Only Ends Once) and anyone else who will stick around]
9:00am: Ralph from The Dharmalars
11:00am: Curt Yanko from The Black Rock Podcast
2:00pm: Mary Jane Carpenter, Ian Knight, Dennis Acevedo, and Mrs. Mary Anne Sage
3:30pm-4:30pm: Damian Holbrook Senior writer of TV Guide
4:30-6:00pm Jorge Garcia
Autism Speaks Auction starts on Monday, March 15, 6 p.m. ET and ends on Sun, March 21, 6 p.m. via eBay. I'll post links on Monday.
jeffrey and seaque, this is what I know about museum glass based on my own experience and what I've read about it.
For me, the most important quality about museum glass isn't the anti-UV/fade characteristics, although it does have that. It's the anti-reflective coating. It's like the stuff used on eyeglasses. The clarity is amazing. It looks as if there isn't any glass there at all, which really lets the colors and details of these Lost prints 'pop'.
If you can compare the museum and regular anti-UV glass, you'll see what I mean. It's noticeably different no matter if it's in direct light or not.
Good anti-UV glass blocks 99% of rays, so it really should make a difference in fading. Of course, nothing lasts forever, but it should take decades for a print to fade if framed correctly under museum or any other anti-UV glass.
Buying it in bulk has helped me. My price came to about $45 per 24x30 sheet.
@LT, thanks for the podcast info! Can't wait to hear you.
Cosmically Yours
Don't know if its been posted yet, but DamonCarltonandaPolarbear is now gone. Its just a black screen with Tysongivens in the tab title. :( sad times :)
Still up for me shoxTP.
Got your tweet and replied to it. ThNks!
NEW POST for the Jay and Jack info.
works fine for me ShoxTP it come up with all the posters and all.
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