Update 10/9 (Confirmed Fake): Lisa e-mailed with some information on a possible new Hans Van Eegen message. You can follow the story HERE. None of the administrators at the Lost ARGs, The Fuselage, Dark UFO, or the ABC message boards have mentioned this mysterious e-mail, but we'll keep an eye on it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Recruitment Update 375
Update 10/9 (Confirmed Fake): Lisa e-mailed with some information on a possible new Hans Van Eegen message. You can follow the story HERE. None of the administrators at the Lost ARGs, The Fuselage, Dark UFO, or the ABC message boards have mentioned this mysterious e-mail, but we'll keep an eye on it.
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Heather wins!
NOT first :D.
this can not be it !!! I won't believe it till they prove me wrong. I still have my google reader with my list of Lost ARG related things so I can find them if they pop up.
I'm kind of hoping for another e-mail with some hidden info or something otherwise I cry shenanigans!
can we get slovaltine going again?
No fair!!! I was getting screencaps and writing this when you made a new post!!! LOL!
DDWY- recruitment update patience is bitter.. Dec. 15th
tests are gone, only home, login, and about us on top left
there's a tab for new recruits and you can still register, but no tests
everything seemed the same for all three of my accts.
I don't see anything in the source code..... aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg..............................blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lame, lame, lame...bad Hoodlum.
Yup Codysmom, in between folding laundry, hemming my pants, and watching the debate, I managed to make a post because THERE WASN'T ANYTHING earth shattering. We'll be here if there are updates.
Well, I can see them randomly putting up a vid in the Dharma Logo if anything exciting happens... starting to not care anymore...
I can't even see my list of groups anymore, I forgot to write them all down, so I don't know exactly which ones I'm in.
I'm sure you wrote them in the comments somewhere. I wrote them down and have them on a post it on my desk. I'm not too obsessed with this at all lol
Here's what I have for you. I don't know how many accounts you have and if you have more than one I don't which one these are for.
I don't have the first two tests for some reason.
1. Pandora/Ganymede ?
2. Polyphemus/Brontes/Steropes ?
3. Enceladus
5. Nyx
6. Demeter
OMG, this can't be true! If it is, they are definitely pissing off a lot of loyal fans. At this point, I don't care what groups I'm in! Unless this is a ploy to lull us into believing that nothing is going to happen until 12/15, and then, POW, they hit us with a real ARG when we least expect it.
I hope we can all hang in here at LostArgs!
What a load of complete and utter bollocks. Hoodlum sucks @rse. And it may be just me, but I just checked DDWY and the test links and My Progress and the leader board are all still there. I thought it might be just one of my accounts, but everything's there for my other two also. WTF? Anyone else still able to see the tests?
Nope, mine are gone. This sucks!
well, my final points were almost 300,000 with BadNumber at almost 800,000 I have to say that I'm sooooo glad the gathering of Dharma points is done !!! Now something else better come along soon !
Well that's it then, I'm done. I will stuck around myspace and maybe log onto the Lost ARG page once a week but that's it. Hoodlum can go shoot themselves, useless as*****es!
Thanks for my groups Sayid'sgirl
Lisa can you now reveal the secret of the cheat that got you that number of points ?
You're welcome zort.
Lisa, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm still bitter!!!! Hans can go %^%^&^&* and the DI Purge 2.0 is the best idea we ever came up with!!!!!!!
The good news is, this gives you all plenty of time to tune in to tonight's Tempest podcast! :) 6 p.m. ET on Talkshoe.
Say it isn't so.
If we have to wait until after Dec.15th before something happens;then we'll probably be seeing plenty of Hans Van Eeghan masks this Halloween.
Thanks for bringing the BookClub back Melissa;we really need it about now.
It was great hearing David and Steve again.
I've sent some notes on the Tempest to the TLCPodcast email address, Melissa apologies but I haven't got your email address with me here in India, if you can send it to me I can send the notes to you as well.
lol takes a village, we have been more fun in devising our own entertainment than this ARG so far.
Okay, so no more tests, but why do they have to disable the Profile link that gives us our groups and also our number of Dharma points? :( Not fair.
Can anyone see their groups or Dharma points?
Has anyone who isn't an instructor tried to get a Dharma T-shirt?
Hi Everyone!
Zort70, I just tried to email you, but it bounced back: "Mailbox message count quota exceeded"
It was pointed out to me that if you go to the "What's this" link at the bottom of the DWY site, they speak of this "ARG" (if you can call it that) in the past tense:
Welcome to Dharma Wants You.
Dharma Wants You was an online experience connected to the ABC TV show LOST.
The story followed a fictitious scientific institute, The Dharma Initiative, as it recruited and assessed volunteers for a number of positions and departments.
By completing an 'Eligibility Test' and registering on dharmawantsyou.com audience members enrolled as volunteer recruits for the Dharma Initiative.
Volunteers took part in a series of challenging aptitude tests scientifically designed to assess their suitability for a range of research roles.
The results of these tests are currently being analysed by the Volunteer Recruit Evaluation Panel.
From December 15th, 2008, registered recruits will be able to download a personalized Volunteer Assessment Dossier outlining their full results as well as their allocated department and role within the Dharma Initiative.
hmmmpphh...... Hoodlum should be ashamed, IMO..
OMFG I'm so pissed!! This ARG Sucks!! We totally have had way more fun making a joke out of it than playing it, right?
TAV - Are you a writer or something? Your witticisms crack me up!
I say we declare the Purge 2.0 officially on!
Codysmom: Thanks for posting that past tense stuff. That makes me even more worried how lame this has been. The only good thing about DWY is that it has kept TLC together a few more months. Please, everyone, keep checking in here just to say "hi".
Melissa: I'll try to make the bookcast today. Not sure yet.
FYI: Here's the latest casting news for Dominic.
if i was ABC i would be seriously wanting my money back!!!!!! this is the shi test (ha see what i did there) arg i have ever been associated with.... dont be suprised if we all get appologies from the lost crew for choosing to run such a rubbish arg.
"we are bitter,but hoodlum is shit"
Past tense???? That's weird Codysmom.
Well, well, well. Patience is bitter and payback's a b#tch, Hoodlum dudes. :-p
Do they sell anything that we can boycott? :o)
Ditto to what Dennis said Zort. I've been trying to email you since yesterday and they keep bouncing back as mailbox full!
madriad, I feel your angst and agree with it totally. Yes, we've had more fun ridiculing this "ARG" than anything.
I feel Hoodlum has insulted my intelligence!
My patience is bitter and I want to throw the fruit in their faces!! lol
boycott Hoodlum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
write to abc???????
Yes, write to ABC...."If you ever employ Hoodlum again we will boycot...LOST!!!"..lol
I am still angry...good God, past tense....do we know anyone in AU?Can they find Hoodlum's exact address so we can send them a little "thank you" note...mm?mmmm?
Dennis / Ange, it should be ok, I've had messages today, try again if you don't mind as I've deleted all the messages in the Trash just in case.
"Can they find Hoodlum's exact address so we can send them a little "thank you" note...mm?mmmm?"
Do you mean a piece of fruit? :P
lol dragossh yeah......a very special fruit!
How about Raspberries? That's about the only fruit Hoodlum deserves - Raspberries.
@los2010 lol...I was thinking of some NONI fruit...native to that part of the world so very convenient....its this wonderfully healthy litle thing that smells of corpses in an advanced stage of decay...mmmmmmm....just purrrfect!
I have to say the free-running angst is cracking me up... anm, that stuff you're sending to Black Swan myspace is killing me.... ROFL!!!!!!!! By the end of the day I should have a nice collection for a new slideshow that I could send to Hoodlum and ABC. How's that for an idea?
Make sure that there are lots of images of sleeping people in your slide show, and log-sawing, and Zs...
BTW, I wonder how Ellen's new baby is coming along?!
Lol codysmom I'm glad I made you laugh...I figured that's the best way to get over a massive dynamics...erm...I mean a massive disappointment like we need to do now ;P
I was also wondering about Ellen's baby, didn't get a chance to wish her the best yesterday....
Well I'm off to look for more funny pics to lift out crashed spirits!
Alright, I have an idea. How about we send Hoodlum e-mails with a picture of the Purge aftermath? :D
United States
Street Address:
9701 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1000 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: + 1 310 601 7073
E: info@hoodlum.com.au
lol dragossh! that's a great idea!
I'm sorry but I just can't possibly give up LOST - even for a boycott of this stupid game! I wish there was some other way!
Is this BS!?
I'm having much more fun reading how pissed off everyone is then "playing" DWY!
maven, I gotta agree... lol
Thanks for the Hoodlum info, anon! I really am going to try to send them a slideshow or two of all the great creative anger coming in at the Black Swan myspace.. such great stuff!!!!
anm, yes it's good to get out our angst in a creative way!! You're nothing if not passionate and seeing your pictures and LMAO is good for me!
What's the URL to the Black Swan myspace?
I would imagine more of Black Swan's friends will be responding throughout today and tomorrow.. it's just the tip of the iceberg so to speak, I think.. (although at this point it's worth it just for anm's work.. lol)
I still can't believe it is over.
Remember this is the Slovaltine ARG. Why after Dec 15,and not
November 15, or late October?It's not over till the Black Swan sings.
Thanks Madariad;just trying to put a smiley face on a bevy of angry swans.
Well I finally cooled off...somewhat...I will be a busy bee till the weekend but after that, and given the weather forecast for Madrid is heavy Rain all the way through Mon I'm guessing I'll have plenty of time to make angst-art ;P
Ok y'all off to bed!
good-night, anm!! dream of explosives and the DI.. lol
night night anm, sleep well.
FWIW: Jesse Heiman just posted this as his status report on Facebook:
"Jesse Heiman is letting all his lost fans know the hack is never over."
So I posted this on his Facebook wall:
"So you're saying we shouldn't all be pissed?"
He just posted: "Exactly."
Cool, maven!!!!!!
I have Jesse as a myspace friend, but I bet he uses facebook more.... he hasn't been on myspace since Oct. 5th...
Can't really tell by what he said the WHEN of it.. I mean it could still be a big wait until Dec. 15th?
Hey, everyone - just finished the podcast! When it's posted, check it out for some Shakespearean goodness and some ARG ranting. :)
Next week's On the Road podcast has been changed to Tuesday at 6 p.m. ET. Hope to hear from you then!
I just posted on his wall: Do we have to wait until Dec. 15th?
Will let you know if I get a reply...
Remember when this thing started...Jesse had a Facebook status as something about giving Lost fans a Christmas gift. I have a feeling that in the coming weeks we'll see his character "hack" DWY or some other site that we haven't found yet.
I know the sentiment right now is to be pissed. But did we not learn anything from Find 815? A Hoodlum/ABC/Disney production is a WHOLE DIFFERENT ball of wax than the independent arg that was TLE.
As an aside, I remember seeing an interview with Carlton in July and he mentioned that he wrote this ARG with Hoodlum. I can't imagine a Carlton Cuse production will be this lame. I think there's more to come between now and the 15th. If not though, I guess we wait it out. At least we had a little something to do, and they had to grab the Comic-Con bull by the horns so to speak, as Lost really only has one year there with episodes in production.
I guess I can see why they wanted to start this thing in July, and with the long hiatus it makes sense to drag it through. Am I happy about it...not really. Is it the end of my Lost fandom...NOPE. Will I pick it back up in December...sure why not.
Well, I certainly hope you're right, Ange. Carlton would never "authorize" something as lame as this has been so far. I realize an ARG is "something for nothing" and we should be happy that it's happening. And since we haven't seen any real sponsors for this ARG like there were for TLE, we should be content that ABC has put out money for the fan base. I know the last few months have been excruciatingly slow, but at least a lot of us have stuck it out and kept in touch. Personally, the extreme intensity involved in TLE was sometimes overwhelming, and I've sometimes welcomed the relaxed pace of DWY. My only fear is that we're going to lose some of our Lost Community. Whether we really do have to wait until Dec 15 or not, I hope we all stay in touch.
I'm sure we will Maven, we haven't pooped out on each other yet since we started! :-D
I tell ya, I'd welcome back some blatant Verizon, Jeep, or Sprite commercial plugs if it would bring on some more activity here.
Oh, I'm certainly not giving up on this even if it's a long wait to Dec. 15th and I COULD NEVER GIVE UP ON LOST!!!!!
Over at darkufo some people are talking about this stage of the ARG being all about getting big number of registered recruits so they can pitch the rest of this to sponsors, (interesting idea).
So they used us to shill to our friends for recruits, for advertising? Oh that's just pathetic if true, Codysmom. All they have to do is read the report that was released after TLE-1 by Jeep (the one that quoted FYSB's Jeep comment), to know how lucrative a Lost game like this can be for sponsors.
Sure glad that I didn't tell anyone about this game, I'd be pretty embarrassed.
i agree with Ellen lol; Lame Lame Lame!! EXTREMELY bad hoodlum. How could they do this to us?! grr. off to try and come up with a concept for my latest design project...
Hey all, listening to the ODI podcast featuring DARKUFO (soooo british lol) where they discuss this lame-o-arg....apparently Find 815 began on Dec. 15th...mmmm
Hi all!
That's interesting, anm... wouldn't it be something if Sam Thomas showed up?
I'm going to be gone this weekend (Fri - Sun) for a family wedding (ugh.. 8 1/2 hour drive to Tenn). I'm driving with someone who actually works for Chrysler and has a wifi connection in his Jeep. He gets it for free so he can test it's ability to connect in different locations. I hope it works! And I hope (doubt) I won't be missing something really interesting with the ARG.
OK, who am I kidding??? lol
wifi in a car....lol americans are funny sometimes....soon we'll have a new law stating it is prohibited to surf the web whilst driving an automobile hahahahaha!
LOL, anm.. I can't wait to see if it works. It works in a house.... we already know that. I guess it hooks up with a satellite or something. I don't really know... just hope it works!
I need a Ben fix....*sigh*
anm, you're hopeless.... lol
yes...that's what makes me such a great BS...I live with no hope (that this ARG will get better) lol!
Wow!! I really hope you're right Ange. Good point- if CC did co-write this ARG (if you can call it that), then it really couldn't be this lame- otherwise he should be shot. Still, I can't believe the pacing of this, like why not just start it now instead of at Comic Con? Then we could go straight through to December. I wonder if the "instructors" will have anything to do in this interim time? If this is all that there is, they sure didn't think hard enough about momentum. Oh I really hope there's more....now tell me that a glyph hunt doesn't look more appealing! LOL
I never thought I'd say it but even I, am ready for a glyph hunt.lol
Hey, what's the address for the Black Swan MySpace?
lol, never mind, found it!
Lisa e-mailed with some interesting e-mail information. I've added a link to the main page. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty skeptical about this, but you can have a look for yourselves. Discuss...
Here is Jesse Heiman's latest status report:
Jesse is pleased that today is his last day as an elf and the first day of my next great life adventure and knows weather or not he gets LOST along the way he'll...
BTW: The "elf" reference in Jesse's post was an elf costume he was in for an acting part. He has been keeping friends advised of roles he was taking on various TV shows and commercials. Now, it seems his "elf" days are over and he might be working on the ARG?
That sounds promising Maven.I hope it's doing or dying time,again.
Codysmom,We'll miss you.Will they be serving Black Swan Champagne at the wedding?
Hi Everybody!!
I have a new granddaughter! Her name is Callista Annalise and she was born Wednesday morning at 4:35 am. She weighed 6lbs, 12 oz. Absolutely beautiful little girl...
I was there when she was born, and I am in awe still. That's a first for me. Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes. I am feeling rather sad right now so I will probably be lurking for a while, but I am still here...
Oh Ellen, CONGRATS on your wonderful news! This place is filling up with awesome grandma types. What a beautiful name too!
Congrats to Grandma Ellen on baby Callista Annalise! Some good news at last!
Congrats and God's blessings on the new baby Ellen! XO
Congrats Ellen on the birth of your grand daughter.
Congrats, Ellen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (love the name!!!)
Ellen - Congratulations! That is so exciting!! What a beautiful name, too!
Congrats Ellen on the birth of your grand daughter. What a beautiful name! I have one grandson who is one now.
Wonderful news Ellen.God bless your family.Congratulations.
Thank you all so much!!
Ellen, hope I'm not too late with the congratulations.
Hey guys... I'm in a car in Ohio and the C-net wifi works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Ellen! That's great news!
totally kewl !!! have fun !
Ohio really. What part?
I'm in Bowling Green... gotta go for a sec... ttyl
Congratulations Ellen!
codysmom - that is so cool! I think I might have the same capability with my new iPhone - apparently it can work as a modem. But that is so cool to have it just automatically in the car!
Have a nice trip!
yes this is pretty cool (and you can have one for $500 up front and $30 a month after that... lol. It is nice to have my laptop working since it's such a long and boring trip (until we get to the mountains) The weather is gorgeous, all that would really be even cooler now would be if the ARG did something... lol! Maybe I'll take a pic if something gets interesting along the way and post it here..
Technology continues to be mind-blowing! Glad you can stay in touch, Codysmom, even tho we are currently in a holding pattern!
To try and stem the boredom here is a final selection of India Photos as my visit is over and I am flying back tomorrow morning.
Nice pics, zort! I really have enjoyed my vicarious trip to India...lol
Well, we're still on the road... about to Cinncinatti now... gonna be a long drive, but with web access, definitely better!!
zort, have a safe trip home
Congratulations Ellen!What a lovely name for a girl!
stuck in traffic because of an accident in northern kentucky:
Between Zort and Codysmom we have great travelogues!
There's a very slight spoiler in Jorge's post on his blog today (location info).
How slight is the spoiler Maven, something we definately don't want to know or something we could have guessed at ?
By the way, continuing the travel theme, I'm posting this from the airport lounge in Dubai while waiting for my connecting flight.
it's a very slight spoiler, and me who is spoiler-rific didn't mind it because it was so small.
Just a quick check in to see if anything's happening with the ARG (yeah, right...lol)
Have a safe flight, zort!
maven, that link isn't working for me...
free wifi in the hotel, too.. yay!)
well, that last found email on that other forum was found to be a fake. I thought it would be but I had to make sure. Oh well, another dead end.
hi, lisa (or should I say CEO.. lol)
thanks for that info.. I thought it was fake, but good to know for sure....
yeah I did too but I wasn't going to discount it till I found out for sure. I kept asking them if it had a link to the DWY site like the rest of the emails, but was never answered. That would have confirmed it for me.
Yeah, I figured since none of the big forums/blogs had gotten it that it was too good to be true. Oh well, will update with a big red FAKE on the main page.
Codysmom: Sorry the link doesn't work for you...it does for me. It's on Jorge's Dispatches from the Island blog...I'm sure you have it bookmarked!
How many more hoaxes will we have to endure?
Have wifi,will travel.
Glad you can enjoy yourself,and still keep in touch with the Pond, and us ARGers.Come back safely,Black Swan & Zort70.
With so much more free time now, I've started reading Survivors Of The Chancellor.I found it on-line here;http://www.online-literature.com/verne/survivorschancellor/.
Season 4 DVD comes out here in less than 2 months.I need to rewatch those episodes I taped.
Have a nice Dharma-free Holiday weekend everyone.
takes a village
I started reading Survivors of the Chancellor yesterday. I found it on line also, at a different link. I try to find as many of the bookclub books on line that I can because I can't afford to buy them all. And being from a small town our library doesn't have alot of them either.
I have three or four different place I search for books, now I have another one. Thanks TAV.
Here's the latest Jesse Heiman status report:
"Jesse Heiman is quite certain all answers can be found in the universal language."
Don't know if that could apply to DWY or some life-changing experience! LOL
Maven, I believe he may be referring to Mathematics...it's known to be the "universal language"...hmmm!
Here's what I found at wiki on universal language.
If Jesse's message has anything to do with DWY.
Sayid's Girl-good find!
I also found this:
Philosophy of Mathematics
Notice the last question of the first paragraph (there is a list of questions).
what do you think?
I couldn't find any other reference to Mathematics being a universal language, it may just be a sci-fi notion at that. The Philosophy part would fit however. hmmm...will keep looking.
Do you think that the article about actual languages/universal language mentioned in Sayid's Girl's post above could be referring to Sanskrit or Latin as a tie-in to LOST?
Here's a quote:
This article is really good:
Reference from above quote:
Nathanael West
Nothing is popping out at me here...
I thought the universal language was love! LOL
Here's another status report:
"Jesse Heiman can't wait til I can stop teasing and just talk to the fans."
I asked him if he was being controlled by someone.
Some people may think money is the universal language.
ellen said:
Do you think that the article about actual languages/universal language mentioned in Sayid's Girl's post above could be referring to Sanskrit or Latin as a tie-in to LOST?
You know I though that when I read it. Both Sanskrit and Latin has been used in Lost.
Faraday did use math to calculate his time traveling experiments.
I don't know I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I hope Jesse can stop teasing soon.
Laughter and music have each also been called the universal language.
I'm back home and now back at work in the UK, same job different continent.
I've bought you all some sweets, they are on my desk if you want to come and grab some :-)
Glad you made it safe back home, zort. Oh, I'd love to visit the UK.. but that won't be happening any time soon:( Please tell us the sweets have something to do with that fruit we've been waiting so patiently for (ok, not patiently, more like bitterly).. LOL
Zort70;Please don't tease us like Jesse.
I'm glad you,and Codysmom are back home again.
Thanks, tav.. good to be home.. too bad nothing going on... bored!!!!
Almost halfway through Survivors Of The Chancellor;And I don't have to wait a week betwewen chapters.
FYI: The Porter Ranch fire was 3 miles west of our home. We were not threatened, but so many others are! The northern San Fernando Valley is covered in smoke!
Maven-my thoughts and prayers are with you and all those who live where you are! I'm very glad you and your family were not threatened by the fire...:)
I heard the news say the fire was 20 miles north of down town LA, and I was wondering how close that was to you. I'm glad you're okay. Hope the people in that area come through it ok too.
Thats too close Maven.
I wish I could send you some of my rain.Some of the few downsides to living in Paradise, can be life changers.Prays,then waves.
We see flames right on the mountain behind us! It burned in 1989 when we were last evacuated. The water-dropping aircraft are doing a great job, but the winds can get crazy tonight.
Glad to hear you're ok Maven! Those Santa Anas sure know how to spread a fire. Still 3 miles is pretty close- be careful!
Well I have mostly been lurking, hoping something really exciting would happen with this game, but looks like we'll have to wait. Hopefully it will pick up in Dec. and take us straight into the next LOST season. Still it surprises me that they would go through all of this at such a slow pace and then stop everything altogether. As if they don't mess with my mind enough already! LOL
Oop- Maven, you checked in while I was typing! Be careful!! Those winds can change so fast and send that fire in the totally opposite direction! Praying for you and your neighbors.
Here are some photos of our fire today. Things have quieted down, but they expect winds tonight of around 65mph!
Here's another view of the fire from our backyard.
Wow Maven - Hope you and yours stay safe tonight!
We dealt with some crazy fires up in NorCal earlier in the summer - I actually ended up leaving to stay with relatives for about a week and a half not because of the fire but because the smoke was so thick they were warning people to get out of town or stay indoors.
I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you till the fire is contained!
Sacry pictures indeed
Scary pictures even
Boy, what a night! We were up until 3AM watching the flames. We got packed and ready to evacuate, but we were not told to. But is it smokey today! There are still hotspots and the wind has not let up in my area (Porter Ranch). It's hard to take deep breaths!
Maven - Glad you're alright and didn't have to evacuate!
Wow, maven... that's definitely too close for comfort!
Maven- glad you made it through the night and are ok!! Hopefully those winds will die down- I heard they are not as bad today, but I guess you never know. Stay safe!
My wind gauge right now says a gust of 48.3!! The wind is worse now than last night! The canyon behind me (called Aliso Canyon if you hear about it on the news) completely burned out right up to backyards (we're higher up on a ridge, overlooking the canyon). The big issue today is the smoke! And there are hotspots all around us.
Thanks for all your good thoughts.
maven, are you near Aliso Viejo?
Nope, codysmom. That's in Orange County. Although the "Aliso" is the same, totally different places.
Wow, Maven, praying that your neighborhood stays safe! :-o
You know being from Spain where we get A LOT of fires I can realte...although i've never seen it come as close as it has in California for the past few years..I sincerely hope you'll be ok Maven!
Just for the heck of it I tried to set my CPU to Dec.16 2008 and logon to DWY and Vista totaly freaked out.
Anyone running something else want to give it a try?
anonymous - I just tried on my copy of XP and it logged in ok, but when I went to the My Profile section, all my details had been lost.
I changed the date back and all my details are there again.
.... .- -. ... ... ..- -.-. -.- ...
I'm with you, RockusGuy.
Well, of course... I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who are you??
Now be nice, Rockus, heehee.
it says Hans sucks in Morse code lol
it says Hans sucks in Morse code lol
BTW, has anyone heard fromm Kyle/TheBookPolice? He hasn't been around for a while, I hope he's OK.
I want to meet Rockusguy and tell him he should join us Black Swans.. lol sounds like someone I could get along with..
No, capcom... haven't seen TheBookpolice in ages! But, how'r u???
check out what I found googling rocusguy:
also the video..,
capcom, you'd probably like this stuff...
Is the cold war over? spies! numbers stations..
also found while searching:
Wow, that's some freaky blog entry that you found Codysmom! You're right, me likey! :o)
Hey, good thinking to try tricking DWY into thinking it's Dec.16., Anon and Zort.
Now we talk in code amongst ourselves? Wow...we are REALLY bored aren't we? ;P
Hi, anm!!!
Yep, very bored... lol
I'm bored that I'm bored!
They were talking to people from Porter Ranch on the news this morning. Some of them were evacuating.
Glad to see you're still ok.
Sayid'sGirl: I don't know what you saw on the news...but there is no evacuation order for Porter Ranch anymore. The winds are calm and we can see for miles again! The fire is far west of us now in rugged terrain, not near homes. It doesn't even smell smokey anymore! Thanks again for everyone's kind thoughts.
lol, maven... you're bored with your bordom? Glad everything's going back to normal for you!
That's good.
Maybe some people decided to leave on their own. Or maybe it was footage from the other day. I don't know.
You know how confusing the news can be. The show people leaving in one area while they're reporting from another.
Hey all. This is totally off-topic, but since we're all bored stiff I thought I'd post. I have been watching all the LOST episodes from the very beginning to get a better grip on all the connections and stuff. Well I was toward the end of season 3, and I noticed something interesting, that somehow goes along with something I thought of before. It's in the episode called The Man Behind the Curtain. In it they reference (obviously) the Wizard of Oz, and John thinks that Ben is making up Jacob so he (Ben) can control the others.
ok. So once upon a time I was looking through screen shots and noticed that Horace, the guy who helps Ben's dad get the Dharma job, looks totally like the one dark shadowy picture we have of Jacob.
So the thing that is standing out to me is that in this episode with this title, it's the first episode where we meet Horace (I think). It's also when we meet Jacob for the first time.
Anyway I was looking on Wikipedia, and the name struck me so I looked up Horace and Horus. Horace was a Latin/Roman poet and satirist. Horus was an egyptian god that had much to do with not rebirth but renewal. I just am imagining that perhaps there is some connection to Horus/Horace and Jacob, and that it all has to do with the island making people heal faster and not age or whatever.
Well that's enough rambling from me.....
I think that's good sluething, madariad.. I really believe there will be something to the "rebirth-renewal" aspect of the show. In season 5 it could have to do with Locke as he has to go back to the island (in his coffin) along with the O6 (and as we've already seen this last season with Charlie and Libby, etc.. and of course as always, with Christian).
Interesting ideas about Horace/Jacob... I hadn't put those two together before.. but when I think of Horace building that house away from the rest of Dharma and "Jacob's cabin"... hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Interesting about Horace/Jacob. Horace was definitely DI, but are we to think that he was really building the cabin for Jacob? Or did Jacob just nab the cabin for himself? Or does Jacob coincidentally have his own cabin? I guess that I could make a post about this on my blog, but I don't have the motivation. :-B
Back to the ARG...you know, if Hoodlum/TPTB just gave us something to investigate or mull over during this ARG hiatus (heheh, and hiatus within a hiatus...not so funny) like another weird video or some freaky DI science, the break wouldn't seem so useless. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah, Capcom, I'm not sure where I was going with the Horace/Jacob thing. Just something I noticed.
And YES they should give us something to do. DWY Sucks.
I think that Horace/Jacob is good thing to think about Madariad. :o) The whole deal about Horace building the cabin in Locke's dream created a bridge to Jacob and I can't figure out what we're supposed to do with that info. Unless TPTB are just making multiple cabins the way that they re-use some names 25 times in the show! There seems to be something pertinent there, but it's so cryptic we can't really go very far with it. Dang TPTB!
"hiatus within a hiatus...not so funny"
good one, capcom!
Jacob's cabin is bad twin to Horace's cabin.. LOL!
Hey, capcom... could I use that phrase, "hiatus within a hiatus...not so funny" for a blog post title on myspace? I like it!
Hahahaha! Bad Twin Cabins, that's great!
Heheh, sure you can use what I said, I'm flattered. :-)
Ya know, I've been posting on some other TV show blogs, and it makes me even more grateful for all our friends on our connected Lost (and spinoff) blogs because everyone is so fair and polite and welcoming here! Some other TV blogs are so dang elitist and rude even though they insist that they're not, and it's so nice to come "home" to TLC!!!!!
I luv ya man! :o)
Thanks, capcom (for letting me use your phrase). Yeah, it's like "home" here, isn't it? lol
Possible update!!! From darkufo: Something could be happening tomorrow with the ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the time difference between Aus & US (eastern)??
Oh boy!
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